
December 12th, 2009 | 438 Entries

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438 Entries for “arrived”

  1. “I have arrived,” I announced to the dark, empty room. I was practicing for my upcoming improvisation test to be administered in drama class. To prepare, I began doing foolish and idiotic things. I jumped on a cafeteria table and started singing a song I made up on the spot. I got down and one knee and proposed to random women on the street. And the best thing was that I had an excuse for all of it.

  2. arriving is all about apperal. When you arrive everyone can judge you. When you arrive, you have accomplished a new destiny. When you arrive is when you enter success

  3. I arrived at the club poppin’ with style

  4. I arrived in a bana in Russia where i proceeded to strip down to my undies and get beaten by giant ruskies with branches. As i jumped into the ice water following the beaten, i saw my shrinking penis as a metaphor for the cold war.

    Sean Lochten
  5. i came home from school and ate a sandwich. i got the the airport and our plane landed in hawaii where i saw my first sunset and had a great time with my family. i miss that because we were all so happy, and then we fell apart.

  6. I have arrived at I am sitting amongst two good friends playing Marvel vrs. Capcom 2. Mike is a co-worker and ex roommate. He’s hilarious. Vlad moved to Tallahassee from school. He’s a good friend and ex roommate as well. He is also hilarious. Cheers to good memories.

  7. arrived is a funny word that can explain a few things. you can arrive theoretically or you can arrive physically. arriving at a final destination is really cool because you feel happy. when i arrive after a long car ride i am thrilled to be able to stretch my legs out, or when i arrive to my goals i am always extremely happy because i enjoy reaching my goals.

    ansley stuart
  8. I’m finding a path to follow. Leadin me to where I was to go. I feel happy and safe. Knowing that I have arrived here. Finding comfort at this place. Always arriving. Always looking for it.

  9. I always anticipated the arrival of my family for the Christmas holiday. The hugs, the laughter, the unloading of Aunt Shirley’s numerous suitcases, each one more inconveniently shaped than the last.

  10. i have arrived. you know, my dream is to arrive someday, back in my old karate class, where the guy who broke my heart once will see me go through the doors, a new person. he’ll look at me in awe, and wonder who i am, and his mouth will drop as he realizes i’m the girl he let go of and gave up on not so long ago. and then i’ll stand there, while he stares at me, as i stare right through him. the most beautiful moment. i await arrival. i crave arrival.

  11. i came to class late and I don’t know why my teacher was upset wiht me. I had finally gotten there and of course I felt bad that I was late. I was stressed enough that I didn’t want her to be upset with me. I was upset enough that day, and I was mad at myself.

  12. I came to find nothing, but myself in a dark corner of self-destruction, I arrived, I’m here with myself, my own hell.

  13. gdfgsdf

  14. I arrived at work today and realized just how dreary the place is. It is a sports store. It’s supposed to be upbeat right? Well it isn’t. I dread going in there every single day. I absolutely loathe arriving in there daily. Law School cannot come quick enough. I’m sick of mediocre part time jobs.

  15. The airport terminal felt so hostile, so cold. There are feets of families waiting to see long lost daughters and songs. But little did they know that their children got tattoos and piercings all over their body. They are different now. It’s not unconditional love.

  16. i arrived today to the unfamiliar sounds of pitter patter, of weter and cold, and it has ytet to leave and now i am heavy my head is tired and i wish to sleep i wish for all to leave me alone, i wish for everyone to clear and love and call me and talk to me and make love

  17. one day i arrived at the airport and i was extremely excited because in about 2 hours, I would arrive in Boston. I knew that my aunts, uncles, and cousins would be there and I was very excited to see them again. Also, I knew that my aunt was bringing her new puppy, Baci, to Boston. I simply couldn’t wait

  18. the person arrived.

  19. i arrived at my house today at six thirty. i didn’t really know what to do so i took a shower. after i got out of the shower, i discovered i had a new phone call. i looked at who called me and it was my sister saying her cat just.

  20. I arrived in the world on October 23 1965. I was the daughter of 2 christian parents and 2 siblings. I am eternally grateful that God placed me in this family. Because of the influence of my family I was able to come to Christ much more easily than if I had been raised by non-Christians.

  21. i just arrived here in the moon. It’s cold! and i forgot my parka back on earth! fuck. Well anyway, so here i am, on the cold cold moon wishing I had a snack. Perhaps a bowl of fried things in marinara sauce or a bagel would be fine.

  22. i arrived at the store to buy milk and whey. the towels were not happy because i had done too much yey. The tv was on but nothing was playing, a silent reproach for my actions today. I may be gay, however, i use anal lubrication. I can’t approve of masturbation, but the mastication, may ensue.

  23. showing up someplace, or announcing my presence with authority… makes me think of Nuke LaLooshe in Bull Durham. He “Arrived” in the movie.

    Joe A
  24. Have I arrived?
    Is this what it is supposed to be?
    I am pretty lucky if it is, but I want more.
    I think I have arrived to the spot where I am supposed to be right now.
    But..there are places I have yet to arrive at.

  25. i arrived late and to my dismay everyone had left. i stood alone and for the first time in a long time i was ready. i turned and walked from the door. i arrived. they may have arrived without me, but i had found myself in a place that I never knew I could be. I have arrived. I am myself for here

  26. i have arrived. where are you?

  27. I arrived at the airport, luggage in hand and with that air of a horribly confused tourist. And why the hell was it so hot and humid in this place? Japan was way too different from San Francisco. What was I even thinking?

    Ann X.
  28. she arrived at three. put her bags on the floor of an empty house and went into the kitchen. there was a piece of paper on the table saying be home later. she sat down and cried. her husband was always doing this, blowing her off when she needed him most. she never knew what it was like to be alone until this year, until he started his affair with that young intern.

  29. i have arrived at my destination.

  30. she has arrived. the plane has arrived. there is nothing like the excitement you get when you hear that somebody’s plane has arrived. suddenly the world stops and you get to see them. reunited.

  31. we arrived just after sundown, the town was quiet, asleep. we moved fast, after three hours we had burned the entire village down. we are the hidden. we are coming for you next.

    the hidden
  32. The train had just arrived to the platform and a tall blonde man steps out, briefcase in hand. Only moments ago had he held her, as they pulled the plug. So maybe she isn’t dead yet but she will be, probably before he even makes it home.

  33. I hate arriving somewhere. Everyone looks at you. And it is really awkward and scary.

  34. It’s like the moment I first noticed a girl. I couldn’t breathe. My palms sweated. Balls dropped an octave or two. In that first gasp of air, I found my adams apple jiggling, nose tense in anticipation of saying ‘Hello.’ And waiting to be crushed.

  35. finally made it, the dream come true, hard work not for nothing, each time its almost out of reach, stretch, a little more, a little more, a little, the last desperate lunge for the hold

  36. i always arrive late. more so than on time that is for sure. i think its because i dordle. or maybe everyone else justs walks faster than me. too fast. please slow down.

  37. dfdsfdsf

  38. I would have gone just to arrive.

  39. I want to be part of real life. So It’s not avabile

  40. Suddenly, the doors closed behind me. I looked everywhere and I saw no one. I saw nothing. I was in a bus station. The bus left me behind. There wasn’t a soul around. Not even a ticket person. What was I to do? I di
