i just got home and thats how i arrived, with highlighted hair and an achy back.
i arrived at the store with lots of things to get. my sister, brother, mother father, the whole shabang. what to get what to get.
samantha Duarte
never have really arrived here. continually surprised.and not really in a good way. people are foreign to me. that’s probably not so good.
I wish you would arrive to my house. I never know what to do when someone says theyre coming to my house. or they they are here. Like the first time you came to my house to pick me up. We were so nevous you started tlaking to me through you open passenger window. = )
I had just arrived at the party when I saw him looking at me. He was tall, but not too tall. He lightly brushed his brown hair out of his eyes, and that’s when I knew. My brother had snuck out to come to a high school party, and it wasn’t ok. He was going to be in so much trouble wen he got home
i arrived at my new dorm.. roomates are cool and dads got a surprise for me.. my best friend stays the night and i have my birthday 5 days later.. what a dream cant wait till january 5th!!!!
i arrived at the airport in time after i was late because my son tried to stop me from going on my flight to LA
Your heart is pounding, and I need you here, not with her. Why are you lost while I know where you should be. I care about you, but I am nothing but a girl across the hall. I wish you wanted me too, not like you do. Here I am, where are you?
is an anagram of
is an anagram of
I HAVE NOT FINISHED. If I read one more essay, I think my eyes will commit suicide.
This is the decision.
Work. Sleep. Work. Eat. Work. Get the fuck out of here.
i have just gotten here and i till don’t know what i’m doing. i have arrived but where exactly am i. is this where i meant to go? they said to take a street cAr naned desire and get change to one namend cememteries and get off at elysian fields….
Arrived back to this spot. This is not where I want to be. All i can think about is that someday I will be there.
I think you arrived in Hawaii last week. At least, that’s what my agents told me. They’re usually right. I’m pretty good at stalking you, you know.
today i went home.. to minneoplis. I arrived this afternoon. with lots of thoughs. talked to a nice person on the plane. had gingerale. ate chipotle, took a bath. talked to dad. watched tv, ate pork chops for dinner. It was a good way to arrive.
arrived to come to a destination to go home or find a new place to call home to start and try and find something new the start of a planned adventure into unknown territory.
Getting to where you need to go, accomplishing your task and being where you need to be. Arrival, in all things, is a good thing, be it philosophical,religious, scientific, or physical. Arriving is achieving your goal.
arrived, einfahren, geldi
the process of getting to a particular place
i arrived at the restaurant
i arrived all over your face
you got it? get it got it good
i dont care what you think
coz u fuk nignogs
we have arrived, here we are in the 20th century a call is a pocket away and we no longer need to read maps. The days of running home to catch your friends are now over
and im only 27
Daniel Rushing
i arrived at the station too soon to tell when I’d need to leave again. do you think i need to know? I’m not sure anymore.
I took a step out of the car and smoothed my bright turquoise dress over my hips. Deep breaths, I told myself. I can do this. I approached the door into the dance. As I walked in, all eyes were upon me. I arrived. I smiled.
I’ve arrived at a lot of places this week. Each of them, pointing out another imperfection of mine. I always walk on my tiptoes, always color in the lines. I am a jack of all trades, master of none. Life is good. Life is easy. Being unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable is selfish. Is ugly. Arriving at vulnerability is beautiful.
I have arrived. They have arrived. The word ‘arrive’ and all of it’s pretenses have always meant the same thing. I suppose it’s quite an unimaginative term but still, it’s universally known. Regardless, I have arrived.
it took me long enough
but i finally arrived
at the conclusion that
you were never really
good for me at all.
You were judgmental
and sweet and nice and
a really, really good
kisser and that just
isn’t what I needed.
