
December 12th, 2009 | 438 Entries

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438 Entries for “arrived”

  1. I arrived at my friends house all ready to play all of our favorite games and watch the best movies! I love going to her house. We always have the yummiest ice cream and she has the cutest little sister.

  2. what has arrived. this topic is so confusing. well, just recently, happyness arrived. it arrived in a form of a book that now, i treasure very much. it’s the most important thing i have. it’s not just a book though.

  3. I have arrived.. You might ask where I was, but that is not important. It’s where I am now, here. Here is the only place I need to be, in the moment. I have arrived in this moment, and I will be gone just as fast.

  4. he just arrived at the airport, the plane was delayed so there was no rush afterall. now he could loosen his tie and think.. he didnt want to think, he’d rather feel rushed. thinking sucks

  5. I arrived in Paris. That was the most wonderful place I have ever seen. Not only it, but one of. Mmmm

  6. ive just arrived at the station and im nervous about it. i look around for familiar faces in the hope that theres is no one there that wil recognise me as im so nervoues about everything, and i want to be prepared for them to see me. i want to see them before they see me,

  7. It’s the time when you least expect a goodbye to come, but that was when you told me that it was done. Not a word was said, but being with him could only mean one thing as you came back into my life.

  8. i arrived home on tuesday night and was welcomed by my baby sister, and parents- i hadnt seen them in months and i missed them terribly. We didn’t say anything, just hugged, and i took my bags up to my old room, which had been turned in to the wash room, and came down stairs for dinner.

  9. the new orleans saints have arrived

  10. i arrived home yesterday looking like a hot mess. it was my neices first birthday. id been awake for 12 hours. it aint cute.

  11. he arrived at the party covered in snow. he said, “it’s snowing.”

  12. come

  13. I arrived to the airport about six hours before my flight. Why? This crazy thing called saving money. The UChicago student government allocated some of its funds to run shuttle to and from the airport.

    Sarah T
  14. i arrived on mercury just in time for tea. gluttbor the incredible and salisar the humane were sitting down in the study waiting for my journey to be completed again.

    we found innersteller travel to be very taxing on our bodies yet the feel of moving in zero gravity made it worth the years of pain

    jeremy L. spaceman
  15. they just arrived. It was raining, and she stopped laughing. Then, she went into the pub and ask for a beer, but they were gone…

  16. I have arrived… at this place… my parents call it our new home. I don’t. it’s a simple house, it has the whole ya know “country” look. kind of like a barn. it’s okay. I guess. I just want to go back to our old house, with all my friends. but who knows, we’ll see what happens here. :)

  17. here. sup? what can we do? oops! I’m late! la la la. didn’t arrive. ohhh crap, can I have a ride so I can arrive on time? uh… yeah, I arrrived at that crazy partyyy.

  18. I have arrived. My time has come and I am here to take all this world can offer me. The mountains and the rivers and life itself is mine to own and do with what I please. Creation has continued, until now… I have arrived.

  19. I’ve arrived here. I don’t quite know how – I guess a meager summation of the past and present. The future hasn’t arrived yet, but I’m rather certain I won’t care either way.

  20. I have arrived at this place. I do not reconize it. I have never been here nor do I want to be here. I have arrived and I want to leave. I do not want to be arriving here. Please if you can take me away. leave me be. let me leave.

    Sarah Bohannon
  21. i arrived at switzerland in the evening one march and had the worst time ever, it didnt snow untill we left a week later and the food tasted crap. wasnt worth

  22. I have arrived at this place blessed by God for all he has given to me. I am where I am supposed to be…right now..God knew it. I know it. I may not always like it but every time I arrive at a new ‘place’ it is because my Heavenly Father made it to be so.

  23. wtf is this? im not sure hwta to do or what to say. what am i suppose to write about ‘arrived’? idk… someone tell me. i jus arrived at this website on stumble upon and i dont know what to do. this is making me mad. help me!! please! tell me what to do. this is lasting really long.

  24. winter has arrived and planted his claws in the earth’s tender flesh, growling at life, biting away the will to keep going, snickering at our visions of springs to come.

  25. I think I have arrived at this place where complacency is common. Why does this happen and why do we as people feel it’s okay to stay in this land?

    Kyle West
  26. When I arrived, nothing changed. You acted the same, the look on your face was the same, you spoke to me like I was anyone. I did the same to you, because we know that’s how things are done.

  27. i love you, my love, my love, more than words can tell
    but i don’t need you to smile at me to carry a smile in my heart
    i don’t need your arms to open to feel embraced
    i don’t need the spark in your eye to feel that i exist
    i have arrived

  28. When she arrived, she didn’t know what to say to him. There was an awkward silence that surrounded the both of them, and it wasn’t good or bad. Silence could have been a mysterious way of saying that instead of saying something negative, they just wanted to be whatever it was they were, and that’s what they did. They drank tea upon arrival with no conversation whatsoever, and could only imagine what the other was thinking.

  29. well when i think about this word i think of me arriving to my baby’s house and surprising him for his birthday. he was really happy. i got really lost in the city but arrived at the right stop at the right time. i had a fun weekend nonetheless. =].

  30. eyes blinking with fatigue and jetlag, skin parched from dehydration, almost shrunken by all the hours, but she had arrived, my little mama, frail and smiling
    how many times around the sun?

  31. He arrived, unexpected. He was wet, it was raining outside. I am sure he used this effect to invite himself in. She was sure, she couldn’t just turn him away as much as she wanted to she just couldn’t. “Come, in” she said.

  32. I just arrived at a place in my life where i don’t wanna be but i have to keep going

  33. i once arrived in a small town expecting to find nothing, but i found my everything. I never thought that i would find anything in that sleepy town, but i found you, the greatest thing to EVER happen to me since i arrived on this earth.

  34. The grief arrived like an unwanted houseguest. She couldn’t turn it away, but this was not the time to entertain such painful thoughts. “l’ll just put it up in the back room,” she thought. “Clean sheet and a decent breakfast, that’s all I’ve got to give.”

  35. Ah yes, I have arrived on the page to type a bunch of words…. all I had to do was click on the word GO! Ah yes, I have arrived!

  36. I have arrived to the site of the crime, within my mind.. I stride to see what comes closer.. but instead it blurrs more. More and more, almost as if I’m staying at the ceiling but the floor is giving in. i can’t stand the childish actions of this world.. I wish I wasn’t born here but at the same time I realize I’m blessed with this life and letting it go to waste would be more childish then most.

    Learn To bE
  37. i have finally arrived at the destination and for whatever reason it doesn’t feel the way i thought it would. it feels better. i have never been happier in my life. somehow i cannot remember my life before i arrived and i cannot picture a life that isn’t here. it is incredible and wonderful to feel this way.

  38. “Oh i just can’t wait for everyone to arrive at our Christmas party! But then again, last year when everyone arrived it was pandamonium!”

  39. when everyone had arrived at the ball, Cinderella started to dance with the lovely Prince Charming.

  40. nobody cares about me. everything is fake,
    okay? kay? thanks. biyyyyasldkfj;
    shut up.
    no, you shut up.

    ktyhmn sdrferw