acting is awesome. i don’t know what i’d do without acting. okay, i’m not exactly sure that was the right thing to say, but whatever. i want to act for the rest of my life. be in a movie and not have to worry. it’s a part of me, ya know? kind of like my arm is a part of me, that’s what acting is. it’s like an arm. a serious… limb. acting is a limb. that’s silly. i don’t even understand what i’m supposed to be doing, but writing about acting. oh, how i love acting. i wish i could be an actress.
something far too many selfish, unknown, frightened people get locked into. Something that can be beautiful and with the addition of celebrity, acting can be brutal and sad… a downward spiral of Hollywood fed bullshit. Sad really.
The skill required to pass through life as one of Gods greatest creatures. Thus, in turn fooling us all into think you are something that you are not. Please don’t act like you don’t know what i’m talking about. I’m high
Mike Hawk
she was always acting. never sure when the play began, the real world ended. her lips were not her own. trapped in glass, she watched her lines speak themselves. she was not in love with him. she didn’t have to be. she was just acting
i acted in a play tonight. it was the fourth performance. ever. the world premier was last friday. the playwright came tonight to see the performance. i was surprised that she did not come last week, it being the world premier and all. maybe she had something else going on, but if i had written a play, i would want to make a point of going to the world premier.
what the shit i suck at writing esp only 60 seconds to write.
daniel, you just abandoned me in my height of need. how can i ever forgive you? i lust for you like a needle in the midst of a throbbing thigh pimple. where have you gone all of my life? soft kitty will not sing itself to me. why are you acting like this is okay?
Most of the people now a days wear good looking dresses when compared to olden days. Different country people wear different dresses based on the climatic conditions
bar mitzvah
was fun until I found out I sucked at projecting and the director really just liked the girls with big tits which is why I was always in the chorus and then I got sick of the personalities which were so much bigger than the people and were just false fronts for insecurities
I love acting. it’s the greatest thing in the world according to me. I did acting all through highschool.
do something which you see other people doing
Acting is lots of fun. I take drama at my school and its wonderful, unfortunatley I wont be able to do it next year since I have no room in my schedule.
But acting is still a release from the world of school and examinations and of maths problems.
moving; living; faking, lying
i wish i was better at it. and i don’t have the heart to tell my best friend she’s really bad at it.
Stop acting like you care. Stop acting like you ever did. Stop acting like I matter to you. Stop acting as if I actually have an impact. Stop acting. I’m disappointed because I’m actually believing. You’re making me believe I’m worth something to you. Stop it.
I feel like I’m always acting. I’m always introspecting. How many other people are acting? When you meet someone on the street, read someone’s written word, talk to your friends – are they acting? Am I acting right now? Who is the real me? Who is the real you? If all of life is a stage, then perhaps we may never know each other for who we really are.
Are we always acting. I’m not, but are you? Are you trying to act cool right now? Am I trying not to act like
acting is being fake. people love to be fake, it all comes out naturally sometimes. lies become reality and the truth becomes the lie. so maybe acting is being real. the real fake is when your just yousrself. nice world huh ?
People who are incapable of being comfortable with themselves become actors. Girls who are selfish whores, act. Boys, who are gay and have little penises, act. The world of acting is simply a way for nerdy kids to think they are so much more above the rest of us, simply because they lie very well.
It’s what most people do no matter what they say. Some people are better at it than others, some are horrible. Acting can be as complex as a movie character, or as simple as a lie.
Acting is storytelling.
You may need training
or just to observe the character
that you will portray.
Amanda Daniels
I’ve always felt acting was like lying but getting paid in a legal way, and everyone thanks you for lying to them by giving you millions of dollars, it’s like being a con-artist, but not going to jail.
James F.
stage, preformance, kids, highschool, school, english, the tempest, hate, reading, watching, no video, boring, stupid, old, interesting sometimes,
Playing a part that doesn’t fit. Scratchy like old clothes. Waiting for the sun to fall on another average day. I’m not as emo as I seem.
acting. today, i came from a play. a play a friend of last year invited me to. acting in this play was comedic; quite well. i enjoyed it. i myself cannot act well, i laugh too much.
acting is marinas dream. thats all she talks about so i cant help but associate the word with her name. acting is a great art, very expressive of human chaacteristics. i dont know what else to say.
acting is interesting. i took an improve class and realized that the best times of my life are the times when i let everything go and just be. not be myself. but to act as the person i wish i was. I find that when i act i am liked by everyone. acting gets tiring though.
actors music broadway drama comedy action love romance fake soaps funny musicals actresses
acting is a form of therapy . One is able to explore different side of their selves . Acting create an alternate universe.
Fake girls around boys.
acting. that’s all i was doing. I wasn’t lying about where I had been or how I felt, I was just acting like everything was normal so that no one would worry. I was acting like I was stressed and acting like I wasn’t sad and disappointed and confused and conflicted and completely out of options. Good thing that’s not how I really felt.
expressing yourself, trying to act a certain thing out and getting peoples reactions exactly how you wanting would be good acting, not beinng intirely real
Acting it’s what I do everyday. As a waitress you are not only selling food you are selling your image,your personality, your charm, your knowledge. It helps to be able to change from one kind of personality to anpthor as quickly as possible.
