i don’t know why but those arrows that were meant to shoot through my heart missed and hit the poor soul next to me. you should see the way he carries your school picture in your arms, the way he hesitates in your presence, the way he stutters at the first syllable of your name. poor guy. he doesn’t know love like i do yet. he doesn’t know what he’s in for.
cicatrix manet.
There was an arrow that stuck to the ground like a cold frost on a winter’s day. It was buried so deep that even the strongest man in the world couldn’t pull it from the ground. But that’s to be expected when it was fired by Robin Hood. I guess there really isn’t any chivalry left in the world.
pointed, direction, where to go, how to get there, piercing, fast, bullseye, swift, long, direction in life
The arrow struck home and Adam sighed in relief before glancing at his gym teacher. He scowled at the target before grumpily dismissing Adam to go change for his next class. Adam hastily tossed his equipment in the bin and ran for the showers. He had been late three times this week already and could not afford to be late again.
there were this curse arrow in the park. a little boy came and pick it up. what the little boy know if you pick it up that the end of the world. the next day zomibies came and kill eveyone
me and my arrow — the point was a childhood favorite. straight up and narrow. the right way to be, the right way to go. taking the high road. oblio didn’t fit in because his head was round. everyone knows, it’s me and my arrow.
the arrow was shockingly painful. I suppose it makes sense, really, but I wasn’t anticipating the Force with which I would be hit, the terrible heat that would radiate out from the entry point
There was a bow and an arrow. The arrow was piercing the heart of the hunter. There was a beautiful woman. The woman was piercing the heart of the hunter.
Like an arrow in my heart you wound me with your words. Blood gushes out as my conscience fades away with. Your cruelty is too much for me to bear.
The sparrow sang softly through the breeze. That is until the arrow hit it’s unintended target. Then it fell softly to the forest floor.
She hesitated. Could she do this? Could she really take a man’s life?
“Anna! Anna, please!” roared Henry, slashing away at the massive beast.
She froze. Could she do it?
And she did.
the arrow through my heart still bleeds like the cliche that clings to this paper. words again and again lose meaning, lose power, lost the ability to convey what they really mean. this arrow isn’t through my heart to convey emotional pain. no, this arrow was physically and purposely shot through me and now i shall die.
I was an archer for many years. My uncle gave me my first bow and I shot an arrow in his back yard. I actually hit a target with my first arrow. Most of the other arrows didn’t hit their target, though. I missed quite a few times, but I had fun the whole time. I don’t use my bow much anymore.
The arrow pierced his skin, sending waves of pain up his leg. He fell to the ground as his vision dimmed.
“I must fight this,” he whispered to himself as he hung onto the edges of conciousness.
The arrow pierced his skin, sending waves of pain up his leg. He fell to the ground as his vision dimmed.
“I must fight this,” he whispered to himself as he hung onto the edges of conciousness.
I was an archer for many years. My uncle gave me my first bow and I shot an arrow in his back yard. I actually hit a target with my first arrow. Most of the other arrows didn’t hit their target, though. I missed quite a few times, but I had fun the whole time. I don’t use my bow much anymore.
through the worst organ possible. Sucks for you, Stephin Merritt. There is nothing more to say. Well maybe a little bit more because I have thirty seconds left and arrows should be good writer’s fodder. It’s not. blank
October 30th, 2009.
Christine D. O.
it points where I need to go. I think. Should I follow it? or should I not? My life. Some people say that life is like an arrow. Really? I don’t think so. Maybe It’s fast and all that, but life is not a straight forward thing that flies through time. Talking about arrow as in symbol arrow, I always liked those arrows from myc
bow and arrow, indians, history, arrowheads, darts, pointy, hunting,
She fallowed her path, straight and true to what her heart said.
Arrows remind me of weapons. I never used a bow and arrow, but I always wanted to. Y aknow that one actress is an olympic bow and arrow athelete-person-whatever. What is her name? Gina? She has an oscar.
Topher N
Bow and arrow. archery? straight and (n)arrow.
pi beta phi’s symbol. skanky bitches. hmmm.
The arrow whizzed through the air, flying straight for its target. With a sickening sound the tip embedded itself in the deer’s flank and it stumbled. Bleeding profusely it ran off into the underbrush.
