The alignment of the stars are right. The evil has struck. The hero must go out and stop them. Before I get hungry and eat them. Yum, heroes.
and when our eyes align, maybe you’ll look at me and see what you’ve become.
Alignment is making everything straight and perfect. It requires focus. This could be aligning your goals, or aligning the papers on your desk. It is about prioritizing and organizing.
The rat had it all figured it out, he was behind the door with his little rodent teeth holding down a string. That string was tied up to a spoon and was in perfect alignment with a cat food canister that stood by the sink. The plan was simple, make the cat food a decoy for the rodent to finally find his way back home.
My car is in dire need of alignment.So is my life i know what to do i just cant figure out how my life is just o
Where do we stand? Where do we fall?
The allies we make define us in a way, and yet we strive to be different from the pack.
And yet, in a way, this too is a way in which we are controlled by others, striving not to be like them.
Albert Berg
straight, page, Word programe, make straight, everything fits to one side, looks nice, looks even on all sides,
you can align the stars into constellations and think about it all you want but whats written in the stars wont dictate your life. nor will it complete it & make it in perfect harmony or “alignment”. there for its crap.
She was off on a tangent and she knew it. His eyes darted off to the the left, the right, any direction but hers. It was time to bring the conversation back to something he could relate to, something in his universe.
all the spaces filled in, everything smashed together
this is moving, coping blending
alignment means staying in line
i align myself in the direction of a sucess that has been defined time and again because it’s the easiest way to go
i don’t know who i am, but that’s alright
everyone else dpes
what is straight what is crooked who decides? How do we know what it out of alignment? A warning bell in our life to tell us stop you are spinning to fast carrying to much? Then what?
The alignment of her teeth were a little bit off. The dentist decided to send her to an orthodontist to fix this slight problem. When she arrived at the orthodontist she realized that this would not me a normal day, it would be a very odd one. This orthodontist was like none other.
Meg Martz
so you do it right.really.i don’t understand it know i am not very good at writing i even do not know what it is is so good.i am happy.
You fit, you don’t fit. You correlate, you don’t correlate. You agree, you disagree. Juxtaposing next to something.
Melissa Navarro
The first time I have ever encountered “alignment” was in the courtesy of Bill Gates.
I never used it in a sentence, but it is sure nice to try
Alignment is a straight line. It is cool, I like things in straight lines, because they are neat and straight. Alignment is also cool because it has a silent G in the word. That is awesome. Why need the G?
When Katie cried everything went wrong. The skies would open up and look down in sorrow. The sun would stop shining in pity. The alignment of the world would be off.
I checked the alignment again. Still out by five millimeters. I grabbed the fine-adjustment tool from my bag and cut my finger on my utility knife. Damn. I wiped the blood on my shirt, and set to work correcting the alignment.
There is so many things I wish I can align. Where I should be and where my heart should belong. Or to whom it should belong. I wish choosing isn’t so hard. I wish I can align the stars to form his name. I love you, Patrick
the alignment of something in space, as in a planet or even the stars. once everything has come into alignment its amazing the different things that can happen. even just a series of events.
alignment, when i think about alignment, which i have been told not to, my mind fills with many a wonderous things involving alignment…like the great alignment tribe of antartica, which use straight edged rulers to live day to day.
Monkey nugget 600
Never perfect. Never in balance. Never can be evil, never can be good. Everything and nothing. Necessary chaos we need to live, because we need some ilusion of an order.
Norian Sunda
the sun met with the moon and the earth in an alignment that would shade our field into darkness. for the few seconds i sat there in pitch black wondering at the immensity of the world and space and how i was just this little insignificant human amongst all these stars.
c campbell
My whole life is out of alignment. Nothing works anymore. There’s not a single thing that is in any semblance of order. My finances are a mess. My relationships are a mess. My house is a mess. My mind is a mess. I’m out of harmony with the universe. Out of harmony with myself. Out of harmony with spirit. The question is, how do you regain it?
