Of course it is, she said. “It is the only thing that concerns me.”
the aspect of the corner was intrinsically frontal. as it were, i felt a need to jump.
the aspect of psychology that ruins me the most is insensitivity. the fact that we don’t really identify or have any empathy with who we’re dealing with. we prescribe drugs, and we ruin lives. even more so than they were.
It changed over the next fifty minutes as Max fell off the top of the building and toward the cobblestone streets. A scream escaped his lips even though in his head, thoughts were coming naturally.
There are so many different aspects of this game. Five have played, but many have been played for.
For years, the game was used to decide the fate of prisoners and criminals, but now it is used to trade the life of one for the life of another.
Malinda Clariese
when I thik of the aspect i THINK of the minute. Not the minute, like there are 60 minutes in an hour, i mean minute as in small, dimunitive and shit, that’s speled incorrectly I making copiousounts of mistakes I asahmed, abashed, my writing is trashed. Microscopic elements.
Farrell McKenna
There are many sides to all stories. To write from one side or the other is all about have possibilities. There’s always another aspect
It looked at me with a thousand faces, faceted through infinity.
the wayi see youwhoyo are. i think iforgotwhat aspect mean. ths web site haspotetntial tobe col bt is not blah k
a name
one side, one thought or viewpoint. how to look at something. sounds kind of like ass-back. mine is better than everyone else’s. not really sure what else to say bout it
apsect is a dumb word. I wish I would have gotten another one. to be completely honest, i have no idea what to write about this word. this is terrible. giving up
I have none.
what aspect of life do I consider to be most impostant? What about our relationship to God? I we relate well to God, our Creator, then we are probably relating well with those around us.
Arlee Bird
have a different aspect to many things including the right aspect and the wrong one we must always choose the on tht best fits our situation and learn from the different aspects of things.
There are many aspects to the idea of becoming an alcohlic. If you have ever been around someone who is in this particular predicament, you know what to expect, and what not to expect. It is just sad that the aspect we usually see this from becomes that of the ouside in, and its too late to do anything but stand by and watch as tears are replaced by substance.
A thing. Something that describes or gives a sense of the essence of
the aspect of looking at things from different views, seeing it in a different like. just focus. recognise that is different. everything in the word is different, not even exact replicurs. everthing is very different indeed
some say that by looking at different aspects of a situation that you can “see” through someone else’s eyes. i don’t think that this is entirely possible. for instance you don’t know what another individual has been through to bring them to the decisions that they make. you also do not know how they were influenced by others to make their own assumptions.
I completed the word aspect on here yesterday i dont know why it gives me the same word all the time i thought it would chang everyday but i guess it wont because it didnt i want a new word because i already did theis one and i need to do more words instead of the same word over and over and over and over i dont
Depends how you interpret aspect. I can tell you my aspect on life right now is very horny.
Lou Siffer
I think that any aspect of the situation could be viewed as an exploratory measure in which both sides should debate the issue. For example in health care, one aspect is to have a public option. Good or bad. That is a decision needed to be made by the many, not by one.
here are a lot of different aspects on life. Whether it be religious, philosophical, or even a synergy of the two. I recently did a report on hedonism, for example. edonism says that pleasure reigns above all, but when you contrast that with Christianity, for example, there seems to be a lot of conflict.com
Toby Brock!
a point of view
a way to look
from an angle
oh how it shook
i do see
the scape you draw
and time prevails
until the thaw
the aspect of life isazing. i have know clue where to even begin with the aspect of life or the apsect of anything it isnt really its persepttion
John Doe
a different aspect. it’s hard to understand, it’s the wrong one, the views of those who aren’t on our side. it’s a small world, with large differences. it’s why we fight, why we kill, why we die: a different aspect can mean a different life.
Ideas, how you see something, an approach.
Netanya Rejuala
It’s like another aspect of the fight, her fear, because she’s not just fighting against the people who gave her the network of scars that cover her body and soul.
She’s fighting the fear of herself, of what she’s becoming.
A murderer.
Does her fear make up for her sins? Does the hesitation make her a better person? Will she ever be rid of the fear that she’ll lose herself, that she’ll disappear in the vast spaces of her mind, never to be seen again?