Jen P
The Herring Courtyard was more like a compound, but Dr. Herring would never allow that word to be officially attached to the property for fear of it sounding too “cult-ish”. Still, it seemed by far the most fitting name. Upon driving past the large, iron gates that stood constant guard, you were greeted with a sign comprised of five arrows pointing in five different directions.
The arrow of Cupid plunged into his heart and without any notice at all he completely fell for the girl who had already been his for so long.
arrows are pointy and they have a long stick on them too. like really, they are an amazing shape. the world would be nothing without them, and even though everyone thinks they are useless, they are NOT. they are very important because they tell you what way to go! haha and thats how they roll.
kristina :D
straight as a goddamned arrow. there is something rustic and original about the world our fast-paced society seems to cherish.
but now we mostly refer to arrows in the sense of computers and what we use to click on ads to make our cocks bigger or our egos that much more inflated.
There was a green arrow at the end of the road. It pointed up, so we were supposed to go straight ahead. We turned left instead. That’s when we saw it…
I saw an arrow at the end of the tunnel.
It split the object in two. The airpulsated vigoriously as it sliced through the atmosphere. A perfect example of physics applied to reality.
M. Kultra
arrow shoots through the apple ontop of my head and bleeds
the arrow was in the deer
Straight and to the point, living deliberately. What’s the point of taking the scenic route? Life isn’t about the detours. It’s about where you end up. It’s about where you are.
I think being killed by an arrow would be interesting. Maybe they would make a CSI show about you. I mean how many people are shot with arrows in the middle of a city? Straight and fast.
missile; an ancient weapon used for hunting and warfare; bow and arrow are partners; poisoned arrowheads are wicked practices
Pavalamani Pragasam
Straight. Flying true to your beliefs, never compromising, always trying to be your own. Brilliant through the sky just like the sharp point of the arrow, never jagged or town but a gleaming, suspended point. All of us, flying straight and true, a million points in the sky.
imagine if you were killed by an arrow. the cops would see your body with the arrow in it and say ‘who killed him? I don’t know but let’s go that a way’.
i don’t know why but those arrows that were meant to shoot through my heart missed and hit the poor soul next to me. you should see the way he carries your school picture in your arms, the way he hesitates in your presence, the way he stutters at the first syllable of your name. poor guy. he doesn’t know love like i do yet. he doesn’t know what he’s in for.
There was an arrow that stuck to the ground like a cold frost on a winter’s day. It was buried so deep that even the strongest man in the world couldn’t pull it from the ground. But that’s to be expected when it was fired by Robin Hood. I guess there really isn’t any chivalry left in the world.
pointed, direction, where to go, how to get there, piercing, fast, bullseye, swift, long, direction in life
The arrow struck home and Adam sighed in relief before glancing at his gym teacher. He scowled at the target before grumpily dismissing Adam to go change for his next class. Adam hastily tossed his equipment in the bin and ran for the showers. He had been late three times this week already and could not afford to be late again.
there were this curse arrow in the park. a little boy came and pick it up. what the little boy know if you pick it up that the end of the world. the next day zomibies came and kill eveyone
me and my arrow — the point was a childhood favorite. straight up and narrow. the right way to be, the right way to go. taking the high road. oblio didn’t fit in because his head was round. everyone knows, it’s me and my arrow.
the arrow was shockingly painful. I suppose it makes sense, really, but I wasn’t anticipating the Force with which I would be hit, the terrible heat that would radiate out from the entry point
There was a bow and an arrow. The arrow was piercing the heart of the hunter. There was a beautiful woman. The woman was piercing the heart of the hunter.
Like an arrow in my heart you wound me with your words. Blood gushes out as my conscience fades away with. Your cruelty is too much for me to bear.
The sparrow sang softly through the breeze. That is until the arrow hit it’s unintended target. Then it fell softly to the forest floor.
She hesitated. Could she do this? Could she really take a man’s life?
“Anna! Anna, please!” roared Henry, slashing away at the massive beast.
She froze. Could she do it?
