a common goal among every person in life: an ability to act out each scene of their own personal drama appropriately. is this habit contrived? wanting to be seen is human nature. surviving in the scene is an artist’s natural instinct.
bridgit the midget
drama, theater, pretending to be something else, sympathy, ultimate humanity, entertainment, movies,
tom cruise is a cock. he has some talent, but he is not a great actor, you wanna talk great actors?
Daniel Day Lewis
Samuel L. Jackson
you know what those guys have tom cruise doesn’t?
they have testicles
tom cruise is a woman
and a scientologist
out all the time. going completely out of my mind. faking this and that and everything, nothing is ever real about me. Pretense and guile, these are my companions.
You need to stop acting like you’re such a badass. You just want to think you’re cool. But, you care too much and you look like a fucking shit head. You need to start acting like you care about the people that you are SUPPOSED to care about.
Acting is not being yourself. It is being a character using looks and actions.My sister and I love to act. We make plays in the basement. Next time I make a play, I will post it on my blog!
I acted in multiple plays. It was really the best thing I’ve ever done with my life. as I’m getting older I’m finding that the more “adult” I get I’m missing my younger years more and more. The main part of that is acting singing and dancing.
i was acting like a crazy girl when all of a sudden he walked down the stairs. my heart stopped. my head pounded. i didn’t know him or where he was from or what he had done. i knew he ould change me. i knew i would be different when our pathes crossed again.
Ashley L.
I acted like I was in a hurry today. I scurried out of the room as soon as I could. I hesitated at the bus stop, contemplating whether to wait or not. I’m not sure why I had to put on such an act. It’s detestable, and a waste of my time. I came home and sang. That was the only time that I didn’t have to act today.
i spend my whole life acting. acting happy. acting smart. acting like i think i fit in. acting like i dont know how people really feel about me
Acting is oftentimes regarded as a profession; something that only occurs on stage, in movies, within the confines of our television. Sadly we are all mistaken, duped into believing that acting is something that we don’t all do.
like you dont really care about every control of humans and human love acting with love its the answer acting with out waiting acting loving acting with peace and glory dont act
Al Ayala
i cant do it. i dont care. i miss matt i never had to act around him. i could always be my normat bitchy self and that was oh fucking kay.
is a really cool thing that I do a lot, I’m in a play, i love being in plays, there is this sense of community and it’s just great artwork, a great director can be one of the most influential people in your life
I think he believes me. I’ve even got the whole wince thing down in addition to the limp. And collapsing in that chair helped.
R. Panic
acting is something that was not made for me. My sister can act very well, but I just can’t seem to act. I get embarrassed in front of people and I am just not good at it. Now i dont know wat else to say. Oh ya, I can;t sing at all either
oddly enough i am an actor. I am trying to get an agent as we speak. most think that I am talented I however picked this because its the only thing that people ever told me i was good at. when i was a child i was a failure and this is what i ended up doing with the rest of my life? working in a buisness where failure is okay?
How people are acting in the workplace is a clear demonstrate of their utmost fears. They fear revealing their true natures to this society and have no concept that their true self is what would be most appreciated by their colleagues and endear themselves most quickly and passionately finding true friendship and love
Ah, the movie theater
how we can choose from the same people
one movie acting sad
the other acting proud and lively
how wonderful it would be
to have such a range of emotion in ones work
but how can we tell how happy they really are
if they are actors
Chance Seegars
i was acting for a movie in hollywood and it was really great. i met a lot of famous people. Ben Affleck was there. I met Angelna Joelee and met all her kids who shes adopted. it was really
Your face is a mask; your heart a painted, pretty toy. If I weren’t this good at acting, I’d swear you were playing me like a harp. As it is, we only have one more curtain call before opening night’s all closed out.
People being fake, if they are fake they are acting. People on tv are like this, they don’t experience real life, they are the show as it were. If you only lived once, how would you explain it all? Perhaps you would be on a stage, like this one. People looking to the left and right of you. That simple stage called life.
J. Glass
Acting is a profession taken as a career path by a select few individuals. They often possess beauty that surpasses the worldwide average but they befcome the benchmark. Acting is still enjoyable, even on a personal or amateur level – something that can be pursued in enjoyment rather then stress and horror at how crap you are at it.
the car went to hollywood to see the sign. the chickens then flocked to the promenade in santa monica because ghandi was speaking there. ghandi was shopping at FCUK and bought 500 dollars worth of clothing for his beaten wife. they all lived in a shed in the back of my house. we dont have a kitchen in that shed.
