Amber is a fat bitch that my buddy used to be married to. I can’t stand that lying whore. She gets on my last nerve. But she is still a human being so we must treat her with respect. Even though, I think she is evil. Yes, evil. She has plans
a glowing piece of sap encasing the fragile beauty of life forever entombed inside.
love and love and love and something good for me please love
“Ready or not?”, Charlotte asked me, nudging me with a good luck jab. The lights were shining in my face, and I had to lift a hand to my eyebrows in order to see into the great beyond. I looked like I was saluting. Saluting who? Or, what, rather. Saluting the lights, I suppose. The lights shining in their beautiful hues, the deep purple, hot pink, and amber, blazing down and illuminating. There was no turning back now. It wasn’t that I was nervous, really. Just a little, excited, I guess. I took a deep breath, cracked a smile, and walked. I stood behind the velvet curtains, listening to the curtain speech, waiting. Anticipating. My heart was fluttering, a feeling I welcome, rather than despise. And, in one final glance at the amber, the pink, and the purple, I was ready. The applause began, the curtain opened, and I stood. “Ready” I whispered.
He was my everything. He was my all-encompassing rock; my foundation that I fell onto whenever I fell…which was often. But he was always there. He surrounded me like an ancient fossil surrounded in amber. That’s quite accurate, actually. I’m frail, I’m dirty, I’m not new… I’m a fossil. But…he’s shiny, he’s sparkling, he’s valuable. He’s certainly amber. He surrounded me. He surrounded me with his support and love. He was my father, my amber.
amber is a beautiful color it is also the name of a really nice girl in my class even though we say hi to each other we seem to be distant since we are not that attracted to each other…
Amber was the color of the Autumn leaves. As the wind gently blew upon them, they fluttered to the ground, coating the ground. Jonathan loathed this time of year. He would rake the leaves into piles and the children would always jump into them. This year he put a beartrap in on and now the children are dead.
the amber encased the perfect insect specimen for more than 2,000,000 years before Speilberg took it our and made 2 GOD DAMN HORRIBLE MOVIES. And one cool one.
The amber necklace that hung low on his chest kept my eyes from his… His sculpted body was so perfect, so …. I just wanted to fucking jump his bones.
amber is the light. a light that might guide, a light that can no longer exists in my life. its gone. lost. forever regretted its loss, but its impossible to tell, but who knows. i do not know if i can still find a way if i do not have this amber light. amber, that was someones name once, someone that i lost. just like the light. but perhaps they where the light, who knows.
Amber is a color that makes me think of fall. I feel warm. It makes me feel love and joy. I think of the forest. Dark, cool and tall.
I met a girl name amber once in sixth grade. I asked her out and she punched me straight in the gonads. I thought ill of her afterwards and whenever I see the amber in Jurrasic Park I get angry and hope theres a mosquito in her.
amber her amber eyes her amber soul
amber fillings and amber love
amber taste and amber hate
Amber eyes met blue ones. Orange fur ruffled as the gray husky stared down on my cat. Then without a single movement– not even a growl– it was over.
She was always kind to me, Amber. I remember how she’d sit behind me in homeroom, sometimes doodling on my neck with her ballpoint pen. I’d sit still and let her, hoping for a surprise when I looked in the mirror: a heart, maybe, or some other token of love. I missed her when she moved away.
Her eyes were like liquid amber against the dark near-twilight sky. He couldn’t help staring at them, but he knew that if he didn’t look away soon, he might become stone in place of the living, breathing, carbon-based life form he was now. But she was so beautiful, so breathtaking, and he couldn’t help wondering if maybe turning into a statue wouldn’t be so bad after all. He wouldn’t mind staring at her forever…and she didn’t seem to mind him staring, either. After all, she was staring back at him. And there was no crime in staring, was there?
