Everything has to do with alignment. We are as we are aligned to do, our goals our aspirations are dreams if they are not aligned if they are not in tune we are NOTHING. Who are we is unimportant, what we do and how we do it and most importantly what we strive to do is excellence. Achievement is perfection, pursuit is excellence. We bring together our angles our drives our meanings and together they converge.
Preston Stelford
i don’t know what alignment is.
alignment doesnt occur as much as it should. i really enjoy nicely aligned things, not in an ocd way, just a nice pair of lines is always good. alignment is def not a word used to describe my life! beh.
i don tknow what thia word means so i have no idea what to write? maybe something to do with starss
Things are properly aligned when they are set in a specific way that is intended for them. Things that need to be aligned include rafters, train tracks, etc. The term alignment can be used to describe someones mental health also, for example if they are “well aligned” or if one person’s train of thought is aligned with anothers.
you have to align your brakes after a few years so they work properly or you could unalign others brakes so they will crash and die
I aligned the tires on my car the other day. It cost a lot of money.
Alignment is conforming. It’s something some people strive for, and other people dread. It all depends on your outlook on life. I, personally, think alignment is unnecessary.
One wonders what changes the fates of men. It’s not the alignment of the stars, nor their movement, Rita thought. It’s the alignment of something far more ephemeral. Perhaps it’s meeting and be able to love something as crazy as you are–or at least a complimentary amount of crazy. Fate, then, is the alignment of crazy.
Alignment of the planets. That’s what most philosophers say. The planets are aligned, so the world is at peace. I guess the planets are never aligned, are they? If the planets were aligned, the world would be at peace. I’m waiting for that day until the planets are aligned.
it’s funny, the tires on my car are out of alignment. I took them in to the dealer to get it fixed. I wish I could fix you like that, bring you in, they’ll fix your legs and then we can fly.
it’s all the same when you think about it.Nothing is random.Free will is simply the right to believe what you want and how you want.Too many outside forces for that…
isn’t it time to sit next to me,
wouldn’t you like to answer those phonecalls,
no no, maybe you wouldn’t,
you are afraid that you’ve made a mistake,
instead occupy occupy the space next to mine,
the fireside armchair, softly matted voicetones,
hairtones dark.
planents. the mayan “comet crashing into the earth” thing is a scam. stop telling kids that they’re going to die in a few years. 2012 was a horrible movie. anything that happens in 2012 will be natural, and will not destroy the world.
perfectly aligned as we lay side by side in my room beneath the pink ceiling and you kiss me and its all perfectly aligned
The stars are all in the sky tonight – right where they are supposed to be. In a spot in time where all is right and all is real, true. The time is short.
Everything should be in alignment in my world. That’s what I tell myself. It just can’t be true, though, because nothing ever is in alignment and things are always as they are supposed to be. It’s God’s way, God’s hand. Nothing is as it shouldn’t be. Alignment is not real.
alignment adjustment acouchment aggression a testament to the word of warcraft a laugh a fact of the matter is fine when things align
In her yoga class, she admired the teacher’s perfect alignment in camel pose. It made her think of sex, and carnal images involving her teacher flashed through her mind. It was going to be hard to get through today’s class if this was all she could think about.
poor alignment can cause all kinds of problems. If you are talking about physical alignment of inanimate objects then you just have a poor fir which may leak, But if two personalities are not aligned than you have a very interesting situation which can lead to wonderful outcomes or world war three. Some of the best outcomes from such edgy alignments are elationships which complement each other . This can only happen however, when one or preferably both people are self assured and mature enough to not be threatened by the mis-alignment.Is this minute not over yet?
Having just built a pergola over a deck attached to my house I can appreciate the importance of correct alignment in this type of work. If you aint got it, it doesn’t.
if your beliefs are aligned with your actions, then all is well. If not, I would suggest a mental tune-up.
