“See that arrow?” I asked, pointing at the poster with disgust dripping off every word coming out of my mouth. “That arrow is the bleedin’ reason I can’t go back to my school without getting laughed at”
He aims his bow swiftly at the deer, making sure not to stir the branches around him. As the sting is released, the arrow soars into the deer’s heart. Quickly and smoothly as can be.
arrows to the soul. how could he do this, after so long? what could change from such perfection to such terrible ruin? burning to the mind. stabs to the heart. take my feelings out with a cold, metal shovel.
it’s lika a thing a crossbow shoots and if you get hit with it near youtr heart you will probably die. I like crossbows. Wirra is it backwards. Mums fillibaba…
Flight, Longfellow’s whim. Archer’s glory, fletcher’s pride. Fear of arms, delight in target. Bullseye. Robin hood.
the arrow is narrow but still serves its purpose
like a knoife.
with a purpose.
cupids arrow through the heart, purposley birnging people together. arrows kill arrows love, arrows give direction arrows are everywhere. which arrow will bring you where you want to go, bring you to who you want to be brought to.
like a knife,
with a purpose.
The arrow was right on target. It carried a flame to the front door of the pioneer house, driving the settlers out and into the woods.
Shoot him straight through the heart and you’ll never have a day’s trouble again. Of course, “love” and “felony,” while not entirely comprising of the same letters, do have a certain criminal association with each other. Park yourself up on the top of a building and shoot someone through the chest, and even if you are Cupid, say, or someone completely naked except for an adult-sized diaper and (for sake of argument let’s say) a pair of wings, nobody will really care whether it was an act of redemption or an act of revenge — it’s the ends that matter, not the means.
She tried to explain. “I just choose to believe that what I create in my mind will arrive in my life some day. It’s like an arrow heading this way; my will and my vision creating a straight trajectory right to me.” ” That’s why I try to keep a clear head,” he replied.
o değilde
aramadın aramıyosun
She wasn’t sure which direction to go. The arrow said left, but her mother was there.
Kav P
An arrow throw the heart. An arrow is an art. I wish i could learn archery. It looks so fun and Id love to have a way to defend myself. But Id probably hurt someone… im kinda clumsy…
ne olurdu sanki sende ben kadar olsan ?
The arrow flew from the bow, whizzing through the forest air, and nestling itself in the ground a few feet off. The boy sighed, stepping softly towards it and plucking it from the ground. Missed again.
Beşiktaş Football club . in Turkey
i saw the arrow point to the sky. i could only do one thing; follow this arrow. you won’t believe where it led. straight to hell. talk about being confused arrow’s pointing up and leading to hell. i thought for sure i’d be heading to heaven.
She drew back, though the bow was in her hand and she was ready to shoot; she couldn’t bring herself to hit the creature. It stood stark against the white snow, with night black fur and deep, deep blue eyes.
this arrow was found on the ground. it appeared there was blood on the tip but it also looks as if there is something else there – is that poison? Andrew didn’t want to touch it but he also didnt want the police to find it so he didnt know what to do.
The sharpened piece of wood flew through the air, cutting through the forest with a lightning speed. It landed perfeclty
there is an arrow pointing to the exit sign. problem is, i don’t want to leave, i just want to know where the ladies room is. why isn’t there an arrow for that?
Layla Macoran
Once I found my pace, I decided that this race shouldn’t be as hard as I had made it out to be in my head.
I kept noticing the arrow signs marking the path that I was supposed to follow; I had to make myself concentrate on my breath and adjust my step so that I wouldn’t fall flat on my face.
The arrow pierced through the darkness. Its silver tip shimmered gleefully as it flew, seeking out it’s target. The feathers fluttered in the wind as the arrow sped ahead, seeking, ever seeking.
The arrow shot James right through the heart.
Eyes widened.
Heart thumped;
thump thump stop.
Dead eyes.
A girl cries.
The arrow.
The breathing stops.
