It was one arrow. One. And It changed his life. His father, had claimed his mother’s life with one. single.arrow. he was only a boy, and he could do nothing but cry and watch as his father took her life.
He shot the arrow quickly from his bow, piercing the man’s right eye and sending shards of bone and blots of brain and blood splashing gruesomley to the ground behind him. An involuntary death scream ripped from the burly man’s throat, piercing the night with a sick gurgling before he fell like a sack of potatoes to the ground.
The Jester
there once was a man who lived in a forest. his name was robin hood. He fought off the rich to steal from them with his bow and arrow and then gave to the poor. His arrow was his tool. Robin hood was loved by many but trusted by few.
melanie pulled the hard arrow from her back, terrfied and shaking in fear. pulled it towards the bow while sweat drops ran ddown her forehead. She pulled back, closed her eyes, and let go.
there was an arrow stuck in the tree. It had missed the bullseye by about six inches. It had missed the target by two. I was wondering what could have possibly been distracting this person to even miss the target. What if someone had come along and startled him? Or something?
what in sam hill is goin on here , dont know what im doing or supposed to be thinking. this is a real crude world we live in , eh/? for people to be running out and letting go is to let their hair down and live a little because we only live a moment
the arrow pointed that way, maybe i didn’t want to take that route? maybe i wanted to go the other way. life shouldn’t be one path, one way. it should be how you want to live it. (pure cheese)
cory sucks and his face is lame.
Your face
an arrow is a stick with a pointed edge at one end.A bow is used to propel the arrow from its base.The arrow travels fast depending upon the elasticity of the bow.
An arrow hath lay upon the scorched earth, burrowing itself if the soil. And, alas, his body lay there with frosted eyes open, his hand grappled upon the string. Was it he? Surely not? Brother against brother?
He sharpened his eyes as he pulled back the line of his bow, release. The tail feathers wizzed in the air. His arrow arrived at the perfect center of the target. Winner. Just like that. Now all he had to do was win her.
I took the arrow out of the ground and looked at it. Didn’t look familiar. Not a bowhunting piece…I’d sold those when I worked at Wal-Mart. Could be some clown thinking he was and Indian or something, but what was the point? Was someone trying to kill me?
I need a new arrow for my bow so I can play cupid and make love happen all over the world… Maybe i can build a nucular arrow that is filled with nuclear love..
a sharp weapon fired by a bow or a cross bow. it is straight wooden piece with a sharp end that can pierce through flesh if fired at an appropriate force. in earlier times this was used to hunt for food and in warfare.
The arrow flew through the air and hit the old pine right in the heart. Noramally I wouldn’t have blinked twice, but I saw the pine move, then groan, then die.
the arrow flew so close to my heart that I thought this was all going to be over. The river ran with someone else’s blood so I decided to go down it to see where it would lead but it just lead to my feeling tired and just wanting to close my eyes and wake up happy.
The arrow pierced his armor and into his heart. The world stood still at the time. It was not his physical heart that was bruised as much as it was his soul. The situation and the war, the loss of his beloved, the loss of his treasures are just the omen of a new one to come.
Arrow schmarrow!
Let go of the program, dudes–
strength comes from the flexibility of the bow.
Let go of the need to control.
Let loose your grip–
and for goodness sake-
B. S. Warren
bows and arrows, robin hood. people with tights on, shooting at people with tights on. middle ages. battle of cercy. or crecy? 100 years war. English long bow men defeat the french. Arrow pointing north, compass arrow. Arrow showing the appalachian trail. That arrow. Arrow of saggitarius, my sign.
It took but one sling from her arrow, a glancing look and the hint of a smile, to enthrall all his senses. She was an archer with an affinity for hearts of young boys who knew no better. And she’d been a huntress for years and years now. She loved to watch their faces melt after being struck, seeing her child in the car seat.
He pulled, and there it went – so fast, he could barely see it. The arrow rushed through the air, past the trees and bushes, past his best friend who stood there, gaping at him, with his mouth wide open.