And she did.
the arrow through my heart still bleeds like the cliche that clings to this paper. words again and again lose meaning, lose power, lost the ability to convey what they really mean. this arrow isn’t through my heart to convey emotional pain. no, this arrow was physically and purposely shot through me and now i shall die.
I was an archer for many years. My uncle gave me my first bow and I shot an arrow in his back yard. I actually hit a target with my first arrow. Most of the other arrows didn’t hit their target, though. I missed quite a few times, but I had fun the whole time. I don’t use my bow much anymore.
The arrow pierced his skin, sending waves of pain up his leg. He fell to the ground as his vision dimmed.
“I must fight this,” he whispered to himself as he hung onto the edges of conciousness.
The arrow pierced his skin, sending waves of pain up his leg. He fell to the ground as his vision dimmed.
“I must fight this,” he whispered to himself as he hung onto the edges of conciousness.
I was an archer for many years. My uncle gave me my first bow and I shot an arrow in his back yard. I actually hit a target with my first arrow. Most of the other arrows didn’t hit their target, though. I missed quite a few times, but I had fun the whole time. I don’t use my bow much anymore.
through the worst organ possible. Sucks for you, Stephin Merritt. There is nothing more to say. Well maybe a little bit more because I have thirty seconds left and arrows should be good writer’s fodder. It’s not. blank
October 30th, 2009.
it points where I need to go. I think. Should I follow it? or should I not? My life. Some people say that life is like an arrow. Really? I don’t think so. Maybe It’s fast and all that, but life is not a straight forward thing that flies through time. Talking about arrow as in symbol arrow, I always liked those arrows from myc
bow and arrow, indians, history, arrowheads, darts, pointy, hunting,
She fallowed her path, straight and true to what her heart said.
Arrows remind me of weapons. I never used a bow and arrow, but I always wanted to. Y aknow that one actress is an olympic bow and arrow athelete-person-whatever. What is her name? Gina? She has an oscar.
Bow and arrow. archery? straight and (n)arrow.
pi beta phi’s symbol. skanky bitches. hmmm.
The arrow whizzed through the air, flying straight for its target. With a sickening sound the tip embedded itself in the deer’s flank and it stumbled. Bleeding profusely it ran off into the underbrush.
The Herring Courtyard was more like a compound, but Dr. Herring would never allow that word to be officially attached to the property for fear of it sounding too “cult-ish”. Still, it seemed by far the most fitting name. Upon driving past the large, iron gates that stood constant guard, you were greeted with a sign comprised of five arrows pointing in five different directions.
The arrow of Cupid plunged into his heart and without any notice at all he completely fell for the girl who had already been his for so long.
arrows are pointy and they have a long stick on them too. like really, they are an amazing shape. the world would be nothing without them, and even though everyone thinks they are useless, they are NOT. they are very important because they tell you what way to go! haha and thats how they roll.
straight as a goddamned arrow. there is something rustic and original about the world our fast-paced society seems to cherish.
but now we mostly refer to arrows in the sense of computers and what we use to click on ads to make our cocks bigger or our egos that much more inflated.
There was a green arrow at the end of the road. It pointed up, so we were supposed to go straight ahead. We turned left instead. That’s when we saw it…
I saw an arrow at the end of the tunnel.
It split the object in two. The airpulsated vigoriously as it sliced through the atmosphere. A perfect example of physics applied to reality.
arrow shoots through the apple ontop of my head and bleeds
the arrow was in the deer
Straight and to the point, living deliberately. What’s the point of taking the scenic route? Life isn’t about the detours. It’s about where you end up. It’s about where you are.
I think being killed by an arrow would be interesting. Maybe they would make a CSI show about you. I mean how many people are shot with arrows in the middle of a city? Straight and fast.
missile; an ancient weapon used for hunting and warfare; bow and arrow are partners; poisoned arrowheads are wicked practices
Straight. Flying true to your beliefs, never compromising, always trying to be your own. Brilliant through the sky just like the sharp point of the arrow, never jagged or town but a gleaming, suspended point. All of us, flying straight and true, a million points in the sky.
imagine if you were killed by an arrow. the cops would see your body with the arrow in it and say ‘who killed him? I don’t know but let’s go that a way’.