
December 19th, 2009 | 630 Entries

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630 Entries for “alignment”

  1. the word is alignment. You must align the margins on your term paper. I graded a term paper today and it was seriously out of line. I corrected it telling the student that you should always keep yours margins in alightment.

  2. as the correct alignment of car wheels is very much necessary for a smooth drive similarly proper or balanced alignment among different spheres of life is necessary to come out winning at the end of it. End is going to happen but its only few who find themselves satisfied with what they have achieved during their journey towards the end..

  3. cars are supposed to be in alignment.. the tires. but everything in life is supposed to be in alignment. if not = chaos. i want my values to be in alignment with my actions. i want my behaviors to be in alignment with my priorities. and i want my teeth to be in alignment with my gums.

  4. the alignment on my car is so fucked. I cant drive and jerk off at the same time anymore. fuck my balls

    Mastif cock
  5. straight

  6. To put all your text inside the alignment of a page is just like to limit your life in the rules of society. We all have to keep it in the borders.

  7. Is the stuff that is in the correct spot, like not my life.

  8. being in tune with life. with nature, yourself, those around you. the ability to fufil what you are put on the earth to do. everything is right. everything is good. working in alignment

  9. The alignment of the wheels were right. Billy knew it. He took his roller blades downtown to Big Bob’s Skate Repair to have him take a look. The trip only took fifteen minutes. (A small neighborhood.)

    Bob turned one of them in hand, squinting his eye as he held it towards the light. “Looks like a wheel is cracked.”


    “What have you been doing, tricks?” Bob said, raising his eyebrow in amusement.


    Bill fidgeted. He broke eye contact because the man’s eyes seem to bore a hole into him.

    Gouldin Lion
  10. alignment is about things being neat and orderly, in the place where the SHOULD be. this includes the way people expect them to be, and it could vary for each person- but most likely it will be the status quo. the way THEY wanted us it to be positioned. so when i think alignment, i think of power structures.

    Jeff Zohn
  11. The trees were in perfect alignment with the bench. It was eerie; how something so beautiful could be so artificially placed. What happened to the world being beautiful on its own? Was all natural beauty disappearing only to be replaced with fake manufactured brilliance?

  12. the world needs to have more things that are aligned together. i feel like the stars should be aligned to make a wonderful picture for all to enjoy however i know i know i would never see it even if they did. blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

  13. steady hands
    arms guiding his body
    muscles arch and power beneath me
    reins hold mouth in straight lines
    art forming into math
    spirit forming into strength
    the horse

  14. Its all arranged so why does it have to be aligned? its so pointless, just have it near, if its not perfect that fine, whatever. prefection is overrated. Stupid perfectionists.

  15. book

  16. “All right, so what’s your character’s alignment?”

    “Chaotic evil!!”

    “…ok, no. Chaotic evil isn’t allowed in this game.”

    “But why not? I just want to go around and kill people! That’s what you do in these games, right?”

    “Look, kid. We take this stuff more seriously than Fable or some other console game. You can’t just do whatever you want. You have to play your character.”

    “Right, and I want to play a Chaotic Evil character.”

    I gave up.

  17. alignment

  18. alignment

  19. sexually aligning the genitals can make the jesus freak uncomfortable. to ease his pain creat an alignment between his neck and a guitien and let loose

  20. The planets. Constantly, but never in one. As one. You read it all the time. “and the planets aligned…” But when has it ever happened? I’m sure I don’t know. I may never. How could it? Is it even possible? I wouldn’t know.

    Rebekah Rae
  21. Your heart is rarely in alignment with your mind, but mine are frighteningly collaborative. Two weaknesses only make a bigger weakness.

  22. The tragedy of the organization was that it was destined to follow a divine plan. But the political forces were too strong within the weak minds that inhabited that organization. They could not work together, see together, even EXIST together. There was no alignment, there was only disarray and drama. So the organization fell and another rose up in its place. And although the path was clear and the slate clean, once again, the forces of politics, of ego, of human frailty arose, and the trajectory of the communal effort went in a million different directions. The organization was doomed for failure.

  23. so my car was acting funny and i thought it might be out of alignment. a lot like my life right now. the car is easier to fix. i don’t even have to do it myself. drop it off, write a check. done. fin. i guess theere are people that’ll fix me, but my car is more important right now.

    M E.
  24. The alignment of the stars was magnificent. We couldn’t believe our eyes. It was in this moment we were free of the idea that life was enjoyable as long as we didn’t die… no more living through the assumption that we exist in the first place.

    shawn theswan mc
  25. It’s having one thing exactly at the same time as another. It’s perfection. It’s beauty. It’s an obsessive compulsive’s dream. Alignment.

  26. When things are aligned, they are ordered into arrays that are sometimes necessary. Alignment can be good, but it can equally be destructive. If someone doesn’t want to be aligned they shouldn’t have to be although sometimes it is necessary. Alignment is a sometimes word. It’s completely circumstantial.

    Alex Israel
  27. the alignment of your feet take you places you’ve never been before if you just let them.

    Mary Lou Wynegar
  28. and then everything just fell into place. the stars the galaxy, the planets. everything was perfect. the moment balanced in the air, fragile, so perfect, cupped in the hands of two people who had no idea what to do with it.
    they stood.
    they stared.
    the night’s stars had fallen into line as well, circling both their irises, perfectly.

    Maleika J
  29. I need to get the alignment in my car checked. That’s not a terribly exciting thing to write about, but it’s true. I have a whole list of stuff I’m supposed to get done to or checked out on my car, I just need to get around to actually doing it, as soon as I have the cash to pay for it. Sometimes being a grownup isn’t much fun at all.

  30. alignment. how do you explain this? things have to be aligned. ocd. perfect society. but things never are. never.

  31. lined up with who you are, well balanced and aligned vehicle,a – line- ment one with a line in tact

  32. middle center parallel. back alignment. rested. align your soul with your hear and your feelings. let alignment take place.

  33. middle center it’s together parallel like a cock idk what else to writel

  34. Everything in its right place. Snow falls down, one crystalline structure rests upon another. There is strength in numbers. It numbs toes. It freezes your gears. It kills sound.

    It makes everything beautiful.

  35. when I am dancing I am always thinking about my alignment and how I am placing my body, but sometimes it is just better to not think at all and let my body act on instinct. the body is smarter than I think it is.

  36. the alignment of your teeth is very important in creating a healthy looking smile. whiteness of the teeth is also a factor. a healthy smile makes you look youthful and is attributed to the overall health of a person. heart disease has been linked to unhealthy gums.

  37. Align your body, heart, and soul with mine.
    Let us become one, let us intertwine.
    Feel this connection I know we will have.
    If only you knew me and gave me the chance.

  38. alignment. who knows anything about alignment. no one is aligned properly. so much influence and bullshit and existence. there is no such a thing. crisis crisis crisis

  39. things being straight in a row everything matching perfectly things fitting together and working perfectly. linear. in a row.

  40. adopadouheri97qudposjvkndbvlakdalsdpoqw[eiqoefnsfnmv als’klsoiepqojwnbfsnmdmc;laks’SD
