
November 13th, 2009 | 317 Entries

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317 Entries for “acting”

  1. I have never acted really in a play. I am not a very good actor, I think that is because I’m not a very good lair. Eh oh well. I don’t seem to be very good at spelling either. Acting and spelling are not my thing.

  2. acting is great but if some one like shah rukh khan is doing it iti s all the more nice. i always tried to ac, but it doenst seem to be my cup of tea. i cant even act small scenes not to talk of dramatising. so theother day i thought that i wiill try my hand at acting. i met a few collegues and pretended that i coulod act. but when i said a few thing they started to feel that i cant act and started growing disinterested

  3. Doing something, being in a play, putting on a character, doing something, brushing your teeth, washing your hair, driving,schoolwork, getting married, deliberate, unintentional

  4. She took up acting to get away from her life. Her overly-dramatic, soap opera of a life, with it’s star-studded cast and end credits.

  5. the boy was an actor, but he wasn’t very good at it. he hated that he couldn’t get into character but decided that he was going to keep on keeping on until he got it right.

  6. I lost the love of y life to acting gig i never thought i’d land. She said goodbye and left for the train station during intermission of the opening night. I haven’t seen her since.

  7. swsjkxnskjmx

  8. The child was standing on top of the stage, and he was brilliantly saying the lines in the script presented to him. He was having pure, great fun, and everyone was loving every word that came out of the child’s mouth. Who knew that a child could make so much impact on an anxious crowd?

  9. I used to act strangely around others. I also used to act whenever I was on stage. I was part of a theatre company. The company was rather quite bad and money grabbing and I enjoyed it at irst but the grabbing was bad. So I dont get this why am I doing this, I feel like Im rather quite bored and sad and this is pointless whats the point of this? Huh?

  10. everyday i feel like i’m acting in a play of life. it is so unexciting.

  11. Acting is the profession today. i really don t act but it come unconsciously.

  12. If she thought about it, closing her eyes, but not squeezing so as to muss up her makeup, it was acting. There was a director, sound guy and a script. Granted, it was two pages scribbled on yellow legal pad, but still. They called, saying they were ready for her. The heat was up, so that was good. She opened her eyes, walked a few steps and dropped the robe, careful not to get the fuck-me pumps caught in the terrycloth.

  13. Acting is a sham. Why should people be paid millions of dollars to pretend they are someone else. Kids do it all the time when were little. Why do so few of us get to do it in adulthood. Holywood is restricting our imagination by hiring so few.

  14. Hi! im the word acting. i dont know, what i bedeute, but this is not schlimm. cause i dont use myself, im in germany hihi

  15. i wpold love to know how to act. But life acting, not in the thatre. I t is the most important but not something that i like. People are fakers, all the time. IS IT THE END? Well, maybe not :) People wear masks all the time, but not me, so I am asocial :)

  16. I want to act. I guess I’ve always wanted to. Ever since the plays in elementary school I thought I could be great. I havn’t acted for a long time and really don’t plan on doing so, but I would the first chance I get if I got one.

  17. playful aggressive creative imrovisation fake idealistic challenging rewarding versatile

  18. girls like to act and sing. sometimes they like to star in plays. acting can be so much fun but also can be dissappointing. either way, its acting. some people love to act while others dont.

  19. is so gay you dont even know it… lmaoo
    nah its cool

  20. the girl had been dreaming of the day she was to start her actting carrer ever since she was born. she aspired to be like megan fox or even as great as julia roberts. however when the day of her audition came she wasnt ready. it just wasnt her day. she was having a bad hair day, which threw her off, so she missed the job

  21. pretence, a method of portraying an emotion or feeling, pretending to be somebody you are not. an art. proffessionals like johnny depp or sandra bullock. good looks. charm and wit. films and movies and television programs, plays and hollywood. costume and dress

    ciara O' Hare
  22. acting is for stupid whores of hollywood that have no real skills in the world. they cannot benefit humanity they only make them selves feel important by spreading around the skim on thier vat of bloated cash. It is a dying trend we should discourage

  23. weird

  24. The world is a stage and all of us are actors and actresses here. But isn’t it a good place to learn acting. One day we learn something good and another day we learn something not so good. But acting is something which we do day in and day out …

  25. i hope you don’t do this in real life. but then again, why is it that those who act to cover up their true selves are looked down upon, while those who act for a living are beatified. does this say something about the absurdness of our society?

  26. I wish he could just not be so stupid. and then just be real. Maybe he can’t. Maybe he is just extremely stupid. Or maybe I’m the stupid one.
    This facade is overwhelming. I just want it to be done and over with.

  27. I’m not very good at acting, although I’d like to be. Actors get paid more than anyone else, and if I ever heard one of them say their job was hard, I’d probably slap them.

  28. acting makes the best part of the day go away i like it that way i don`t mind what`s on your mind as long as we can play

  29. …is a way to make moments of life happen. It adds breath and truth to words on a page or ideas in a brain. It allows a person to explore him or herself AND someone or someTHING else, all at once. It is magic and organic and lovely. And we do it everyday, on purpose or not.

  30. it is a description of embodying what we do. It is thought, true or false made manifest into something that another person can see on the outside, it is fun, it is life.

  31. the girl forgot her lines when she was acting out the secret garded

  32. drama, comedy, horror, movies, plays, dramatic

  33. acting is pretending to be something your not. it is almost like lying, but it’s usually intended for entertinamenet purposes. there are actors and actresses and they can act either in plays or in movies, or just “acting” by playing around with friends. acting is an art and a skill, but it is also just a way to have fun and escape from reality for a brief moment, perhaps taking you back to your childhood days when you would play imagination games in your backyard.

  34. A thinkg people do where they fake being someone else, actually a charachter. We all do this though really. We are all acters taking on diferent charachters everyday, different personanas. This is a thing we do. What persona are you playing today?

  35. i wasn’t acting it came to me naturally. the plot thickens like cold green pea soup.

    deyna cimino
  36. acting as if you’re my best friend. here i am fooling myself that you’re gonna be with me through thick and thin. and there u are, pulling your hand away, too scared to commit.

  37. acting the part? Acting up? Acting out?
    Acting the goat?

    Aren’t we all acting something? All shakespearewise? As in we’re all making it all up as we go along..

  38. Acting is cool. I think we all act. Acting concerns itself with la vie quotudienne, we all act. Othwise we’d be fucked. You know it! We all know it! You’re acting in front of that girl you like, you’re acting in Church etc

  39. feeling sad. wondering what to do. asking for help. fake. lively. career. hollywood. movies. theater. stars. michael jackson.

  40. they were acting like nothing had happened. the pretense was killing her, and somewhere inside of her she knew it. the insults and comments