And then it hit.
Right in the middle of the target.
The arrow flies through the skies, a missile made of wood and steel, driving itself into the chest of the approaching invader. The man fell to the ground, but the rest of the invading platoon surged over the dying corpse, making their way to the gates of Odin’s Lair. It is only with divine intervention that this battle will be won.
bow and arrow…like robin hood and old literature figures
The arrow could pierce him. The arrow she was did, though she was leaving. The arc of her trajectory a path that devestated him and pierced the core of all he had been for so long, though she couldn’t help it. She couldn’t change it. He couldn’t change her or her mind. This is simply the way things would be.
The arrow of love struck my heart. Once it hit me I was hopelessly in love with him. His blue eyes so deep and beautiful were before me, and as he leaned over to kiss me I melted. I wanted to be his.
It harrowed me, seeing the arrow fly. When is it my time, I asked myself.
I shot an arrow in her heart
to make her love me.
Red spread through the broad
blue and white stripes
of her t shirt
and I thought of the Flag.
She will never love me now.
God Bless America
Bled out in empty lot–
she’s dead.
B. S. Warren
I shot an arrow in her heart
to make her love me.
Red spread through the broad
blue and white stripes
of her t shirt
and I thought of the Flag.
She will never love me now.
God Bless America
Bled out in empty lot–
she’s dead.
B. S. Warren
shot into the air, the power and speed were true, finding th heart and ending an eternity of crisis. fast as ligtening it flys, heeding nothing and no one. a Single purpose is the meaning of its existence
An arrow, like one of Cupid’s little devices. I wish I could just hide from them all of the time, because my isolation seems more fulfilling than the attachment I harvested with Brandon. I don’t know what to believe about him anymore, and it sucks because everything else about him coincides perfectly with me. Oh well. what can I do?
slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. if this be true, cupid is no ‘SOMETHING’, for we are the only love gods! practicing archery for the first time at christian horse camp…the belief that i have impeccable aim has followed me ever since.
The arrow pointed to the telephones, the bathrooms, the vending machines, and the cafeteria, but I couldn’t find what I’d come to see: the morgue. I had been dreading this moment for quite a long time, and now that it was here, the hopelessness was threatening to overcome me.
The arrow pointed to the telephones, the bathrooms, the vending machines, and the cafeteria, but I couldn’t find what I’d come to see: the morgue. I had been dreading this moment for quite a long time, and now that it was here, the hopelessness was threatening to overcome me.
An arrow shows you where to go, where your at, and also hurts when it gets stuck in your arm.
An arrow can be many things.
Also, backwards it spells “worra”.
Which maybe means something.
I should google it.
But there is no time.
an arrow is like something you shot it from a bow you shot it at a target and you aim for a bulls eye i have never got a bulls eye. but ill keep trying.
The arrow flew through the air, its aim true; it struck with surprising force, spinning Aldric around. As he fell, Aldric realized that being wounded in battle was not at all how he thought it would be. He had imagined being locked in combat with a worthy foe, their swords ringing out amid the din of battle. Though his opponent would succeed in blooding Aldric, it was Aldric who would win the day. He would strike his opponent down with a sweep of his sword, standing over the fallen man with triumph filling his heart. Instead, Aldric lay in the cold mud, felled by an anonymous archer. As his blood and life streamed from his body, Aldric realized that dying in battle was not all as glorious as the older men had said.
violent behaviour, strict lines, piercing through the air,. exact, deadly weaponry. Crusaders, castles, damsels in distress.
What was it with his arrows today? This was the Olympics, and he should have been shooting straight and true; but for some reason, all the skill that his country had placed hope in had suddenly deserted him. He couldn’t even hit the target for love or money. But practice time was up, so he put his toes on the line and shot — and missed.
the arrow came at the apple on top of the boy’s head. the boy didn’t flinch. he had full confidence in his father… this is the story I recall from my childhood. I have not read the book since then. must find it for my kids…
It was one arrow. One. And It changed his life. His father, had claimed his mother’s life with one. single.arrow. he was only a boy, and he could do nothing but cry and watch as his father took her life.
