
September 7th, 2009 | 420 Entries

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420 Entries for “anxiety”

  1. so much I can’t even feel feelings. I can’t think or sleep. I can’t eat or drea. I feel so stressed and shakey all the time. I dont’ know what to d or how to get rid of it. does everybody else feel this way? I look like an idiot. I can’t feel my toes. someone help me! figure this out! I don’t know hwat to do.

  2. Crossed cerebelum; guilt of the phonetic explosion in vocabulary. Need of action. Need of an end point.

  3. I have bouts with it every time theirs a chemical change in my body. Blood pressure seems to have somethig to do with it. Had the feeling long ago but never though I could dp much about it until lately.

  4. There are times when you worry yourself sick about your family, your children and the type of future that they will have. What can we do as parents to make sure our children are more enlightened and better off than us, both in health and intellectuallly.

    Raymond H. Islas
  5. the scared feeling you get when you are usure or what is going to happen.

  6. i have anxiety right because i don’t know what to write

  7. I get anxious everyday. Anxiety consumes me more than it should. It makes things complicated and often worsens situations. Life without anxiety would be a peaceful thing. A chance to finally breathe would be beautiful.

    Jen Huber
  8. the sense of dread has lifted, like a thick green snake slithering away into the cactus-spined landscape and I soar free, gravity only a memory of sorrowing days I don’t inhabit anymore-and won’t.

  9. Anxiety
    creeping up on you
    scaring you away
    from something great
    pulling you, pushing you
    look away
    one chance,
    you missed it.
    good, bad?

  10. muahahahhaahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahaghaghahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. butterflies swirling and tumbling waves in your stomach, does your chest normally come apart at the seams sir? wrap your arms around me, darling, hold my body together with your warmth. eyes and eyes and more eyes again, all trained on the one fixed point – you.
    it feels like you are the quivering atom upon which the big bang will depend.

  12. unknowing the next move, the next moment of inferiority and misunderstanding. only during this time is the soul, so static and frail able to hum with the true nature of life, stuck in that moment of most certain unknowing, completely and totally connected, in the insanity of the moment. Forever.

    James D
  13. fear, pain, weight, no air, suffer, scared,

  14. just something that makes you think about stupid shit. Anxiety, a nervous feeling that people over do. When feeling anxiety, people often lose their cool, resulting in anger impaitence and othertimes

  15. Hahaha… Keep going. Keep pretending like your anxiety is all that matters in this world, as if nobody else has any responsibilities or problems. Keep rattling off the list of things you have to do, complaining about how much time each one will take, whining about how much your life sucks. It only amuses me.

  16. Joface HATES anxiety, from his head to his toes. And worrying too: “Worrying is about as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum.” Word.

  17. I was late once to a wind ensemble concert, if you count late as 2 minutes before showtime. There was so much damn traffic that I almost didnt make it on time.

    Evan Y.
  18. stress, not fun, shortness of breath. a lot of people take pills for it. psychological disorder, I used to have it. many people think i still do but i am just high strung which is another symptom of anxiety i suppose. wow i have anxiety as the time is ticking for me to finisjh this.

  19. I taste it as bile
    on the back on my tongue
    coating my reflexes with disgust
    and dripping from your veins
    like undiluted absinthe

    If my dying metaphors
    had a hope of saving your life
    then maybe you’d be just
    a little less hooked
    on anxiety

    [she’s a bitch anyway]

  20. i feel really really stressed. i am constantly having to do shit but i’m tired of it. i want to lay in bed all day with my boyfriend and just think about nothing, have no commitment, no obligations. just…be. i dont want to work to a deadline, or have a to-do list. stress free.

  21. Grip.



    It’s like pulling hairs
    from the back of my neck
    to prove that I feel pain,
    trying to scratch the itch
    out of anxious palms
    because pencils rub my skin to shreds
    and I can’t master my words anymore.

    I wish I could just
    the clock
    and let my thoughts flow freely,
    but the minute hand is shouting betrayal
    and I can’t see beyond the marker
    coating my fingertips.




    And I wish I could write…
    but the anxiety of unutttered words
    is choking me.

    Maybe I’m trying too hard…

  22. Anxiety– a word that was often associated with nervousness. Sweaty palms. A fuzzy head. Dizziness. Of course, there’s nothing that should make me anxious right now. With only 10 seconds left, typing out whatever comes into my head should be easy… right?

  23. hahahahahhaaaahahhahahhha really anxiety? I just clicked on go and thought, maybe I’m not ready, too late for that.

  24. anxiety kills health gradually, wastes time and

  25. anxiety kills health gradually, wastes time and

  26. Shazam there is a word for you . Anxiety strikes deep yet it drives on on too prepare for an onslaught, a response to the reality at hand. Here is where the best things in life come to be. the essence of what you are

    Dan Stephensen
  27. i have terrible anxiety. i hate not knowing if i’ll be alone for the rest of my life or if someone is going to scoop me up soon. All my friends tell me i’m amazing but how can i trust them. i also have no idea where i’ll end up or if my college degree will get me anywhere.

  28. So sad. Depression. Waiting for something. not sure whats going on. It will lead to bad things. Advoid it.

  29. I feel comfortable. Anxiety is already gone. It will be gone for at least 2 weeks. And then she’ll come back and make my life miserable again. But at least now I’m ready to suffer.

  30. If you’re really nervous about going on stage or talking on camera or getting inteviewed you can ‘dump’your anxiety by saying “mwaaaahhh” really loud and moving your hand in front of your mouth- like you’re pulling a string out of your throat. Good luck – breatk a leg break that is!

  31. I get so much anxiety when it comes to school. Sometimes I feel it’s not worth it. I don’t like anxiety it hurts my heart. I wish there was a way to aleviate it. They should make that for us.

  32. her anxiety was overwhelming.
    was she doing it wrong?
    what did he think of her?
    her breath sped up at her thoughts
    her thoughts that raced through her mind
    and could only be silenced with
    a deep drink of amber liquid
    burning her throat
    and warming her face

  33. happens when everything around you feels like its crashing down and you have nothing to hold on to. you can try to stop it but the more you think the worse it gets. causes you to be stressed

  34. it’s a feeling that no body wants to feel it.
    it comes when you are not happy and satisfied.
    you feel it when someone

  35. Anxiety. That’s something I know quite well at the moment. I only have one day to write a 10min speech. Then I have to write a 1500 word essay and a 1000 word essay by Friday….

    But, I’ve only got myself to blame. I’m an awful procrastinator.

  36. Deep thought. she could just sit around anymore, she had to drive to the hospital right away. the anxiety of not knowing how her beloved premee child was, she needed to be close.

  37. i like him so much and i dont want him to leave, he makes me anxious and nervouse, and i love it. i never want it to stop. i dont want him to leave for the navy, i want to get to know him better. he’s better than anything i could have expected and i dont know what to do with myself when i’m around him. i’m very nervous

  38. its what makes people o to work. Its what makes people want to quit their jobs. Anxiety is the only thing that keeps parents vigilant and keeps life worth rushing through

  39. Sasha’s train sped past her in a gust of wind. She watched it diminish into a single point on the horizon and thought, How am I going to get to the match now?

  40. I rushed past, wishing to find out what it was I was searching for. Maybe if I could figure out what it was I wanted it would easier to find it. As it was I rifling blindly through a mess of papers and film and trash and banana peels, looking for my life.
