
October 3rd, 2009 | 448 Entries

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448 Entries for “apron”

  1. I walked into the bakery and talked to the baker’s wife. She had a large white apron on. She pulled her rolling pin from from the pocket and tapped the bread dough lightly. I asked, “Hey! Do you have any new breads.” She said, “No, I do not.

  2. “Apron” was originally “napron” and people would say, “I just got a napron,” and it eventually changed to “an apron”. I don’t own one. But if I did, it’d have something vulgar written on it probably.

  3. I think about mama in the kitchen with an apron over her dress, making pancakes and hot chocolate on Christmas morning.
    I think I’ll buy dad an apron this year.

  4. sex

  5. so my mother walked into a bar

  6. Something we wear to cook. So we don’t spill pasta sauce all over us. Pasta sauce seems like the apron’s only purpose because I can’t imagine any other food that would be so devastating on one’s clothing. I’m Italian, and that’s something I immediately think of when I think apron.

  7. the apron was checkered in red and white, tied in a tight bow around her back. i watched as she kneaded the dough, so rougly yet smoothly, hands and dough moving in sych. a bakers dance.

  8. the apron was checkered in red and white, tied in a tight bow around her back. i watched as she kneaded the dough, so rougly yet smoothly, hands and dough moving in sych. a bakers dance.
