There was an arrow shooting through the sky. It landed at the perfect intersection within the target. Dead center! I couldn’t believe my luck, my skill. How absolutely fantastic! I’ll never recreate that moment.
piercing hearts. piercing souls. never coming back. spiritual object. straight lines. definite decisions. pure actions. point. period.
i had an arrow across my heart which took my thoughts and hopes and dreams away from me. It was you, it was a simple no from you…. i cant believe how you simply took that away from me without even caring or thinking how i might feeling.
I remember getting my first arrowhead in elementary school when we were learning about Native Americans. I think it’s so cool that they were able to use natural objects versus the Europeans who were dependent of manmade things. Pretty ingenious.
arrow is my eye with the sparrow in the closet. Neigh! should she sing would the blood of life’s sweetest tears may rain! What a beautiful triumph for mankind!
Sarah McCoy
The arrow is Cupid’s clich
The arrow looked like it flew straight, straight as the metaphorical even, but Simon knew it was really flexing, wiggling and springing its way through the air to its target. And that was him, wiggling his way through security after springing over the razor wire, in time to deliver his own gleaming payload at the target encircled before him.
the arrow arced through the air and nearly missed me. I groveled up the side of a dirt bank and threw myself over to the other side. Carefully edging the top of my head over
Arlee Bird
a tattoo on a chest. a small arrow. yeah.
if i’d get a tattoo
one day a little turtle was out running through the woods. she thought she heard something behind her. she aimed her little bow and arrow through the bushes and the trees and shot her little arrow up and over the bush. It sailed far and deep beyond what she could see.
goin coconuts
i wear a shield to prevent arrows from peircing my heart. i shall never love again.
it took a small boy one arrow to learn that, whenever something is shot into the air, it must come back down.
I am a rock I am an arrow through all that can be achieved straight and unending. follow me as I fly for I shall mystify before I strike . hear me as I take the current of silence with me.
the arrow of love breaking my soul
tears falling down from my heart
the one way arrow pointed to the right, the right way the only way that i did not want to go. why is everything always chosen for us? don’t we have a day. we should make our own all way signs. let the world know how we live. with out bounds
Her bottom teeth are as straight as arrows and white, too, even though she doesn’t believe in flossing. His are all helter-skelter, not the most beautiful things.
Ella Emma Em
the arrow pierced the gallant soldier’s chest, releasing a burst of pain through his side. He tumbled to the ground, wincing.
It pierced her heart. She felt a warm gush of life pour from her. Dripping down in small bursts, in tempo with her struggling heart beat. Could it really end like this? Could this really be the end? Before she could protest…it was over.
i remember doing a camping trip with my dad at a younger age… we hiked up to this bow-and-arrow-shooting range. there was this other family there and the father shot for the target and ended up hitting a deer.
Pierced the skin just above the left knee. He seemed not to feel it as he ran towards her, the group of men yelling behind him, urging him forward, taunting him. Unseeing as they were of his vision, the men slowly quieted. Arrow after arrow pierced his skin, but he did not stop, past all limits. The silence washed over them men like silk and they lay down their weapons, all but one.
straight as a arrow through the woods he ran, heart thudding and pounding and straining inside his cheast. if only for his ripcage, it would bust from his very being. but that did not matter now. time is of the essence. he had to get to her. What if he was too late?
Lydia K.
The arrow narrowly missed her, it had cut through her shirt and blood was now trickling down her arm.
“Is that all you got?” She smirked at the group of men in front of her.
“Well well, I don’t think you should speak so soon.” One of the more cocky of the group exclaimed.
cupids arrow is the first one that comes to mind but i hate cliches like that. arrows are a symbol for direction. and arrow points us to where we need to go. arrows are a helping hand when we are confused. an arrow on the road warns us for what is to come. dont you wish our minds had arrows for every situation? “go this way, not that way. do this, not that. pick him”
elizabeth ashley
now lets get straight to the point, an arrow is a nice thing, for getting peoples attention, making a point, catching an apple from within a tree, finding out where you are going, or to find your way home.
Barry Wilkinson
point sign sing feeling look face smile feel changed sting
The arrow flies through the air towards the double top. I need that to win. I need it to prove myself in the team. I need it. I need it.
Bel Weir
The arrow that I have in my hand is made of tungsten and flies through the air to the double top.
I shot the arrow.
