
November 13th, 2009 | 317 Entries

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317 Entries for “acting”

  1. Ilona thinks she can act, but honestly she just does the same role over and over again. I mean, how is it acting when you’re just being yourself. I used to want to act but that didn’t really bode well with how crappy i am at life. The end

  2. its when your not yourself and you et to pretend to be somebody else. it seems very fun even though i dont think i would really be any good at it. it makes movies better when you can act and then i was like woah i dont know what to write about anymore actors are great although sometimes they make too much money

  3. i’m acting at school, i’m hollywood style, oscar worthy. i love justin bieber and i love uggs and i love mocha lattes….not. i love fucking vintage threads and punk rawk bitch.

  4. I am always acting. Always. I have been acting for so long that even I cannot tell who the real me is. For this I am grateful, as now I can become anyone I want to be.

    K.L. Pfaff
  5. john just farted and i’m acting like it doesn’t smell that bad, but inside i’m dying from the retched stench!! i’m not very good at acting in this situation. oh no he did it again.

  6. acting is a tough study. i used to think that acting was just reading a bunch of words on a paper and performing them out. but after studying the art i realize it is much more. it requires the actor to inhibit the character and make sense of why the character would react a certain way.

    David Cue
  7. is something I don’t do particularly well. I say I try. I hold back, only to spill it all for anyone to see. Acting doesn’t work for me. Never did. I won’t try.

  8. seeing is believing hence acting is the best way to portray what you have in your head to the general public. acting is fake, or maybe not? acting requires alot of imagination; one cannot act if he or sh

  9. i act like someone i want to be but i never become the character i need to be. when will others see the real me? when will others truly stop acting and start showing their true colors? i want to see reality not a play when i live.

    B. Shilene Norris
  10. Acting. That reminds of my friend Dylan. He’s really good at acting. He’s always in all the school plays and I always go watch all of them to see him in the plays. He’s such a funny kid and I love watching him act. He’s so good at it and he’s really funny.

    Mackenzie Johns
  11. taking on another persona.. being another shade of who you are or want to be. Slipping into someone’s elses shoes and telling a story to yourself

  12. it reminds me of a world famous actor, who has a distinct, mixed beauty with an angel smile.

  13. the actors of the world are the great liars. they lie about feelings, emotions, their thoughts, their words and their deeds. and yet, they are often to ones who drive us to see the greatest truths in the greatest arts. our films and our theatres are a vehicle for social change, but more importantly, they are a mirror for our souls.

    the actors are the liars. the lies let us see truth.

  14. is for those that like to be a waitress forever on the hopes of being famous
    it would be easier to blow your way to the top

  15. This is my fav thing to do. I live for this. I breathe it! Its awesome living in someone elses shoes for a day. and if you do it right you can get an insight of someones life. It makes the world a better place to live in. It completes me.

  16. acting

  17. I auditioned for the Baltimore School for the Arts when i was 13. My parents hired an acting coach who helped me select a monologue. The monologue was a horrible choice, and now that I think about it, the coach wasn’t very good either.

    I didn’t get in.

    Dan is Funny
  18. I love to be around many people in life, but once I started making new friends, I feel like at home all Im doing is acting. The moment I turn my car off, I am nothing more than an empty shell

    Brittaney Robison
  19. how convenient!
    since of course
    we’re all play-acting,
    it’s all so forced.

    and to those who care
    to deny such a fact
    they just go through the motions
    they’ve never looked back.

  20. I think acting today is so stupid. We look at all these so called celebrities that are supposed to be our role models and wonder what the hell was going on there. Seriously, people? That’s who you’re going to idolize?

  21. we are all acting at some point about something…is acting for a living really that hard?

  22. acting is something we all do. everyone is acting in this world. no one is ever themselves. it’s all a show. acting can make you rich but it shouldnt because we shouldnt see acting as something that is cool its just this thing. little kids have their lives ruined because their parents think they have the world figured out and their kid should have some talent but the truth is it’s a given talent that we all already have and use in our everyday lives.

  23. “Acting” yelled Mr. Dupue to the drama class, “is what we’re strive for!”

    Some of the students jumped from the roar of his voice as his mouth curled into a grin, and he leaned on the podium.

    “Make them come alive people

    Gouldin Lion
  24. Acting is when you put on a show and dont be yourself. You try to portray a character. This can be in plays, musicals, or real life.

  25. Acting like a fool in my very own home
    Just love when you come over
    Come riding into my head
    Like an apacolyptic horseman
    Just can’t help it
    Can’t help but act like a fool.

  26. I’ve never acted before. I’d consider myself way too shy to be good at it.

    But hell, I’ve lied. Everyone’s lied, but I think I’m particularly good at it — I almost believe the lies I say when they come out.

    Would that make me a good actor? Do actors lie to themselves on stage?

    Perhaps I should give it a shot.

    If I told you I’d try, though, that would be a lie too.

  27. I’ve alwys wanted to try acting. I know Elise is really good at it, heck, she might have even studied drama if not for art. I mean, its so interesting to be able to portray a character than is not your own. In some sense, you have to be able to mainatain multiple personalities in short spans of time; it’s almost like a controlled psycological problem.

  28. i wish i was an actress

  29. pretending to be someone else

  30. actor

  31. She loved the way the lights shined on the stage to give actors their heavenly glow. She loved the magic of their voices and actions transforming fiction to reality. But most of all, she loved the way she was able to disguise herself from what she really was.

  32. theater movies peole cars. i like to act silly with friends. itcan be hard to do it professionaly. but it looks like a fun job. this wordisnt that interetsing. i wish it was someting mor xiting. mayebe like jumping or fying.bu thenagain guess thas the point of the game. wow this is a long timw to be writing about acting.

    jane doe
  33. He was just acting. I thought he loved me but he really didn’t. It was all make believe and as I sit here and let the tears slide down my cheeks I wonder how long he planned to keep up his charade. He used me for everything that I am, and took so much from me. He was just acting.

  34. I love acting. Acting takes me away from all the real world pressures. I can be whoever I want to be and enjoy it. If I want to be a stuck-up narrator, I can be. I f I want to play in Fiddler on the Roof, I can.

  35. Growing up, I knew I wanted to do acting, not in Broadway, no, but in Hollywood. As soon as opportunity knocked, I was going to grab it and run with it. But I needed money to do so. I went and got a newspaper, browsing the classified ads.

    “Perhaps a stand in?” I said to myself, scratching my head.

    Then I shook it. “A double or an extra.”

    I picked up my piece of toast that sat next to me on the kitchen table. And the smell of strawberries and apricot filled the room from the open jam jar.

    The phone rang.

    Gouldin Lion
  36. theater, drama, hollywood, expression, an escape, freedom, restricted, being someone else, faking it, love, happiness, laughter

  37. is quite an art that takes a person to greater hights.

  38. acting as though you have a clue what your doing but really not. acting to cover up the truth or actually bring about the truth so others can see it. acting as if everyone cares about what your acting out and like someone knows what your feeling to be an actor. acting as if you love someone or acting as if you love yourself. no one loves themselves but most act like they do

  39. you can be anyone you want. you can act like anyone you want. you get to experience what other people feel like, imagine what it’s like to be in situations you never thought you would be in.

  40. An extrodanary passion that can overwhelm a person beyond the boundries of their own mind. The way to take over someone without thinking getting lost in the character and the plot of a story that seems irresistable and can never end in your mind because it takes you over and in the end you just can’t pull out.
