She was acting out a part. Like she always did on the stage, with the lights beaming bright on her face. This time it did not come so naturally.
She adjusted the hat on her head and scratched the itchy scarf around her neck. Putting on a haughty smile, she strode into the room, hoping no one would notice how different she was from the princess.
Its what we do every day. At all times. We often act so well, we even fool ourselves. Such convincing, heart wrenching displays is deserving of some kind of recognition, is it not?
Bob Saget
i am an actor. i love acting. its my favorite past time. I love it so much that i landed my own tv show and im tartiing a movie!! im so excited its going ro be awesome!! whoohoo!!! so anyways i was wondering if you wanted to be part of my movie, would you?
acting is what we do when we see mirrors of ourselves in other peoples eyes. when we cant be ourselves and when we conform to glances, to the outer eye, to perceived pressure of something that doesnt even care that much about us. one second, one look, thats all it can take to crush a young girl’s hopes and attempts at presenting herself to society – acting
I was acting suspiciously. People looked at me. It was just my way of being, but I was still considered odd. Was my costume odd? Did I look odd? Was it my acting, as I had thought?
it was an had to be.he is known for his acting skills.but the deed he’s done,act or not,was just too cruel…
y do evryone haf to act every single day ? what has make them to become a actor or actresses when they are not filming. Do they really like to act ?
To be what your not. What is to act? Acting out your feelings is something not all can do, we aren’t all masked in face cake and fabrics. We are naked. We cannot be another without the proper fixtures. But can we? We are merely many persons in one, we aren’t just one.
its just what people do..
every human being a different face to put up, regardless of what or where they are..they just like to put their mask on
You people all wear masks
What a freakshow walking around in the street
But everything seem just normal
this is for the confident guys, the “im too hot” guys and girls who want to show off.. talent is not necessary, but sometimes they get it right.. they get talent. i like it when that happens
acting is a process whereby puts himself in a role of somebody else, largely to entertain others, but sometimes it raises empathy toward the role one is playing. Acting takes great perception and empathy. It also is rewarded and actors can make a lot of money,
A C T I N G…
Salted peanuts…
Pressure wounds…
at the disco freakin tech…
me baby, me!
Acting, to move to go, to do it, and to plan how you do things is not part of it, you simply decide and make a difference while your at it, build a plan while doing the things in progression.
sort of like becoming another person while maintaining your original persona. it’s so easy and hard to do at the same time because we actually do it everyday, I do feel like an actress sometimes when I’m not allowed to show emotion or when I’m supposed to show emotion that I do not feel. I think I would be great at it if I had a chance.
Acting out of fear and anger. Is it acting when it feels true.
Acting is a routine. I can’t get past the act. As Shakespear states, “All the World is a Stage” … and we are put the players. I like to tell people that they are never ACTING like something for that is what they are. We are always being ourselves, just being caught at different moments.
natural. everyday life. relationships. office.
acting on your instincts is important. it keeps life fun and entertaining.. its about that first kiss with someone you never thought would happen.. its about applying for that job thats just out of reach and getting hired and working your ass off to get what you want… and when you do you dont have to act like it pleases you.. getting things right is the best feeling ever!
Acting is what i do on a day to day basis. Sometimes I believe that I am incapable of feeling real emotions; I am only emulating emotions that I feel that I should be having. I wonder how many people do this. No, I wonder how many people worry that they do this. I am so unsure about my own actions, I’m certain others must be as well.
Chris Williams
actors wear makeup, whats your excuse?
grace mcquary
pretending to be someone ur not to fool someone else and possible to pull the wool over
Declan O'Reilly
i’ve never really been that good at acting. i used to take drama clases, and i’ve been in a few plays. but it never really helped. i’m just not naturally good at it. when i was in once upon a mattress, i was ‘lady in waiting 3’ or something. and i couldn’t even remember my one line.
grace mcquary
put the computer down and get outside. she said it like I was meant to know her innermost suffering. you see, Mr Bartlebury had died when a PC fell on his head when he was acting in a ‘modern’ production of The Taming of the Shrew
I get tired of acting. I am always acting as are those around me. All the world’s a stage but its tiring to be in the spotlight all of the time. Want to go behind the curtain and stay there. Leave the stage to those who wanna be players.