Amber, you know, from the dinosaur times. They used to find pieces of it with little bugs trapped inside. Just sitting on a branch when a giant ball of sap rolls down and eats it up.
the jewel was like fire, like her eyes weeping, in that room, in that dark empty space. Her hair fell around her and her voice was deep and throaty. He could not love her. He turned away, and those amber eyes watched him go.
The amber stone glowed in my hand. “Is this what power feels like?” said Tim. His friend looked at him and said, “quit being a dork!” Obviously, Tim was a dork and the stone was not glowing at all. Tim just hoped that one day he would be powerful, and people would respect him. This would be the detriment of his life.
I told her, “Amber, you have to leave.”
She looked at me with that look in her eye that makes me just want to slap her. Fortunantly, I didn’t.
“I can’t be around you any more. I can’t think this way anymore. This sadness that creeps into my skin, it’s all because of you.”
She looked away and then she left. She left for good.
yellow liquid held in place over time encasing small little insects to confuse us later in a more enlightened age.
amber solidifies into a rock, leaving any poor insect fossilized forever in a translucent yellow stone, without ever knowing what hit him.
red and green can not overcome the beauties of something greater.
The whole concept of Jurassic Park is that they managed to resurect loads of different dinosaurs from DNA found in a mosquito, which was preserved in amber. I am not sure that this is actually possible. If it is, I don’t think they should do it.
amber was the color of her eyes. I couldn’t stop staring. If only she had looked back at me. There was nothing behind them, as if her eyes had crystallized in her socket years ago. The last image she was was stuck in her eyes like a mosquito in amber. Who knew the last thing she saw? If only it had been me.
magic me
I love amber. It is orange in color and in Jurassic Park there was a mosquito in amber attached to a cane. I LOVE AMBER. tree sap creates amber and it
she was a slight girl with strikingly blonde hair the kind of hair that hurts your eyes in certain light. she loved to suck my cock so much i had blisters
its a good warm color, also the name of some females, usually they are attractive i guess, the females that is. It also reminds me of jurassic park because the fly was stuck in the sap and the sap was amber and that old guy had it at the top of his cane. he was kinda creepy. when i think of amber i think of warm and happiness type stuff, like a spring day with birds and shit
Your amber eyes are like molten gold. They trap my attention like watching a spider catch a fly. They seem ancient and mystical, like old magic.
The amber contents of the vodka bottle flowed into the shot glass. Geoff picked it up and downed with a toss of his head. He choked violently for a few seconds before composing himself.
“Stuff’s gonna kill me.” he muttered.
Just then the doorbell rang.
Daniel M.
This was a very good friend that had the name amber and she was so nice that every day she gave me a hug and it made me feel whole. The day i found out she had cancer i cried and was sooooooo sad.
She stared down at the amber colored floors. They were honey oak, she wasn’t sure why he had picked something so cheerful. The whole house was cheerful, all of the decisions must have been made by someone else. When she had thought Nathaniel was human, Andy had decided that it must have been his mother. But Nathaniel didn’t have a mother. Nathaniel had been dead for over a thousand years. Maybe another vampire? Or maybe just someone he had hired.
amber is a color it is the color of a rediish red. my frend is named amber. she’s nice, she is funny, i have a dog, not named amber, but a nice dog who is an amber color, it is a nice color, people named amber scare me only because i know amber people.
yellow golden sapcoming from trees i must say that it’s also a name. amber is dried tree sap and it usually encases bugs that happen to get caught in that little blob of sap. the poor bugs end up dying in the dried amber and it’s very sad but oh well it’s a fact of life.
amber has the most interesting, uninteresting life right now. see, her husband has left her for another life. i saw the progression coming…suggestion, then an invitation to swing with the neighbors. soon he was seeing the neighbor;s wife full time. now he’s gone and all amber wants is to have him back.
is the color of your energy.
It was caramel. The color of a name reserved for rich girls like Crystal, and like their names, so easily broken. Amber Tiffany Thiessen was on Saved By The Bell, but do girls like that really get saved? Do they save the world beyond tanning on lifeguard duty?
