
December 19th, 2009 | 630 Entries

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630 Entries for “alignment”

  1. THe earth aligns with the other planets in 2012 or so I have heard. Everything is in perfect alignment. No matter what you see or hear, you and everything else is perfectly in line. You and everything else are working in perfect harmony together. Everything is always going to be alright. You should not worry about things os much

  2. it speaks about order. you have a place. you line up in this spot. you don’t go anywhere else. you’re in focus. not outside of the lines. it’s got a “g” in in that’s not necessary. which makes the word seem almost a contradiction. it’s an unnecessarilly long word about conformity

  3. this is the most confusing thing ive ever seen in my life. the pressure is enormous and it is obviously the brainchild of some demented sicko who loves putting people on the spot. the word is

  4. I hate getting my car in alignment. I got it done and a week later got in a car accident and had to get it done again! SOOOO LAME!!!!!!

  5. aligment is pretty cool. i use a ruler to align stuff and often it’s just plain boring too. my teeth are gonna get aligned by braces soon. nice shiny braces :) and my dad uses a laser aligner thingy and drilling a hole in the wall to hang a paiting on. its pretty damn cool

  6. I like to align myself to the standards that I set in my life. I also like to make sure my muscules, skeletal structure, and posture is in alignment. Alignment, alignment, alignment…yeaaahhh

  7. I usually think of how the tires of cars are out of alignment and how that makes the cars tend two swerve one way or the other. I have always thought that this was like the cars wanted to bring you somewhere other than your planned destination.

  8. I think of writing, I imagine a paper being written on my computer. The tab button comes to mind. Also I think about people getting in line, and conforming to a crowd or to society. I conform by writing the required papers with margins. And I think that conforming is stu

    Andy A
  9. Well, alignment is usually used in describing where one is relevant to others on the same scale.

  10. when everything is in alignment, it tends to lean a little more towards the sensible side of it all and steer a bit away from the absurd. When i say ‘everything is in alignment,’ I of course mean to say I’m in an altered state and not lonely or alone. Sometime, when like minded souls line up, everything else does as well.

  11. My chiropractor used to align my back and neck. I kind of wish he was still doing that because they’ve been KILLING me lately. College is stressful. I don’t know why my back won’t be better now that finals are over.

  12. alignment , aleign, straight , plain, straight forward, in place, order, role, column, room, place, brain, roses, garden, plane, flower, why do we align things? entroypy , entory, what ever any way that is it . ok this is the end i guess

  13. it wasn’t like the thing was that crooked, i just couldn’t get the alignment right. I mean how hard could it be. I’m moving the wood and twisting the base, but i can’;t get it straight for the life of me. It’s like one of those dreams where you try and do some simple task but no matter how hard you try you just can’t do it.

  14. it all seriously needs new alignment, the sun, the moon the stars, my attitude, my pay rate, my car’s front end, how does it happen that so many things need that sort of help. and how did they get un-aligned (if you will)?

  15. straight,centered,in place,correct,

  16. Keep it straight. Point to point. Even tempered. Running together to infinity.

  17. i think i’m out of it right now because of the snow, maybe, or i guess it’s just not the general state of things these days. is that really so bad? they say i should wash my car because it’s dirty. i think that’s a similar sort of problem. the alignment’s good. mine’s not. i’m tired. i thought it said ailment at first up there.

  18. alignment

  19. alignmet

  20. Existing in near perfection of the straight and narrow. Our “as we know it” kind of world depends on us failing this very thing we call alignment. With it we go nowhere.

    Only straight forward.

  21. Two things next to each other parallels like queens and kings. Held and beheld a god versus a goddess. And she tells me crazy things like “I don’t understand why we have state flags” or things about the sky falling in, but really I just think that this is all malaligned.

  22. An alignment

  23. the aligntment of the stars was destiend to prove teh ancestry of a holy house. the family that occupied this house had a rich history of blatently murdering infants and eating them for the nbenifit of the scraper gods of their century. it was an important time for thsi family in the 1960s for thsi family because of the prol

  24. Being in a straight line or lining up so that everything works right. We need to be in alignment with our selves in order to have a good life. Aligning our cars is also important.

  25. the straightening of something… life, one’s emotions. an order of events that had been chaos previously. A hope in order.

  26. The moons had come into alignment. The prince stood on the balcony of his castle, gazing grimly at the sky. The time had come. He had this one chance to save his people and his land, and he could not give it up. There was no going back now. He could not change his fate, nor did he wish to. It frightened him, yes, and his body trembled- yet his heart burned, and he could do as he must. Turning, he left the balcony fo the last time.

  27. fj

  28. is the positioning of two things so they can create a perfect match.

  29. things are aligned like the stars. sometimes the stars align in the right way for two people to fall in love. that’s the best kind. alignment, to me, has a positive conatation. like things are in the place they should be. things can happen when everything is aligned.

  30. togetherness…all is one and everything’s in place…life is as it should be…two arrows running together in perfecr harmony

  31. all straight no turning back now i’ve gotta do it, in the end of the road i’ll find what i want. sun is heavy, air is heavy. dessert. road. long road, also heavy. sometimes, a motorbike goes by. or a truck. or a car. nobody picks me up. i don’t even bother to ask anymore, but i’ll just wish for them to stop without me stopping them.

  32. bones. bone alignment. bones out of place. affecting the body. body. body movement. breathing. hearts beating. beating fast. gasp, heart breaking.

    candice m veg.
  33. I was riding down the road the other day when I remember that my car was due for repair. I took it into the nearest automotive repair shop I could find. They said my alignment was off and that’s why I hit that cat on the side of the road.

  34. The alignment of the sidewalk is crooked and it pisses me off because i can’t walk in a straight line when i take my dogs outside at night. My O.C.D about perfection is forcing me to confess that i don’t think i will take my dogs for a walk down that particular sidewalk all because the alignment isn’t perfect.

  35. Alignment is everything straight. You want you’re pictures to be aligned just right so they can look pretty. Yoga is all about the alignment of you’re body, when you’re body is aligned you are happy. It’s an ocd thing for me, I like things to be straight.

  36. When things match up. Sometimes, this just doesnt happen. But maybe thats the point in life; that everything isnt aligned.

  37. In our lives it seems as if this never really happens, we are always trying to reach this state where things feel right. We try to find the middle road but often go off course…perhaps things weren’t meant to be aligned or symertrical or perfect.

    Sarah Levy
  38. Alignment. staying in focus. straight. going on the same path, but in balance with the rest of the surrounding world. In alignment in mind. body. spirit. eyes gazing, arms raised to the side, one foot after the other. walking toward

  39. Being straight and ridged with precise measurements in many different situations and having different lengths.

  40. the alignment of my car was a bit messed up after I hit a pot hole going too fast. The alignment is a bit to the right now and I feel I should bring it to the auto shop to get fixed up. When I did bring it, the man said that my alignment was off.
