
October 22nd, 2009 | 443 Entries

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443 Entries for “aspect”

  1. I looked at his face, I mean really looked. It wasn’t as if it was ugly or anything, but there was just some aspect of it that was, well, off. I couldn’t place what it was. For a while I studied his nose, trying to figure out if it had something to do with the placement of it, or its size. And the eyes, if they were wrong.

    Kim McCormick
  2. Aspect — the donkey acted like a chicken in order to eat.

    Joseph Leff
  3. Hennes

  4. i like certain aspects of living. like breathing and swimming and sharing. i also really like eating. except lately i have been having issues about what to eat because i believe i lactose intolerant.

  5. I have perfect timing. Everything falls into place in under three minutes, colored blocks of my words spun correctly to take away any pressure that is building up.

    The final six from this round move on to slam with the final six from the first round, and god knows how many spots there are after that.

  6. the most important aspect of our relationship is where he was getting his perspective from. He had grown up in China with incredibly strict, communist parents and was uncomfortable with the individual liberty I pushed so hard for in our relationship. I always encouraged him to ask for a raise, achieve more and

  7. Every aspect of our lives is defined by how we perceive it. You tripped and fell? Maybe it’s an inopportune occurrence that your leg got scraped, or maybe it’s just another test in the road of life. Don’t take yourself too seriously, and everything will be all right.

  8. So many aspects to every facet of life, the world. Like a fractal that starts with one thought and spreads outward connecting everything, everyone, everywhere, even though outside our perception. Find the connections and you have the keys to everything.

  9. “I’m you!” he said to me. “Well, a part of you, at least. You know when you got cold feet when you were gonna ask Sarah Smith to the prom all those years ago?”
    “I fucked her.”
    I lay waste to him. It hurt.

  10. There are so many different aspects. There’s one persons idea of what is right and what is wrong. But isn’t that just a one sided aspect? I know it always is. Aspect. This aspect is a fallacy. Everyone should just understand that aspect just is.

  11. otherwise called point of view or pov. what’s the aspect of your position in the world, where are you coming from. I don’t know. They eyeball sits our in front dealing with the interface bewteen the air and the gasses and fluids in the eye. I’m writing crap. stop. go to bed now.

    clifford bestall
  12. the aspect turns. it is the sun side. it is the shady side. i cannot tell what the aspect is, it may be what you see, or what i see, or it may be something no one sees at all. the aspect changes with each passing day. fluid and worthless. the aspect does not matter. the shadow defines the shape.

  13. I never thought too much about gods. Whether they truly were plural as the noun ending suggested, or whether they were really some massive singular, all just different aspects of one god.
  14. Every aspect of this life was changing for me. Changing in ways I never thought it would. The little pink plus sign said it all. Pregnant. Pregnant at 18. Wow. I never would have thought it would happen to me. But really, who plans these things? It was time to change now. Time to grow up. Whether I was ready for it or not.

    Jessica Sanford
  15. bububu

  16. Looking at it from Josh’s aspect, you could see what he meant about the girl coming on to him. However, knowing the girl and Josh, I definitely knew she was not at all interested in him. Sure, she was leaning forward intently; sure she was making eye contact, but interested? Please.

  17. It was a strange aspect of her character, the turning. she was always looking backwards, sideways, in between and around things like something was coming to get her.

  18. ive tried to look at this in every concievable aspect, but i just cant seem to understand your point of view. what is it that attracts you to such extremes? why must you always make things harder for your loved ones, just for your sake?

  19. To make a lovely aspect, you need to have access to gelatin and generally, from what I can tell, it doesn’t taste very good at all. The only reason it’s so popular now is because of Julia Child…

    Oh wait…that’s an aspic.


  21. what? aspect? what is the whole point of this site anyway? to judge the working aspects of peoples minds when confronted with 1 random word and a time limit? real kool and full of pressure.

  22. What do I write about? Aspect well I guess I don’t even really know what that means. I know that it means something to do with how you view things, what your aspect is on life, etc. I think that this is a pretty hard word to write about. Yikes.

    Kaye Ann Silver
  23. I thought I had an aspect

    Gouldin Lion
  24. Maybe to him it seemed cruel, but I think I did the right thing. So who is right? Was it me or him? Did he deserve to have this heart broken? No, but I shouldn’t have to be with someone I didn’t like. I think I like my aspect better.

  25. all aspects of our life are bound to subjectivity

  26. Aspect? A characteristic of trait. idk. This was a bad word.

  27. the important aspect of living is continuing living. After all, while people might go on and on about finding a meaning to life, the one constant is that they all keep TRYING to find a meaning in the first place.

  28. the way you look at something,
    angles and perception
    point of view

    none of these are real

    Josh Behnke
  29. There are so many aspects people have of everything. Whether

  30. one little bitty bit
    a fragment that could or could not be important
    i don’t know what to do with this word or even how to use it
    maybe aspects of writing
    I guess outline
    fill in

    linda marie
  31. There are so many aspects of life. But people tend to see only one. Why? Because we’re so blind. There are many factors contributing to this. One is love. Love is not necessarily always good. Whatever make people blind is not good. Love makes us see things one sided

  32. i don’t even know what that word means. but at this moment, i eating a twix candy bar. so i think i’m going to go back to focusing on the chocolate-y goodness.

  33. sss

  34. Every aspect of my life is completely boring. I have a boring job, boring friends, and even boring hair. So I have to make my own fun by screwing around on the internet. Even that’s boring.

  35. Aspect: One of the hardest things to maintain in a drawing. All these different aspects at which you can view something. One-point, two, three. Anything is possible. You can create what you see in so many different ways, and to maintain it throughout is the most difficult. Measure, draw, check, measure again. Aspect is one of those things that you love and can use to your advantage, but is at times a dire enemy.

  36. i aspect you to think this is funny

  37. They didn’t seem to see the full aspect. Only their site seemed to matter and yet.. yet I felt that something was missing.. Something was being untold and hidden away, behind happy smiles and vain stories about.. nothing.

  38. I loved every aspect of her. Her smile, the way her hair fluttered in the breeze, or how it bounced as she walked. I loved how she would giggle if I made a funny face, or the way she would scowl when i was rude. I loved her body, i loved her personality, I loved every bit of her. I always will.

  39. There are different aspects of me. I a lover, a fighter, a sister, an aunt, a friend. But I refuse to use one label to identify myself. There are many sides to me. All of these combine to make up who I. I a combination of these things. I many things. But most importantly, I ME. That is the most important aspect.

  40. It was a side of Thea he didn’t think could exist. She had always come off as a clueless braniac who would never play organized sports, let alone chase a suspect halfway across town. But here she was in an archer’s stance, compound bow perfectly positioned, sighted on Denton’s calf that already had a slim arrow embedded in it.
