
December 19th, 2009 | 630 Entries

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630 Entries for “alignment”

  1. one who cannot be conqured

  2. sometimes, two things fit in perfect alignment. Or two people- I guess. Like, me and my brother. He’s younger than me, but we get on so well. Me and my best friend, were so different, but we really compliment eachother. So I guess some people just click.

  3. straight

  4. misalignment
    seeming to be one thing, then seeming to another, when really is another. matching. coexisting. together. not a match, but seems to be a match. math. nature. art. music. science. love.

  5. come together

  6. Light lines straight, no disarray, unless it’s out of, or off. Planets aligning means something. Some sort of mystical meanings. Not really. Blah.

  7. this is what happens when life is good. When your happy and everything is cohesive. I want this and never had it.

  8. puff!

  9. my heart is in alignment with yours

  10. I have no alignment. My life is completely out of balance because i am an extreme overachiever. I am aligned in my goals but not in my life. I am trying very hard to achieve balance. I guess balance and alignment are not the same. I very much enjoy alignment, because that means symmetry!

  11. There are certain things that people find themselves in alignment with. The stars, vehicle chassis, politics, so on so forth. I am not sure what I find myself aligned with these days. A familiar question I continue to ask myself.

  12. Align, things are supposed to be aligned. it means they’re where they’re supposed to be, they’re organized, they’re working like they’re supposed to. it’s a shame life doesn’t turn out like that. nothing is ever aligned.

  13. alignment is the way my head connects to my lifted-up neck, the straightness of my spine as I pull up into a turn or a leap, how my spine connects to my hips, which straighten and connect to my knees, which face directly over the tops of my feet and ankles. My feet point, my toes curl under, I force them to point ever onward, continuing my line into the sky.

  14. alignment

  15. correction

  16. my mother had to get a tire alignment one day she drove quickly to the dealrship! fearing she would be late she bent the roadrules just a little bit but as she pulled through a light she got hit by truck and was killed

    jaime boone
  17. My tires were out of alignment. It was that last thing I really thought about as I careened off of the overpass. Alignment. Not my family, not my life…my alignment. I suppose that’s what I’m left with. Or left without, rather.

  18. Justified, the only way I like my text aligned. Makes everything look so pretty and so…right. Left alignment bothers me, just like the two spaces after a period.

  19. putting things together that make sense. Making a line out of objects that are similar. Stars and planets and my future. Me loving someone that I am unobjectionably right for. The best possible connection between two objects. Amazing

    Paul Sabala
  20. I absolutely hate it when your car is out of alignment. It drives me insane to see a stearing wheel cricked as hell, when the tires are straight. What is a person to do?? Go to Les Swhab! Pay 50$ and get it fixed.

    Lyn Dizzle
  21. I feel better when things are properly aligned because I like when everything is in order. I wish that life was simple and made of straight lines that could all be organized neatly.

  22. the fates align at the moment which it is always the worst for you. Fate isn’t meant to be easy or perfect or right, that’s the point. You put everything else aside for fate, nothing else really matters. When it’s fate you just KNOW it’s right.

  23. SEX

  24. i have no clue. stars align. and so and planets and the sun. aaaaaaand people can be alligned by stars. like romeo and juliet

  25. Everything is so organized…why? There shouldn’t be this much alignment in the world. It takes away from spontaneity. That’s not fair.

    Haley P
  26. I am constantly aligning things. That comes along with my obsessive compulsive disorder. Everything has to be just so. You came into my house and messed everything up. I can no longer sleep. Thank you.

    Ha ha
  27. making sure things are in order and need and look uniform.

  28. Cars. I think of cars when I hear alignment. Something is wrong with the tires, I believe. But you can also be out of alignment in your life. I think I am. But I kinda like it. So should I stay there? Maybe… maybe not…

  29. I’m slightly aligned to the right at the moment. Leaning on one elbow. It’s not really very conducive to typing properly, so I don’t think I’ll get much written for this one. Still, it’s been a while, and I just decided to come back. You might say the stars were aligned in favour of me coming here.

  30. i wish i was aligned. my neck is killing me most days. alignment to me is like a balance. will i hurt this much for the rest of my life? i really want answers, but it’s too expensive. roll on health insurance. alignment would be like a breath of fresh air.

  31. We were in perfect alignment.

  32. How text stacks up left or right. I like things to be cleanly aligned. They feel in place that way, not scattered, but straight and contained. Smooth edges. Crisp. Ordered. Structured. In control.

  33. I turned the steering wheel to the right, but it didn’t listen to me. “Oh no,” I said, looking over at him, “the car is out of alignment again.” “That’s like how I am every day,” he answered me.

  34. the alignment of my back is off and i am crippled daily. i am a good person, i care for all and couldnt hurt a fly. the alignment in my back is off, and it hurts. i am a strong-willed person, and make the most of things. i couldn’t hurt a fly. my back hurts, daily…

  35. | ligning up.
    | to align.
    | straight.

  36. there is no alignment that is outside the view of objectivity. if the US decides to go to war with someone I dont side with the US just because I live here. My alignment is chosen using logic, and my alignment will usually be with niether side of a war, because it t

    Felix Marlow
  37. I cannot do this well… Maybe I should show Emma this.

  38. Straightness and being in cooperation with one another, has to do with either math or wars, or architecture, you have to make sure the beams are aligned making your log cabin so it doesn’t fall apart when the wind batters it from side to side, like that bridge that went crazy that one time.. perfection.

  39. i meant to draw a line

    steady jay
  40. Straightness and being in cooperation with one another, has to do with either math or wars, or architecture, you have to make sure the beams are aligned making your log cabin so it doesn’t fall apart when the wind batters it from side to side, like that bridge that went crazy that one time.. perfection.