Acting is what we spend most of our time doing. We aren’t living the way we want to live most of the time, we are acting, acting the way we think our peers want us to act. We dress, walk, talk, and even laugh the way
Timothy J. Ward
Acting is a secret passion. I study people so I believe that I can transfer those feelings on film. The only thing holding me back is fear. I’m GREAT sorry, I am. Just a lttle leery of letting the world see it. I’m an artist, I’m sensitive about my ish
I think that I like acting like im someone else. this way people dont really know exactly who i am. keeps them guessing. Its easier to shelter yourself from hurt when you are acting. You can be anyone that you want to be. Sometimes, with enough practice, it becomes exactly who you are. Then, the question arises…am I really acting? Or is this exactly who I was all along?
Ami Bryson
my dreams, my questions that lie deep within my inner being resound around this word. This place in me undiscovered. Can i even say the word out loud. ?
“I am tired of acting all prim and proper all the time!!” She was seething inside and having a dialogue with herself.
“No one is there to understand how I feel or what all crap I put up with trying to put 3 sqaure meals on the table for these dwarfes!! Hie Hoe, Hie Hoe! Today NO SHOW”
Don’t we all do it. As children, because it’s fun. As adults to survive. Change the mask, become someone new, that’s what we do.
when i act all about the acting of acting is acting because acting is what actors do at the theater in the desert of the country that never sleeps and continues to isolate itself and act and act and act and never be who they wanna be or who they actually are they just act and act and act like everything’s ok when really it’s not
Vernon Starke
i always wanted to try acting and thought about it alot maybe i will try it one day or maybe ill go to college who knows what ill do in the future maybe it will have to do with acting im brandon burdynski.
iv always wanted to try acting
brandon burdynski
playing a part, that’s all they want me to do. but i can’t and i won’t. i am me and i choose to be…who i was made to be. Free
acing–don’t we all do it? everyday and every person that passes, acting is always present. whether it’s to conceal your sadness to make others happy, or just for the sake of not letting anyone know how you feel. we all do it.
acting-something i wanted to do, but it is much much more complicated than that. Acting is also something all does all the time. Some superficial world.
I am wondering you’re being true to me and to your self… Is it plain face value? Is it only for the benefit of the audience?
well, most people are acting every day. Be it what they call “being themselves” or other. Some do it for a profession, such as actors/actresses. But all people always are acting, fulfilling a certain role they see fit to be/portray.
a common goal among every person in life: an ability to act out each scene of their own personal drama appropriately. is this habit contrived? wanting to be seen is human nature. surviving in the scene is an artist’s natural instinct.
drama, theater, pretending to be something else, sympathy, ultimate humanity, entertainment, movies,
tom cruise is a cock. he has some talent, but he is not a great actor, you wanna talk great actors?
Daniel Day Lewis
Samuel L. Jackson
you know what those guys have tom cruise doesn’t?
they have testicles
tom cruise is a woman
and a scientologist
out all the time. going completely out of my mind. faking this and that and everything, nothing is ever real about me. Pretense and guile, these are my companions.
You need to stop acting like you’re such a badass. You just want to think you’re cool. But, you care too much and you look like a fucking shit head. You need to start acting like you care about the people that you are SUPPOSED to care about.
Acting is not being yourself. It is being a character using looks and actions.My sister and I love to act. We make plays in the basement. Next time I make a play, I will post it on my blog!
I acted in multiple plays. It was really the best thing I’ve ever done with my life. as I’m getting older I’m finding that the more “adult” I get I’m missing my younger years more and more. The main part of that is acting singing and dancing.
i was acting like a crazy girl when all of a sudden he walked down the stairs. my heart stopped. my head pounded. i didn’t know him or where he was from or what he had done. i knew he ould change me. i knew i would be different when our pathes crossed again.
I acted like I was in a hurry today. I scurried out of the room as soon as I could. I hesitated at the bus stop, contemplating whether to wait or not. I’m not sure why I had to put on such an act. It’s detestable, and a waste of my time. I came home and sang. That was the only time that I didn’t have to act today.
i spend my whole life acting. acting happy. acting smart. acting like i think i fit in. acting like i dont know how people really feel about me
Acting is oftentimes regarded as a profession; something that only occurs on stage, in movies, within the confines of our television. Sadly we are all mistaken, duped into believing that acting is something that we don’t all do.
like you dont really care about every control of humans and human love acting with love its the answer acting with out waiting acting loving acting with peace and glory dont act
i cant do it. i dont care. i miss matt i never had to act around him. i could always be my normat bitchy self and that was oh fucking kay.
