Sports. Some people's lives absolutely REVOLVE around them. Mine used to be like that. I used to sleep, eat, dream, sports. It was ridiculous. It was mostly because of my dad. Because he was always PUSHING me. Pushing me to be more. To be the best.
But I got tired of it. So, one day, I decided I was done.
I got out of bed, and instead of going to softball practice, I went to the art museum. That's when my life really began.
At the kitchen I sat over the drain as I cried. There was nothing left for me to do. I literally didn’t know where to go from there. All I could feel was disappointment. Pure disappointment. After such a great day, I just didn’t understand how everything could possibly go so wrong. The drain was happy to help, though. Swallowing up my tears like they were never even there. No one, but me would have to know. No one.