There are certain aspects of people that are inevitably bad. People being everyday people in society. Humans aren’t essentially bad or wronged, but it’s what our society calls human that is corrupted and faulted. These people are materialistic and money driven, rather than driven by the desire to live!
Theo Diehl
This was all new to him. Some aspect of himself that he had never realized until just now. He felt like a different person. Had this just happened overnight? No it couldn’t have. But, to him, it sure felt like it.
Different qualities. It’s funny how this is harder than I thought it would be. Hmm… different points of view, well-rounded, and particular.
In one aspect, bad music is still good for the economy. Although it’s still a bad thing. Drugs are also good(ish) for the economy. The more I say, the less I’m sure I know what aspect means. I retarded? Perhaps.
Jennifer could not decide which aspect of the upcoming court date was most dreadful to her: the pain of reliving her failed marriage or the sheer agony of having to face her soon-to-be-ex again.
Different points of view. A being with qualities and
the aspect of many things is blalsdkfjsldfs… interesting. Aspect is a much more diverse word than one might at first expect. Everything has multiple aspects, even, I suppose, the word aspect. If that makes sense. Which it doesn’t. I’m in class right now, and trying to focus on class at the same time, yet I really feel more obligated to type here. Strange. Thats an ASPECT of my personality I usually ignore.
The aspect ratio on the new plasma isn’t right. Everyone looks ghastly thin, even Oprah. I told Pete there was a reason the damn thing was 60% off, but he didn’t listen, not with the playoffs and his team in the lead.
Aspects of the genuine impulse, the flight of seven thousand wild birds, the batting of an eyelid, the twitching of a toe… the gentle pulsing of a heart beneath the collarbone when that one person enters a room and catches the corner of an eye.
The greatest aspect of originality is that it doesn’t put any restraint on the corners of your mind, and even though your hands are clumsy as meatballs in a pasta, your mind remains as sharp as a nail. Or a tack.
A choice of one thing. Or maybe a choice of all. Or maybe it wasn’t a choice at all; it’s kinda hard to say.
I needed to be true to myself, but at the same time, i needed to find myself.
There is one aspect to this wholething that really pisses me off. That is, I always seem to be the one in the wrong. Surely, I can’t always be wrong – and I always end up apologising. Need to examine my behaviour in the circumstances that occur. Don’t mind apologising if it is my fault, but it’s NOT. Arsehole.
the aspect that i may leave this place is slightly overwhelming. i dont know what im doing.
i dont know where im going.
but i think ill be ok.
A way of looking at things maybe from different angles. My point of view compared to yours. This should make you think a little…. maybe even give you the opportunity to change your own point of view.
to cricket on my vespa
An aspect of criminology that you have to keep in mind is that all criminals are humans. Human blood, human thoughts, human wants, which means at the core there should be at least an inkling of humanity. The same is not always true for investigators.
There was something different about this girl. Something subtle and new. Something in her attitude, in her aspect, made me hesitate before delivering the harsh news I had been sent to share. She turned toward me and smiled.
Maggie Few
From my aspect, she isazing and not cruel at all. I love her.
rhymes with respect
the materialization of what is in front of you hits your eternal mind. You then see it for what it is, a physical universe voyager through the millenia, a thing to be confronted
there are many aspects of the world. Kamigawa aspects are the different spirits of the world in Magic The Gathering, or at least as I rememeber it. This kind of sounds like spect (spectrometer, spectro, restrosepct) and a (without.) Aspects are kind of like themes or qualities, or sides or perspectives.
Matthew Spotnitz
The best aspect to see a goat is from the belly up.
There were many aspects to what he was saying; she was sure of it. She just wasn’t sure what they were. He always seemed to come at things from left field. Or maybe it was right field…at any rate, it was always a place she wasn’t welcome and completely out of place in. But one thing was sure…he knew she felt that way.
Kimberly Pauley
THe one aspect of the whole situation that didn’t make me want to hit myself in the face with a hammer was the fact that it would be over very quickly. But there was still plenty of time to screw things up royally, quick or not, so as per usual I settled into a state of deep, numbing panic, watching as the clock ticked down.
Mike Jung
coming to figure out that there isn’t one single aspect you don’t like about anything is weird. even more so is finding that you don’t dislike anything either. I caught in a limbo of apathy. Nothing is fun. But nothing is not-fun either.