The aspect of life is simply to live. DO your best at life and live it well. Take chance and risks and do what you want. love. laugh. sing. do whatever. just have fun while you are living. The aspect of living is happiness. As said by many people. Money is nothing. All we need is love. the beatles were quite smart. don’t you know? Well, i love life and it is stupendous.
my aspect ofe everyone right now is LAME! my roommate sucks and i want a new one and if she did steal the $100 she better give it to me and shelby so we can go buy halloween bullshit. i really want to be aphrodite because she is the greeak goddess of sex and love and id like to think that is me.
Visually splendiforous. Completely useless. Always held as your own highest regard. Pushed on others for one’s own benefit. Never unique, but always self-pleasing. The biggest joke ever created
Everyone has a different aspect on life and some say that’s what makes some successful and others miserable. I’m miserable. I’m tired of people telling me “Change your perspective, man.” Even if I had the same aspect on my problems as you do, I’d still have no roots, no love, and no idea about my future.
almost 30
the aspect is changing on this situation,hope all is well miss you lots
It’s Friday and I can’t think about aspect.
the aspect of the truth. truth is
Portion. An area of something. God, I can’t think of anything to go with this word. All I keep seeing is the “spect” and my mind jumps to “respect.” Inspect? Specks of life. Specks of dust. All aspects in life.
The spectrum of life has many variations. Some good can be considered bad while some bad can be considered good. Yet there is always the fruits of action that are either beneficial to one’s self and community or that are destructive, detrimental, or crippling to one’s self and community. Which aspect are you?
Aspect is how someone sees something. My aspect on life and everything has recently changed. It’s as if I was looking at everything through a magnifying glass and now the whole picture is revealed to me! Wow what a difference aspect can make. I can see where I’ve been and where I’m going!
Scott S
the best aspect of life i think is the breath that goes on no matter what we’re doing. regardless of how busy we get, or how stressed out, or happy, or discombobulated, our breath keeps going. urging us forward without warning, without asking anything in return. aspects of life, aspects of breathing, in and out.
i already wrote about this word give me another one. nothing comes tpo mind when i see the wortd aspect nothing at all mind is blank when i see the word aspect so this is what comes out when i see that word. Peace out everyboidy
yo what up
this si what came to mind when i saw the word aspect: nothing at all my mind is blank totally blank im bored here and stumbling and this came up and this is what came to mind when i saw the word aspect.
Of course it is, she said. “It is the only thing that concerns me.”
the aspect of the corner was intrinsically frontal. as it were, i felt a need to jump.
the aspect of psychology that ruins me the most is insensitivity. the fact that we don’t really identify or have any empathy with who we’re dealing with. we prescribe drugs, and we ruin lives. even more so than they were.
It changed over the next fifty minutes as Max fell off the top of the building and toward the cobblestone streets. A scream escaped his lips even though in his head, thoughts were coming naturally.
There are so many different aspects of this game. Five have played, but many have been played for.
For years, the game was used to decide the fate of prisoners and criminals, but now it is used to trade the life of one for the life of another.
when I thik of the aspect i THINK of the minute. Not the minute, like there are 60 minutes in an hour, i mean minute as in small, dimunitive and shit, that’s speled incorrectly I making copiousounts of mistakes I asahmed, abashed, my writing is trashed. Microscopic elements.
There are many sides to all stories. To write from one side or the other is all about have possibilities. There’s always another aspect
It looked at me with a thousand faces, faceted through infinity.
the wayi see youwhoyo are. i think iforgotwhat aspect mean. ths web site haspotetntial tobe col bt is not blah k
one side, one thought or viewpoint. how to look at something. sounds kind of like ass-back. mine is better than everyone else’s. not really sure what else to say bout it
apsect is a dumb word. I wish I would have gotten another one. to be completely honest, i have no idea what to write about this word. this is terrible. giving up
I have none.
what aspect of life do I consider to be most impostant? What about our relationship to God? I we relate well to God, our Creator, then we are probably relating well with those around us.
have a different aspect to many things including the right aspect and the wrong one we must always choose the on tht best fits our situation and learn from the different aspects of things.
There are many aspects to the idea of becoming an alcohlic. If you have ever been around someone who is in this particular predicament, you know what to expect, and what not to expect. It is just sad that the aspect we usually see this from becomes that of the ouside in, and its too late to do anything but stand by and watch as tears are replaced by substance.