Amber is a fat bitch that my buddy used to be married to. I can’t stand that lying whore. She gets on my last nerve. But she is still a human being so we must treat her with respect. Even though, I think she is evil. Yes, evil. She has plans
a glowing piece of sap encasing the fragile beauty of life forever entombed inside.
love and love and love and something good for me please love
“Ready or not?”, Charlotte asked me, nudging me with a good luck jab. The lights were shining in my face, and I had to lift a hand to my eyebrows in order to see into the great beyond. I looked like I was saluting. Saluting who? Or, what, rather. Saluting the lights, I suppose. The lights shining in their beautiful hues, the deep purple, hot pink, and amber, blazing down and illuminating. There was no turning back now. It wasn’t that I was nervous, really. Just a little, excited, I guess. I took a deep breath, cracked a smile, and walked. I stood behind the velvet curtains, listening to the curtain speech, waiting. Anticipating. My heart was fluttering, a feeling I welcome, rather than despise. And, in one final glance at the amber, the pink, and the purple, I was ready. The applause began, the curtain opened, and I stood. “Ready” I whispered.
He was my everything. He was my all-encompassing rock; my foundation that I fell onto whenever I fell…which was often. But he was always there. He surrounded me like an ancient fossil surrounded in amber. That’s quite accurate, actually. I’m frail, I’m dirty, I’m not new… I’m a fossil. But…he’s shiny, he’s sparkling, he’s valuable. He’s certainly amber. He surrounded me. He surrounded me with his support and love. He was my father, my amber.
amber is a beautiful color it is also the name of a really nice girl in my class even though we say hi to each other we seem to be distant since we are not that attracted to each other…
Amber was the color of the Autumn leaves. As the wind gently blew upon them, they fluttered to the ground, coating the ground. Jonathan loathed this time of year. He would rake the leaves into piles and the children would always jump into them. This year he put a beartrap in on and now the children are dead.
the amber encased the perfect insect specimen for more than 2,000,000 years before Speilberg took it our and made 2 GOD DAMN HORRIBLE MOVIES. And one cool one.
The amber necklace that hung low on his chest kept my eyes from his… His sculpted body was so perfect, so …. I just wanted to fucking jump his bones.
amber is the light. a light that might guide, a light that can no longer exists in my life. its gone. lost. forever regretted its loss, but its impossible to tell, but who knows. i do not know if i can still find a way if i do not have this amber light. amber, that was someones name once, someone that i lost. just like the light. but perhaps they where the light, who knows.
Amber is a color that makes me think of fall. I feel warm. It makes me feel love and joy. I think of the forest. Dark, cool and tall.
I met a girl name amber once in sixth grade. I asked her out and she punched me straight in the gonads. I thought ill of her afterwards and whenever I see the amber in Jurrasic Park I get angry and hope theres a mosquito in her.
amber her amber eyes her amber soul
amber fillings and amber love
amber taste and amber hate
Amber eyes met blue ones. Orange fur ruffled as the gray husky stared down on my cat. Then without a single movement– not even a growl– it was over.
She was always kind to me, Amber. I remember how she’d sit behind me in homeroom, sometimes doodling on my neck with her ballpoint pen. I’d sit still and let her, hoping for a surprise when I looked in the mirror: a heart, maybe, or some other token of love. I missed her when she moved away.
Her eyes were like liquid amber against the dark near-twilight sky. He couldn’t help staring at them, but he knew that if he didn’t look away soon, he might become stone in place of the living, breathing, carbon-based life form he was now. But she was so beautiful, so breathtaking, and he couldn’t help wondering if maybe turning into a statue wouldn’t be so bad after all. He wouldn’t mind staring at her forever…and she didn’t seem to mind him staring, either. After all, she was staring back at him. And there was no crime in staring, was there?