The person stops.
The life stops.
It’s a tool for killing.
it always points you to where you need to go, makes life so much easier because even though it can’t make the choice for you it at least clearly marks the choice and more often than not also tells you what the choice is, because its very seldom that you see an arrow all alone without an accompanying caption.
Abdul Aleem
Cupid, draw back your bow and let your arrow flow straight to my lover’s heart. The arrows of love rarely fly straight, they twist in the air and leap into the most unlikely places. Cupid is fucking with us.
I was starting to think cupid was cruel. I always seemed to be paired with the wrong people. now i think that his arrow just kept missing it’s mark. This time he finally got it right. He finally hit me right in the heart
i love arrows.
like ero’s bow
your the arrow
drawn so tight
til you let go
babe i hope you know
that i love you so
especially when you let loose
from my neck
you remove the noose
you set me free
from life’s tragedy
if all the world is a stage
why then does it feel more like a gilded cage
so set us free
before all the world to see
and fly like an arrow
without skipping a beat
Shade Sirenwolf
Long straight, floating through the air. Nothing can stop it from getting to where it wants to go. The wind carries it like a bird. If you listen closely you hear the whistle as it flies by your face, blowing your hair across your nose.
Into the apple in the tree.
arrow comes with a cupid. A cupid shoots the arrow making people crazy in love. This is like a kind of enchantment. So… are cupids good or evil?
pointy top starit curvy important thinkink computer mouse showing somthing looking
lilian james
The arrow struck the officer in the neck when he walked up to the car. It was a drunk driver that just got back from hunting.
nicholas Telios
i love arrows, matove america, colored, sharp dark dangerous dance sky rain pony tails horses painted horses finger paints long walks running
The arrow’s grey, steely point glinted in the spring sunshine. The bow string quivered as it was pulled taught. The deer twitched it’s nose, not realising it was smelling death as it sniffed the breath warm air.
An Arrow glides through the sky, at speeds one can not comprehend. No starting point, and almost certainly no ending point. Beautiful to behond, but deadly to feel.
“See that arrow?” I asked, pointing at the poster with disgust dripping off every word coming out of my mouth. “That arrow is the bleedin’ reason I can’t go back to my school without getting laughed at”
He aims his bow swiftly at the deer, making sure not to stir the branches around him. As the sting is released, the arrow soars into the deer’s heart. Quickly and smoothly as can be.
arrows to the soul. how could he do this, after so long? what could change from such perfection to such terrible ruin? burning to the mind. stabs to the heart. take my feelings out with a cold, metal shovel.
it’s lika a thing a crossbow shoots and if you get hit with it near youtr heart you will probably die. I like crossbows. Wirra is it backwards. Mums fillibaba…
Flight, Longfellow’s whim. Archer’s glory, fletcher’s pride. Fear of arms, delight in target. Bullseye. Robin hood.
the arrow is narrow but still serves its purpose
like a knoife.
with a purpose.
cupids arrow through the heart, purposley birnging people together. arrows kill arrows love, arrows give direction arrows are everywhere. which arrow will bring you where you want to go, bring you to who you want to be brought to.
like a knife,
with a purpose.
The arrow was right on target. It carried a flame to the front door of the pioneer house, driving the settlers out and into the woods.
Shoot him straight through the heart and you’ll never have a day’s trouble again. Of course, “love” and “felony,” while not entirely comprising of the same letters, do have a certain criminal association with each other. Park yourself up on the top of a building and shoot someone through the chest, and even if you are Cupid, say, or someone completely naked except for an adult-sized diaper and (for sake of argument let’s say) a pair of wings, nobody will really care whether it was an act of redemption or an act of revenge — it’s the ends that matter, not the means.
She tried to explain. “I just choose to believe that what I create in my mind will arrive in my life some day. It’s like an arrow heading this way; my will and my vision creating a straight trajectory right to me.” ” That’s why I try to keep a clear head,” he replied.
o değilde
She wasn’t sure which direction to go. The arrow said left, but her mother was there.