Our spinal colums switching places. Twisting, reverting to rigid mortality.
alignment is a word, a very good word. Alignment, Ilike. Other words I like not so much but alignment is definitely one that i like. I mean putting things straight. Aligning them. How many things in the world do you know that need to be put straight? That remain, unstraight if you will. Sort out the squints in your life nad you will achieve alignment.
my hands hurt! is that blood? where’s it from? me?
oh god! what’s happening?!
breath! relax. take it easy. think. what would someone in their right mind do?
close the eyes and remember.
am I here?
what’s under me?
asleep in bed
Can be construed as a measurement, used in construction and similar occupations. However, it can also be used as a reference to morality, as is seen in the awesome Xbox game Fable. Whether or not you can choose your alignment is an unsolved issue.
i felt alive.
like positive & negative
met w/ a kiss
& everything fit
so easily;
this divine being-
her fingers aligned
with the spaces between mine,
and her growing pupils
captured me
without a fight;
i’ll smile toward the
placement of the stars tonight.
alingment. when the planets align :) and destiny seems to perfectly fir your life…
Yoga is all about proper alignment. I need to work on my posture, as I do not thin that I have proper alignment of my spine while I’m simply walking around. I think it causes back and knee pain, and it would help my core strength to walk with proper alignment.
I’m thinking about how in Hercules the stars align and that’s got something to do with the trapped monsters and how he defeats Hades or something like that and that freaky underworld with all the swimming souls. God, Meg is so cool in the Disney movie.
staright. ahead. of anything. of everything. just striaght. keep going, you’ll get there. it’s not as far as you thought. don’t hit walls, climb them. but keep going. they are there to disencourage those who will put up with them.
My car probably needs one. On the highway, it pulls to the right, and the tires are most likely wearing unevenly. I am not putting another dime into that money pit though. I can’t justify it anymore.
What is alignment but the notion of having things organized. I can’t remember the last time that everything worked out exactly as I had organized it. Alignment needs to mean more than a straight line.
I dunno
just when things match up
lines, people, fate
all of that stuff.
ha :)
its all about going to the right side of anything dont let youreself get caught in the wrong side of anything specially if its an argument
The alignment of the stars are right. The evil has struck. The hero must go out and stop them. Before I get hungry and eat them. Yum, heroes.
and when our eyes align, maybe you’ll look at me and see what you’ve become.
Alignment is making everything straight and perfect. It requires focus. This could be aligning your goals, or aligning the papers on your desk. It is about prioritizing and organizing.
The rat had it all figured it out, he was behind the door with his little rodent teeth holding down a string. That string was tied up to a spoon and was in perfect alignment with a cat food canister that stood by the sink. The plan was simple, make the cat food a decoy for the rodent to finally find his way back home.
My car is in dire need of alignment.So is my life i know what to do i just cant figure out how my life is just o
Where do we stand? Where do we fall?
The allies we make define us in a way, and yet we strive to be different from the pack.
And yet, in a way, this too is a way in which we are controlled by others, striving not to be like them.
straight, page, Word programe, make straight, everything fits to one side, looks nice, looks even on all sides,
you can align the stars into constellations and think about it all you want but whats written in the stars wont dictate your life. nor will it complete it & make it in perfect harmony or “alignment”. there for its crap.
She was off on a tangent and she knew it. His eyes darted off to the the left, the right, any direction but hers. It was time to bring the conversation back to something he could relate to, something in his universe.
all the spaces filled in, everything smashed together
this is moving, coping blending
alignment means staying in line
i align myself in the direction of a sucess that has been defined time and again because it’s the easiest way to go
i don’t know who i am, but that’s alright
everyone else dpes
what is straight what is crooked who decides? How do we know what it out of alignment? A warning bell in our life to tell us stop you are spinning to fast carrying to much? Then what?
The alignment of her teeth were a little bit off. The dentist decided to send her to an orthodontist to fix this slight problem. When she arrived at the orthodontist she realized that this would not me a normal day, it would be a very odd one. This orthodontist was like none other.
so you do it right.really.i don’t understand it know i am not very good at writing i even do not know what it is is so good.i am happy.
