i arrived on time to figure out no one was there i hate when people are late so i got mad and left them to figure out i was no longer there
b boboobob
After a lifetime of disappointment, we have arrived. Now where do we go from here?
I just got here, don’t know how. But everybody, look at me, here I am. Just standing, don’t really know why. Maybe I shouldn’t stand. *Sit down.* Much better. How about you guys, standing or sitting?
i dont know where i am going but i have arrived. wht will i do hear i do not know. why am i here, what am i supposed to do, i dont know. but the fact is that i have arrived. i must make the best of my situation and do the best i can. i have arrived
Peter Bear
My train arrived and I pushed my way onto the crowded carriage to stand crushed in a corner with all the other commuters. I gazed at the faces of the people around me and wondered about their lives, who they were, where they were going, what their day was going to be like.
I pondered whether I would ever see any of them again, and after some deliberation I decided that even if I did see them again, I most likely would not remember them. We are all stacked together in this world, and yet we never really notice each other.
Kizzie Annette
He arrived at my doorway
Soaked through and through
His eyes lit up when he saw me
Suddenly he was yelling “I love you”
I remember it clearly
Since it happened today
The day that he came
And arrived at my doorway.
Kyle Falconer
so refreshing to be at home after a long journey, whole and complete
travelling is 1/2 the fun, the other 1/2 is arriving home
im here already.
I was beginning to feel like I’d finally become comfortable in my own skin, like I was really starting to become myself, who I really am, like I had finally arrived at my destination. I’m not so sure anymore more it was a comforting thing ot think I had arrived at some place I was meant to be.
Lauren Carter
it’s time to make due with where you are at and step towards your real goals. Never the end of the road, simply a milestone along the way for you to rest at. Look back to where you have come from and look ahead to where you are going. Make note you don’t get lost, although that’s part of the fun.
as i arrived in spain i thought oh wow its amazing how under thought of this country is then as i left the air port i said to my traveling busniss partner how we should have an office er
conner brennan
I arrived at formal on Friday it was going to a more interesting night then it was. It sucked, it was awful. Fuck the M… for being bitches…but espeically the bartenders. They were bitches. I feel like arrived just turned into a bitch fest…
i arrived at the food store and i couldn’t believe what i saw, the girl in the bikini next to me was so skinny i felt i could see through her. I could almost see her bones, it was like there was no skin covering her bones, she must be freezing when its cold out!
I have arrived! My aunt shouted up the stairs. She was always a goofy one. We were meeting today to go to lunch. She claims we never spend anytime together, mostly because she can get a little crazy when she’s drinking. We went out to lunch and she immediately ordered a glass of wine. AT LUNCH for god’s sakes.
Brittany Gates
she arrived at half past midnight, and her eyes shook. i looked at her, i tried to hold them down buy i knew it was over. they were gone. she was gone. i was, too.
How do you know when you’re there? When have you finally arrived at the end? Is it when you can learn no more? When you feel safe? How do you know, how does anyone, ever understand? Does it end? Maybe that’s it, maybe you don’t arrive at the end because there isn’t one. A perpetual struggle.
I already wrote a short story about arrived. In that story, I was at a train station and saw something beautiful. I’m glad the time ran out, because I had no idea was I was going to write about. Maybe a child or something. I was just looking at photos of children because I am getting a new camera for christmas and I wanted to be inspired. TIME IS UP for me!
I arrived at the train station after running to try and catch the 10:00, but as I got to the ticket booth I was relieved to find that my train had been suspended for technical reasons. As I waited on a cold metal bench for the speakers to announce some kind of news, I saw the most beautiful sight I’d ever seen.
im gonna arrive sooon in australia, new zealand, china and thailand! Here i come, hurray.
we arrived at shifty apartment about two blocks south from where we currently lived. The realtor’s didn’t seem happy to be working on a Saturday afternoon. It was unpleasant for the both of us.
I arrived at the shop and I bought junk
come in
I had arrived at my destination at last. The place is not the place I had expected. They said I would be arriving in some classy, well-kept neighborhood. Instead I wound up in the ghetto with $200 dollars in my pocket looking for drugs.
I arrived to the supermarket and traded my clams, they died five months ago and I just wanna eat spaghetti and clams with garlic! I fucked up my brownies for the second time. They sold me ”almond extract” on a box that said ”almond IMITATION”. I thought they were tiny almondsss!
im here im there u see me now u dont because i arrived somewhere else. maybe i odnt wan to be here at all maybe thats it. Do you really think i am here? Can you see me? I dont think you can.
