
October 30th, 2009 | 377 Entries

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377 Entries for “arrow”

  1. The arrow. Something you see often now a days, know what I’m thinking about? That’s right, living above the influence, the influence of drugs. Drugs are becoming a major problem our society, and all over, TV, computers, books, they encourage you to live above the influence. Although, most don’t listen to what they’re told.

  2. The bird was hit with the arrow and spiraled down to the forest floor.

  3. Straight shooter. that’s all i need to be literally to hit that tiny bulls eye stretching out in front of me like a long shot in a movie and figuratively for general life skills. just that stay focused breath pull and shoot shoot shoot sending one bit of you flying off into the oblivion, connecting your being to the world

  4. The arrow flies the wind, rushing as the answer meets the question, one day perhaps they will meet! Because for now the arrow is flying and has not yet met its target, I await the silent thump it makes when it meets the answer to this wretched question of to love or not to love.

    John K.
  5. If you were to shoot someone with an arrow, what would the arrow be full of? The possibliites were endless. You could save their lives, or break their hearts. You could drive them mad or make them sane. But whatever you chose, effects you, no matter what you may think. It will change your heart, and once that happens there is no coming back from it.

    Laura Shane
  6. I saw you and Cupid shot an arrow straigh to my heart!

  7. my friend Judy and I made up an elaborate and somewhat masochistic dance routine to the song “Little Arrows” by Leapy Lee, which I had on a 45. I don’t know who the record belonged to, or why the dance routine was so violent, but it was something we did in our bedroom during those years that it looks like kids don’t really have any more, those years of the beginning of autonomy from childhood, before teenagerhood.

  8. The arrow just missed the bull’s-eye of the target, and he threw the bow to the ground, angry that he’d missed again. Granted, it was almost perfect, but it wasn’t good enough. He’d been taught that everything had to be perfect, and if it wasn’t, well, then, you either needed to try again or go on to something else, no matter how devastating quitting might be.

  9. the arrow I followeed must have been wrong as I was walking about for absoulutly hours. I could have killed the people who set those arrows out, I was ment to be at that party at 3.00 but because of those arrows i was there at 6.00

  10. straight as an arrow is a funny expression since arrows have beeen out of fashion for so long. i mean, who’d think arrow when the word straight comes up? i’d think of a line mostly, even though i know lines aren’t always straight. and with an arrow, well, maybe william tell. and the fact that archery was a bust for me at camp. arrows also go through people’s heads on halloween — not really but fake, which is kind of silly because again, arrows really aren’t something you see a lot of these days. after all, it’s not like robin hood hangs out in our forests or something. or we go hunting for deer with bows and arrows.

  11. The arrow flew swiftly across the room, landing smack into the man’s chest, the blood squirting out of him, like a panicked waterfall. His eyes went back in his head and he fell into a heap on the floor, the life leaving him behind in a glance.

    The man with the rest of the arrows stood glaring at the heap of a human mess.

    Nida Saeed
  12. Straight and true you depend on your handler so much.

  13. My heart is quick as an arrow, as quick as a horse running through a thicket of trees. He is with me, but he is not. I step forward to tell him how I feel, but am cock-blocked by his girlfriend, my best friend. My heart is broken, and so is my soul. The arrow sticks out of my heart like a hot poker in a dying fire.

  14. My heart is quick as an arrow, as quick as a horse running through a thicket of trees. He is with me, but he is not. I step forward to tell him how I feel, but am cock-blocked by his girlfriend, my best friend. My heart is broken, and so is my soul. The arrow sticks out of my heart like a hot poker in a dyigfire.

  15. shoot the damn arrow, straight through the apple, shit! I hit his eye. No, really, I mean I really hit his eye–Splat! Oh, man, it’s like a spewing gooing grape eye. Oh, who thought this was a good idea?

  16. the arrow flies thru the air towards the apple wanting to hit it. as it is about to reach its destination it drops to the ground. the apple wonders what happened……suddenly the arrow is picked up.

  17. i drew an arrow to point to something on a sign. I like doing doodles with arrows.

  18. sharp to the heart,
    it doesn’t miss
    it stings
    and paralyzes
    and doesn’t wait
    i am just a heart
    in a game you play

  19. arrow

  20. Arrows shooting through the air made the whipping sound Master Alix’s whip made as it cracked over my back. I cringed, it was all too much. Too many words kept coming back and it was all I could do to stop myself from trying to hallucinate my body into a place better than here. Anywhere but here.

  21. she loosely wrapped her hand around the arrow and was internaly relieved he was unconsious. as she pulled, the arrow fell deeper into his shouldetr. she could feel his sharp intake of breath.

  22. she loosely wrapped her hand around the arrow and was internaly relieved he was unconsious. as she pulled, the arrow fell deeper into his shouldetr. she could feel his sharp intake of breath.

  23. Arrow’s are sharp and fired from a bow.

  24. arrow
    straight as an arrow
    thats what he told me
    i dont care what your fucking sexuality is
    im gay
    and what?
    its like taste buds…
    i cant make myself like sour kraut
    and what?
    are you gonna persecute me for that?
    i can def choose to eat it
    but i dont like it
    fuck your arrow
    i dont care
    you shouldnt either

  25. Pulling the string taught, he took aim, stilling his breathing. Then he released the string, letting the arrow fly.

    It flew through the air, straight and fast, hitting its target exactly. The girl flinched, blinking and glancing around. Then her eyes landed on the boy sitting across from her, and a dopey smile spread across her face.

    Cupid’s work was done.

  26. The arrow flew past the solider and struck the oak tree. He breathed a sigh of relief. Then he resumed charging with sword in hand. Hooves struck the grass as more arrows sprayed the air.

    Gouldin Lion
  27. Arrow straight to the heart. To the heart of the matter. On target, off target, pierce with an arrow.
    An arrow is used to pierce something to immobilize it in some way. What things are arrows for you?

  28. arrow

  29. very best job

  30. arrow flies, it strikes, it hits, it dies.
    The arrow knows not where it goes.
    Children screaming, women pleading, men are fighting
    the war that never ends.
    The arrow keeps on going.
    It flie, it strikes, it hits, it dies.

  31. Straight as an arrow, my flow of logic flew through the rhetoric and cut straight to the point. The debate had been raging on for several minutes now, but I silenced it all with a single bold sentence.

  32. arrow. nice name. nice word. it strikes. don’t know what to write about. it’s the very first time it happended to me

  33. It’s was a broken arrow that I found while walking out in the woods. It was roughly shaven on one side and had a jagged edge on the other. I couldn’t help but wonder how it had broken. Was it from wounding an animal?

  34. straight forward
    bow and arrow

  35. The arrow flashed repeatedly in the dimly lit cave. Exit. Where would it go? I do want out but somehow I don’t want to leave the warm glowing light of the arrow.

    chris rubin
  36. indians used arrows to kill prey and enemies but now that arrows are used so often in video games and movies they have lost their potency i once used an arrow to open a can of beer the end

  37. straight through the apple of my heart
    like sorrow
    an obelisk of chance
    where are you now?

  38. The arrow shushed away from the tension of his bow with perfect form. It flew nearly 200 yards before landing on the opposite side of the window. He smirked and looked at her from under a lock of golden hair. “Told ya”

  39. the arrow shifts its position in the sky as my mind is boggled by the multitude of options. i wonder how things get started and i wonder how decisions are made, and promises broken all in one split second/ i wonder how an arrow can know where it pierces

  40. All work and no play makes jack a dell boy. all work and no play makes jack a dull boy Al work and no pla ill killl you no…