is a really cool thing that I do a lot, I’m in a play, i love being in plays, there is this sense of community and it’s just great artwork, a great director can be one of the most influential people in your life
I think he believes me. I’ve even got the whole wince thing down in addition to the limp. And collapsing in that chair helped.
acting is something that was not made for me. My sister can act very well, but I just can’t seem to act. I get embarrassed in front of people and I am just not good at it. Now i dont know wat else to say. Oh ya, I can;t sing at all either
oddly enough i am an actor. I am trying to get an agent as we speak. most think that I am talented I however picked this because its the only thing that people ever told me i was good at. when i was a child i was a failure and this is what i ended up doing with the rest of my life? working in a buisness where failure is okay?
How people are acting in the workplace is a clear demonstrate of their utmost fears. They fear revealing their true natures to this society and have no concept that their true self is what would be most appreciated by their colleagues and endear themselves most quickly and passionately finding true friendship and love
Ah, the movie theater
how we can choose from the same people
one movie acting sad
the other acting proud and lively
how wonderful it would be
to have such a range of emotion in ones work
but how can we tell how happy they really are
if they are actors
i was acting for a movie in hollywood and it was really great. i met a lot of famous people. Ben Affleck was there. I met Angelna Joelee and met all her kids who shes adopted. it was really
Your face is a mask; your heart a painted, pretty toy. If I weren’t this good at acting, I’d swear you were playing me like a harp. As it is, we only have one more curtain call before opening night’s all closed out.
People being fake, if they are fake they are acting. People on tv are like this, they don’t experience real life, they are the show as it were. If you only lived once, how would you explain it all? Perhaps you would be on a stage, like this one. People looking to the left and right of you. That simple stage called life.
Acting is a profession taken as a career path by a select few individuals. They often possess beauty that surpasses the worldwide average but they befcome the benchmark. Acting is still enjoyable, even on a personal or amateur level – something that can be pursued in enjoyment rather then stress and horror at how crap you are at it.
the car went to hollywood to see the sign. the chickens then flocked to the promenade in santa monica because ghandi was speaking there. ghandi was shopping at FCUK and bought 500 dollars worth of clothing for his beaten wife. they all lived in a shed in the back of my house. we dont have a kitchen in that shed.
Acting is what we spend most of our time doing. We aren’t living the way we want to live most of the time, we are acting, acting the way we think our peers want us to act. We dress, walk, talk, and even laugh the way
Acting is a secret passion. I study people so I believe that I can transfer those feelings on film. The only thing holding me back is fear. I’m GREAT sorry, I am. Just a lttle leery of letting the world see it. I’m an artist, I’m sensitive about my ish
I think that I like acting like im someone else. this way people dont really know exactly who i am. keeps them guessing. Its easier to shelter yourself from hurt when you are acting. You can be anyone that you want to be. Sometimes, with enough practice, it becomes exactly who you are. Then, the question arises…am I really acting? Or is this exactly who I was all along?
my dreams, my questions that lie deep within my inner being resound around this word. This place in me undiscovered. Can i even say the word out loud. ?
“I am tired of acting all prim and proper all the time!!” She was seething inside and having a dialogue with herself.
“No one is there to understand how I feel or what all crap I put up with trying to put 3 sqaure meals on the table for these dwarfes!! Hie Hoe, Hie Hoe! Today NO SHOW”
Don’t we all do it. As children, because it’s fun. As adults to survive. Change the mask, become someone new, that’s what we do.
when i act all about the acting of acting is acting because acting is what actors do at the theater in the desert of the country that never sleeps and continues to isolate itself and act and act and act and never be who they wanna be or who they actually are they just act and act and act like everything’s ok when really it’s not
i always wanted to try acting and thought about it alot maybe i will try it one day or maybe ill go to college who knows what ill do in the future maybe it will have to do with acting im brandon burdynski.
iv always wanted to try acting
playing a part, that’s all they want me to do. but i can’t and i won’t. i am me and i choose to be…who i was made to be. Free
acing–don’t we all do it? everyday and every person that passes, acting is always present. whether it’s to conceal your sadness to make others happy, or just for the sake of not letting anyone know how you feel. we all do it.
acting-something i wanted to do, but it is much much more complicated than that. Acting is also something all does all the time. Some superficial world.
I am wondering you’re being true to me and to your self… Is it plain face value? Is it only for the benefit of the audience?
well, most people are acting every day. Be it what they call “being themselves” or other. Some do it for a profession, such as actors/actresses. But all people always are acting, fulfilling a certain role they see fit to be/portray.