Lydia K.
what aspect of my life I willing to change to get what i want? what aspect won’t be so hard to change? won’t feel like a band-aid is getting pulled off of a wound? i lazy? is that why my life hasn’t change yet? i know I better than what i now but everything stays the same.
the aspect of the situation was daunting.How would she go about raising a family of four on one income? How would she be able to quit her job she’d had for decades to return to the household. No one had ever told her how. She never managed to figure it out from her parents. They were never there. She was a trust fund baby just as her own children, she’d never want or need a thing.,
aspect shmaspect, understood peculiarity, what is aspect.
an aspect is a factor or recognizable trait of something. It can be anything. Aspects are smaller part’s of a larger whole and even the tiniest aspect contributes to making our world beautiful
How many aspects do you think there are of Humanity? I think there is the good, the bad, the kind, the cruel, the beautiful, the grotesque, and the those who make up all of these. One way to tell what you are is to look at what surrounds you.
All the varied aspects of my life jumbled together create an incongruous mixture that can’t
He frowned at her and his disappointment was so profound it hurt. She swallowed and tried to see every aspect of the situation, but she still didn’t understand. He tapped his foot, waiting.
Then, thankfully, the bell rang. As quickly as she could, she grabbed her things and raced out the door and away from the embarassment and pressure that filled the room.
There is no aspect of the idea that I was confortable with. I was being forced into a corner. Subtle pressure and blackmail were being used against me. How
Sarah Crowther
what a scientific word to write about…what aspect of the problem have you not considered? the aspect is comparable to the ratio…aspects of life are uncontrolled
What is an aspect of something?
Is it merely a “part”? A nut, or a bolt?
But then, when is a part ever “mere”? When does it ever not affect the entire identity of a thing? If that part were not there, what would the thing be?
Would it be the same? How can it be the same, when it is different?
No – no. An aspect… an aspect is much, much more than an aspect.
Aspect is when you see something in a view.
“I have another aspect of the story, than you.”
aspect is bad
The aspect of filing for all six of the companies that I do payroll for was definitely not thrilling to me. I was not only afraid of the mess that the temp had left, but also the boredom of filing in itself. A papercut or two was also a guarantee.
The most important aspect of doing what I doing- even though, yes we are struggling- is that I in charge. No boss is telling me what to do or how to do it, only the husband that worries how to make our bills.
There are certain aspects of people that are inevitably bad. People being everyday people in society. Humans aren’t essentially bad or wronged, but it’s what our society calls human that is corrupted and faulted. These people are materialistic and money driven, rather than driven by the desire to live!
This was all new to him. Some aspect of himself that he had never realized until just now. He felt like a different person. Had this just happened overnight? No it couldn’t have. But, to him, it sure felt like it.
Different qualities. It’s funny how this is harder than I thought it would be. Hmm… different points of view, well-rounded, and particular.
In one aspect, bad music is still good for the economy. Although it’s still a bad thing. Drugs are also good(ish) for the economy. The more I say, the less I’m sure I know what aspect means. I retarded? Perhaps.
Jennifer could not decide which aspect of the upcoming court date was most dreadful to her: the pain of reliving her failed marriage or the sheer agony of having to face her soon-to-be-ex again.
Different points of view. A being with qualities and
the aspect of many things is blalsdkfjsldfs… interesting. Aspect is a much more diverse word than one might at first expect. Everything has multiple aspects, even, I suppose, the word aspect. If that makes sense. Which it doesn’t. I’m in class right now, and trying to focus on class at the same time, yet I really feel more obligated to type here. Strange. Thats an ASPECT of my personality I usually ignore.
The aspect ratio on the new plasma isn’t right. Everyone looks ghastly thin, even Oprah. I told Pete there was a reason the damn thing was 60% off, but he didn’t listen, not with the playoffs and his team in the lead.
Aspects of the genuine impulse, the flight of seven thousand wild birds, the batting of an eyelid, the twitching of a toe… the gentle pulsing of a heart beneath the collarbone when that one person enters a room and catches the corner of an eye.
The greatest aspect of originality is that it doesn’t put any restraint on the corners of your mind, and even though your hands are clumsy as meatballs in a pasta, your mind remains as sharp as a nail. Or a tack.
A choice of one thing. Or maybe a choice of all. Or maybe it wasn’t a choice at all; it’s kinda hard to say.
I needed to be true to myself, but at the same time, i needed to find myself.
