There are many different aspects Alice could look at. She turned her head to the side and examined her situation. Hatter loved her, she could see it in her eyes. Yet he wanted children and she didn’t. How could anyone respect or love someone who didn’t want the same things that you do. This was something she was going to have to deal with herself. Of coruse there was always Rabbit…
Susan Fenn
My personal aspect on life is that it is a passegeway, into something greater. It trains you and gives you experience for what is to come in heavan, if you ever make it there. :) smile!!
There are many aspects of people that they do not share with the world, or are not willing to take criticism about. They are able to point out other people’s flaws and aspects of their personalities that they do not like, yet they cannot listen to general cristicism about themselves. This is immature and annoying. It also makes it difficult to get things done.
There are many aspects of people that they do not share with the world, or are not willing to take criticism about. They are able to point out other people’s flaws and aspects of their personalities that they do not like, yet they cannot listen to general cristicism about themselves. This is immature and annoying. It also makes it difficult to get things done.
The house, a four bedroom cottage, had an aspect of facing west against the setting sun. It’s the way the founders liked it; they could see it rise by sitting in the kitchen. And now the current owners experienced the same as it was those many years ago. The sky took on a azure and sherbet color mix as the birds lazily ascended from the thermals down below that rose off of the hot streets and parking lots. Bird watchers got to see a multitude of species such as: falcons, hawks and ospreys. But the best kind to observe were the hawks who would circle around, resting their wings as the cool air would whip over their streamline head.
Ulf gazed heavenward with his hand shielding his eyes with a cup of coffee in the other. He grinned. This was one of his many small pleasures throughout his day as he took a break from writing his book.
Gouldin Lion
I wish I could spend my time counting aspects of things. A bumblebee can be anything you want it to be, and you can hug it until it hurts and it still won’t hurt as much
as an odd-numbered daisy on a bad day.
what are the aspects of life? how can anyone truly know. Especially when all of it inevitably crumbles in front of us only to be a bystander. No one will save us from ourselves, we can only escape if we change our aspects to our own
Aspect and point of view are brothers of another mother. True that.
Aspect? The many sides of and idea generated from MAGICAL thinking. Get into my brain, see my many aspects, and feel what I feel!
One aspect of my life that is tripping me up right now is you, Dino. You were so sweet, you are. You are adorable and friendly and snuggly. But you are pissing me off and I’m friggen angry at you. I trusted you so, and you have really hurt me. I just can’t trust you again. Our relationship is toxic, you manipulator. I can’t be friends with you.
aspect ratio. it’s not something that’s well known about, but it is something that the general consumer should make themselves aware of when looking to purchase a new monitor, television, or projector. interestingly enough, i learned about this from a best buy employee named fred.
you cant look at life from one point of view beacause then you get focused on one thing and cant see the big picture. should you wait for someone? maybe not. but if i cant know everything than how do i decide? if my view changes everyday-how does that work?
a side. a view? im not really sure but aspects of my life-crazy, rushed, boring, non existant.
i don’t know what to write about this.
aspects of my life
aspects of my personality
aspects that people love
quality time
quality love
quality care
quality over quantity, that’s for sure
hope is my favorite aspect, because most people have plenty of it and it is never looked down upon.
Love is good too, but
A great view.
A great point.
A simple aspect of a person.
It can change the world. It can mean the world to a person.
That one aspect. That singular thing that you see in them that is different then any other.
A great thing.
A great person.
A simple head turning aspect.
of somewthing else is what this one was about
aspect. Everything is about what aspect you look at things from. one man’s junk is another man’s treasure is an overdone saying, but it is true! One women’s romeo is another women’s…
goober head
“There are aspects of your character which displease me,” said the alien.
“What are you talking about?” said Melanie, as she snapped her gum. “You told me our love was forever.”
“Yes, well…” the alien continued, tracing a heart in the sand with his tentacle, “I’ve changed my mind.”
“You can do that!” shouted Melanie. After an enraged pause, she kicked at the heart drawing spraying sand in the alien’s face. He calmly flicked a grain out of the corner of his eye and sighed. Melanie crumpled to the ground in a sobbing heap.
You Know Who
Aspect, a tiny window into a wider picture.
aspic starwood in aspic aspect yourself
you gotta aspect yourself
your aspect
the leftwing aspect is that virtually all will sign the treaty because they want us to pay them for the privilege of paying them
Stan the Man
“The finest aspect of magic is it cannot be erased, even by troublesome time-travelers,” Morgan explain. “At least, that’s my understanding.”