Straight and true, his aim was never off. He cocked his head to one side and squinted. No, there was no way he could miss this shot no matter how difficult it was. But before he could release, a whizzing shot by him; someone else beat him to it.
my heart felt like it had been struck by an arrow with poison in it. The arrow was long with edges that caught inside. my heart burned from the posion inside the brightly colored arrow. It couldn’t have been a slowere death.
the bow shoots this and it is a way to point to what you want to hit. you can hunt with this, cupid can shoot this to make love. an arrow can indicate direction, and where to go.
The arrow tugs against the string, as I pull is farther back. I can feel it flex between my finger, but I keep tugging. Then, when finally it will give no more, I let it go. I let the arrow free, and it flies, straight and certain at my target. It goes just where it is aimed. It strikes her heart.
the arrow pointed down. so she followed it downstairs. creeping slowly, she was afraid of what she might find. her flashlight began to flicker and she grew nervous. hello! she called out. hoping in some ways not to hear a response.
Remember to point the sharp part AWAY from you.
Arrows fly straight and true. The only one can blame for a misfire is yourself, so think twice then let it fly ’cause there ain’t no second shots.
The breakfast sat on the open table mostly eaten, partly left, newspapers strewn about and read group style.
They sat in the same comfortable chair together, her curled in his lap doing crossword and eating toast, him drinking the last of his coffee and looking over her shoulder.
Cupid’s tiny golden arrows scattered about them. Some in their bodies, some in their eyes, but most in their hearts.
The arrow that Robin let go of flew across the open field and struck the target dead on.
“Aye! There it is! Top that!” he yells triumphantly. Will Scarlett smiles and takes out his own arrow from his sling. Raising the bow to eye level he has little doubt that just like Robin he will score a bulls eye.
“I shot an arrow in the air,
and down it fell, I knew not where.”
Which, when you come to think of it, is rather irresponsible. Arrows fall. They kill. Do that on a crowded street and you’ve got reckless endangerment right there. It seems that what you should do is shoot an arrow *at something* make it specific. Make it worthwhile. This? nice rhyme, nice meter. Horrible weapons safety.
How about –
“I shot an arrow at my friend
And he came to a grisly end.”
Only Me
fires straight and true through hearts of many. Fired out of a strong yue re curve bow this was a strong tool in the hands of anyone who could wield it.
There was an arrow shooting through the sky. It landed at the perfect intersection within the target. Dead center! I couldn’t believe my luck, my skill. How absolutely fantastic! I’ll never recreate that moment.
piercing hearts. piercing souls. never coming back. spiritual object. straight lines. definite decisions. pure actions. point. period.
i had an arrow across my heart which took my thoughts and hopes and dreams away from me. It was you, it was a simple no from you…. i cant believe how you simply took that away from me without even caring or thinking how i might feeling.
I remember getting my first arrowhead in elementary school when we were learning about Native Americans. I think it’s so cool that they were able to use natural objects versus the Europeans who were dependent of manmade things. Pretty ingenious.
arrow is my eye with the sparrow in the closet. Neigh! should she sing would the blood of life’s sweetest tears may rain! What a beautiful triumph for mankind!
The arrow is Cupid’s clich
The arrow looked like it flew straight, straight as the metaphorical even, but Simon knew it was really flexing, wiggling and springing its way through the air to its target. And that was him, wiggling his way through security after springing over the razor wire, in time to deliver his own gleaming payload at the target encircled before him.
the arrow arced through the air and nearly missed me. I groveled up the side of a dirt bank and threw myself over to the other side. Carefully edging the top of my head over
a tattoo on a chest. a small arrow. yeah.
if i’d get a tattoo
one day a little turtle was out running through the woods. she thought she heard something behind her. she aimed her little bow and arrow through the bushes and the trees and shot her little arrow up and over the bush. It sailed far and deep beyond what she could see.
i wear a shield to prevent arrows from peircing my heart. i shall never love again.
it took a small boy one arrow to learn that, whenever something is shot into the air, it must come back down.
I am a rock I am an arrow through all that can be achieved straight and unending. follow me as I fly for I shall mystify before I strike . hear me as I take the current of silence with me.
the arrow of love breaking my soul
tears falling down from my heart
the one way arrow pointed to the right, the right way the only way that i did not want to go. why is everything always chosen for us? don’t we have a day. we should make our own all way signs. let the world know how we live. with out bounds
Her bottom teeth are as straight as arrows and white, too, even though she doesn’t believe in flossing. His are all helter-skelter, not the most beautiful things.
the arrow pierced the gallant soldier’s chest, releasing a burst of pain through his side. He tumbled to the ground, wincing.