Acting is something that people do when they are not telling the truth. It is also a way of pretending to be something or someone you are not! Arround the world there are millions of actors.
i hate acting. i am not good at acting. acting is for actors. i am not an actor, i am not an actress. acting is stupid. i like watchcing people act. my favorite play with acting is phantom of the opera
acting is awesome. i don’t know what i’d do without acting. okay, i’m not exactly sure that was the right thing to say, but whatever. i want to act for the rest of my life. be in a movie and not have to worry. it’s a part of me, ya know? kind of like my arm is a part of me, that’s what acting is. it’s like an arm. a serious… limb. acting is a limb. that’s silly. i don’t even understand what i’m supposed to be doing, but writing about acting. oh, how i love acting. i wish i could be an actress.
something far too many selfish, unknown, frightened people get locked into. Something that can be beautiful and with the addition of celebrity, acting can be brutal and sad… a downward spiral of Hollywood fed bullshit. Sad really.
The skill required to pass through life as one of Gods greatest creatures. Thus, in turn fooling us all into think you are something that you are not. Please don’t act like you don’t know what i’m talking about. I’m high
she was always acting. never sure when the play began, the real world ended. her lips were not her own. trapped in glass, she watched her lines speak themselves. she was not in love with him. she didn’t have to be. she was just acting
i acted in a play tonight. it was the fourth performance. ever. the world premier was last friday. the playwright came tonight to see the performance. i was surprised that she did not come last week, it being the world premier and all. maybe she had something else going on, but if i had written a play, i would want to make a point of going to the world premier.
what the shit i suck at writing esp only 60 seconds to write.
daniel, you just abandoned me in my height of need. how can i ever forgive you? i lust for you like a needle in the midst of a throbbing thigh pimple. where have you gone all of my life? soft kitty will not sing itself to me. why are you acting like this is okay?
Most of the people now a days wear good looking dresses when compared to olden days. Different country people wear different dresses based on the climatic conditions
bar mitzvah
was fun until I found out I sucked at projecting and the director really just liked the girls with big tits which is why I was always in the chorus and then I got sick of the personalities which were so much bigger than the people and were just false fronts for insecurities
I love acting. it’s the greatest thing in the world according to me. I did acting all through highschool.
do something which you see other people doing
Acting is lots of fun. I take drama at my school and its wonderful, unfortunatley I wont be able to do it next year since I have no room in my schedule.
But acting is still a release from the world of school and examinations and of maths problems.
moving; living; faking, lying
i wish i was better at it. and i don’t have the heart to tell my best friend she’s really bad at it.
Stop acting like you care. Stop acting like you ever did. Stop acting like I matter to you. Stop acting as if I actually have an impact. Stop acting. I’m disappointed because I’m actually believing. You’re making me believe I’m worth something to you. Stop it.
I feel like I’m always acting. I’m always introspecting. How many other people are acting? When you meet someone on the street, read someone’s written word, talk to your friends – are they acting? Am I acting right now? Who is the real me? Who is the real you? If all of life is a stage, then perhaps we may never know each other for who we really are.
Are we always acting. I’m not, but are you? Are you trying to act cool right now? Am I trying not to act like
acting is being fake. people love to be fake, it all comes out naturally sometimes. lies become reality and the truth becomes the lie. so maybe acting is being real. the real fake is when your just yousrself. nice world huh ?
People who are incapable of being comfortable with themselves become actors. Girls who are selfish whores, act. Boys, who are gay and have little penises, act. The world of acting is simply a way for nerdy kids to think they are so much more above the rest of us, simply because they lie very well.
It’s what most people do no matter what they say. Some people are better at it than others, some are horrible. Acting can be as complex as a movie character, or as simple as a lie.
Acting is storytelling.
You may need training
or just to observe the character
that you will portray.
I’ve always felt acting was like lying but getting paid in a legal way, and everyone thanks you for lying to them by giving you millions of dollars, it’s like being a con-artist, but not going to jail.
stage, preformance, kids, highschool, school, english, the tempest, hate, reading, watching, no video, boring, stupid, old, interesting sometimes,
Playing a part that doesn’t fit. Scratchy like old clothes. Waiting for the sun to fall on another average day. I’m not as emo as I seem.
acting. today, i came from a play. a play a friend of last year invited me to. acting in this play was comedic; quite well. i enjoyed it. i myself cannot act well, i laugh too much.
acting is marinas dream. thats all she talks about so i cant help but associate the word with her name. acting is a great art, very expressive of human chaacteristics. i dont know what else to say.
acting is interesting. i took an improve class and realized that the best times of my life are the times when i let everything go and just be. not be myself. but to act as the person i wish i was. I find that when i act i am liked by everyone. acting gets tiring though.
actors music broadway drama comedy action love romance fake soaps funny musicals actresses
acting is a form of therapy . One is able to explore different side of their selves . Acting create an alternate universe.
Fake girls around boys.
acting. that’s all i was doing. I wasn’t lying about where I had been or how I felt, I was just acting like everything was normal so that no one would worry. I was acting like I was stressed and acting like I wasn’t sad and disappointed and confused and conflicted and completely out of options. Good thing that’s not how I really felt.
expressing yourself, trying to act a certain thing out and getting peoples reactions exactly how you wanting would be good acting, not beinng intirely real
Acting it’s what I do everyday. As a waitress you are not only selling food you are selling your image,your personality, your charm, your knowledge. It helps to be able to change from one kind of personality to anpthor as quickly as possible.
Acting is something that people do when they are not telling the truth. It is also a way of pretending to be something or someone you are not! Arround the world there are millions of actors.
i hate acting. i am not good at acting. acting is for actors. i am not an actor, i am not an actress. acting is stupid. i like watchcing people act. my favorite play with acting is phantom of the opera
falsehood; drama; unrealistic; passion; hollywood