
October 30th, 2009 | 377 Entries

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377 Entries for “arrow”

  1. it comes out of a bow
    indians used it for hinting it directs it likes vectors

  2. avrill makes arrows. he is cute, i wonder what is wrong with him- why does he limp? i am too afraid o ask him though, i don’t think i want to know the answer.

    laura lee
  3. I peered over the edge of the car’s window, holding my breath against the whipping wind. You know, the white dashes that sped by us contrasted nicely against the black pavement. They kind of looked like arrows. If that were true, then we were going the wrong way.

  4. arrows make me think of robin hood. did you know that in the hands of a master bowsman arrows can pierce kevlar? scary. so the wave of future weapons may come from the past. i find this facinating.

  5. The arrow thudded into the trunk of the oak, hitting the knot straight and true. It had taken four moons of practice, but he had finally got it.

    Walking over, he pulled the arrow from the tree, watching the sap flow like blood with only a little remorse.

  6. there is one thing that can mirror love, and that is an arrow through your heart. It symbolizes the strength or pain of love as it may be at the current time. What is interesting, is that many cultures use it to create a vision of a feeling.

  7. WHY IS IT STILL ARROW?!?!?!?!?!?

  8. The arrow flew the air, through the fog, through the abyss. It pierced his chest, and as he gasped and stared with bloodshot eyes at his attacker, he was gone.

  9. Nick liikes arrow shaped things go into his… ear.

  10. why did they have an arrow on the computer why not slomethinh else.. who makes these decisions and things i dont really understand why but it seems like a pretty big deal with everything with computers everywhere

    annie cate
  11. there is a pointy thing on a stuck thing and it points into or through things and sometimes kills them. They can show you where to go too. and if they are crossed out they mean not that way.

    Ally King
  12. The arrow pierced my heart, blood spilling from the wound and drenching my tunic in the crimson liquid of life. Warmth spread through out my limbs and my life dripped away from my fingers, pelting the hard earth and staining it dark black.

  13. Robin Hood had a bow which he used to shoot arrows from. If he didn’t, he would have been famous for only his green hat and his merry men. If that was so, no little children would try and tie a string to a curved stick and shoot other sticks from it.

  14. I saw an arrow fly over my head, eclipsing the setting sun. I followed it’s path to the ground and was deeply impressed when it landed onto a lone watermelon in the grass. I looked up at a shirtless man dressed in dirty jeans, and listened to his rough, beautiful voice say “Impressed?” I tried to catch my breath to answer.

  15. that way?

  16. Straight and precise. Either directional or deadly. Brings power and knowledge. Weapon either way. Direct, misdirect or kill…

  17. This is an arrow. It can kill It can start fires. It can ruin houses, lives, and armies. It’s a small shaft of wood. Human kind does something with wood that can be so evil… I’m impressed. Are you?

    TJ Finch
  18. an arrow is used as a weapon. a weapon for killing! killing is awful! why do people kill each other? make love, not war! love your friends and enemies!

    gerry chris
  19. Sharp pointy can lead you in the right direction or kill you.

  20. an arrow is something that you click things with on the computer. therefore clicking on special findings one would never know about. Just from one arrow you have the world at your figure tips.

  21. Arrows are what the indians used as weapons back in the old days. However, they were not really effecient when fighting of the American Colonists and the Spaniards because THEY had guns. Guns were and still are more effective if you want to kill someone.

  22. arrow heads. im searching the farm. with my dead grandpa. i see him now. i point at him and he vanishes. i cant help but wonder if he was there or not. then i see to large, good arrowheads, and i know my answer.

  23. The arrow in my screen is so lonely, so sad, so tired of doing the work that I want… I’m thinking about, maybe tomorrow y gonna change it

  24. sex

  25. i don’t understand why someone would want me to write about one word. i mean, i don’t have a clue waht one word is. And are they lying to me? Am i going to continue writing furiously and then the time will never acutally run out? well maybe not, but from time to time i owuld like to see a site play a joke on me like that.

    Dilly D
  26. oh no! i was wondering what do with the arrow as I looked at it upon my hand.

    do i throw it? do i dare to do such a thing to him? of course not, i could never do such a thing.

    i loved him. that was it. yes. i loved him. i never knew till now…what is this feeling arising in me? something hit the side of my stomach and i cried in dismay. what is happening?

  27. the arrow shot the men all at once. then the dragon saw it and sucked the blood and i suppose that helped because they never went back. we just sat and wondered what mushaboom means. i never found out and i guessed a few times but only the dragon knows. hell never tell. i shot again and again.

  28. He let the arrow fly and it just sheared off his enemies ear. He screamed in terror as the blood ran down his cheek, but persevered still as he shot an arrow back, missing his foe by a hair.

  29. sends you in the right direction. always shows the way home. my mother cant follow directions so she uses these.

  30. sharp
    robin hood

  31. the arrow is death. the arrow symbolizes cupid and love and everything perfect, but the arrow means death, blood, despair. love is death. don’t deny it.

  32. some arrows fly true. but unfortunately they are not only given to people who know how to shoot them, but handed out at random, to those who have crooked desires or crooked aim or crooked noses. well, crooked noses don’t really matter.

  33. well, an arrow to the heart. sometimes an arrow to the soul because I never knew that you didn’t know me. Or maybe it’s the fact that an arrow is the penetrating force of the blow to me when you say such mindless things that reflect nothing about how long you’ve known me yet you STILL say it.

  34. Shoot that poison arrow through my heart….

    Love 80’s music

    drunk poker player
  35. An arrow pierces through the hearts of many simply by the use of harmful words. “I hate you” may seem just like a normal phrase, but it damages, just like the way and arrow injures a person.

  36. when i think of arrows, i always think of pochahontis. i prolly just wasted the majority of my time trying to spell her name, but whatever. i love that movie, especially the song “just around the river bend.”

  37. Det var en stor pil. Bl

  38. It’s an arrow. A-R-R-O-W. NOT A PEN. GOT IT?

  39. The arrow flew over his head, barely missing him. He felt the air whoosh directly above him, momentarily stunning him. “Watch where you’re aimig that!

  40. arrow thru my heart is what has happened
