
December 19th, 2009 | 630 Entries

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630 Entries for “alignment”

  1. The alignment of the stars to some people can mean a great deal, like an apocolypse. But peanut butter is yummy too. happy day people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. This word again? I thought maybe I’d get another word. Maybe the word is a daily thing. I don’t know. Only he knows. Align, for it is the end of the world as we know it. Creativity is dying in the streets.

  3. in line with whatever you need to be in line with, or if you need to line something with something else. a page. is aligned. if you need to fit more words on a page you can change the alignment. words. like microsoft word. papers of words and margins and middle and right side left side aligned. lines in ink and in pencil

  4. I might need an alignment for my van it keeps pulling to the left. I sure hope it doesn’t cost too much. I also need brake…no fun.

  5. I didn’t realized the alignment on my car was so bad until I felt it pulling to the right, toward the shoulder and the ditch. I was travelling too fast. There was no way to stop the inevitable.

    Doug McIntire
  6. I wish that we could, be aligned in a perfect circle. . The kind that wouldn’t end. . i wish that you would love me. . I would that you would love me. . I wish that my smile was your favorite smile. . I wish that my hair would fall and touch you. . I wish that you would love me. . I wish that you would love me. . I wish my hear wouldn’t break. . I wish you’d love me.

  7. the day drew closer. Everyone knew what effects the alignment of the planets would have on earth. Everyone knew, but no one was ready. Finally, the moment came. Every celestial body in the heavens aligned perfectly. The end days had begun.

    Michael Anderson
  8. what is alligned in this life? The only thing that is a definate is which way you decide to go, although your future is not up to you, and only the outside influences we are still tricked to believe that we are in control of our destiny, but indeed we are not.

  9. alighment is keeping everything in order and not stryaing but at the same time it is the border it is what keeps things in place. think aboot microsoft word there is a whole section on align ment. when you are framing a picture or building anything things have ot be aligned

  10. ny brain fell off of its alignment when i met a girl named death shes a piece of shit and a whore but for some reason i am obssedd with her. she smells like corossion and decayed thoughts but her face looks like a tulip dipped in the devils blood.

  11. alignment alignment alignment alignment alignment alignment alignment alignment alignment alignment alignment alignment align,men

  12. she tried to get back into alignment
    the oil needed to be changed
    the antifreeze was leaking
    but in her heart she knew
    that she would never quite be the same
    the wheels would always be at an angle
    because the love she felt
    was never a trifle
    nor a game
    but she had been called
    the player who had been played
    and she was like an old car
    left to flounder on the roadside
    until the final white plumes of smoke
    devoured her engine
    and left her walking in the snow
    which is probably what she should have been doing
    all along

  13. align

  14. what is needed to make sure everything is correct and in a proper order. without it society crashes and we are in chaos. with it all is calm and as it should be.

  15. Alignment is the assignment of our disillusionment in this world. To be under-represented is the best case scenario for a man wishing for an early grave. There is no remorse for the fallen tears that burn the floor. Align your selves with something and open the door.

  16. The workshop that we all attended was meant to be an exercise in ‘alignment’ of our boss’ wishes and the emplyoyees’. But sadly we felt like idiots for it was to technical to follow through, and in the end everyone gave up.

  17. How the world exists in an equilibrium and the fragility of its components. It is what humans are obsessed with. I don’t know what to write but I just stumbleupon this site but this timer is really making me anxious.

  18. something so important! interesting that this showed up. alignment finds the center. everything has a center. i’m sure the universe’s center is astounding to witness. once a person finds their center, they are free to move in every single direction. but true center cannot be found immediately. it must be worked for, just like anything else worth attaining. but once it’s found, it’s a healthy thing, a very strnog relationship is formed between the center and the self.

    stephanie keller
  19. my alignment aligns with my assignment,
    my wheels roll me right round the cement,
    Cement-ed, forever said, for now we’ll remain for-never dead.

  20. to make something even.

  21. percision. Taut. Logical and parallel. On course as it should be.

  22. going to the tire store I needed and alignment more than the tires, however, in my mad dash to the center; I had a wonderful journey through my mind and the hostess who brought the tools necessary to extract myself from the mad attempts at alignment. When not aligned we are much more in touch with nature and the chaos it brings.

  23. Alignment keeps things together, and in their proper place. Without alignment, the world would be all kinds of topsy turvey. Maybe it would be beneficial to go without alignment for one day. Then, we could appreciate alignment, and all it does for the world.

  24. when we come into balance we align our polarities to begin to bring about positive aspects of self.

    douglas brown
  25. I don’t really feel any kinship to anyone. I could leave or take anyone in my life. I think it may be due to my independence, but does it also make me a bad person? And even though I don’t care enough I always take sides. Maybe I also like conflict. Whatever it is. I like it.

  26. my freaking wheels keep getting messed up and the mechanic said i need to fix the alignment AGAIN which is starting to get really expensive. if only i lived on campus and didnt have to drive to school. sucks.

  27. My car needs one. Its going to cost more than I can pay right now, but I think I can get by for a little while. It’ll get down when it can be done. Simple as that.

  28. im not really sure what alignment means. hell, im not sure what anything means anymore. when i hear this word, i think of the stars aligning. it reminds me of fairytales, of love, of beauty and reminds me that sometimes we arent sure of everything in life, but we gotta move on anyways, or else its pointless

    cheryl ann
  29. what my tires need

  30. it is not an alignment if it does not line up with what you are lining it up to.. it has to match a certain spot to lighn up. sometimes it is hard to lign it up to the spot, and other times it goes in quite easily.

  31. The alignment of our lines were completely wrong, how were we suppose to become the best marching band if we can’t even make our lines straight! Come on, that was the basics of all basics, if you aren’t in a line, get in one! Alignment problems seemed to occur a lot.

  32. dddddddddddddddddddddddddd

  33. with everything perfectly aligned in my life
    stacks of books straightened out,
    perfect piles tucked away
    and my hair straightened to a crisp.
    ive never felt more out of alignment
    everything has never seemed so confusing
    what have i done wrong
    and won’t i ever get things right.

  34. settled sweet in dotted lines against the brackish sky
    between the waves of galaxy i watched the stars align

  35. Dee da dum I just did this one. The three beds in this room are aligned with each other, and the wall, but not symetrically with the windows. I spelled that wrong. I always spell definitely wrong. WHOA but I spelled it right that time. That never happens. So I have to pee really badly.

  36. spacing, how something fits together, how a sentence is put together.

  37. Alignment of the stars. How things become “right” in the universe, or how we explain them. Kind of like God. Just as manmade in my opinion, but differently so, because suddenly the universe is the maker and not a thing with all perfection in the form of a man that judges us.

  38. costs money, I noticed the price when I got a new battery installed in my car last week

  39. asdfasdglakdsbvgjFSD;LDSKVNLFDPAVRNGIasfdpbjkvioanfsdjibvasnfiaosbnjofsbvajisfbifbvioasnvdjsadnvadslkvjklf;alsdhihihihihihihihiiih hi tis is weird~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. my teeth are aligned. They dont know it. but they are. Its kind of like how my friends think im gay. but im really not. thats how i get to see the girls naked every now and then.

    james doe.