I am blessed with parents who could afford two rounds of braces and two oral surgeries just to make my teeth straight. Not to mention three oral retainers, countless weeks of pain, thousands of dollars, and emotional trauma…. all for the sake of alignment.
the perfect alignment of the stars. oh look how they dhine…it was prophicized thee thousand years that when the satrs align, there would be a special angel made, an angel that could whoop the butt of every single demon on the face of the planet. His name was Ryan
The alignment of his eyes, his nose, his ears, his face. It all made me swoon. That night could not have been more perfect, and he could not have been more amazing.
Aubrey Taylor
two bodies close to each other
never ending
never more
for eternity
just you and me
twisted in tangled branches and sun kissed autumn leaves
just you and i
His eyes were mysterious. They were beautiful, they just weren’t normal. Like they were out of alignment or something. But if they were wrong, I don’t know what’s right…
all things got whacked out of allignment the second our lips touched and our hands brushed and i will never feel this way again
when the stars are perfectly aligned, and by aligned i mean when everything is finally in order again. But i’m not really in tune with the alignment of stars. give me something concrete and i’ll spit back more stones. what about the alignment of street signs? and high rises? don’t those look nice aligned with the sun?
one day i was driving in san marcos and my alignment was off in my car and i was so angry because i could barely tell where i was going.
you make me stand by the wall so i could straighten my demons up. but i need some agility to survive, i cant leave on submission alone, i sometimes need to jump and bite .. back
My alignment on my back is terrible. one day i’m fine the next BOOM. i’m lying on my bed writhing in pain. Really, i should go to the doctor, but i can’t. the insurance expired and
You need to get an alignment on your tires, car brakes. Align your life. Car troubles. Car troubles suck.
I’m out of alignment. Out of place. Trying to fit in a world where nothing’s right, nothing’s okay. Like a ghost in a world full of the living, I’m screaming for acceptance, but all I get is a night full of cold shoulders.
everything in a straight row, life is even and everything is alright,
just me
just a word used for precision. used often in astrology and for relativity.
Sometimes I wonder how the world all falls into place. Everything has it’s place, no wonder how unwanted it may feel. Things go together, things are apart. But the whole world is there, and everything is blissfully aligned.
straight – together – matching – we fit together like a jigsaw puzzle – peas and carrots
huh what is this
Everything has to do with alignment. We are as we are aligned to do, our goals our aspirations are dreams if they are not aligned if they are not in tune we are NOTHING. Who are we is unimportant, what we do and how we do it and most importantly what we strive to do is excellence. Achievement is perfection, pursuit is excellence. We bring together our angles our drives our meanings and together they converge.
i don’t know what alignment is.
alignment doesnt occur as much as it should. i really enjoy nicely aligned things, not in an ocd way, just a nice pair of lines is always good. alignment is def not a word used to describe my life! beh.
i don tknow what thia word means so i have no idea what to write? maybe something to do with starss
Things are properly aligned when they are set in a specific way that is intended for them. Things that need to be aligned include rafters, train tracks, etc. The term alignment can be used to describe someones mental health also, for example if they are “well aligned” or if one person’s train of thought is aligned with anothers.
you have to align your brakes after a few years so they work properly or you could unalign others brakes so they will crash and die
I aligned the tires on my car the other day. It cost a lot of money.
Alignment is conforming. It’s something some people strive for, and other people dread. It all depends on your outlook on life. I, personally, think alignment is unnecessary.
One wonders what changes the fates of men. It’s not the alignment of the stars, nor their movement, Rita thought. It’s the alignment of something far more ephemeral. Perhaps it’s meeting and be able to love something as crazy as you are–or at least a complimentary amount of crazy. Fate, then, is the alignment of crazy.
