ASpect is a part of something and direction of something a time. It affects the way we see things.
The way that you view a particular subject or topic. Aspect is the viewpoint. It is also a side of something. Side means a particular segment or fragment or strand.
Everything has aspects.
the only aspect of aspect that i can think of is in the literary sense. An aspect of literature can include symbolism, characterization, plot, setting or writer’s voice. What other componenents of asp
I look at every aspect of my life and wonder what my life would be today if even one little event had been changed. There are so many choices and roads to take but would they all have led me here in the end?
erm.. well goodness. don’t know how to elaborate on this one.. there are a lot of aspects that exist in this world. thats about all the time i have on that one. folks.
An aspect… well it’s an “A” word used to describe something. How much more specific can you get? Aspect… A-S-P-E-C-T Aspect.
characteristic. Not inclined to rewind but it might just make someone smile. That is an aspect of courtesy. you heard? word.
gordon bombay
looking at this aspect i suspect that something`s wrong! cmon man i sure.. there has to be something wrong. i can prove that from every aspect. why wont u believe me?
THERE IS ALOT OF DIFFEREnt aspects on life as i have on my own life, most people like to ague that thier aspects are greater and more important than anyones elses, i think thats crap!
Uhh.. i dunno what 2 say about this word either xP ……….
oh, as we watch the different beings change and contort and mold together. it is impossible to distinguish one thing from another, impossible to know who is who. these days the images blur and the aspects of our lives intertwine with each other, threatening to blockade us from our wishes.
kinda cool
i don’t like that word
am i doing it rite?
i want it to end now
the kei
looking over my lands I wonder who will succeed in this next battle of wits and war, grits and grunts power the endless cycles, the machines that lubricate their parts with the blood of the unchosen, the underdeveloped minds whine and claw at their mothers breasts, wheres the ,milk?
Aspects of happiness, aspects of love, aspects of adulthood, aspects of living, aspects of me.
This is a tough word to writ about. Who in their right mind would want someone to write about the word aspect? I mean,
It’s an aspect of my personality that I do not care for writing exercises such as this one. Although I ought to practice them often for aspect they’re good for me.
one aspect of my life that disappoints me right now is that I stuck in this box. I don’t even know how I got here, but here I. Trapped day by day and never going anywhere.
Arlee Bird
“There are many aspects to consider when planning a vacation,” I explained to him. “Well, then let’s start planning,” he said, while browsing the internet. “I want to go to China…”
there is one aspect of everything, one detail, one point, one thing to be noticed, one piece of the puzzle, part of something larger, a wedge, a crescent, a sliver, half, quarter, not whole, part of a whole, a section, a piece, perspective is key,
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His eyes were the first aspect of him that she noticed. They were rather ordinary, she supposed, but eyes had always fascinated her. She didn’t know why. “Windows to the soul” and all that, perhaps.
there is an undeniable aspect of reality that intrudes, ruthlessly, into our every thought
The aspect of the situation in my opinion was that he was out of line. He was attacking, verbally, innocent people that helped the needy providing healthy snacks. They were helping, he was hindering. It told me that I needed to be careful when others feelings were at stake.
Starla Moss
aspect.. just another word. Hm… i dunno what to say about it….pfff
Aspect, indeed.
one aspect of my life that I would like to change is my inability to be honest with myself and the people around me. I never know when to just let go. I cant seem to ever just be myself and tell people what I really think of them.
Cassandra Howery
The many aspects of living, truly living, are a great mistery, to me at least.
Her face was shadowed by the firelight. A strange perception as, usually, light added to visibility but it was as if the fire was running from the horrible aspect of her face. It was an oddity to see such shining beauty in those eyes surrounded by the mask of scars upon her face.
The new aspect of the story that came to light was somewhat startling. She hadn’t expected it; none of them had. But she guessed that’s why they called it a surprise…it is something that nobody could have imagined ever happening. Unthinkable, in a sense.
One aspect of the magic is to change things very subtly. Most people don’t even realize it’s happening. Only those who pay close attention see the slow but important and frightening changes that are taking place with each use of magic. Life altered just a little, but each little bit adds up
Aspect ration. I have no idea what that is. Something to do with drawing plans maybe? Who knows. Can’t think of anything else to write right now. Having a mind blank. Black out. Blitz. Masking tape on windows. Cracking. Banging.
An aspect I treasure of my life is the ability to change myself as I see fit. I just hope I have the courage to change myself for the better.
One aspect of my life that I will truly regret was never taking it past the first stage of my life. In my teen years, I was on fire. I had goals, I had aspirations. Then, it seemed, the moment I turned twenty, I was a confused little person. I lacked direction. I had, still don’t have, a clue as to what I’m doing with my life.
Many people have different views, or a different “aspect” on life, but mine is simple. Live it to the fullest, regret nothing, and get the respect that is due to you. This is my aspect on life.
Aj Bleakney
There is another aspect to the picture that I have failed to consider. That everything is just an illusion of my over worked mind. And hence I needn’t stress too much about anything. In short, I need a break. NOW would be good. Before going cuckoo.
