
October 30th, 2009 | 377 Entries

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377 Entries for “arrow”

  1. the arrow came at the apple on top of the boy’s head. the boy didn’t flinch. he had full confidence in his father… this is the story I recall from my childhood. I have not read the book since then. must find it for my kids…

  2. Ah the arrow again. Is this the only word i shall ever write about again. This same arrow keeps killing me. Same arrow same person.
    The arrow does not like me.

    Death again
  3. Arrows are pointed missiles shot from a bow, usually having a tip made of stone or metal with a fin for guidance in the back.

  4. Arrow shot me through an alredy pierced body. Blood seeped through my shirt. The arrow that pierced me was the one that killed me. I went to heaven but the arrow followed me there.

    deathmitekillers 2nd try
  5. The arrow shot, killed, millons, dead
    one arrow
    killed all
    first wepon
    screaming dying
    no more dead
    because of one stupid arrow

  6. The arrow pierced my heart. Or does it pierce an apple? Many arrows have had significant meaning in our world. They are a weapon of deadly accuracy if used by the proper bowmaster. The archer can sneak up on his enemy from afar, and kill him before he can even blink. This weapon has always been scary and cool;. I wish I could use arrows to defend myself.

    Alice Esther Yesmin
  7. shooting threw the pain,
    One shot, one chance, dont miss!
    Pull back the bow tighting the strings of pain
    release the arrow.
    Just Breath

  8. i already wrote about an arrow, but ok. she looked up at the sign. there was an arrow pointing left, and an arrow pointing right. this was not the first time this had happenned. someone was trying to trick her. but who?

  9. I shot an arrow into the air,
    it fell to earth, I knew not where;
    for so swiftly it flew, the sight
    could not follow it in its flight.

    I visited OneWord on a dare.
    My minute is up, but I don’t care;
    for who can write that fast, I say?
    Sixty seconds and — ‘ding’! — oy vey. ;-,

    long fellow
  10. Nixon raided the litterbox again so I shot her in the ass with a bow and arrow. Dogs are so dirty.

  11. he shot the arrow from his bow. it plunged into the soldiers heart, his blood peircing scream filling the air. he fell to the ground with a thud, about to be lifeless. he looked up, his last words, “tell mary anne…”

  12. he shoot the arrow from his bow. it plunged into the soldiers heart, his blood peircing scream filling the air. he fell to the ground with a thud, about to be lifeless. he looked up, his last words, “tell mary anne…”

    sophiecalder martin
  13. with a bow and arrow, he captured my heart.

  14. through the heart

  15. He pointed towards the shop. Not with his finger, but with an arrow, printed out on an A4 size piece of paper.
    No one knew why he was doing this, but he seemed to be enjoying himself.
    Every now and then, he would reach into his bag and pull out a different coloured arrow. The shop keepers didn’t mind, because it was giving them extra business, so they didn’t send him away.

  16. Nuoli osoitti suuntaa, jota h

  17. It is an object made of steel which was used to attack other people in Middle Ages. Nowadays it is more a sport or a hobby than a weapon to fight or defend yourself.

  18. arrow me away from problems.

  19. The arrow flew accross the room with increasing speed. I didn’t have time to think; I didn’t have to watch it’s graceful accent. I didn’t have time to take my last breath as the treacherous arrow piecred my heart.

    Sierra Rose
  20. arrow: bow and arrow? its a partner like mhe and dy. we complement each other. one cannot live without the other.arrow, symbol of cupids love, same like me and dy, struck by an arrow. i miss dy. i reaaly do.

