if thats what you say so, god…why am i even doing this? ah the birds and the trees and the sky up above shines down so softly against my skin as i ponder on the reason of the spell of this coming season for i fear for the smell of you. ashole
i am in alignment with my true self.
I am far from aligned. My life is terribly off balanced but i feel as though i’ve never een one to live life straight. Crooked is where all the fun is at.
stars. When stars align, amazing things happen. Love is made. Wait, is that just in fairytales? Is that real life?
sometimes, everything is right.
you’re friends and you see Avatar and it’s gorgeous.
There’s snow.
It’s Christmas break and you can feel it.
after a solid month of bull shit, it feels good that the alignment’s finally right.
A droog
A great word today for my own alignment has come under questionable stability. I’ve great thoughts but they seem to be held back by some invisible force. Call it sloth, or call it just being lazy. It has driven me to give up some of my goals for humanity and focus on those centered around me. Am I to be lawful or chaotic in nature, that is the question I must ask myself in due time. For if this deterioration does not stop, how far will my mind stray from glorious to notorious? I wish to be of true neutral alignment.
Eric Harrell
the alignment of the stars is a beautiful idea. light, in perfect symmetry…but it portends a cataclysmic event. not negative, necessarily, tho’ by nature i suppose cataclysimic events tend toward the dreary.
the stars align for you and i and as i toss and turn throughout the night, your body is in alignment with mine. and your hands fit right above mine and your lips are the perfect shape for mine. your sweet arms encasing my body as if they were the last thing you could hold on to. we were perfect, you and i.
alliance, loyalty, school papers: margins. :)
Standing for what you believe in.
Harmony, belief, working together. things being what they’re supposed to be.
is is impossible to achieve with your sleeves to your knees, and you’ve lost it completely. it fell from the back of the cab as you rushed through the doors, through the slush.
samantha k
my back is poorly aligned. i cannot write with one foot on the chair. vertebrae are out of order and the pain is a dull but gaining intensity. i would like to write about alignment but i cant until my spine is aligned.
Alignment: To line up shit so it’s not crooked. Like your back. If it’s out of line, you can’t walk well. And we would all like to walk well. I mean, I would like to be able to walk…
The line was straight. Like a shot. It rent the night like talons through black velvet. It let out a high-pitched squeal akin to the line itself. For it emanated as one, aligned.
spinal cord of a thin young girl
destined to be the body of a cello
in F
To show that things are in order. Once things are in order, you know there is stability. Stability isn’t something I normally associate with things being in a line. Think of arcs: they are CURVED, not straight, making a line the least useful method of construction in such cases. A pyramid would not stand straight if it were vertical. But alignment goes beyond up and down; it can transcend space to create order.
alignment is very important in dance. align your spine, knees. my knees aren’t properly aliged, it sucks. and speaking of spines i have an extra vertabrae, i guess that’s cool. ballet, yoga all that fun stuff helps with alignment. i think things on cars need to be aligned too. woo, alignment!! confomrity go yay!
There is a small couch in the center of my room, and for some reason I can’t align it with any other piece of furniture. I don’t want to get rid of it, because it would be sad and homeless, but I don’t know where to put it.
alignment? alignment of the world, of the stars– what is aligned? simply designating two points in three dimensional space signifies some alignment. Any two points. Anywhere in the universe. Everything is aligned. You can draw a line between any two points.
logan b.
we aligned the stars that night and i felt that monday disintegrate beneath my feet as i hurried to class with an earthquake in my stomach. screaming, shouting, running. always you. me, i walked tranquil into the universe. i felt calm, i walked, i spoke quietly. that changed that monday or was it tuesdays? alls i can speak is the tongue of disorder because i am one.
the alignment of anything has to be correct or else you go off to the side. As on a car, if the alignment is not right then the car will either start to travel left or right.
i dont know what to write. this entire sentence is out of alignment. ur out of alignment, im out of alignment, ur mother and ur father and ur grandmother are out of alignment. no one knows how to align, they just kind of disperse… someone line themselves up with someone and stay there
Showing straightness and providing direction. To go straight and in a set route or formation. To be in order and have some type of uniform stance.
vertical alignment of the vertebrae
what is going on
i am getting tired
i want to wash my face and go to sleep and sleep all day tomorrow
align align malign
alignment of the axes
horizontal alignment
vertically aligned
sometimes i think im completely out of alignment just some dirty ass rubber tire going a few degrees in the wrong direction… who’s to say what the right direction is, though? if im so wrong, whos making the rules? why not me? idk… its slowly driving me crazy tho. i can feel it creeping up.