You fit, you don’t fit. You correlate, you don’t correlate. You agree, you disagree. Juxtaposing next to something.
The first time I have ever encountered “alignment” was in the courtesy of Bill Gates.
I never used it in a sentence, but it is sure nice to try
Alignment is a straight line. It is cool, I like things in straight lines, because they are neat and straight. Alignment is also cool because it has a silent G in the word. That is awesome. Why need the G?
When Katie cried everything went wrong. The skies would open up and look down in sorrow. The sun would stop shining in pity. The alignment of the world would be off.
I checked the alignment again. Still out by five millimeters. I grabbed the fine-adjustment tool from my bag and cut my finger on my utility knife. Damn. I wiped the blood on my shirt, and set to work correcting the alignment.
There is so many things I wish I can align. Where I should be and where my heart should belong. Or to whom it should belong. I wish choosing isn’t so hard. I wish I can align the stars to form his name. I love you, Patrick
the alignment of something in space, as in a planet or even the stars. once everything has come into alignment its amazing the different things that can happen. even just a series of events.
alignment, when i think about alignment, which i have been told not to, my mind fills with many a wonderous things involving alignment…like the great alignment tribe of antartica, which use straight edged rulers to live day to day.
Never perfect. Never in balance. Never can be evil, never can be good. Everything and nothing. Necessary chaos we need to live, because we need some ilusion of an order.
the sun met with the moon and the earth in an alignment that would shade our field into darkness. for the few seconds i sat there in pitch black wondering at the immensity of the world and space and how i was just this little insignificant human amongst all these stars.
My whole life is out of alignment. Nothing works anymore. There’s not a single thing that is in any semblance of order. My finances are a mess. My relationships are a mess. My house is a mess. My mind is a mess. I’m out of harmony with the universe. Out of harmony with myself. Out of harmony with spirit. The question is, how do you regain it?
Our spinal colums switching places. Twisting, reverting to rigid mortality.
alignment is a word, a very good word. Alignment, Ilike. Other words I like not so much but alignment is definitely one that i like. I mean putting things straight. Aligning them. How many things in the world do you know that need to be put straight? That remain, unstraight if you will. Sort out the squints in your life nad you will achieve alignment.
my hands hurt! is that blood? where’s it from? me?
oh god! what’s happening?!
breath! relax. take it easy. think. what would someone in their right mind do?
close the eyes and remember.
am I here?
what’s under me?
asleep in bed
Can be construed as a measurement, used in construction and similar occupations. However, it can also be used as a reference to morality, as is seen in the awesome Xbox game Fable. Whether or not you can choose your alignment is an unsolved issue.
i felt alive.
like positive & negative
met w/ a kiss
& everything fit
so easily;
this divine being-
her fingers aligned
with the spaces between mine,
and her growing pupils
captured me
without a fight;
i’ll smile toward the
placement of the stars tonight.
alingment. when the planets align :) and destiny seems to perfectly fir your life…
Yoga is all about proper alignment. I need to work on my posture, as I do not thin that I have proper alignment of my spine while I’m simply walking around. I think it causes back and knee pain, and it would help my core strength to walk with proper alignment.
I’m thinking about how in Hercules the stars align and that’s got something to do with the trapped monsters and how he defeats Hades or something like that and that freaky underworld with all the swimming souls. God, Meg is so cool in the Disney movie.
staright. ahead. of anything. of everything. just striaght. keep going, you’ll get there. it’s not as far as you thought. don’t hit walls, climb them. but keep going. they are there to disencourage those who will put up with them.
My car probably needs one. On the highway, it pulls to the right, and the tires are most likely wearing unevenly. I am not putting another dime into that money pit though. I can’t justify it anymore.
What is alignment but the notion of having things organized. I can’t remember the last time that everything worked out exactly as I had organized it. Alignment needs to mean more than a straight line.
I dunno
just when things match up
lines, people, fate
all of that stuff.
ha :)
its all about going to the right side of anything dont let youreself get caught in the wrong side of anything specially if its an argument