
October 30th, 2009 | 377 Entries

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377 Entries for “arrow”

  1. One day there was a poor little arrow that was so sad it was go the different direction from all the other arrows. Some arrows were going up and down, some were going right. But our little protagonist was just travelling right. It was like the ugly duckling of line art.

  2. straigt the heart
    pain sucumbs
    straight through the eye
    inner strength
    can not come from an outside source
    no out side influene

    what up
  3. one word answers are always the worst. it makes people seem so pissed. one word answers drive me crazy. take the time to elaborate on what you say. you never know you could learn alot from others.

  4. The arrow pierced the apple lying atop his head. Coincidence? I think not…

  5. Straight as an arrow. the pencil flew into carl’s heart and slayed him instantly. The townspeople rejoiced and thanked sir Pargat-a-lot a lot. This led to all the saucy wenches bring flagons of ale to the good sir while carl’s body burned in the night.

    Pargat Singh
  6. cupid, draw back your bow
    and let your arrow goooo
    straight to my lovers heart
    for meeeeeee

    carl shan
  7. She notched the string, and sighted the mark, watching the faint flutter of wing that signified the bird was about to move.

    She smiled.

    If fell from the sky, blood against the dirt.

  8. Arrow through the heart. I understand why that’s supposed to be the symbol of love. Excuse the melodramatic tone but love means nothing but heartache. And I imagine an arrow right through it might smart a little.

  9. The arrow shot from the bow aimed at her heart. It missed and the blood from her shoulder spattered the snow. She wasn’t allowed to cover the wound and the wind made it sting sharply. “Why can’t I cover it?” “Because you are not meant to heal like a real person.”

  10. It flew through the air, a streak of silver against the black night. It whistled past her ear, and stuck in the trunk of a tree. She plunged off to the side, rushing throught the thick vegetation all around her. Her breathing was labored, but she knew that she could not stop, not until she was safe.

    Sarah-Rachael Murdoch
  11. bow

  12. like an arrow in a heart a snake is like a monkey in the forest all out of vies to swing on

  13. the arrow was a sham.

  14. straight shot feathered tail ancient technology wisdom created for distances, accuracy, nourishment
    well done

  15. pointing in the direction of increasing z

  16. It’s no secret that I’m not exactly the straightest arrow in the quiver. I’d be a circular arrow, I’m so un-straight. But I suppose a circular arrow would defeat the purpose a bit.

  17. Arrow is the name of my boyfriend’s boss’s son -and he has a friend named Athens. Cute kids. They were both Yoda for Halloween last year. I hope they still talk like Yoda does. I hope my boyfriend gets here soon and my cough goes away and that I’m going to be okay.

  18. point right at me

  19. The arrow pointed down the long strip of highway, the direction of his future. He looked back a moment, this was the point of no return. If he continued he’d never be able to go back to his life as it was, he’d never be able to go back to Yusei…
    Jack gritted his teeth and firmed his resolve. He climbed back onto the D-Wheel and drove into Neo-Domino.

  20. arrows just zoom in no direction, no one is driving them, shooting them, and nobody is having any fun penetrating the air and hitting the obscure target. i think we should just give up on arrows, they’ve become pointless, and we aren’t injuring one another — they just don’t do the trick like they once did. now, I propose something entirely other than that.

  21. head

  22. rrow shows the way to go that way we get our ambitions and way that go

  23. Artemis, the moon goddes and godess of the hunt, was a fierce and mighty warrior. Her Roman name is Diana and….and,,,.um… uhh….wel…she had a n arrow and it was her sign.

    GirlYou Don'tKnow
  24. arrow

  25. Sagittarius. I’ve begun to identify with the character. I want to learn the art of archery, although I fear it. Pulling back to the point of full potential energy, and then the powerful release of all that it held… soaring through the air to meet its target.

  26. She lifted the arrow from the ground, sliding her finger against the edge. There was a viscous substance along the shaft and head. Blood. She lifted the dark fluid to her nose and could smell the coppery tang.
    “They were here. Can’t be far either, one of them is injured.”

  27. bow, cupid, love, me and you, everything, sharp, pain, past, war, violence, Odyssey, camp, life.

  28. He loaded the quiver, wondering who would notice that he was holding the bow upside down. Gym class was such a joke. Setting the arrow in place and pulling the string taut, he eyed the target before releasing the arrow, sending it flying across the gym. He held his arms at his sides and watched as the arrow bounced off of the gym wall and flew back at him, narrowly missing the gym teacher.

  29. The arrow hit its mark. The solider fell down dead. Cheers were heard from Brett’s companions, though they were quickly drowned out as another cloud of arrows and rocks and acid rained down upon the boys.

  30. Arrows. A tear drifts alone in a turbulent sea of frustrated desires, wailing into the moonlit sky. My heart bleeds when it is pierced by an arrow. Or weird emo creative writing on a pointless website. Alas!

  31. Time flies like an arrow
    Love’s arrow
    We’re lining all the wood up behind one arrow (Scott McNealy at Sun)

  32. forward is the way. don’t look back.

  33. Arrows. They point to things, which is helpful. Unless it’s the bow and arrow variety of arrows, which could be helpful to the firer of the arrow, but let’s sympathise with the poor guy who’s going to shortly have it in his neck. To conclude: Arrows, not always a good thing for everyone involved.

  34. straight through my heart every time i see her face.

  35. the arrow pierced my heart and snow fell down around my pitiful self

  36. Today I am going to type about an arrow. Arrows are sharp and are used with bows. I like to impale others while using arrows. It is very sadistic, but who gives a shit. Anyways, my time is up.

  37. blargh

  38. the arrow is a mouse cursor genraly. you dont see to many normal shooting from a bow typs of arrows these days unless you go to like a hunting store of some sort.

  39. Straight, direct and to the point – right, left, up or down. Who knows why it points there, who knows who put it there. Directional, confusing. Harold-ocide.

  40. “the arrow stuck into his heart, blood spewing everywhere. It looked more painful than it really was, for he was numbed by the love he felt for her.”

    “ugh, gag me with a spoon,” she replied.
    “you’re not a romantic?”
    “nope, i’m a realist…”