Amber, you know, from the dinosaur times. They used to find pieces of it with little bugs trapped inside. Just sitting on a branch when a giant ball of sap rolls down and eats it up.
the jewel was like fire, like her eyes weeping, in that room, in that dark empty space. Her hair fell around her and her voice was deep and throaty. He could not love her. He turned away, and those amber eyes watched him go.
The amber stone glowed in my hand. “Is this what power feels like?” said Tim. His friend looked at him and said, “quit being a dork!” Obviously, Tim was a dork and the stone was not glowing at all. Tim just hoped that one day he would be powerful, and people would respect him. This would be the detriment of his life.
I told her, “Amber, you have to leave.”
She looked at me with that look in her eye that makes me just want to slap her. Fortunantly, I didn’t.
“I can’t be around you any more. I can’t think this way anymore. This sadness that creeps into my skin, it’s all because of you.”
She looked away and then she left. She left for good.
yellow liquid held in place over time encasing small little insects to confuse us later in a more enlightened age.
amber solidifies into a rock, leaving any poor insect fossilized forever in a translucent yellow stone, without ever knowing what hit him.
red and green can not overcome the beauties of something greater.
The whole concept of Jurassic Park is that they managed to resurect loads of different dinosaurs from DNA found in a mosquito, which was preserved in amber. I am not sure that this is actually possible. If it is, I don’t think they should do it.
amber was the color of her eyes. I couldn’t stop staring. If only she had looked back at me. There was nothing behind them, as if her eyes had crystallized in her socket years ago. The last image she was was stuck in her eyes like a mosquito in amber. Who knew the last thing she saw? If only it had been me.
I love amber. It is orange in color and in Jurassic Park there was a mosquito in amber attached to a cane. I LOVE AMBER. tree sap creates amber and it
she was a slight girl with strikingly blonde hair the kind of hair that hurts your eyes in certain light. she loved to suck my cock so much i had blisters
its a good warm color, also the name of some females, usually they are attractive i guess, the females that is. It also reminds me of jurassic park because the fly was stuck in the sap and the sap was amber and that old guy had it at the top of his cane. he was kinda creepy. when i think of amber i think of warm and happiness type stuff, like a spring day with birds and shit
Your amber eyes are like molten gold. They trap my attention like watching a spider catch a fly. They seem ancient and mystical, like old magic.
The amber contents of the vodka bottle flowed into the shot glass. Geoff picked it up and downed with a toss of his head. He choked violently for a few seconds before composing himself.
“Stuff’s gonna kill me.” he muttered.
Just then the doorbell rang.
This was a very good friend that had the name amber and she was so nice that every day she gave me a hug and it made me feel whole. The day i found out she had cancer i cried and was sooooooo sad.
She stared down at the amber colored floors. They were honey oak, she wasn’t sure why he had picked something so cheerful. The whole house was cheerful, all of the decisions must have been made by someone else. When she had thought Nathaniel was human, Andy had decided that it must have been his mother. But Nathaniel didn’t have a mother. Nathaniel had been dead for over a thousand years. Maybe another vampire? Or maybe just someone he had hired.
amber is a color it is the color of a rediish red. my frend is named amber. she’s nice, she is funny, i have a dog, not named amber, but a nice dog who is an amber color, it is a nice color, people named amber scare me only because i know amber people.
yellow golden sapcoming from trees i must say that it’s also a name. amber is dried tree sap and it usually encases bugs that happen to get caught in that little blob of sap. the poor bugs end up dying in the dried amber and it’s very sad but oh well it’s a fact of life.
amber has the most interesting, uninteresting life right now. see, her husband has left her for another life. i saw the progression coming…suggestion, then an invitation to swing with the neighbors. soon he was seeing the neighbor;s wife full time. now he’s gone and all amber wants is to have him back.
is the color of your energy.
It was caramel. The color of a name reserved for rich girls like Crystal, and like their names, so easily broken. Amber Tiffany Thiessen was on Saved By The Bell, but do girls like that really get saved? Do they save the world beyond tanning on lifeguard duty?