Alignment of the planets. That’s what most philosophers say. The planets are aligned, so the world is at peace. I guess the planets are never aligned, are they? If the planets were aligned, the world would be at peace. I’m waiting for that day until the planets are aligned.
it’s funny, the tires on my car are out of alignment. I took them in to the dealer to get it fixed. I wish I could fix you like that, bring you in, they’ll fix your legs and then we can fly.
it’s all the same when you think about it.Nothing is random.Free will is simply the right to believe what you want and how you want.Too many outside forces for that…
isn’t it time to sit next to me,
wouldn’t you like to answer those phonecalls,
no no, maybe you wouldn’t,
you are afraid that you’ve made a mistake,
instead occupy occupy the space next to mine,
the fireside armchair, softly matted voicetones,
hairtones dark.
planents. the mayan “comet crashing into the earth” thing is a scam. stop telling kids that they’re going to die in a few years. 2012 was a horrible movie. anything that happens in 2012 will be natural, and will not destroy the world.
perfectly aligned as we lay side by side in my room beneath the pink ceiling and you kiss me and its all perfectly aligned
The stars are all in the sky tonight – right where they are supposed to be. In a spot in time where all is right and all is real, true. The time is short.
Everything should be in alignment in my world. That’s what I tell myself. It just can’t be true, though, because nothing ever is in alignment and things are always as they are supposed to be. It’s God’s way, God’s hand. Nothing is as it shouldn’t be. Alignment is not real.
alignment adjustment acouchment aggression a testament to the word of warcraft a laugh a fact of the matter is fine when things align
In her yoga class, she admired the teacher’s perfect alignment in camel pose. It made her think of sex, and carnal images involving her teacher flashed through her mind. It was going to be hard to get through today’s class if this was all she could think about.
poor alignment can cause all kinds of problems. If you are talking about physical alignment of inanimate objects then you just have a poor fir which may leak, But if two personalities are not aligned than you have a very interesting situation which can lead to wonderful outcomes or world war three. Some of the best outcomes from such edgy alignments are elationships which complement each other . This can only happen however, when one or preferably both people are self assured and mature enough to not be threatened by the mis-alignment.Is this minute not over yet?
Having just built a pergola over a deck attached to my house I can appreciate the importance of correct alignment in this type of work. If you aint got it, it doesn’t.
if your beliefs are aligned with your actions, then all is well. If not, I would suggest a mental tune-up.
I am blessed with parents who could afford two rounds of braces and two oral surgeries just to make my teeth straight. Not to mention three oral retainers, countless weeks of pain, thousands of dollars, and emotional trauma…. all for the sake of alignment.
the perfect alignment of the stars. oh look how they dhine…it was prophicized thee thousand years that when the satrs align, there would be a special angel made, an angel that could whoop the butt of every single demon on the face of the planet. His name was Ryan
The alignment of his eyes, his nose, his ears, his face. It all made me swoon. That night could not have been more perfect, and he could not have been more amazing.
two bodies close to each other
never ending
never more
for eternity
just you and me
twisted in tangled branches and sun kissed autumn leaves
just you and i
His eyes were mysterious. They were beautiful, they just weren’t normal. Like they were out of alignment or something. But if they were wrong, I don’t know what’s right…
all things got whacked out of allignment the second our lips touched and our hands brushed and i will never feel this way again
when the stars are perfectly aligned, and by aligned i mean when everything is finally in order again. But i’m not really in tune with the alignment of stars. give me something concrete and i’ll spit back more stones. what about the alignment of street signs? and high rises? don’t those look nice aligned with the sun?
one day i was driving in san marcos and my alignment was off in my car and i was so angry because i could barely tell where i was going.
you make me stand by the wall so i could straighten my demons up. but i need some agility to survive, i cant leave on submission alone, i sometimes need to jump and bite .. back
My alignment on my back is terrible. one day i’m fine the next BOOM. i’m lying on my bed writhing in pain. Really, i should go to the doctor, but i can’t. the insurance expired and
You need to get an alignment on your tires, car brakes. Align your life. Car troubles. Car troubles suck.
I’m out of alignment. Out of place. Trying to fit in a world where nothing’s right, nothing’s okay. Like a ghost in a world full of the living, I’m screaming for acceptance, but all I get is a night full of cold shoulders.
everything in a straight row, life is even and everything is alright,
just a word used for precision. used often in astrology and for relativity.
Sometimes I wonder how the world all falls into place. Everything has it’s place, no wonder how unwanted it may feel. Things go together, things are apart. But the whole world is there, and everything is blissfully aligned.
straight – together – matching – we fit together like a jigsaw puzzle – peas and carrots