ASpect is a part of something and direction of something a time. It affects the way we see things.
The way that you view a particular subject or topic. Aspect is the viewpoint. It is also a side of something. Side means a particular segment or fragment or strand.
Everything has aspects.
the only aspect of aspect that i can think of is in the literary sense. An aspect of literature can include symbolism, characterization, plot, setting or writer’s voice. What other componenents of asp
I look at every aspect of my life and wonder what my life would be today if even one little event had been changed. There are so many choices and roads to take but would they all have led me here in the end?
erm.. well goodness. don’t know how to elaborate on this one.. there are a lot of aspects that exist in this world. thats about all the time i have on that one. folks.
An aspect… well it’s an “A” word used to describe something. How much more specific can you get? Aspect… A-S-P-E-C-T Aspect.
characteristic. Not inclined to rewind but it might just make someone smile. That is an aspect of courtesy. you heard? word.
looking at this aspect i suspect that something`s wrong! cmon man i sure.. there has to be something wrong. i can prove that from every aspect. why wont u believe me?
THERE IS ALOT OF DIFFEREnt aspects on life as i have on my own life, most people like to ague that thier aspects are greater and more important than anyones elses, i think thats crap!
Uhh.. i dunno what 2 say about this word either xP ……….
oh, as we watch the different beings change and contort and mold together. it is impossible to distinguish one thing from another, impossible to know who is who. these days the images blur and the aspects of our lives intertwine with each other, threatening to blockade us from our wishes.
kinda cool
i don’t like that word
am i doing it rite?
i want it to end now
looking over my lands I wonder who will succeed in this next battle of wits and war, grits and grunts power the endless cycles, the machines that lubricate their parts with the blood of the unchosen, the underdeveloped minds whine and claw at their mothers breasts, wheres the ,milk?
Aspects of happiness, aspects of love, aspects of adulthood, aspects of living, aspects of me.
This is a tough word to writ about. Who in their right mind would want someone to write about the word aspect? I mean,
It’s an aspect of my personality that I do not care for writing exercises such as this one. Although I ought to practice them often for aspect they’re good for me.
one aspect of my life that disappoints me right now is that I stuck in this box. I don’t even know how I got here, but here I. Trapped day by day and never going anywhere.
“There are many aspects to consider when planning a vacation,” I explained to him. “Well, then let’s start planning,” he said, while browsing the internet. “I want to go to China…”
there is one aspect of everything, one detail, one point, one thing to be noticed, one piece of the puzzle, part of something larger, a wedge, a crescent, a sliver, half, quarter, not whole, part of a whole, a section, a piece, perspective is key,
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His eyes were the first aspect of him that she noticed. They were rather ordinary, she supposed, but eyes had always fascinated her. She didn’t know why. “Windows to the soul” and all that, perhaps.
there is an undeniable aspect of reality that intrudes, ruthlessly, into our every thought
The aspect of the situation in my opinion was that he was out of line. He was attacking, verbally, innocent people that helped the needy providing healthy snacks. They were helping, he was hindering. It told me that I needed to be careful when others feelings were at stake.
aspect.. just another word. Hm… i dunno what to say about it….pfff
Aspect, indeed.
one aspect of my life that I would like to change is my inability to be honest with myself and the people around me. I never know when to just let go. I cant seem to ever just be myself and tell people what I really think of them.
The many aspects of living, truly living, are a great mistery, to me at least.
Her face was shadowed by the firelight. A strange perception as, usually, light added to visibility but it was as if the fire was running from the horrible aspect of her face. It was an oddity to see such shining beauty in those eyes surrounded by the mask of scars upon her face.
The new aspect of the story that came to light was somewhat startling. She hadn’t expected it; none of them had. But she guessed that’s why they called it a surprise…it is something that nobody could have imagined ever happening. Unthinkable, in a sense.
One aspect of the magic is to change things very subtly. Most people don’t even realize it’s happening. Only those who pay close attention see the slow but important and frightening changes that are taking place with each use of magic. Life altered just a little, but each little bit adds up
Aspect ration. I have no idea what that is. Something to do with drawing plans maybe? Who knows. Can’t think of anything else to write right now. Having a mind blank. Black out. Blitz. Masking tape on windows. Cracking. Banging.
An aspect I treasure of my life is the ability to change myself as I see fit. I just hope I have the courage to change myself for the better.
One aspect of my life that I will truly regret was never taking it past the first stage of my life. In my teen years, I was on fire. I had goals, I had aspirations. Then, it seemed, the moment I turned twenty, I was a confused little person. I lacked direction. I had, still don’t have, a clue as to what I’m doing with my life.
Many people have different views, or a different “aspect” on life, but mine is simple. Live it to the fullest, regret nothing, and get the respect that is due to you. This is my aspect on life.
There is another aspect to the picture that I have failed to consider. That everything is just an illusion of my over worked mind. And hence I needn’t stress too much about anything. In short, I need a break. NOW would be good. Before going cuckoo.