Tommy Walls Montessori Student
now place good thought lost found package mail career package present goods dam that is all new movie
My steps bacame slower. My breath became qiueter. I became more aware of my surrondings, but the sounds were drowned out by my fierce exression. Finally, I have arrived at the new Earth. For which we were suppose to live and sustain a new life.
home just back del;ivered from euriope aRRIVAL BIRTH BIRTS FLYING SOUTHCOLD HERE stork arrived pregnancy birth from cold renewal religion interesting connections to paganiosm christ plagarism old sooo much olde than
‘she arrived to the trainstation, at around three twenty in the afternoon, she saw their car was there so she wondered if they have arrived at the platform yet.’
I have just arrived in a new world full of light and randomness…
One word- One word could change the meaning of life. From depression or happiness. It could mean how you perceive others. It could dig to the deepest part of your mind, making you wonder why you take it so seriously. The difference between who you are and what you show others.
i arrived in new york just in time. 4:30. i was excited and scared all at the same time. it had been so long since i had seen my mom; i waited impatiently in the airport for her to arrive. she was late unlike me. “hello,” said an attractive man.
arrived home from york, it was beautiful. amazing to be fair. i saw the most gorgeous boys and i want one now. i want to be back in the same place i was when i saw him. i had an amazing weekend.
I arrived at the front door at his house, wondering whether he would be home or if he was out with his other girl. I hoped he would be home, but I think underneath I knew better. He didn’t even love me anymore, all he wanted was out of our relationship, but he was too much of a coward actually do something about it.
i came i saw i conquered
I arrived late, as usual. It was one thing to be late, but a totally different thing to actually show. I didn’t think I would make it… It turned out to be worth it.
We all arrived at the party…. at the same time
We all had a good time.. there was no alcohol…
The party ended soon and we all went home, with different partners. That was interesting.
I ended up with a very handsome, funny man. We had a great time. If I wasn’t already married, we could have had something.
I almost wish I wasn’t married, I’d like to find out where it would go with us.
Lael Benedict
i have arrived. That is all I know. There is no here, no there. I have simply arrived. What is arrived anyway? Why is it spelt that way? Who decides what is spelt what way? I don’t know. But I have a
He had only just arrived at the airport. He didn’t know where he was going from there, but it didn’t really matter. The only important thing was that he was here; and that she was somewhere out there, waiting for him. With a smile on his lips, he took his first step off the curb.
i arrived on time to figure out no one was there i hate when people are late so i got mad and left them to figure out i was no longer there
After a lifetime of disappointment, we have arrived. Now where do we go from here?
I just got here, don’t know how. But everybody, look at me, here I am. Just standing, don’t really know why. Maybe I shouldn’t stand. *Sit down.* Much better. How about you guys, standing or sitting?
i dont know where i am going but i have arrived. wht will i do hear i do not know. why am i here, what am i supposed to do, i dont know. but the fact is that i have arrived. i must make the best of my situation and do the best i can. i have arrived
My train arrived and I pushed my way onto the crowded carriage to stand crushed in a corner with all the other commuters. I gazed at the faces of the people around me and wondered about their lives, who they were, where they were going, what their day was going to be like.
I pondered whether I would ever see any of them again, and after some deliberation I decided that even if I did see them again, I most likely would not remember them. We are all stacked together in this world, and yet we never really notice each other.
He arrived at my doorway
Soaked through and through
His eyes lit up when he saw me
Suddenly he was yelling “I love you”
I remember it clearly
Since it happened today
The day that he came
And arrived at my doorway.
so refreshing to be at home after a long journey, whole and complete
travelling is 1/2 the fun, the other 1/2 is arriving home
im here already.
I was beginning to feel like I’d finally become comfortable in my own skin, like I was really starting to become myself, who I really am, like I had finally arrived at my destination. I’m not so sure anymore more it was a comforting thing ot think I had arrived at some place I was meant to be.
it’s time to make due with where you are at and step towards your real goals. Never the end of the road, simply a milestone along the way for you to rest at. Look back to where you have come from and look ahead to where you are going. Make note you don’t get lost, although that’s part of the fun.
as i arrived in spain i thought oh wow its amazing how under thought of this country is then as i left the air port i said to my traveling busniss partner how we should have an office er
I arrived at formal on Friday it was going to a more interesting night then it was. It sucked, it was awful. Fuck the M… for being bitches…but espeically the bartenders. They were bitches. I feel like arrived just turned into a bitch fest…
i arrived at the food store and i couldn’t believe what i saw, the girl in the bikini next to me was so skinny i felt i could see through her. I could almost see her bones, it was like there was no skin covering her bones, she must be freezing when its cold out!
