this is the official color for yellow in a stop light. it is also an actual substance. it has the magic to flow for awhile and then become stiff as a rock, like a woman.
The amber flecks glinted in her eyes like a piece of liquid sunlight that had fell through the clouds after especially trying storm. It glimmered and shone with a pure radiance when the light caught it, and it was a stark contrast with the deep blue that made up her iris.
Amber sun sparkles through the crystal clear air of the dawning morning. Fog has yet to roll in as darks of skies are slowly transforming into light blue, tainted by
The amber light filtered threw the curtains as we lay in each others arms, so content to be where we were in life at this particular time of and so happy with each other.
maxine paradiso
The light dappled across the wall in dancing specks of amber. He twisted the bottle, and it shot out ruby. He smiled, and tucked the bottle away.
her amber hair flowed down her face, cascading about her shoulders in curls. I could almost picture it, her face against the tree that stood outside her old apartment. Amber against amber, I’d always laughed about that. Now, it was all gone. The tree, its amber, and my amber. Those amber locks turned as she walked away
brown colour, an aromatic product from whale, a shade of precious stone, honey shade.
Pavalamani Pragasam
I remember seeing my first piece of amber. Sadly, there was an insect, a prehistoric insect stuck in what once was a liquid. What did this creature feel? What was it like when he/she was alive? All vagaries and none of which a solid answer would come.
the color of his eyes
A type of gemstone that matches the freckles on my girlfriend’s arm and reflects the light, like her eyes. Liquid, tiger fur. Capturing the holder of millenium’s secrets.
She watched as his amber eyes of fiery passion yearned for her innocent, fragile body. Little did she know that she would soon fall for his lustful amber glow.
Jurassic Park comes to mind.
she walked into the drug store. Took a turn left, then right. she stood in front of the aisle. and looked at the numerous bottles of soap. she looked at the one labled amber. she picked it up and studied it. All she could think about was him.
that was kinda lame. sorry.
Amber suddenly became his favorite color. He saw it everywhere he went. In the trees, in the sky, on the ground, everywhere he looked.
It was a pretty color.
He loved it almost as much as he loved Amber herself.
She was the whole entire reason why. Lil’ Amber.
amber makes me think of that skit on ‘the amanda show’ about the chicks that hang out in a bathroom…and the girls like “hey im amber and im soooo popular” and one of the girls was retarded and was always like “i like eggs” and then that manish girl would give people swirlies…weird
classic nickelodeon
Amber is a beautiful, but obscure color. You don’t see it too often. It has a very poetic name, which I believe adds to the quality of it’s appearance. When you find a color in live that qualifies undeniably as Amber, a feeling of warmth and passionate nastolgia takes over.
The glow of the ancient insect trapped in the amber globe fascinated her intensely, causing her to forget the circumstances of her trip to the big city for a moment. The insect was transfixed, suspended, unable to move, just like her frozen emotions.
Waves of grain.
amber is the color of waves, I saw
amber is the t hing that comes out of a tree like sap, it is a color, it is a name. it is prized because bugs freeze in it. It is the name of one of the hottest women ever, Amber Heard. I can’t think of anything else to write, so I’m filling up space.
Amber light infuses my soul, bringing with it thoughts of the coming darkness and blessed rest. Rebirth is too far into the future to worry me now. Just let me bask in the amber light ’til morn.
Janice Lind
she is one of my closest friends, who i love dearly. i was in her wedding, she shall be in mine. yes, sometimes shes a flake, but that’s ok. her family is amazing and i would be proud to consider them my family as well.
amber is the color of waves. it’s also the scent of my favorite lotion. but its sensual amber. which sounds sexy, but it really isn’t. i love colors and everything about stumble. sweet.
you are amber, like the color of the most remote feeling that pulses into the core of my being…you are amber, lik the sound of the wildes wave that wets the dry fles of the sailor…you are amber like the arrow that
His eyes were this weird amber color. I don’t know why it fascinated me so much, really. But it was unusual. And it looked pretty damn cool. So, yeah, I kept staring at his eyes.
Amber is the color of your energy. I don’t like that 311 song that much but it’s one of their most famous ones for some reason and I don’t know why. I’d love to go to their concert again. I had so much fun with that guy who shall not be named. Now he doesn’t even talk to me anymore and I think he kind of hates me. Not the best for my self-esteem, eh? I miss how he used to be.
amber is the color of beauty it is not found commonly and neither is true beauty we need to all be the amber in someones life so that thye know what to truly look for when they think that they have found the perfect person.