He shot the arrow quickly from his bow, piercing the man’s right eye and sending shards of bone and blots of brain and blood splashing gruesomley to the ground behind him. An involuntary death scream ripped from the burly man’s throat, piercing the night with a sick gurgling before he fell like a sack of potatoes to the ground.
there once was a man who lived in a forest. his name was robin hood. He fought off the rich to steal from them with his bow and arrow and then gave to the poor. His arrow was his tool. Robin hood was loved by many but trusted by few.
melanie pulled the hard arrow from her back, terrfied and shaking in fear. pulled it towards the bow while sweat drops ran ddown her forehead. She pulled back, closed her eyes, and let go.
there was an arrow stuck in the tree. It had missed the bullseye by about six inches. It had missed the target by two. I was wondering what could have possibly been distracting this person to even miss the target. What if someone had come along and startled him? Or something?
what in sam hill is goin on here , dont know what im doing or supposed to be thinking. this is a real crude world we live in , eh/? for people to be running out and letting go is to let their hair down and live a little because we only live a moment
the arrow pointed that way, maybe i didn’t want to take that route? maybe i wanted to go the other way. life shouldn’t be one path, one way. it should be how you want to live it. (pure cheese)
cory sucks and his face is lame.
an arrow is a stick with a pointed edge at one end.A bow is used to propel the arrow from its base.The arrow travels fast depending upon the elasticity of the bow.
An arrow hath lay upon the scorched earth, burrowing itself if the soil. And, alas, his body lay there with frosted eyes open, his hand grappled upon the string. Was it he? Surely not? Brother against brother?
He sharpened his eyes as he pulled back the line of his bow, release. The tail feathers wizzed in the air. His arrow arrived at the perfect center of the target. Winner. Just like that. Now all he had to do was win her.
I took the arrow out of the ground and looked at it. Didn’t look familiar. Not a bowhunting piece…I’d sold those when I worked at Wal-Mart. Could be some clown thinking he was and Indian or something, but what was the point? Was someone trying to kill me?
I need a new arrow for my bow so I can play cupid and make love happen all over the world… Maybe i can build a nucular arrow that is filled with nuclear love..
a sharp weapon fired by a bow or a cross bow. it is straight wooden piece with a sharp end that can pierce through flesh if fired at an appropriate force. in earlier times this was used to hunt for food and in warfare.
The arrow flew through the air and hit the old pine right in the heart. Noramally I wouldn’t have blinked twice, but I saw the pine move, then groan, then die.
the arrow flew so close to my heart that I thought this was all going to be over. The river ran with someone else’s blood so I decided to go down it to see where it would lead but it just lead to my feeling tired and just wanting to close my eyes and wake up happy.
The arrow pierced his armor and into his heart. The world stood still at the time. It was not his physical heart that was bruised as much as it was his soul. The situation and the war, the loss of his beloved, the loss of his treasures are just the omen of a new one to come.
Arrow schmarrow!
Let go of the program, dudes–
strength comes from the flexibility of the bow.
Let go of the need to control.
Let loose your grip–
and for goodness sake-
bows and arrows, robin hood. people with tights on, shooting at people with tights on. middle ages. battle of cercy. or crecy? 100 years war. English long bow men defeat the french. Arrow pointing north, compass arrow. Arrow showing the appalachian trail. That arrow. Arrow of saggitarius, my sign.
It took but one sling from her arrow, a glancing look and the hint of a smile, to enthrall all his senses. She was an archer with an affinity for hearts of young boys who knew no better. And she’d been a huntress for years and years now. She loved to watch their faces melt after being struck, seeing her child in the car seat.
He pulled, and there it went – so fast, he could barely see it. The arrow rushed through the air, past the trees and bushes, past his best friend who stood there, gaping at him, with his mouth wide open.