  21. Draw the bow
    Robin was too sick to move from the cave. She needed a doctor /now/. Because talking birds tended to freak out humans (even winged ones), Zee would stay with her while Arrel went for help.
    Take aim
    The only problem was who could help? Who would know how to fix girl with wings on her back? Whose insides were just as bird-like as human like? Better yet, who could keep their mouth shut about this?
    /Chicago/ He had friends in Chicago. They were a group of freaks, shifters or half-shifters, genetic mistakes like him and Zee. And like Robin. They would know where he could go.
    Fire the arrow
    Arrel ran to the edge of the cave and kept running. Running starts were easiest. His gray splattered wings unfolded and pumped up and down. He felt the wind catch and then he was raising through the air. He flapped harder. Crucial he gain enough height before he reached the treeline. It was a tight squeeze; his sneakers brushed the tops of the pines. Then it was nothing but blue, blue sky, the freedom of flight, and the speed of urgency.
    The shack stood on the fringe of Chicago. It was standing by will power alone, though the laws of physics would have made it a rubble heap long ago. One of many, a hole in the ceiling let light into the single room, illuminating the card game within. The cards were battered, torn in places, and held together mostly by tape. The huddle of kids around the table weren’t in much better shape. Their clothes hung on their underfed frames like those of a scarecrow. However their eyes were bright, unbroken, and they were loudly cheering on the game in front of them. All noise stopped as a boy in a brown leather jacket burst through the door. Between panting gasps, he says, “I’m going to need your help.”

    Miss Griffin
  22. The arrow shocked the crowd. It was the biggest sensation they had ever seen in their normal lives.

  23. Choose each word carefully and with as much purpose as possible; it may be your last.

    Nathan Dabkowski
  24. row

  25. the arrow flies Jim Morrison is alive! somewhere. In your head.

  26. Arrow after arrow after arrow. We never arrive, are constantly following the arrows to the dreamed of destination. We may come to resent these arrows if they give us direction without choice. Such is the fate of signs.

    jana mu
  27. The possibilities of an arrow are up, down, right, left, in, out, around. To follow the arrow is to make of your life, movement. This movement is gone, gone, gone, as the arrow becomes the choice you made. You may come to resent the arrow as it gave you direction without choice.
  28. Straight. An interesting construct. Unyielding. Yet not unbowed. (I wish I typed faster.)


  30. Arrow is aim , arrow is marrow

  31. The arrow of time only points in one direction, or so they say, but there is no reason why that direction has to be the one we are used to. It could be pointing into our past and we wouldn’t even know it.

  32. Arrow shot through the sky
    The purr of it’s engine revved and alive
    The exhaust and the fumes leaked from its sides
    Arrow, my plane way up in the sky….

  33. peace.

  34. cupid draw back your bow and let your arrow flow straight to my lovers heart for me

  35. The arrow glistening gold in the harsh sunlight. It hung in the air for a moment, a breath of time really, before it plunged deep in to his chest and it was too late. Her mouth opened into a wordless “oh” but she didnt move, didnt think, the world around her was silent.

  36. It is something used to attack others. it is usually pointed and made of steel. It is also used in a sport. You can carry it on your back in a bag.

  37. an arrow is a long stick with a pointed edge,which is used for killing birds .In olden days arrows were used in wars to fight againt the enemies.Some arrows were poisend with poison before they used against their enemies.In olden days arrows were also used to send secret letters to their lovers,so that no one can see the sender.Arrows need bows to propel it.Some bows were big and heavy.In Mahabarata an Indian epic story Arjunan was gifted with using the bow and arrow and is considered as one of the best arrows man.
  38. the indians used arrows in the early 1800s and shit to fight off the white guys. Some of my buddies are indian but they dont know how to use arrows… does that make them less indian or less cool? Man i found an arrow one time before, it was cool.
    Right now i am so high.

  39. an arrow is a pointy thing. its an arrow of love maybe it struck a heart? maybe it;s an arrow that leads to somewhere. maybe a destination. maybe i should follow a certain arrow? should i look around for one? cause i cant see an arrow although an arrow telling me what to do would be grand. maybe i shouldnt have an arrow in my life because i should just be spontaneous

  40. to shoot. unfortunaltely the were exchanged for guns. which are much more dangerous, they kill more easily. arrows i associate with native americans. but that was before, they live very differently
