
December 26th, 2008 | 150 Entries

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150 Entries for “after”

  1. After the rain stopped pouring over the rooftops of the city, the young man began his routine of crying himself to sleep. Again, and again, and again… He’s been chanting to himself, he’s not the right one… He’s the wrong one to be condemned to this fate.

    Olivia Taylor
  2. later i had supper and i didnt finish because i had to go to a plane ship without a castle to walk through. i figured out that i had a shoe attatched to my foot and i didnt realize until i figured it out. i dont like to lie and then i like to promise i love things.

    david savery
  3. I never thought there would be an after with us. Only now, so caught up in this moment. If only i knew it would end so soon.

  4. after she goes to the world she suddenly woke up and dreamed about the hope which will never comes to reality .unfortunately, as like peace and love phenomenons will never

  5. after we break up I’ll realize that I can live without him. Its really sad because I came to believe that we would be together forever. I actually saw our future and I loved it. I loved him. I am going to miss him so much, but I cannot sit and wonder everyday every night if he will dump me the next day. Also I want to not ever get divorced again. These days it feels like Im being watched and analyzed. Although he does not want me to walk around tip toeing I feel like anything I do that he perceives as unexplainable or wrong will be counted against me. I am trouble in his eyes, I am no longer the one. I want him to be happy and me out of the picture seems the way to go to get him to that point.

  6. After all, the worst of the decade was finished. He could sit and think of the future, and postulate the upcoming events. he basked in his Glory, and enjoyed is Jimbo Juice. then He realized, with an ounce of terror, that he wasn’t finished at all, and that he haven’t even begun…

  7. After comes after now, but before later, maybe. Now, of course, comes before after and after before, making it somewhat of a paradox. Or not. Aftershave is nasty. I mean, I know it’s good for your skin, probably, but shit stinks. You know what else stinks?

  8. After the ambulances go, she sits at the curb staring into the mouth of the gutter where so much washes away toward the ocean. What was that word he told her never to forget?

    David F
  9. many a things occurred after he event which of course is in the distant past of a near future which occurred not so recently as now.

    alex parker
  10. before
    before is before after while after is after before so both are places in time which is part of the 4th dimension which can not be seen by the human eye. intricately after can not happen in the present but in the future, therefore after technically does not exist. the end

    Corey Nicholson
  11. After today, nothing will be the same as it was, but that’s true after every day. Everything is always changing. After really just means the future. Some moment beyond this one. But there is really only this moment, so stop worrying about after or looking forward to after.

  12. Aldo awoke from a state of solemnly slumber. It seems that it was the day after the break up. The split had been pretty messy.Possessions had been thrown,ripped and ultimately destroyed, blood,sweat and tears had even been spilled but worst of all hearts had been broken…

  13. yesterday was xmas. it is after now. tommorow will be next. before.

  14. After we are all gone, what will be left?
    How will we leave this earth. In pieces? We should all take a look at what we are doing to this wonderful place and see what we are doing.

    Tracy Brobecker
  15. i sat in my chair writing about one word, on a website called one word that I had just stumbled upon it. and now i continue to write because the site has asked me to write and i’ll git it all the words i can, while i can, and especially as long as i don’t become bored just sitting here typing about the very thing that i’ve been asked to write about. ah, but now i’ve become in this very instance!

    Stanely Bailey
  16. After… after it all happened old Richie looked at me with those piercing eyes, before letting loose with a flurry of insults and words that would be found behind bleeps on primetime television. I got scared, he sounded like he was going to attack… so I blasted him away. After the cops were gone I came out… And now I’m ok… just living day to day hopefully never getting caught for what I did.

  17. its after today
    no it was after yesterday
    after yesterday you were supposed to
    you were meant to
    you should have
    could have
    you didnt
    its today
    you didnt
    you never do

  18. sitting there in her maroon school chair, waiting for the attendance officer to write her permission slip back to class she thought, thought to herself of course. she wondered what exactly had happened to her over the last three and a half years of her school life. and honestly? she couldn’t tell. nothing nothing happened, she just stayed stagnant and unclear as always, undefined

    kkkearstin essss
  19. the rain ended the sun began to shine
    and everything began to make sense
    all it took was a little clarity
    and a silly stumbleupon link
    ive figured it out

    joe g
  20. It was the morning after but I felt bereft. Could I have not seen it coming that strange feeling of doubt. And it proved true. I had been a naughty person this year and Santa had not come.