And then it hit.
Right in the middle of the target.
The arrow flies through the skies, a missile made of wood and steel, driving itself into the chest of the approaching invader. The man fell to the ground, but the rest of the invading platoon surged over the dying corpse, making their way to the gates of Odin’s Lair. It is only with divine intervention that this battle will be won.
bow and arrow…like robin hood and old literature figures
The arrow could pierce him. The arrow she was did, though she was leaving. The arc of her trajectory a path that devestated him and pierced the core of all he had been for so long, though she couldn’t help it. She couldn’t change it. He couldn’t change her or her mind. This is simply the way things would be.
The arrow of love struck my heart. Once it hit me I was hopelessly in love with him. His blue eyes so deep and beautiful were before me, and as he leaned over to kiss me I melted. I wanted to be his.
It harrowed me, seeing the arrow fly. When is it my time, I asked myself.
I shot an arrow in her heart
to make her love me.
Red spread through the broad
blue and white stripes
of her t shirt
and I thought of the Flag.
She will never love me now.
God Bless America
Bled out in empty lot–
she’s dead.
I shot an arrow in her heart
to make her love me.
Red spread through the broad
blue and white stripes
of her t shirt
and I thought of the Flag.
She will never love me now.
God Bless America
Bled out in empty lot–
she’s dead.
shot into the air, the power and speed were true, finding th heart and ending an eternity of crisis. fast as ligtening it flys, heeding nothing and no one. a Single purpose is the meaning of its existence
An arrow, like one of Cupid’s little devices. I wish I could just hide from them all of the time, because my isolation seems more fulfilling than the attachment I harvested with Brandon. I don’t know what to believe about him anymore, and it sucks because everything else about him coincides perfectly with me. Oh well. what can I do?
slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. if this be true, cupid is no ‘SOMETHING’, for we are the only love gods! practicing archery for the first time at christian horse camp…the belief that i have impeccable aim has followed me ever since.
The arrow pointed to the telephones, the bathrooms, the vending machines, and the cafeteria, but I couldn’t find what I’d come to see: the morgue. I had been dreading this moment for quite a long time, and now that it was here, the hopelessness was threatening to overcome me.
The arrow pointed to the telephones, the bathrooms, the vending machines, and the cafeteria, but I couldn’t find what I’d come to see: the morgue. I had been dreading this moment for quite a long time, and now that it was here, the hopelessness was threatening to overcome me.
An arrow shows you where to go, where your at, and also hurts when it gets stuck in your arm.
An arrow can be many things.
Also, backwards it spells “worra”.
Which maybe means something.
I should google it.
But there is no time.
straight through,
for you;
i’d cry,
an arrow is like something you shot it from a bow you shot it at a target and you aim for a bulls eye i have never got a bulls eye. but ill keep trying.
The arrow flew through the air, its aim true; it struck with surprising force, spinning Aldric around. As he fell, Aldric realized that being wounded in battle was not at all how he thought it would be. He had imagined being locked in combat with a worthy foe, their swords ringing out amid the din of battle. Though his opponent would succeed in blooding Aldric, it was Aldric who would win the day. He would strike his opponent down with a sweep of his sword, standing over the fallen man with triumph filling his heart. Instead, Aldric lay in the cold mud, felled by an anonymous archer. As his blood and life streamed from his body, Aldric realized that dying in battle was not all as glorious as the older men had said.
violent behaviour, strict lines, piercing through the air,. exact, deadly weaponry. Crusaders, castles, damsels in distress.
What was it with his arrows today? This was the Olympics, and he should have been shooting straight and true; but for some reason, all the skill that his country had placed hope in had suddenly deserted him. He couldn’t even hit the target for love or money. But practice time was up, so he put his toes on the line and shot — and missed.
the arrow came at the apple on top of the boy’s head. the boy didn’t flinch. he had full confidence in his father… this is the story I recall from my childhood. I have not read the book since then. must find it for my kids…