I act like there’s nothing wrong. Fake a laugh, fake a smile. Everyone think it’s all okay, but it’s not.
Life is like a stage. I’m the actress and I do what I do best: Act–my life depends on it.
makes you go to a place that isnt your own. it belongs to the writer or some thing beyond your own space. you borrow it and try to channel it into the real world. acting
I am acting like i had a bad night. I hate when pople act like they are better then every one else. I am an acting mother of two.
Christina Matias
i hate to act! it so stupid and all you do is pretend to be someone else. when everyone should just be themselves, the only good thing about acting is the actors and actresses who are good in movies and tv shows. Also plays are nice too!!! Don’t you love plays and movies and tv shows?
the dog went running down thw street. please let me know what your thinking. Do you need help you silly rabbit. Did your face cover me. I can’t help biut listen to them they suck. I have know idea why this is important. When
Standing upon the stage with the glare of the spot light hiding the faces of the audience that you know is pericing your every more with their inssent stare. You project your voice and feel you own persperation in the air.
Meghan Smith
I have no clue what is acting? some people know how to act very well does it come naturally? or is it through years and years of training? no clue what to write now what do I write
acting to me is like life in general. I think Kamryn would make a great actor. someday perhaps he will venture to NYC or hollywood and try to make a go of it. I think I would love to see him take some drama classes or be involved in some kind of group like that while he’s in high school or perhaps even college. I wonder though if there.’s a window that he would have to get involed in
nikki malloy
Lorenzo is so adorable. I heard the phone ringing and saw that it was a telemarketer on the caller ID. I picked up and passed the phone to my little 18 month old and he started talking to a customer service representative in his little infant giberish. He walked away having a lovely conversation all his own and all I could hear is the telemarketer saying, “hello, hello, is your mother there!”
She was acting out a part. Like she always did on the stage, with the lights beaming bright on her face. This time it did not come so naturally.
She adjusted the hat on her head and scratched the itchy scarf around her neck. Putting on a haughty smile, she strode into the room, hoping no one would notice how different she was from the princess.
Its what we do every day. At all times. We often act so well, we even fool ourselves. Such convincing, heart wrenching displays is deserving of some kind of recognition, is it not?
i am an actor. i love acting. its my favorite past time. I love it so much that i landed my own tv show and im tartiing a movie!! im so excited its going ro be awesome!! whoohoo!!! so anyways i was wondering if you wanted to be part of my movie, would you?
acting is what we do when we see mirrors of ourselves in other peoples eyes. when we cant be ourselves and when we conform to glances, to the outer eye, to perceived pressure of something that doesnt even care that much about us. one second, one look, thats all it can take to crush a young girl’s hopes and attempts at presenting herself to society – acting
I was acting suspiciously. People looked at me. It was just my way of being, but I was still considered odd. Was my costume odd? Did I look odd? Was it my acting, as I had thought?
it was an had to be.he is known for his acting skills.but the deed he’s done,act or not,was just too cruel…
y do evryone haf to act every single day ? what has make them to become a actor or actresses when they are not filming. Do they really like to act ?
To be what your not. What is to act? Acting out your feelings is something not all can do, we aren’t all masked in face cake and fabrics. We are naked. We cannot be another without the proper fixtures. But can we? We are merely many persons in one, we aren’t just one.
its just what people do..
every human being a different face to put up, regardless of what or where they are..they just like to put their mask on
You people all wear masks
What a freakshow walking around in the street
But everything seem just normal
this is for the confident guys, the “im too hot” guys and girls who want to show off.. talent is not necessary, but sometimes they get it right.. they get talent. i like it when that happens
acting is a process whereby puts himself in a role of somebody else, largely to entertain others, but sometimes it raises empathy toward the role one is playing. Acting takes great perception and empathy. It also is rewarded and actors can make a lot of money,
A C T I N G…
Salted peanuts…
Pressure wounds…
at the disco freakin tech…
Acting, to move to go, to do it, and to plan how you do things is not part of it, you simply decide and make a difference while your at it, build a plan while doing the things in progression.
