
it all hinges on this, I thought. it all comes down to being able to complete this task. if I can't do it, then what? nothing. that's right, nothing. I'm telling you, everything rides on this. I can't quite explain how significant this really is. imagine a day without sun. okay? imagine being the sun and just completely fucking up.
i open my hand like an upside down
umbrella, and watch atomic planets tremble: grains of sand.
there is an intersection near my home that has probably seen too much pain. there are five stop signs that lead into it - four is a crowd, five is a chaotic pitch of metal flies whirring about, each with a destination more important to get to than the other.
three hundred years ago, george washington called a small stone structure, now built into a house, his bunker. i wonder how many little leaden insects whistled a chilling tune. the jaws of life could not save a young boy with blood in his tricorne cap.
so a robot had two
microchips and three circuit
boards. and a robot could
break codes and add up to
forever plus (x+1) and a robot
could hold you in its arms and rock you to sleep
without loving what was in steely arms.
you wondered about
if maybe the sky was a pool
like an ocean of empty
with meteoroids for fish and
planets for whales
if you went, you'd still need hold your breath.
there was some orange juice in the fridge
and as i poured the nectar, milk followed
the stuff that makes bones strong
and only tells the truth
so when that acid juice and that basic
milk mixed
i curdled and felt the bruises
on the orange fruit, that were hidden once
by sweet sweet nectar
we dragged a shopvac across the basement floor, trying to drain some of the water seeping through the walls, the well, the ground, from the saturated earth in the rainstorm.
i saw a painting once where
a rocket flew into the sky
golden heat spewing from its massive exhaust pipes
showering down like firecrackers
over a deep blue night
what was my mythology? some endless continuity of
being with and fearing without;
a childlike wonder of the snow
before freezing in the merciless air
of a winter night.
a maze, amazed.
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