There is one aspect to this wholething that really pisses me off. That is, I always seem to be the one in the wrong. Surely, I can’t always be wrong – and I always end up apologising. Need to examine my behaviour in the circumstances that occur. Don’t mind apologising if it is my fault, but it’s NOT. Arsehole.
the aspect that i may leave this place is slightly overwhelming. i dont know what im doing.
i dont know where im going.
but i think ill be ok.
A way of looking at things maybe from different angles. My point of view compared to yours. This should make you think a little…. maybe even give you the opportunity to change your own point of view.
An aspect of criminology that you have to keep in mind is that all criminals are humans. Human blood, human thoughts, human wants, which means at the core there should be at least an inkling of humanity. The same is not always true for investigators.
There was something different about this girl. Something subtle and new. Something in her attitude, in her aspect, made me hesitate before delivering the harsh news I had been sent to share. She turned toward me and smiled.
From my aspect, she isazing and not cruel at all. I love her.
rhymes with respect
the materialization of what is in front of you hits your eternal mind. You then see it for what it is, a physical universe voyager through the millenia, a thing to be confronted
there are many aspects of the world. Kamigawa aspects are the different spirits of the world in Magic The Gathering, or at least as I rememeber it. This kind of sounds like spect (spectrometer, spectro, restrosepct) and a (without.) Aspects are kind of like themes or qualities, or sides or perspectives.
The best aspect to see a goat is from the belly up.
There were many aspects to what he was saying; she was sure of it. She just wasn’t sure what they were. He always seemed to come at things from left field. Or maybe it was right field…at any rate, it was always a place she wasn’t welcome and completely out of place in. But one thing was sure…he knew she felt that way.
THe one aspect of the whole situation that didn’t make me want to hit myself in the face with a hammer was the fact that it would be over very quickly. But there was still plenty of time to screw things up royally, quick or not, so as per usual I settled into a state of deep, numbing panic, watching as the clock ticked down.
coming to figure out that there isn’t one single aspect you don’t like about anything is weird. even more so is finding that you don’t dislike anything either. I caught in a limbo of apathy. Nothing is fun. But nothing is not-fun either.
what aspect of my life I willing to change to get what i want? what aspect won’t be so hard to change? won’t feel like a band-aid is getting pulled off of a wound? i lazy? is that why my life hasn’t change yet? i know I better than what i now but everything stays the same.
the aspect of the situation was daunting.How would she go about raising a family of four on one income? How would she be able to quit her job she’d had for decades to return to the household. No one had ever told her how. She never managed to figure it out from her parents. They were never there. She was a trust fund baby just as her own children, she’d never want or need a thing.,
aspect shmaspect, understood peculiarity, what is aspect.
an aspect is a factor or recognizable trait of something. It can be anything. Aspects are smaller part’s of a larger whole and even the tiniest aspect contributes to making our world beautiful
How many aspects do you think there are of Humanity? I think there is the good, the bad, the kind, the cruel, the beautiful, the grotesque, and the those who make up all of these. One way to tell what you are is to look at what surrounds you.
All the varied aspects of my life jumbled together create an incongruous mixture that can’t
He frowned at her and his disappointment was so profound it hurt. She swallowed and tried to see every aspect of the situation, but she still didn’t understand. He tapped his foot, waiting.
Then, thankfully, the bell rang. As quickly as she could, she grabbed her things and raced out the door and away from the embarassment and pressure that filled the room.
There is no aspect of the idea that I was confortable with. I was being forced into a corner. Subtle pressure and blackmail were being used against me. How
what a scientific word to write about…what aspect of the problem have you not considered? the aspect is comparable to the ratio…aspects of life are uncontrolled
What is an aspect of something?
Is it merely a “part”? A nut, or a bolt?
But then, when is a part ever “mere”? When does it ever not affect the entire identity of a thing? If that part were not there, what would the thing be?
Would it be the same? How can it be the same, when it is different?
No – no. An aspect… an aspect is much, much more than an aspect.
Aspect is when you see something in a view.
“I have another aspect of the story, than you.”
aspect is bad
The aspect of filing for all six of the companies that I do payroll for was definitely not thrilling to me. I was not only afraid of the mess that the temp had left, but also the boredom of filing in itself. A papercut or two was also a guarantee.
The most important aspect of doing what I doing- even though, yes we are struggling- is that I in charge. No boss is telling me what to do or how to do it, only the husband that worries how to make our bills.