The problem is that
by tomorrow morning,
next week, next month,
next year, I doubt
i’ll still believe it.
got there
train station. meeting family members. love. happy. butterflies. new beginings? Living for the moment. Knowing that he is the one and never looking back EXCITMENT
I arrived at the bus station with no more than 5 dollars to my name and no bags at all, where was i to go? I was just about to pick the route when beside me stood
I came to a place that I had never seen before. It was dull, dreary, depressing in a sort of gothic way. I entred a cathedral and turned to the altar. welcome said a voice. you have arrived. just then a strange calming sensation came over me. no i said to the voice. no that can’t be right, for I am in a dream. and soon I will wake up. arrived? no. my journey has just begun
i have just arrived in tiawan. the first thing i notice is how much I tower over the rest of the crowd. My dad always told me asians were short, but I thought he said that because he was racist. I didn’t know he was right too. Growing up was always
i arrived late today, my head spinning from the chaos of the train ride and my hands cold and filthy from the slush on the streets. the cars went by fast, they always do, and no one seems to mind when they scum up my coat or my boots, the heels clicking through the puddles still but with a lot less determination, a lot less pleasure, a lot less pride.
d elizabeth
You were the last person I expected to see when I prayed for a guy to take care of me. But when you loved me, I knew, God wanted me to be with you.
At first, I wanted to say that she is starting to emerge, but that would be continuing to put it off–making more excuses for NOT being, NOT doing ME. So I will say that it really has arrived: the voice hiding within me; the spunky, imaginative, irresistible little girl; the sometimes joyful, sometimes pissed-off, but always emotionally engaged woman; the long-awaited, never fully forgotten version of me. And I’m actually not terrified….
I have arrived from the night. My name is Irvin Gray. I am the person everyone dreads to see, hear, or event think about. As soon as I walk through those doors, everyone will leave. I will be the tlak of the night.
It sucks, yes. I am always alone. I can not stand it.
I arrived at my aunts house in MD. I was going to spend that night and the following day with her. After that I planned to go visit my father and I was sure to have my best friend come over and “stalk” me until I decided to go to her house. It’s like that, but it makes life interesting.
today john larkin arrived at my house to buy a bag of weed. It was the good shit. after a while, he sat down and I asked him if he wanted to jam. he said sure so i ran downstairs to grab the acoustic fender. I put on my epiphone les paul and john started paying this awesome jazz riff. I started soloing over the riff and I think he thought it was pretty decent.
I’m here!
Everything changed that day. It’s a dumb way to start a story but there’s no other way of saying it. I dont believe in god, nor in angels or any of that bullshit they write in the bible… but after that day, the day he arrived, I believe in miracles.
I have arrived in this space.
This is my life.
I have arrived within my being, and I will only leave when my body dies.
i just got home and thats how i arrived, with highlighted hair and an achy back.
i arrived at the store with lots of things to get. my sister, brother, mother father, the whole shabang. what to get what to get.
never have really arrived here. continually surprised.and not really in a good way. people are foreign to me. that’s probably not so good.
I wish you would arrive to my house. I never know what to do when someone says theyre coming to my house. or they they are here. Like the first time you came to my house to pick me up. We were so nevous you started tlaking to me through you open passenger window. = )
I had just arrived at the party when I saw him looking at me. He was tall, but not too tall. He lightly brushed his brown hair out of his eyes, and that’s when I knew. My brother had snuck out to come to a high school party, and it wasn’t ok. He was going to be in so much trouble wen he got home
i arrived at my new dorm.. roomates are cool and dads got a surprise for me.. my best friend stays the night and i have my birthday 5 days later.. what a dream cant wait till january 5th!!!!
i arrived at the airport in time after i was late because my son tried to stop me from going on my flight to LA
Your heart is pounding, and I need you here, not with her. Why are you lost while I know where you should be. I care about you, but I am nothing but a girl across the hall. I wish you wanted me too, not like you do. Here I am, where are you?
is an anagram of
is an anagram of
I HAVE NOT FINISHED. If I read one more essay, I think my eyes will commit suicide.
This is the decision.
Work. Sleep. Work. Eat. Work. Get the fuck out of here.
i have just gotten here and i till don’t know what i’m doing. i have arrived but where exactly am i. is this where i meant to go? they said to take a street cAr naned desire and get change to one namend cememteries and get off at elysian fields….
Arrived back to this spot. This is not where I want to be. All i can think about is that someday I will be there.
I think you arrived in Hawaii last week. At least, that’s what my agents told me. They’re usually right. I’m pretty good at stalking you, you know.
today i went home.. to minneoplis. I arrived this afternoon. with lots of thoughs. talked to a nice person on the plane. had gingerale. ate chipotle, took a bath. talked to dad. watched tv, ate pork chops for dinner. It was a good way to arrive.
arrived to come to a destination to go home or find a new place to call home to start and try and find something new the start of a planned adventure into unknown territory.
