i have been temped by a lot of people who are a bad influence and should be taught a lesson that'll open their eyes to the wonders of the world.
People have a tough life because of the temptations that they struggle with every day.... i believe that money is a temptation because it makes you do things you regret.
My room is a wasteland no more!!!!!
i cleaned it and now it's average...... So i can walk around fairly well.
i can't spell very well:)
I wear that sometimes but one time I poked my eye and well I didn't want to use that
any more....... you to be on the safe side. My eyes mean everything to me:)
so when you put on eyeliner make sure your really careful because if your not well....
you'll want to be the next time!
I went to camp and i might this summer to soccer camp.
i met the most amazing persons in the world!!!!!
I think every kid in the world should go yo camp every summer!!!!
That's what gangsters wear. I like bandana but like it's looked down upon if we allowed to wear them....I would so do that everyday! It kind of ryhmes with bananas.
hehehe i have a sense of humor>:I'm too fast for this computer:)
I don't know what this word means but I can guess that it means that your lazy and don't do anything......I miss my old deadbolt... my deadbolt was the opposite of a deadbolt and cute really cute:)
Can't post yet sooooo.......
I want in a trailer..... like a nice where it's all clean and has a nice awesome smelling bathroom. So yeah a trailer is like a mobile home where it doesn't move but you know... you can still live in it.
Can't post yet......
A gadget is like a tool. It doesn't mater what you use it for so long as it's able to be used for something whether it's broken or not. That is what a gadget is for!
I am determined to be an obedient student......I have failed numerous times, but I will not give up! That's how determined I am. Well at times I can be very easy going like mello.
He left and now I don't know if I have the strength to carry on. He was my anchor he gave me the strength to stand up for myself... I will never forget him...
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