“But surely some time-traveling may interfere with a spell being cast?” Mr. Rook asked.
What aspect? Which aspect? I’ve only heard this word and assumed it’s meaning from context. So I don’t know what to write. So… what aspect? Which aspect? Damn. I need a dictionary.
Harrison Finch
something that is part of a larger picture – but not just any part – a critical part. in fact, when describing the “bigger picture” this – being the aspect – is often integral to understanding what exactly this overarching concept is.
aspects. aspects of what? its all a question of perspective. what particular facet are we looking at? of what?! i don’t understand. college is hard. academia is stressful. i just want to lie on a beach and sleep in the sun on the sand. leave aspects behind.
In one aspect, the walrus was fascinating. It seemed to understand its world, and be able to move and live and adapt. In another aspect, the walrus had an intellectual level leaving a lot to be desired. Overall, different aspects not mentioned make the walrus an interesting animal.
its part of a culture.
my view
i look at the world in a psitve way
u should too
ur aspect can be anything positve
negative or neutral
i dont care
think warteva u want
Aspects are interesting. Why just look at something from one angle? Ten million different angles is always good.
The one aspect of her face that stood out was her nose. She always disliked her nose. Others always said, it was beautiful in an exotic way, that they envied her nose. But she knew better.
The looking and searching,
for all different things,
some new bright angle,
an aspect,
a ring.
Ive searched for so long,
for whatever sounds right.
I say the words,
then jump in fright.
A new view.
A change i need.
A new aspect.
Nobody truly has the right one.
“One aspect of the case that’s all it will take to get a conviction.” He gathers his thoughts to compose a strong opening brief for the trial tomorrow. He can’t let this man go free…
reflex adjust to my feelings when they reject…whats on my mind…eyes over shoulders because im racing time…leavin clocks hour hand cant keep up with this man but when i stop i got caught up in things i forgot…racing the clock
not today.
the people look at things, the way things are interpreted.
life has man aspects and one of the great aspect is to use the aspect in the aspect of ohters nevver aspect what you want to aspecct as aspeccting things will never aspecct others aspeccts. So I would suggest aspecting the live….ASPECT THE ASPECT!!!!
The point of view, the way someone sees something…. you don’t see it the way I do, you must see it from a different aspect… God I’ve said this word so many times it sounds foreign and I can’t remember…. >.<
There are many different aspects Alice could look at. She turned her head to the side and examined her situation. Hatter loved her, she could see it in her eyes. Yet he wanted children and she didn’t. How could anyone respect or love someone who didn’t want the same things that you do. This was something she was going to have to deal with herself. Of coruse there was always Rabbit…
My personal aspect on life is that it is a passegeway, into something greater. It trains you and gives you experience for what is to come in heavan, if you ever make it there. :) smile!!
There are many aspects of people that they do not share with the world, or are not willing to take criticism about. They are able to point out other people’s flaws and aspects of their personalities that they do not like, yet they cannot listen to general cristicism about themselves. This is immature and annoying. It also makes it difficult to get things done.
There are many aspects of people that they do not share with the world, or are not willing to take criticism about. They are able to point out other people’s flaws and aspects of their personalities that they do not like, yet they cannot listen to general cristicism about themselves. This is immature and annoying. It also makes it difficult to get things done.
The house, a four bedroom cottage, had an aspect of facing west against the setting sun. It’s the way the founders liked it; they could see it rise by sitting in the kitchen. And now the current owners experienced the same as it was those many years ago. The sky took on a azure and sherbet color mix as the birds lazily ascended from the thermals down below that rose off of the hot streets and parking lots. Bird watchers got to see a multitude of species such as: falcons, hawks and ospreys. But the best kind to observe were the hawks who would circle around, resting their wings as the cool air would whip over their streamline head.
Ulf gazed heavenward with his hand shielding his eyes with a cup of coffee in the other. He grinned. This was one of his many small pleasures throughout his day as he took a break from writing his book.
I wish I could spend my time counting aspects of things. A bumblebee can be anything you want it to be, and you can hug it until it hurts and it still won’t hurt as much
as an odd-numbered daisy on a bad day.
what are the aspects of life? how can anyone truly know. Especially when all of it inevitably crumbles in front of us only to be a bystander. No one will save us from ourselves, we can only escape if we change our aspects to our own
Aspect and point of view are brothers of another mother. True that.
Aspect? The many sides of and idea generated from MAGICAL thinking. Get into my brain, see my many aspects, and feel what I feel!