Sometime during our lives we must all look into our hearts
To see where they lie
Do we offer more love, or do we pour out hate
Who are we?
Kyle Falconer
The planets are in alignment, my back is in alignment, and hopefully soon my life will be too. Alignment is what we strive for, because symmetry is perfection. Alignment is my future career, as I am studying to be a chiropractor!
Alignment is such a silly idea. The aligning of teeth, books, anything really. Its all just not worth it. Un-organization. That really is the key that we all need to understand. I like the idea of that. Alignment. Nah. Thats not needed.
preparing, getting things in order, aligning your car?
my back is not in alignment. what is this website about? is it going to do something interesting or is it just a silly thing that makes you write about alignment for 60 seconds? I’m a very very reality based creature and it does not spark my imagination. I tend to describe or question. So why cant I just use a pencil and paper and a clock?
Fucking tires. I need my tires aligned. there’s really no way to reach me.
ALightment makes me think of planets I suppose, and symmetry, about how things in the universe sort of just fit together and when they’re not perfectly aligned they’re that much better. I wish my figures were better alligned so I could type faster.
alignment of the stars is something unbelievable. Although I have no idea what that means. I have had my tires aligned and that is somehow unrelated to the stars alignment. I keep thinking of some math principles of alignment, concurrent points
Mark Blumstein
I always wondered about the alignment and spacing buttons on a writing program. I am one of those people that likes to just play with things. I would play with it and totally mess up my document. I guess that sort of serves me right.
this is something in your spine and it gets all out of sideways when you get in a car wreck but have you ever? me neither my boyfriend drives like a pussy and I think we’ll get in a wreck because of that and he does other things that make my spine mis-align but not here not going to pontificate on that. what i mean is get me aprotractor and a a tractor and a clear triangle. I’ll party like pythagorus.
I’ll align you with my heart, perpendicular to my soul and hope that you dont fall. THis alignmnent doesnt work, were too close, move away before it over.
There’s something wrong here. I don’t know what is it. It’s just not… right. I can feel it by looking at it. Maybe it’s the way the books are lined up. Yes, it’s that. They’re not aligned correctly, how sad.
every text in a word document must be in proper alignment.
if thats what you say so, god…why am i even doing this? ah the birds and the trees and the sky up above shines down so softly against my skin as i ponder on the reason of the spell of this coming season for i fear for the smell of you. ashole
i am in alignment with my true self.
I am far from aligned. My life is terribly off balanced but i feel as though i’ve never een one to live life straight. Crooked is where all the fun is at.
stars. When stars align, amazing things happen. Love is made. Wait, is that just in fairytales? Is that real life?
sometimes, everything is right.
you’re friends and you see Avatar and it’s gorgeous.
There’s snow.
It’s Christmas break and you can feel it.
after a solid month of bull shit, it feels good that the alignment’s finally right.
A great word today for my own alignment has come under questionable stability. I’ve great thoughts but they seem to be held back by some invisible force. Call it sloth, or call it just being lazy. It has driven me to give up some of my goals for humanity and focus on those centered around me. Am I to be lawful or chaotic in nature, that is the question I must ask myself in due time. For if this deterioration does not stop, how far will my mind stray from glorious to notorious? I wish to be of true neutral alignment.
the alignment of the stars is a beautiful idea. light, in perfect symmetry…but it portends a cataclysmic event. not negative, necessarily, tho’ by nature i suppose cataclysimic events tend toward the dreary.
the stars align for you and i and as i toss and turn throughout the night, your body is in alignment with mine. and your hands fit right above mine and your lips are the perfect shape for mine. your sweet arms encasing my body as if they were the last thing you could hold on to. we were perfect, you and i.
alliance, loyalty, school papers: margins. :)
Standing for what you believe in.
Harmony, belief, working together. things being what they’re supposed to be.
is is impossible to achieve with your sleeves to your knees, and you’ve lost it completely. it fell from the back of the cab as you rushed through the doors, through the slush.
my back is poorly aligned. i cannot write with one foot on the chair. vertebrae are out of order and the pain is a dull but gaining intensity. i would like to write about alignment but i cant until my spine is aligned.
