
December 12th, 2009 | 438 Entries

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438 Entries for “arrived”

  1. to be somewhere after trying to get there for a really long time… the state that is unreachable because only God can ever get there. Your life will never be there so stop thinking that it is already.

  2. You have arrived at this site

  3. You have arrived at this site

  4. I didnt think he would come. In fact, he never usually does what he says he will. But when he arrived that sunday morning, luggage and a can of diced tomatoes in hand, everything changed. That was the day I died.

    He arrived
  5. arriving at the airport that night was one of the single hardest things of my life. I saw him, but he didn’t see me. I ran into the bathroom and called a friend, begging him to remind me why I chose to arrive back in my home town this night instead of waiting until the next holiday season. It was so hard, but in the end it was worth arriving home that night. I arrived to the conclustion that I had made the right choice to leave. I was thankful that I chose to return for a visit.

  6. i got to the airport, somebody who has just gotten to a place, coming home for christmas and holidays, never on time, or sometimes always on time so dependable,

  7. I have arrived at an iimportant destination in my life, it is one I have not experieance before. It is challanging, Life is not always fair. It has taken my a life time to learn that . I am still learning/

  8. left

  9. “We arrived like a dog in a bowling alley!” he shouted, pounding his knee and laughing hysterically. The others glanced at each other, laughing uncertainly.
    Finally, someone had the nerve to ask: “What exactly does that mean?”
    He stopped laughing, looking at each person in turn. “Uh . . . I believe the English phrase is ‘Bull in china store’, yes?”

  10. today

  11. I arrived early at the exam center and waited for the exam to begin. Why did I arrive early when I knew I’d have to wait anyway?

  12. I have arrived to find that I have not arrived at all, I have simply departed. I guess I should have locked the front door.

  13. it just hit me then, the thing my boss was trying to say. “You’re high as a kite”. Maybe. But how do you tell a drunk person otherwise? At least i got sent home early.

  14. I have arrived. I am finally in a place of loving myself, and oh, how good it feels to be loved.

  15. i have arrived in hell.

  16. having gotten to your destination. it is where you were meant to go all along, whether you wanted to or not. the path you took to get here was more important than the fact that you are here.

  17. Having a arrived at a conclusion, hoping you’re mistaken, but having it confirmed is a pain beyond measure.

  18. arriving means you were on a journey, maybe you bought a ticket, maybe you were kidnapped, or hell, maybe you slept on the wrong box. Everyone is arriving someplace every moment of the day. Arriving at conclusions, assumptions, states of mind.

    a loser.
  19. i have arrived.

    wandering the streets
    of my mind. i find
    i’m close to losing.

    dancing to the beat
    of these lines. i think
    i ought to be choosing.

    between what choices
    i hardly know. it’s all
    just so confusing.

    you put me here
    you string me up.
    it’s you who i’m accusing.

  20. home after driving around for more than an hour. i seethed about 1/2 of that and felt sad the other half. what a crappy day.

  21. The tears drained from my eyes. Tears that had built up, over the day, over the summer, over my life. My burdens lifted. I was changed. Jesus had saved me. There and then.

  22. It wasn;t until I realized that I shouldn’t be there that the plane arrived on the tarmac. I was nervous and excited at the same time – I couldn’t believe it- we hadn’t seen each other in years – it was unreal

  23. i arrived to the airport. That is what I think about when I hear that word. If i di not make it there in time, did I arrive? shit..i don’t know what im saying..:S

  24. here, now, place, listen, bus, car, walk, travel, love, for, you, heart, hand, friend, brother, sister, mother, carer, JESUS, GOD, home, heaven, saviour, saved, redemption, new, life, living, lost, found.

  25. You think you’ve arrived, but have you? “No,” you decide. For it was then that you realized that arrival is a myth. You are always travelling, be you at one place or another. Your journey is never complete before your final moments of existence, in which you can never know it.

  26. I just arrived at my friends house. I think we are gonna watch tv….

  27. i arrived at the place where people were dancing like there’s no tomorrow and tom was all alone not making out with anyone

  28. my family from chicago arrived at my house around 2p. we went out to eat at a nice greek place down the street. i had a gyro. we then went to my moms house and that was a lot of fun. the next day we had thanksgiving.

  29. arriv

  30. You think you’ve arrived, but have you? “No,” you decide. For it was then that you realized that arrival is a myth. You are always travelling, be you at one place or another. Your journey is never complete before your final moments of existence, in which you can never know it.

  31. i arrived at the library around three o clock to use the internet not knowing it closed at 5. now i get to go home and do nothing. maybe ill use the ever expanding internet in my brain.

  32. she arrived at the buss top just a little too late. the wheels screeched as the bus left without her. it was the end of the world.. well pretty much. she was doomed if she missed yet another appointment. he was going to kill her this time. no joke.

  33. You’ve arrived. You don’t knwo where you are. You don’t know the people around you. You don’t even know yourself.
    But you know what you have to do.

  34. i have finally arrived at my destination. it is cold and dark here. i wonder why i chose mars?

  35. She looked forward, the booming doors of the cathedral in front of her, taunting her with the life that lies ahead. “If I go, I could make the moment horrifying for him and everybody there. If I don’t go, I’ll never know what could have happened.”

  36. She arrived into this world with a boisterous yell from her mother, a labored over work of art. Her potential reaches beyond that of any scrap of canvas, and her head resting delicately upon her mother’s chest shows no boundaries. Destination: love.

  37. She arrived in a state of absolute exhaustion. She arrived home to find the place an absolute shambles and no one living. She arrived just in the nick of time, if she were even one minute earlier . . .

  38. to get to.
    Cinderella arrived at the ball.
    Late arrivals.
    My period a couple weeks ago took too long to arrive and I had to inform a one night stand that he may be a father, but it started the next day and he looked at me very strangely.

  39. I have just arrived from England in my cadilac.. and the dog just jumped right on me soon as i opened the door..that was not what i was expecting .. It game me quite a shock..he was happy to see that I arrived safely… but the others

    Vanessa S.
  40. He arrived at the house in 10 minutes. He had been at the bar drinking with his buddies and nothing came out of his mouth but saliva and vomit. Indeed this was not uncommon but he had started to feel tired from this senseless partying that never ever ended. A continual morning after that shifted into the long-expected night before would rarely achieve anyone’s dreams.

    Alex D.