One aspect of my life that is tripping me up right now is you, Dino. You were so sweet, you are. You are adorable and friendly and snuggly. But you are pissing me off and I’m friggen angry at you. I trusted you so, and you have really hurt me. I just can’t trust you again. Our relationship is toxic, you manipulator. I can’t be friends with you.
aspect ratio. it’s not something that’s well known about, but it is something that the general consumer should make themselves aware of when looking to purchase a new monitor, television, or projector. interestingly enough, i learned about this from a best buy employee named fred.
you cant look at life from one point of view beacause then you get focused on one thing and cant see the big picture. should you wait for someone? maybe not. but if i cant know everything than how do i decide? if my view changes everyday-how does that work?
a side. a view? im not really sure but aspects of my life-crazy, rushed, boring, non existant.
i don’t know what to write about this.
aspects of my life
aspects of my personality
aspects that people love
quality time
quality love
quality care
quality over quantity, that’s for sure
hope is my favorite aspect, because most people have plenty of it and it is never looked down upon.
Love is good too, but
A great view.
A great point.
A simple aspect of a person.
It can change the world. It can mean the world to a person.
That one aspect. That singular thing that you see in them that is different then any other.
A great thing.
A great person.
A simple head turning aspect.
of somewthing else is what this one was about
aspect. Everything is about what aspect you look at things from. one man’s junk is another man’s treasure is an overdone saying, but it is true! One women’s romeo is another women’s…
“There are aspects of your character which displease me,” said the alien.
“What are you talking about?” said Melanie, as she snapped her gum. “You told me our love was forever.”
“Yes, well…” the alien continued, tracing a heart in the sand with his tentacle, “I’ve changed my mind.”
“You can do that!” shouted Melanie. After an enraged pause, she kicked at the heart drawing spraying sand in the alien’s face. He calmly flicked a grain out of the corner of his eye and sighed. Melanie crumpled to the ground in a sobbing heap.
Aspect, a tiny window into a wider picture.
aspic starwood in aspic aspect yourself
you gotta aspect yourself
your aspect
the leftwing aspect is that virtually all will sign the treaty because they want us to pay them for the privilege of paying them
“The finest aspect of magic is it cannot be erased, even by troublesome time-travelers,” Morgan explain. “At least, that’s my understanding.”
“But surely some time-traveling may interfere with a spell being cast?” Mr. Rook asked.
What aspect? Which aspect? I’ve only heard this word and assumed it’s meaning from context. So I don’t know what to write. So… what aspect? Which aspect? Damn. I need a dictionary.
something that is part of a larger picture – but not just any part – a critical part. in fact, when describing the “bigger picture” this – being the aspect – is often integral to understanding what exactly this overarching concept is.
aspects. aspects of what? its all a question of perspective. what particular facet are we looking at? of what?! i don’t understand. college is hard. academia is stressful. i just want to lie on a beach and sleep in the sun on the sand. leave aspects behind.
In one aspect, the walrus was fascinating. It seemed to understand its world, and be able to move and live and adapt. In another aspect, the walrus had an intellectual level leaving a lot to be desired. Overall, different aspects not mentioned make the walrus an interesting animal.
its part of a culture.
my view
i look at the world in a psitve way
u should too
ur aspect can be anything positve
negative or neutral
i dont care
think warteva u want
Aspects are interesting. Why just look at something from one angle? Ten million different angles is always good.
The one aspect of her face that stood out was her nose. She always disliked her nose. Others always said, it was beautiful in an exotic way, that they envied her nose. But she knew better.
The looking and searching,
for all different things,
some new bright angle,
an aspect,
a ring.
Ive searched for so long,
for whatever sounds right.
I say the words,
then jump in fright.
A new view.
A change i need.
A new aspect.
Nobody truly has the right one.
“One aspect of the case that’s all it will take to get a conviction.” He gathers his thoughts to compose a strong opening brief for the trial tomorrow. He can’t let this man go free…
reflex adjust to my feelings when they reject…whats on my mind…eyes over shoulders because im racing time…leavin clocks hour hand cant keep up with this man but when i stop i got caught up in things i forgot…racing the clock
not today.
the people look at things, the way things are interpreted.
life has man aspects and one of the great aspect is to use the aspect in the aspect of ohters nevver aspect what you want to aspecct as aspeccting things will never aspecct others aspeccts. So I would suggest aspecting the live….ASPECT THE ASPECT!!!!
The point of view, the way someone sees something…. you don’t see it the way I do, you must see it from a different aspect… God I’ve said this word so many times it sounds foreign and I can’t remember…. >.<