sort of like becoming another person while maintaining your original persona. it’s so easy and hard to do at the same time because we actually do it everyday, I do feel like an actress sometimes when I’m not allowed to show emotion or when I’m supposed to show emotion that I do not feel. I think I would be great at it if I had a chance.
Acting out of fear and anger. Is it acting when it feels true.
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ouch
is not believing what you are seeing.
Acting is a routine. I can’t get past the act. As Shakespear states, “All the World is a Stage” … and we are put the players. I like to tell people that they are never ACTING like something for that is what they are. We are always being ourselves, just being caught at different moments.
natural. everyday life. relationships. office.
acting on your instincts is important. it keeps life fun and entertaining.. its about that first kiss with someone you never thought would happen.. its about applying for that job thats just out of reach and getting hired and working your ass off to get what you want… and when you do you dont have to act like it pleases you.. getting things right is the best feeling ever!
Acting is what i do on a day to day basis. Sometimes I believe that I am incapable of feeling real emotions; I am only emulating emotions that I feel that I should be having. I wonder how many people do this. No, I wonder how many people worry that they do this. I am so unsure about my own actions, I’m certain others must be as well.
actors wear makeup, whats your excuse?
pretending to be someone ur not to fool someone else and possible to pull the wool over
i’ve never really been that good at acting. i used to take drama clases, and i’ve been in a few plays. but it never really helped. i’m just not naturally good at it. when i was in once upon a mattress, i was ‘lady in waiting 3’ or something. and i couldn’t even remember my one line.
put the computer down and get outside. she said it like I was meant to know her innermost suffering. you see, Mr Bartlebury had died when a PC fell on his head when he was acting in a ‘modern’ production of The Taming of the Shrew
I get tired of acting. I am always acting as are those around me. All the world’s a stage but its tiring to be in the spotlight all of the time. Want to go behind the curtain and stay there. Leave the stage to those who wanna be players.
I act like there’s nothing wrong. Fake a laugh, fake a smile. Everyone think it’s all okay, but it’s not.
Life is like a stage. I’m the actress and I do what I do best: Act–my life depends on it.
makes you go to a place that isnt your own. it belongs to the writer or some thing beyond your own space. you borrow it and try to channel it into the real world. acting
I am acting like i had a bad night. I hate when pople act like they are better then every one else. I am an acting mother of two.
i hate to act! it so stupid and all you do is pretend to be someone else. when everyone should just be themselves, the only good thing about acting is the actors and actresses who are good in movies and tv shows. Also plays are nice too!!! Don’t you love plays and movies and tv shows?
the dog went running down thw street. please let me know what your thinking. Do you need help you silly rabbit. Did your face cover me. I can’t help biut listen to them they suck. I have know idea why this is important. When
Standing upon the stage with the glare of the spot light hiding the faces of the audience that you know is pericing your every more with their inssent stare. You project your voice and feel you own persperation in the air.
I have no clue what is acting? some people know how to act very well does it come naturally? or is it through years and years of training? no clue what to write now what do I write
acting to me is like life in general. I think Kamryn would make a great actor. someday perhaps he will venture to NYC or hollywood and try to make a go of it. I think I would love to see him take some drama classes or be involved in some kind of group like that while he’s in high school or perhaps even college. I wonder though if there.’s a window that he would have to get involed in
Lorenzo is so adorable. I heard the phone ringing and saw that it was a telemarketer on the caller ID. I picked up and passed the phone to my little 18 month old and he started talking to a customer service representative in his little infant giberish. He walked away having a lovely conversation all his own and all I could hear is the telemarketer saying, “hello, hello, is your mother there!”