Every aspect of my life feels out of my control. Why I living here? Why can’t I make any decisions? Why does life just happen sometimes? I don’t know.
i have no idea what this really means. used in a sentece i have a strong aspect towards a person however the circumstances im using this word in are false advertizement
Aspect is a stupid word. I don’t like talking about aspect because it never means the same thing to anyone. It is so arbitrary that it has lost all meaning to me. Aspect? Seriously? What a stupid word. Way to go world. Way to ruin another perfectly good word by ruining it for everyone else. That is why I hate people for the most part. Too stupid to understand how to use a word correctly. I hate you. All of you. Now I’m done. :(
the aspect of man is to be more than he can possibly accomplish, to always dream and never succeed. because man will never be happy with his current life and will always try and better himself and environment.
sean thomas
One’s perspective of a certain event or occurrence. A position in an argument, or other events.
My aspect of gay marriage is that is feels good.
Daniel Hoyles.
Aspect, we look at one thing and only see it from our angle. We see, but not in whole, we see what we want, but also all that we can. We take the one small part and have to deal with it. But so do others. That is the deal. We enjoy, but then we also have to put up with each other
Ron Easton
there are so many aspects of my life I hate. ok, I’m done… i don’t want to write about this anymore. i’m in way too terrible of a mood to rant about this now.
I didn’t understand what I really wanted from him. But this aspect of my understanding, it made me realize everything like ten pounds falling on top of a 2 ounce Capri-Sun. “Shit,” I muttered to myself. Knowing that I did not want to hurt him, knowing that I NEEDED him to stay alive, I had no idea what was going to happen once I told him I was leaving. There was no chance of me staying once I realized what was going on; there was no chance of me ignoring the huge revelation I just had.
what kind of aspect is this
oceans away and idealistic,
all too ready for life to bloom
tune, boom, burst…
watch for quicksand, lover
jewels - word: aspect
One aspect of my life is worth five of yours, as you make others miserable, spreading your poisonongst us.
You disgust me.
Be human and face me with all you’ve got, don’t hide your ass and smirk in that stupid feeling of triumph.
You’ve got nothing on me.
Your just reward will surely come.
I love the word aspect. I use it a lot in extemp speeches. So many aspects. And in AP Lit assignments. Good word. Substitutes for “things.” It just sounds so smart! Aspects… I think we listed it on our word list in Ms. Welsh’s class. She like that word. I think. I dunno, but if I taught English, I would.
It’s a word. Can’t really remember what it means.. So yeah… A-S-P-E-C-T!
S. P. E. C. T. Like respect! :D
AH!!! BYE!!!
Kalani meowwww.
i believe there’s a part of all of us with an aspect of hope and happiness. this might be stupid but we all have that little part that makes us feel warm and cuddly – there’s also an aspect of unhappiness. but without unhappiness there wouldn’t be happiness.
She had never thought of it from that aspect. She had always assumed that no one knew she was running alone in the morning. To consider that her uncle had known all along made her fearful of why he was letting her continue. Did he want her to get lost or hurt?
every aspect is revolutionary
but the truth is evolutionary.
though we think we are self-made
we depend on stones pre-laid.
every aspect is revolutionary
but the truth is evolutionary.
though we think we are self-made
we depend on stones pre-laid.
The aspect of the thing is strange. His small pointed ears. His little hands, and yet as I stare at this creature I can’t help but wonder, Where did he come from? Surely he must have a family or something. He’s quite odd this one. Odd indeed. Hopefully I’ll be able to find out more about him because he can’t speak English yet, But I hope to teach him.
My sister once told me that to learn about a person you have to know every aspect of them. Not only the good, but the bad and everything in between.
I ought to stop complaining the messed up aspects of my life. There are so many great aspects as well. Like the people who still have not abandoned me. Like the people who have helped me find myself. Like the people who I’ll miss so much when I’m gone. Like all those people…
aspect. I;m not even sure what aspect means.. I know suspect. My aspect is my perspect ive Oh well maybe I can have a new word after this one. I can become inteaspective
holy shit!
His face was craggy, a fact I found normally unattractive, but for some reason it worked for him. I found myself lingering in his presence as I went about my work.
So many different parts of him; things I never new unearthing and rediscovering every day. I still love him, I realized. I still want him as much as I did when I first met him. How pathetic. But every time I see him, he is different; mysterious, chrysalis. So, of course I was suprised- and somewhat thrilled- when he called ME a labyrinth.
What I see is what I see. I like to think that now is now, and never will be again; what’s over is over. Ihave to give up the past eventually, and although this may be hard, I have to forget the things that have happened to me. I don’t need these memories; I can’t stay bogged down for the rest of my life.
there are many different ways to see everything in the world
the aspect of which it is a circular steady cube staunch gray in the corner asphalt on whiskey a particular piece of the bar lovely and conversational
Take an aspect. Any aspect. Describe an aspect of yourself that you find exciting. Sell yourself as a product. Tell people who you are; why they should get to know you.
it was an aspect he hadn’t considered previously. Could he, indeed, eat the entire cow? Or would that be pure madness? So many aspects of the situation to consider, so little time.
He ate the cow.