  21. free, peace, wisdom, innner, insigth, emotion, love, women, beatiful, happy, money, spirituality

  22. after the breakup, things were awkward. I wanted time apart, but she was always there, tapping incessantly on the door to my dorm room, begging to curl up next to me at night… If I’d had a tumor, I would have named it after her. Slowly, resentment set in.

  23. After I took a dump, I asked if I could eat her sandwich. Obviously, she said no. Thus, after being turned down for the four hundred and seventieth time, I threw myself down a flight of steps. After breaking three vertabrae and two skulls, I eloped with Angelina Jolie.

    Tyler Truscott
  24. After dark us when I start to get nervous about the future. After dark is when the hours start to whirl past and my head starts to spin as I think of all the time I’m wasting doing absolutely nothing.

  25. After sixteen Guiness-infused eggnogs, I threw up. Projectile vomited. Expectorated. Upchucked. Barfed. Relieved myself of hydrochloric acid. Then I got AIDS.

    George W. Bush
  26. I am always reminded of after dinner, or after hours. No particular reason, but that’s what happens. Dinner is a big event, you know, with friends and family, or even alone. Eating dinner alone and then doing something after makes that something all the more special.

    Garik Asplund
  27. After a long period of time, susan began to realize she would disappear. Forever. Gone, like the leaves on the trees in the winter. She stiffened at the thought of her disappearance. Would she be missed?

    Jessica Lopez
  28. After I returned home from a long day I decided to take a hot bath, before I could get there I heard someone knocking on the door, I went to answer it grumpily. I was quite surprised to see my husband standing there with roses in hand. I was so shocked I couldn’t even cry as I thought he had been killed by a mortar attack two weeks earlier somewhere in the dusty nothingness of Iraq. I dropped to my knees in shock as I heard him say “I always told you I’d come back to you no matter what.”

    Emily Brand
  29. after
    happily ever
    something that happens beyond another
    ican’t think
    why’d you make me do this
    ( T_T )
    i’m gonna cry!!

    oh no the bar is turning orange!
    *runs into a corner and ACK!
    it’s turning red!

    Yong Ra
  30. After what? After the beginning, and then what’s next? The rest of the world; the end of the world. When your fears get the best of you, and why? Because you realize that they are real. After fighting with them for years, it’s over. Here it comes. After it’s begun.

    Heather Sparks
  31. after dark I’ve seen less light, after life we’ve known more than that
    leave the sun alone, she provides enough fir us to not destroy her. Post-everything I’ve loved thus far. After you, I insist this time. Corners and alleyways, after night, after day. After winter comes a break up in spring, melting trees and land let this be how we hand off what we have to the future of all of us – those coming after.

  32. after, we learn things change after we get use to them one way everything changes on us, and it is not something we can avoid.
    we dont know how to handle things changing on us and we dont know how to solve things for ourselves.

  33. after that, i didn’t know what to do. everything didn’t make sense anymore. what was causing this feeling?
    i don’t know, but i’m not a real writer.
    but you probably figured that out AFTER reading the first line. ha, gotcha. ooh i’m good. ok how long can i go on before it doesn’t count this?

    Dennis M.C.I.
  34. after comes when you do something before you know what you are doing you arrive somewhere intense in thought and loose in meanings. That don’t make any sense what so ever.

  35. after everything is always painfully and remarkably over, it never really exists. it is stuck in a time warp that I can only visit when i’m sometimes in the mood and when it sometimes presents itself. after is never real.

  36. after awhile, she got boring. she lost her desirability. she lost the look in her eyes. she lost her spunk.
    after awhile, i got bored. is that wrong?

  37. one word is aweomseeeeeeeeeeeee

  38. before i didn’t know how messed up i was. now that i’m reflecting on what’s happened – i really am messed up. he’s right i’m practically obsessed and it’s sick. i need to get over this stupidity and wake myself up: he’s not worth it. ever.

  39. after the storm was a quiet that pierced even the least sensitive of ears. After the fight, after the scene ended, what was the after became the before, the before to the next after, to each a beginning and ending to every story. hopefully after you will be able to change the next before. After I die there will be no more After nor before, because i will have hit the ultimate after. It will no longer matter that there was a storm or a fight or a scene, because i will have hit my final After. The longest and most wonderful journey of all.

    Gabrielle Celani
  40. the whole world is after luxury !
    after all I m also !
    after or before do dont be late ok