Alignment: To line up shit so it’s not crooked. Like your back. If it’s out of line, you can’t walk well. And we would all like to walk well. I mean, I would like to be able to walk…
The line was straight. Like a shot. It rent the night like talons through black velvet. It let out a high-pitched squeal akin to the line itself. For it emanated as one, aligned.
spinal cord of a thin young girl
destined to be the body of a cello
in F
To show that things are in order. Once things are in order, you know there is stability. Stability isn’t something I normally associate with things being in a line. Think of arcs: they are CURVED, not straight, making a line the least useful method of construction in such cases. A pyramid would not stand straight if it were vertical. But alignment goes beyond up and down; it can transcend space to create order.
alignment is very important in dance. align your spine, knees. my knees aren’t properly aliged, it sucks. and speaking of spines i have an extra vertabrae, i guess that’s cool. ballet, yoga all that fun stuff helps with alignment. i think things on cars need to be aligned too. woo, alignment!! confomrity go yay!
There is a small couch in the center of my room, and for some reason I can’t align it with any other piece of furniture. I don’t want to get rid of it, because it would be sad and homeless, but I don’t know where to put it.
alignment? alignment of the world, of the stars– what is aligned? simply designating two points in three dimensional space signifies some alignment. Any two points. Anywhere in the universe. Everything is aligned. You can draw a line between any two points.
we aligned the stars that night and i felt that monday disintegrate beneath my feet as i hurried to class with an earthquake in my stomach. screaming, shouting, running. always you. me, i walked tranquil into the universe. i felt calm, i walked, i spoke quietly. that changed that monday or was it tuesdays? alls i can speak is the tongue of disorder because i am one.
the alignment of anything has to be correct or else you go off to the side. As on a car, if the alignment is not right then the car will either start to travel left or right.
i dont know what to write. this entire sentence is out of alignment. ur out of alignment, im out of alignment, ur mother and ur father and ur grandmother are out of alignment. no one knows how to align, they just kind of disperse… someone line themselves up with someone and stay there
Showing straightness and providing direction. To go straight and in a set route or formation. To be in order and have some type of uniform stance.
vertical alignment of the vertebrae
what is going on
i am getting tired
i want to wash my face and go to sleep and sleep all day tomorrow
align align malign
alignment of the axes
horizontal alignment
vertically aligned
sometimes i think im completely out of alignment just some dirty ass rubber tire going a few degrees in the wrong direction… who’s to say what the right direction is, though? if im so wrong, whos making the rules? why not me? idk… its slowly driving me crazy tho. i can feel it creeping up.
Sometime during our lives we must all look into our hearts
To see where they lie
Do we offer more love, or do we pour out hate
Who are we?
The planets are in alignment, my back is in alignment, and hopefully soon my life will be too. Alignment is what we strive for, because symmetry is perfection. Alignment is my future career, as I am studying to be a chiropractor!
Alignment is such a silly idea. The aligning of teeth, books, anything really. Its all just not worth it. Un-organization. That really is the key that we all need to understand. I like the idea of that. Alignment. Nah. Thats not needed.
preparing, getting things in order, aligning your car?
my back is not in alignment. what is this website about? is it going to do something interesting or is it just a silly thing that makes you write about alignment for 60 seconds? I’m a very very reality based creature and it does not spark my imagination. I tend to describe or question. So why cant I just use a pencil and paper and a clock?
Fucking tires. I need my tires aligned. there’s really no way to reach me.
ALightment makes me think of planets I suppose, and symmetry, about how things in the universe sort of just fit together and when they’re not perfectly aligned they’re that much better. I wish my figures were better alligned so I could type faster.
alignment of the stars is something unbelievable. Although I have no idea what that means. I have had my tires aligned and that is somehow unrelated to the stars alignment. I keep thinking of some math principles of alignment, concurrent points
I always wondered about the alignment and spacing buttons on a writing program. I am one of those people that likes to just play with things. I would play with it and totally mess up my document. I guess that sort of serves me right.
this is something in your spine and it gets all out of sideways when you get in a car wreck but have you ever? me neither my boyfriend drives like a pussy and I think we’ll get in a wreck because of that and he does other things that make my spine mis-align but not here not going to pontificate on that. what i mean is get me aprotractor and a a tractor and a clear triangle. I’ll party like pythagorus.
I’ll align you with my heart, perpendicular to my soul and hope that you dont fall. THis alignmnent doesnt work, were too close, move away before it over.
There’s something wrong here. I don’t know what is it. It’s just not… right. I can feel it by looking at it. Maybe it’s the way the books are lined up. Yes, it’s that. They’re not aligned correctly, how sad.
every text in a word document must be in proper alignment.
The alignment of my wheels was done by a pro.