
August 17th, 2008 | 923 Entries

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923 Entries for “asking”

  1. why are you asking? everyone is. what are you thinking. there will never cease to be asking. tiring. why why why??? no one will ever really know. taxing. never ending. the meaning of life. wonder. myth. glory. sound. infinite. unicorns. the universe. time. time is asking, when do I end?

  2. why? stop asking a question when I ask you a question! just yes or no!

  3. asking for what is given is the only way to receive what you want. There isn’t really any explanation for this, although at times i do find myself asking the wrong questions to the wrong people. What to do? Well don’t ask me! I wouldn’t know where to start, but only if you ask.

    Gil Hoyle
  4. a constant activity for everyone in this world, wether it be god, your self, or waiting for a response from another person…cure for ambiguity, pain, curiosity….loss.

  5. I have been asking myself dayin & day out what is the ultimate goal of my life.

  6. why ask when you can say a sarcastic version of it where people know what you mean. It’s demanding in a less bitchy way.

  7. making a question about something

  8. I hate asking people in the house I live in to do things that always need doing. Day in and day out, week after week, clean, walk the animal, fill the gas tank, eat the leftovers, close the door, empty the trash, help with all the

  9. a question is, what is it that it is for. is it something for somebody or something elso for a person we never knew or did know about. not knowing means asking. to ask is to know and know how to aks helps knowing to know by asking to ask. so whats it all about? asking a question

  10. why? who? when? where? do i have to? how? please. thanks. what do i do? looking, waiting, wanting, action,to do, why?

  11. What do you want me to do here?

  12. I don’t know what I am asking of anyone. I am not asking anyone. I am not reaching out, I’m only falling into myself. I have no voice to ask with. I wouldn’t get the answers anyway.

  13. asking is telling someone that you want to do something and asking them to give you permission to do or say that thing that you want to say or do. people usually ask people they like or respect, not people they dont give a damn about such as their friends and family. you can ask anyone anything really but the marter questions should only be asked to those with the intellectual capacity and the right mind to answer the question correctly.unless you want a stupid ass answer well then ask whoever you desire to ask. and well, ok yeah thats it. suck it.

  14. He wasn’t really /asking/ for much. Just, you know, a little bit of forgiveness. Not that he had done anything that wouldn’t be easily forgivable. Nothing like murder, or some serious crime. No… he had just hit the ball a little too hard and a touch too left– breaking the window.

  15. All that was left was a dim light and yet, it showed everything, the scene, I barely opened my eyes, trying not to believe what I was seeing. I couldn’t hear what you were asking, even though you screamed the question at me so loudly my ears started bleeding (thin streaks of black). I turned around – the sore feeling in my throat getting worse – and I called out your name, just a moment before my breathing stopped. I fell to the floor, with eyes wide open, searching for familiar objects until all I could see were…two streaks of black.

  16. asking questions, who asks don’t get lost, it’s important, people are shy sometimes of asking questions , they don’t want others to think tat they are stupid

  17. Everyday, people kept on asking: “Did you make, did you make it?” and I ended up lying to them instead of saying the truth; that I didn’t make it. Everyone would have been heartbroken if I told them otherwise.

    Amanda Hutton age 15 =]
  18. Why is it that I have to ask for your attention? Love? Money? The act of asking is so degrading. Can’t you just sense what I need and give it to me? You should know by looking at me, listening to me, what I need. Asking for it makes it so much less meaningful. I want you to know me.

  19. “Who are you?”, asked Goldilocks the feverishly working lumberjack.
    “I”, he answered under his breath, “am actually Sherlock Holmes. Go away.”, he eventually added, “you are blowing my cover”.
    Goldilocks turned red and apologized, then turned into ten purple straight edges.

  20. questions…always another question!when can you stop asking and just listen!

  21. the word is so complicated and i think its lead to get more of information and then to knowledge and wisdom

  22. Asking. There are so many things people ask for. People are greedy. But, are they just desperate? Some people don’t even think about it. Like me. All I’m asking, is for a true happy life. What are you asking for?

    I’m not so sure about it anymore. What do you think?

  23. wanting to find out some information, requesting some sort of answer. A response to something on which you are uncertain. Asked a lot in classroom scenarios, often when one is confused. Wanting to know the answer to a query. A type of interogative, i.e.- a qu

  24. people say theres no such thing as a stupid question. the way the world is this isnt always necessarily true. people are judgemental, but still, poke and prod to ask away. in my mind, its worth it.

  25. she asked herself why it happened to her
    why if she had been so careful
    so meticulous
    that it had come upon her
    in a fit of love
    she had told him yes
    but in the morning he realized
    what had happened the night before
    the condom she had insisted on using
    had broken
    and it left her
    with nothing but questions

  26. i was asking my boyfriend what he thought about when he first starting liking me. maybe i was asking that because i miss that feeling, and i want to feel it again. i have to wonder if he ever did. if he did, i feel like he’d understand why i need to cheat. i’m scared of myself.

  27. what a word. It’s key to so many of the exciting opportunities that come ones way in life. if you chose never to put the meaning of this word into practical use you would risk living an

  28. if you’re asking me to think twice about this, then maybe I can help. After all, I was there the longest and I saw most of what was going on through the telescope. But the more I think about it, I’m sure that was I documented was what actually happened. I don’t need a second analysis for something like that, you know? I’m positive it was…something unhuman.

  29. When you ask someone about anything, they reply with an automatic answer. You have to ask them in a different way than anyone else if you want the answer you are looking for.

  30. asking is a strange word, there are many ways to ask and to be asked but is there a perfect way to perform an asking? that question may have been raised before but has never been answered. so let me ask you this… have you ever been asked how to ask? i doubt that you have.

  31. for love
    for help
    for money
    for boys
    for jewerly
    for gas
    for smiles
    for happiness
    for imagination
    for greatness
    for gratitude

  32. he kept asking himself why? what to do? when? how? where? in his mind and body and soul the answer was the same. he had no choice. she was blaming herself for being herself. he was blaming life for twisting fate. now he posed the questions… what if? what now? what the bloody hell? the time was nearing…

    Fred Man Jones
  33. i’ll ask you a question about your beefy taco and then maybe we’ll talk about your stinky fish. or is that wrong? well i suppose it is but i don’t care. i would love to ask you, computer, about your sex life? do you have one? i mean you have porn.

    genmetsu reikou
  34. questioning, wondering, finding truths & lies

  35. questions

  36. i was going to ask her, but i felt afraid, rita is mad…hahaha, what shoul i do? keep the doubt or just ask? pass by all my fears.

    bla bla
  37. Asking for answers but with nobody to hear the question, the questions change sublety as if to evade their core. No answer can be had.

  38. asking is not recieving it is being just remember in the end it is your asking that not only taught you to question but taught you to ask questions

  39. I thought about asking a question, but I wasn’t sure what to ask. He told me that if I wanted to I could, but I just couldn’t come up with something that would be relevant to the situation. So I thought, and thought, and thought, about what I should be…. asking.

    Patrick Campbell
  40. It shouldn’t be so difficult. It’s a question. An explanation of sorts. But still, it must be asked, and so, he moved forward.

    The creature was imperious and remote, staring down. Perhaps in some other culture, it was beautiful, but here, it was just the walking library that Cordon needed.

    ‘Why me?’

    ‘Why us?’

    ‘Why now?’

    The creature grunted. ‘You’re asking the wrong question, innocent. Or perhaps you’re wrong in asking at all.’