A thing. Something that describes or gives a sense of the essence of
the aspect of looking at things from different views, seeing it in a different like. just focus. recognise that is different. everything in the word is different, not even exact replicurs. everthing is very different indeed
some say that by looking at different aspects of a situation that you can “see” through someone else’s eyes. i don’t think that this is entirely possible. for instance you don’t know what another individual has been through to bring them to the decisions that they make. you also do not know how they were influenced by others to make their own assumptions.
I completed the word aspect on here yesterday i dont know why it gives me the same word all the time i thought it would chang everyday but i guess it wont because it didnt i want a new word because i already did theis one and i need to do more words instead of the same word over and over and over and over i dont
Depends how you interpret aspect. I can tell you my aspect on life right now is very horny.
I think that any aspect of the situation could be viewed as an exploratory measure in which both sides should debate the issue. For example in health care, one aspect is to have a public option. Good or bad. That is a decision needed to be made by the many, not by one.
here are a lot of different aspects on life. Whether it be religious, philosophical, or even a synergy of the two. I recently did a report on hedonism, for example. edonism says that pleasure reigns above all, but when you contrast that with Christianity, for example, there seems to be a lot of conflict.com
a point of view
a way to look
from an angle
oh how it shook
i do see
the scape you draw
and time prevails
until the thaw
the aspect of life isazing. i have know clue where to even begin with the aspect of life or the apsect of anything it isnt really its persepttion
a different aspect. it’s hard to understand, it’s the wrong one, the views of those who aren’t on our side. it’s a small world, with large differences. it’s why we fight, why we kill, why we die: a different aspect can mean a different life.
Ideas, how you see something, an approach.
It’s like another aspect of the fight, her fear, because she’s not just fighting against the people who gave her the network of scars that cover her body and soul.
She’s fighting the fear of herself, of what she’s becoming.
A murderer.
Does her fear make up for her sins? Does the hesitation make her a better person? Will she ever be rid of the fear that she’ll lose herself, that she’ll disappear in the vast spaces of her mind, never to be seen again?
The aspect of life is simply to live. DO your best at life and live it well. Take chance and risks and do what you want. love. laugh. sing. do whatever. just have fun while you are living. The aspect of living is happiness. As said by many people. Money is nothing. All we need is love. the beatles were quite smart. don’t you know? Well, i love life and it is stupendous.
my aspect ofe everyone right now is LAME! my roommate sucks and i want a new one and if she did steal the $100 she better give it to me and shelby so we can go buy halloween bullshit. i really want to be aphrodite because she is the greeak goddess of sex and love and id like to think that is me.
Visually splendiforous. Completely useless. Always held as your own highest regard. Pushed on others for one’s own benefit. Never unique, but always self-pleasing. The biggest joke ever created
Everyone has a different aspect on life and some say that’s what makes some successful and others miserable. I’m miserable. I’m tired of people telling me “Change your perspective, man.” Even if I had the same aspect on my problems as you do, I’d still have no roots, no love, and no idea about my future.
the aspect is changing on this situation,hope all is well miss you lots
It’s Friday and I can’t think about aspect.
the aspect of the truth. truth is
Portion. An area of something. God, I can’t think of anything to go with this word. All I keep seeing is the “spect” and my mind jumps to “respect.” Inspect? Specks of life. Specks of dust. All aspects in life.
The spectrum of life has many variations. Some good can be considered bad while some bad can be considered good. Yet there is always the fruits of action that are either beneficial to one’s self and community or that are destructive, detrimental, or crippling to one’s self and community. Which aspect are you?
Aspect is how someone sees something. My aspect on life and everything has recently changed. It’s as if I was looking at everything through a magnifying glass and now the whole picture is revealed to me! Wow what a difference aspect can make. I can see where I’ve been and where I’m going!
the best aspect of life i think is the breath that goes on no matter what we’re doing. regardless of how busy we get, or how stressed out, or happy, or discombobulated, our breath keeps going. urging us forward without warning, without asking anything in return. aspects of life, aspects of breathing, in and out.
i already wrote about this word give me another one. nothing comes tpo mind when i see the wortd aspect nothing at all mind is blank when i see the word aspect so this is what comes out when i see that word. Peace out everyboidy
this si what came to mind when i saw the word aspect: nothing at all my mind is blank totally blank im bored here and stumbling and this came up and this is what came to mind when i saw the word aspect.