Getting to where you need to go, accomplishing your task and being where you need to be. Arrival, in all things, is a good thing, be it philosophical,religious, scientific, or physical. Arriving is achieving your goal.
arrived, einfahren, geldi
the process of getting to a particular place
i arrived at the restaurant
i arrived all over your face
you got it? get it got it good
i dont care what you think
coz u fuk nignogs
we have arrived, here we are in the 20th century a call is a pocket away and we no longer need to read maps. The days of running home to catch your friends are now over
and im only 27
i arrived at the station too soon to tell when I’d need to leave again. do you think i need to know? I’m not sure anymore.
I took a step out of the car and smoothed my bright turquoise dress over my hips. Deep breaths, I told myself. I can do this. I approached the door into the dance. As I walked in, all eyes were upon me. I arrived. I smiled.
I’ve arrived at a lot of places this week. Each of them, pointing out another imperfection of mine. I always walk on my tiptoes, always color in the lines. I am a jack of all trades, master of none. Life is good. Life is easy. Being unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable is selfish. Is ugly. Arriving at vulnerability is beautiful.
I have arrived. They have arrived. The word ‘arrive’ and all of it’s pretenses have always meant the same thing. I suppose it’s quite an unimaginative term but still, it’s universally known. Regardless, I have arrived.
it took me long enough
but i finally arrived
at the conclusion that
you were never really
good for me at all.
You were judgmental
and sweet and nice and
a really, really good
kisser and that just
isn’t what I needed.
The problem is that
by tomorrow morning,
next week, next month,
next year, I doubt
i’ll still believe it.
got there
train station. meeting family members. love. happy. butterflies. new beginings? Living for the moment. Knowing that he is the one and never looking back EXCITMENT
I arrived at the bus station with no more than 5 dollars to my name and no bags at all, where was i to go? I was just about to pick the route when beside me stood
I came to a place that I had never seen before. It was dull, dreary, depressing in a sort of gothic way. I entred a cathedral and turned to the altar. welcome said a voice. you have arrived. just then a strange calming sensation came over me. no i said to the voice. no that can’t be right, for I am in a dream. and soon I will wake up. arrived? no. my journey has just begun
i have just arrived in tiawan. the first thing i notice is how much I tower over the rest of the crowd. My dad always told me asians were short, but I thought he said that because he was racist. I didn’t know he was right too. Growing up was always
i arrived late today, my head spinning from the chaos of the train ride and my hands cold and filthy from the slush on the streets. the cars went by fast, they always do, and no one seems to mind when they scum up my coat or my boots, the heels clicking through the puddles still but with a lot less determination, a lot less pleasure, a lot less pride.
You were the last person I expected to see when I prayed for a guy to take care of me. But when you loved me, I knew, God wanted me to be with you.
At first, I wanted to say that she is starting to emerge, but that would be continuing to put it off–making more excuses for NOT being, NOT doing ME. So I will say that it really has arrived: the voice hiding within me; the spunky, imaginative, irresistible little girl; the sometimes joyful, sometimes pissed-off, but always emotionally engaged woman; the long-awaited, never fully forgotten version of me. And I’m actually not terrified….
I have arrived from the night. My name is Irvin Gray. I am the person everyone dreads to see, hear, or event think about. As soon as I walk through those doors, everyone will leave. I will be the tlak of the night.
It sucks, yes. I am always alone. I can not stand it.
I arrived at my aunts house in MD. I was going to spend that night and the following day with her. After that I planned to go visit my father and I was sure to have my best friend come over and “stalk” me until I decided to go to her house. It’s like that, but it makes life interesting.
today john larkin arrived at my house to buy a bag of weed. It was the good shit. after a while, he sat down and I asked him if he wanted to jam. he said sure so i ran downstairs to grab the acoustic fender. I put on my epiphone les paul and john started paying this awesome jazz riff. I started soloing over the riff and I think he thought it was pretty decent.
I’m here!
Everything changed that day. It’s a dumb way to start a story but there’s no other way of saying it. I dont believe in god, nor in angels or any of that bullshit they write in the bible… but after that day, the day he arrived, I believe in miracles.
I have arrived in this space.
This is my life.
I have arrived within my being, and I will only leave when my body dies.