In the amber a moth held onto its young, kissing or strangling it, though, it was hard to tell. I felt like that about my children sometimes. Mostly the latter. It kind of encouraged giving that gift to my son as he finished his prison term. I didn’t knock his head with it.
amber is a beautiful color. you think amber and you think fall, or at least i do. i remember one time when i saw a piece of amber with a fly in it. and isn’t it just sap from an oak tree? the color reminds me of leaves, the yellow ones, preferably the oak ones. but other than that, it’s just a color, a stone, a thing to trap bugs in. it’s like a fossil, and it’s pretty. that’s about it.
Amber liquid swished back and forth in his glass. The ice clinked as he slowly took a sip and surveyed the bar. He didn’t quite know what he was doing here tonight. He should be home or back at his hotel room at least. That is what constituted for home these days. Instead he was here looking for a pretty girl to take his mind off the beautiful, dangerous man back in his hotel room.
It took some bravery to open my eyelids. I knew the chlorine would sting at first, but it’s one of those things you have to do. I bent my knees further into the water and tilted my head upwards; I exhaled harder through my nose. I opened my left eye. There were trees above me. Golden, amber trees and a sky to illustrate them. I remained there with one eye opened, in the shallow end of the public pool.
Amber skies and fallen angels are all i could see when i walked off the battlefield. The war had been a brutal one, the toughest mankind ever fought however there was the sense of a victory… that we would live to fight another day.
Pargat Singh
a name that I don’tcare for and don’t know why…sounds like a strippers name…also the color of Bourbon.
lake girl
THe color reminds me of a warm day off the coast of mexico where i once saw my grandfather herding sheep for absolutely no reason i can make sense of.
I had a dog named Amber. I loved her more than anything. She was my puppy, and my companion until the age of ten. She died, and a part of me died with her. She will always be my first dog, and i will always love her.
sweet cuecumber, mama, village, chilhood, spring swimming in the river, love.
amber graces me with her love and I am overwhelme by her beauty I take it all in. I nevere thought Id feel this way oh how it feels to be in love and to feel love all over again to be young and free.
His amber eyes had flickers of gold when the sun reflected off the azure blue water and snow white sand and caught his eye. covered by his grandaddy longleg black eyelashes.. Yes, it was his amber eyes I first fell in love with then learned to not trust.
this is the official color for yellow in a stop light. it is also an actual substance. it has the magic to flow for awhile and then become stiff as a rock, like a woman.
The amber flecks glinted in her eyes like a piece of liquid sunlight that had fell through the clouds after especially trying storm. It glimmered and shone with a pure radiance when the light caught it, and it was a stark contrast with the deep blue that made up her iris.
Amber sun sparkles through the crystal clear air of the dawning morning. Fog has yet to roll in as darks of skies are slowly transforming into light blue, tainted by
The amber light filtered threw the curtains as we lay in each others arms, so content to be where we were in life at this particular time of and so happy with each other.
The light dappled across the wall in dancing specks of amber. He twisted the bottle, and it shot out ruby. He smiled, and tucked the bottle away.
her amber hair flowed down her face, cascading about her shoulders in curls. I could almost picture it, her face against the tree that stood outside her old apartment. Amber against amber, I’d always laughed about that. Now, it was all gone. The tree, its amber, and my amber. Those amber locks turned as she walked away
brown colour, an aromatic product from whale, a shade of precious stone, honey shade.
I remember seeing my first piece of amber. Sadly, there was an insect, a prehistoric insect stuck in what once was a liquid. What did this creature feel? What was it like when he/she was alive? All vagaries and none of which a solid answer would come.
the color of his eyes
A type of gemstone that matches the freckles on my girlfriend’s arm and reflects the light, like her eyes. Liquid, tiger fur. Capturing the holder of millenium’s secrets.
She watched as his amber eyes of fiery passion yearned for her innocent, fragile body. Little did she know that she would soon fall for his lustful amber glow.
Jurassic Park comes to mind.
she walked into the drug store. Took a turn left, then right. she stood in front of the aisle. and looked at the numerous bottles of soap. she looked at the one labled amber. she picked it up and studied it. All she could think about was him.
Amber suddenly became his favorite color. He saw it everywhere he went. In the trees, in the sky, on the ground, everywhere he looked.
It was a pretty color.
He loved it almost as much as he loved Amber herself.