An arrow throw the heart. An arrow is an art. I wish i could learn archery. It looks so fun and Id love to have a way to defend myself. But Id probably hurt someone… im kinda clumsy…
ne olurdu sanki sende ben kadar olsan ?
The arrow flew from the bow, whizzing through the forest air, and nestling itself in the ground a few feet off. The boy sighed, stepping softly towards it and plucking it from the ground. Missed again.
Beşiktaş Football club . in Turkey
i saw the arrow point to the sky. i could only do one thing; follow this arrow. you won’t believe where it led. straight to hell. talk about being confused arrow’s pointing up and leading to hell. i thought for sure i’d be heading to heaven.
She drew back, though the bow was in her hand and she was ready to shoot; she couldn’t bring herself to hit the creature. It stood stark against the white snow, with night black fur and deep, deep blue eyes.
this arrow was found on the ground. it appeared there was blood on the tip but it also looks as if there is something else there – is that poison? Andrew didn’t want to touch it but he also didnt want the police to find it so he didnt know what to do.
The sharpened piece of wood flew through the air, cutting through the forest with a lightning speed. It landed perfeclty
there is an arrow pointing to the exit sign. problem is, i don’t want to leave, i just want to know where the ladies room is. why isn’t there an arrow for that?
Once I found my pace, I decided that this race shouldn’t be as hard as I had made it out to be in my head.
I kept noticing the arrow signs marking the path that I was supposed to follow; I had to make myself concentrate on my breath and adjust my step so that I wouldn’t fall flat on my face.
The arrow pierced through the darkness. Its silver tip shimmered gleefully as it flew, seeking out it’s target. The feathers fluttered in the wind as the arrow sped ahead, seeking, ever seeking.
The arrow shot James right through the heart.
Eyes widened.
Heart thumped;
thump thump stop.
Dead eyes.
A girl cries.
The arrow.
The breathing stops.
The person stops.
The life stops.
It’s a tool for killing.
it always points you to where you need to go, makes life so much easier because even though it can’t make the choice for you it at least clearly marks the choice and more often than not also tells you what the choice is, because its very seldom that you see an arrow all alone without an accompanying caption.
Cupid, draw back your bow and let your arrow flow straight to my lover’s heart. The arrows of love rarely fly straight, they twist in the air and leap into the most unlikely places. Cupid is fucking with us.
I was starting to think cupid was cruel. I always seemed to be paired with the wrong people. now i think that his arrow just kept missing it’s mark. This time he finally got it right. He finally hit me right in the heart
i love arrows.
like ero’s bow
your the arrow
drawn so tight
til you let go
babe i hope you know
that i love you so
especially when you let loose
from my neck
you remove the noose
you set me free
from life’s tragedy
if all the world is a stage
why then does it feel more like a gilded cage
so set us free
before all the world to see
and fly like an arrow
without skipping a beat
Long straight, floating through the air. Nothing can stop it from getting to where it wants to go. The wind carries it like a bird. If you listen closely you hear the whistle as it flies by your face, blowing your hair across your nose.
Into the apple in the tree.
arrow comes with a cupid. A cupid shoots the arrow making people crazy in love. This is like a kind of enchantment. So… are cupids good or evil?
pointy top starit curvy important thinkink computer mouse showing somthing looking
The arrow struck the officer in the neck when he walked up to the car. It was a drunk driver that just got back from hunting.
i love arrows, matove america, colored, sharp dark dangerous dance sky rain pony tails horses painted horses finger paints long walks running
The arrow’s grey, steely point glinted in the spring sunshine. The bow string quivered as it was pulled taught. The deer twitched it’s nose, not realising it was smelling death as it sniffed the breath warm air.
An Arrow glides through the sky, at speeds one can not comprehend. No starting point, and almost certainly no ending point. Beautiful to behond, but deadly to feel.
It goes straight into it.