It pierced her heart. She felt a warm gush of life pour from her. Dripping down in small bursts, in tempo with her struggling heart beat. Could it really end like this? Could this really be the end? Before she could protest…it was over.
i remember doing a camping trip with my dad at a younger age… we hiked up to this bow-and-arrow-shooting range. there was this other family there and the father shot for the target and ended up hitting a deer.
Pierced the skin just above the left knee. He seemed not to feel it as he ran towards her, the group of men yelling behind him, urging him forward, taunting him. Unseeing as they were of his vision, the men slowly quieted. Arrow after arrow pierced his skin, but he did not stop, past all limits. The silence washed over them men like silk and they lay down their weapons, all but one.
straight as a arrow through the woods he ran, heart thudding and pounding and straining inside his cheast. if only for his ripcage, it would bust from his very being. but that did not matter now. time is of the essence. he had to get to her. What if he was too late?
The arrow narrowly missed her, it had cut through her shirt and blood was now trickling down her arm.
“Is that all you got?” She smirked at the group of men in front of her.
“Well well, I don’t think you should speak so soon.” One of the more cocky of the group exclaimed.
cupids arrow is the first one that comes to mind but i hate cliches like that. arrows are a symbol for direction. and arrow points us to where we need to go. arrows are a helping hand when we are confused. an arrow on the road warns us for what is to come. dont you wish our minds had arrows for every situation? “go this way, not that way. do this, not that. pick him”
now lets get straight to the point, an arrow is a nice thing, for getting peoples attention, making a point, catching an apple from within a tree, finding out where you are going, or to find your way home.
point sign sing feeling look face smile feel changed sting
bow, apple, hungry, random, target, flint, primitive, tools, kill animals, hunting, food, cupid, valentines day, candy, choco
The arrow flies through the air towards the double top. I need that to win. I need it to prove myself in the team. I need it. I need it.
The arrow that I have in my hand is made of tungsten and flies through the air to the double top.
I shot the arrow.
Straight and true, his aim was never off. He cocked his head to one side and squinted. No, there was no way he could miss this shot no matter how difficult it was. But before he could release, a whizzing shot by him; someone else beat him to it.
my heart felt like it had been struck by an arrow with poison in it. The arrow was long with edges that caught inside. my heart burned from the posion inside the brightly colored arrow. It couldn’t have been a slowere death.
the bow shoots this and it is a way to point to what you want to hit. you can hunt with this, cupid can shoot this to make love. an arrow can indicate direction, and where to go.
The arrow tugs against the string, as I pull is farther back. I can feel it flex between my finger, but I keep tugging. Then, when finally it will give no more, I let it go. I let the arrow free, and it flies, straight and certain at my target. It goes just where it is aimed. It strikes her heart.
the arrow pointed down. so she followed it downstairs. creeping slowly, she was afraid of what she might find. her flashlight began to flicker and she grew nervous. hello! she called out. hoping in some ways not to hear a response.
Remember to point the sharp part AWAY from you.
Arrows fly straight and true. The only one can blame for a misfire is yourself, so think twice then let it fly ’cause there ain’t no second shots.
Coffee, toast, eggs, bacon, hash browns, baked beans.
The breakfast sat on the open table mostly eaten, partly left, newspapers strewn about and read group style.
They sat in the same comfortable chair together, her curled in his lap doing crossword and eating toast, him drinking the last of his coffee and looking over her shoulder.
Cupid’s tiny golden arrows scattered about them. Some in their bodies, some in their eyes, but most in their hearts.
The arrow that Robin let go of flew across the open field and struck the target dead on.
“Aye! There it is! Top that!” he yells triumphantly. Will Scarlett smiles and takes out his own arrow from his sling. Raising the bow to eye level he has little doubt that just like Robin he will score a bulls eye.
“I shot an arrow in the air,
and down it fell, I knew not where.”
Which, when you come to think of it, is rather irresponsible. Arrows fall. They kill. Do that on a crowded street and you’ve got reckless endangerment right there. It seems that what you should do is shoot an arrow *at something* make it specific. Make it worthwhile. This? nice rhyme, nice meter. Horrible weapons safety.
How about –
“I shot an arrow at my friend
And he came to a grisly end.”
fires straight and true through hearts of many. Fired out of a strong yue re curve bow this was a strong tool in the hands of anyone who could wield it.