She was the whole entire reason why. Lil’ Amber.
amber makes me think of that skit on ‘the amanda show’ about the chicks that hang out in a bathroom…and the girls like “hey im amber and im soooo popular” and one of the girls was retarded and was always like “i like eggs” and then that manish girl would give people swirlies…weird
Amber is a beautiful, but obscure color. You don’t see it too often. It has a very poetic name, which I believe adds to the quality of it’s appearance. When you find a color in live that qualifies undeniably as Amber, a feeling of warmth and passionate nastolgia takes over.
The glow of the ancient insect trapped in the amber globe fascinated her intensely, causing her to forget the circumstances of her trip to the big city for a moment. The insect was transfixed, suspended, unable to move, just like her frozen emotions.
Waves of grain.
amber is the color of waves, I saw
amber is the t hing that comes out of a tree like sap, it is a color, it is a name. it is prized because bugs freeze in it. It is the name of one of the hottest women ever, Amber Heard. I can’t think of anything else to write, so I’m filling up space.
Amber light infuses my soul, bringing with it thoughts of the coming darkness and blessed rest. Rebirth is too far into the future to worry me now. Just let me bask in the amber light ’til morn.
she is one of my closest friends, who i love dearly. i was in her wedding, she shall be in mine. yes, sometimes shes a flake, but that’s ok. her family is amazing and i would be proud to consider them my family as well.
amber is the color of waves. it’s also the scent of my favorite lotion. but its sensual amber. which sounds sexy, but it really isn’t. i love colors and everything about stumble. sweet.
you are amber, like the color of the most remote feeling that pulses into the core of my being…you are amber, lik the sound of the wildes wave that wets the dry fles of the sailor…you are amber like the arrow that
His eyes were this weird amber color. I don’t know why it fascinated me so much, really. But it was unusual. And it looked pretty damn cool. So, yeah, I kept staring at his eyes.
Amber is the color of your energy. I don’t like that 311 song that much but it’s one of their most famous ones for some reason and I don’t know why. I’d love to go to their concert again. I had so much fun with that guy who shall not be named. Now he doesn’t even talk to me anymore and I think he kind of hates me. Not the best for my self-esteem, eh? I miss how he used to be.
amber is the color of beauty it is not found commonly and neither is true beauty we need to all be the amber in someones life so that thye know what to truly look for when they think that they have found the perfect person.
In the amber a moth held onto its young, kissing or strangling it, though, it was hard to tell. I felt like that about my children sometimes. Mostly the latter. It kind of encouraged giving that gift to my son as he finished his prison term. I didn’t knock his head with it.
amber is a beautiful color. you think amber and you think fall, or at least i do. i remember one time when i saw a piece of amber with a fly in it. and isn’t it just sap from an oak tree? the color reminds me of leaves, the yellow ones, preferably the oak ones. but other than that, it’s just a color, a stone, a thing to trap bugs in. it’s like a fossil, and it’s pretty. that’s about it.
Amber liquid swished back and forth in his glass. The ice clinked as he slowly took a sip and surveyed the bar. He didn’t quite know what he was doing here tonight. He should be home or back at his hotel room at least. That is what constituted for home these days. Instead he was here looking for a pretty girl to take his mind off the beautiful, dangerous man back in his hotel room.
It took some bravery to open my eyelids. I knew the chlorine would sting at first, but it’s one of those things you have to do. I bent my knees further into the water and tilted my head upwards; I exhaled harder through my nose. I opened my left eye. There were trees above me. Golden, amber trees and a sky to illustrate them. I remained there with one eye opened, in the shallow end of the public pool.
Amber skies and fallen angels are all i could see when i walked off the battlefield. The war had been a brutal one, the toughest mankind ever fought however there was the sense of a victory… that we would live to fight another day.
a name that I don’tcare for and don’t know why…sounds like a strippers name…also the color of Bourbon.
THe color reminds me of a warm day off the coast of mexico where i once saw my grandfather herding sheep for absolutely no reason i can make sense of.
I had a dog named Amber. I loved her more than anything. She was my puppy, and my companion until the age of ten. She died, and a part of me died with her. She will always be my first dog, and i will always love her.
sweet cuecumber, mama, village, chilhood, spring swimming in the river, love.
amber graces me with her love and I am overwhelme by her beauty I take it all in. I nevere thought Id feel this way oh how it feels to be in love and to feel love all over again to be young and free.
His amber eyes had flickers of gold when the sun reflected off the azure blue water and snow white sand and caught his eye. covered by his grandaddy longleg black eyelashes.. Yes, it was his amber eyes I first fell in love with then learned to not trust.
eyes glow