I have arrived! My aunt shouted up the stairs. She was always a goofy one. We were meeting today to go to lunch. She claims we never spend anytime together, mostly because she can get a little crazy when she’s drinking. We went out to lunch and she immediately ordered a glass of wine. AT LUNCH for god’s sakes.
she arrived at half past midnight, and her eyes shook. i looked at her, i tried to hold them down buy i knew it was over. they were gone. she was gone. i was, too.
How do you know when you’re there? When have you finally arrived at the end? Is it when you can learn no more? When you feel safe? How do you know, how does anyone, ever understand? Does it end? Maybe that’s it, maybe you don’t arrive at the end because there isn’t one. A perpetual struggle.
I already wrote a short story about arrived. In that story, I was at a train station and saw something beautiful. I’m glad the time ran out, because I had no idea was I was going to write about. Maybe a child or something. I was just looking at photos of children because I am getting a new camera for christmas and I wanted to be inspired. TIME IS UP for me!
I arrived at the train station after running to try and catch the 10:00, but as I got to the ticket booth I was relieved to find that my train had been suspended for technical reasons. As I waited on a cold metal bench for the speakers to announce some kind of news, I saw the most beautiful sight I’d ever seen.
im gonna arrive sooon in australia, new zealand, china and thailand! Here i come, hurray.
we arrived at shifty apartment about two blocks south from where we currently lived. The realtor’s didn’t seem happy to be working on a Saturday afternoon. It was unpleasant for the both of us.
I arrived at the shop and I bought junk
come in
I had arrived at my destination at last. The place is not the place I had expected. They said I would be arriving in some classy, well-kept neighborhood. Instead I wound up in the ghetto with $200 dollars in my pocket looking for drugs.
I arrived to the supermarket and traded my clams, they died five months ago and I just wanna eat spaghetti and clams with garlic! I fucked up my brownies for the second time. They sold me ”almond extract” on a box that said ”almond IMITATION”. I thought they were tiny almondsss!
im here im there u see me now u dont because i arrived somewhere else. maybe i odnt wan to be here at all maybe thats it. Do you really think i am here? Can you see me? I dont think you can.
now place good thought lost found package mail career package present goods dam that is all new movie
My steps bacame slower. My breath became qiueter. I became more aware of my surrondings, but the sounds were drowned out by my fierce exression. Finally, I have arrived at the new Earth. For which we were suppose to live and sustain a new life.
home just back del;ivered from euriope aRRIVAL BIRTH BIRTS FLYING SOUTHCOLD HERE stork arrived pregnancy birth from cold renewal religion interesting connections to paganiosm christ plagarism old sooo much olde than
‘she arrived to the trainstation, at around three twenty in the afternoon, she saw their car was there so she wondered if they have arrived at the platform yet.’
I have just arrived in a new world full of light and randomness…
One word- One word could change the meaning of life. From depression or happiness. It could mean how you perceive others. It could dig to the deepest part of your mind, making you wonder why you take it so seriously. The difference between who you are and what you show others.
i arrived in new york just in time. 4:30. i was excited and scared all at the same time. it had been so long since i had seen my mom; i waited impatiently in the airport for her to arrive. she was late unlike me. “hello,” said an attractive man.
arrived home from york, it was beautiful. amazing to be fair. i saw the most gorgeous boys and i want one now. i want to be back in the same place i was when i saw him. i had an amazing weekend.
I arrived at the front door at his house, wondering whether he would be home or if he was out with his other girl. I hoped he would be home, but I think underneath I knew better. He didn’t even love me anymore, all he wanted was out of our relationship, but he was too much of a coward actually do something about it.
i came i saw i conquered
I arrived late, as usual. It was one thing to be late, but a totally different thing to actually show. I didn’t think I would make it… It turned out to be worth it.
We all arrived at the party…. at the same time
We all had a good time.. there was no alcohol…
The party ended soon and we all went home, with different partners. That was interesting.
I ended up with a very handsome, funny man. We had a great time. If I wasn’t already married, we could have had something.
I almost wish I wasn’t married, I’d like to find out where it would go with us.
i have arrived. That is all I know. There is no here, no there. I have simply arrived. What is arrived anyway? Why is it spelt that way? Who decides what is spelt what way? I don’t know. But I have a
He had only just arrived at the airport. He didn’t know where he was going from there, but it didn’t really matter. The only important thing was that he was here; and that she was somewhere out there, waiting for him. With a smile on his lips, he took his first step off the curb.