Then he died.
the aspects of life just happen. we can’t control it its just the way it goes. we try hard to control it and try hard to tell the world what we want but the aspects can’t be controlled. there is nothing we can do. i feel like im grasping a straws when it comes to the aspects of my life but what can we say.
there are many aspects that much up each of us as individuals. some negative, some postive. nothing wrong though. its all just a journey in the end.. and there is nothing that prevents us from becoming what we hope to be besides a fear within ourselves. the aspects that compile our natural selves make us who we are, and there is nothing wrong with who we are. its an exploration.
There were many aspects to his personalities – some dark, some bold, some whiny and self-centered. We had come to question whether he would make it out on his own. He insisted, “I can do this just fine!” But I was never too sure about what to say to the rest of them. And now I’ll never know.
Her aspect on life was generally positive, though it was often difficult to tell if she was being particularly bubbly or simply very very sarcastic. No one really knew, and that was part of her allure. Everyone seemed to like her — they were drawn towards her like magnets to metal, and she reveled in the attention. It was kind of funny to watch, actually, even though I was desperately jealous.
One of the aspects I hate most about myself is what you can call a “failure to communicate”. As much as I fancy myself a writer, I can never get the words out of my head and onto the paper in a way that doesn’t make me want to throw away my notebooks, zip my mouth shut, and go bury myself in a corner for the rest of my life. You might find it funny. I find it ironic.
one aspect of the human condition is our invariable susceptibility to fallicy. People like to belive in what they cannot achieve. And although the old adage states otherwise, it is not wise or even feasable to belive such nonesense. Disappointment will lead to failure. Failure will make you not want to try anymore.
There we only so many ways he could look at the situation.
One: his father had died, like all old people tend to.
Two: his father had died, prematurely, but still in peace.
Three: his father had died, and it was his fault. It all depends on how you look at it.
as i expect to be an asset i maverick thru havoc and tragic panic i manage to ravage and be outstanding with in my boundary
one aspect to all of life is that at some point its going to end. It will never just continue on and on. So, what is it that you want to get out of that time spent, and what do you hope you will be remembered for? The aspects of life that are most importatnt to you should be the ones that you prioritize and make sure you accomplish each and every day.
Every aspect of my life feels out of my control. Why I living here? Why can’t I make any decisions? Why does life just happen sometimes? I don’t know.
i have no idea what this really means. used in a sentece i have a strong aspect towards a person however the circumstances im using this word in are false advertizement
Aspect is a stupid word. I don’t like talking about aspect because it never means the same thing to anyone. It is so arbitrary that it has lost all meaning to me. Aspect? Seriously? What a stupid word. Way to go world. Way to ruin another perfectly good word by ruining it for everyone else. That is why I hate people for the most part. Too stupid to understand how to use a word correctly. I hate you. All of you. Now I’m done. :(
the aspect of man is to be more than he can possibly accomplish, to always dream and never succeed. because man will never be happy with his current life and will always try and better himself and environment.
One’s perspective of a certain event or occurrence. A position in an argument, or other events.
My aspect of gay marriage is that is feels good.
Aspect, we look at one thing and only see it from our angle. We see, but not in whole, we see what we want, but also all that we can. We take the one small part and have to deal with it. But so do others. That is the deal. We enjoy, but then we also have to put up with each other
there are so many aspects of my life I hate. ok, I’m done… i don’t want to write about this anymore. i’m in way too terrible of a mood to rant about this now.
I didn’t understand what I really wanted from him. But this aspect of my understanding, it made me realize everything like ten pounds falling on top of a 2 ounce Capri-Sun. “Shit,” I muttered to myself. Knowing that I did not want to hurt him, knowing that I NEEDED him to stay alive, I had no idea what was going to happen once I told him I was leaving. There was no chance of me staying once I realized what was going on; there was no chance of me ignoring the huge revelation I just had.
what kind of aspect is this
oceans away and idealistic,
all too ready for life to bloom
tune, boom, burst…
watch for quicksand, lover
One aspect of my life is worth five of yours, as you make others miserable, spreading your poisonongst us.
You disgust me.
Be human and face me with all you’ve got, don’t hide your ass and smirk in that stupid feeling of triumph.
You’ve got nothing on me.
Your just reward will surely come.
I love the word aspect. I use it a lot in extemp speeches. So many aspects. And in AP Lit assignments. Good word. Substitutes for “things.” It just sounds so smart! Aspects… I think we listed it on our word list in Ms. Welsh’s class. She like that word. I think. I dunno, but if I taught English, I would.
It’s a word. Can’t really remember what it means.. So yeah… A-S-P-E-C-T!
S. P. E. C. T. Like respect! :D
AH!!! BYE!!!
i believe there’s a part of all of us with an aspect of hope and happiness. this might be stupid but we all have that little part that makes us feel warm and cuddly – there’s also an aspect of unhappiness. but without unhappiness there wouldn’t be happiness.
She had never thought of it from that aspect. She had always assumed that no one knew she was running alone in the morning. To consider that her uncle had known all along made her fearful of why he was letting her continue. Did he want her to get lost or hurt?
every aspect is revolutionary
but the truth is evolutionary.
though we think we are self-made
we depend on stones pre-laid.
every aspect is revolutionary
but the truth is evolutionary.
though we think we are self-made
we depend on stones pre-laid.
The aspect of the thing is strange. His small pointed ears. His little hands, and yet as I stare at this creature I can’t help but wonder, Where did he come from? Surely he must have a family or something. He’s quite odd this one. Odd indeed. Hopefully I’ll be able to find out more about him because he can’t speak English yet, But I hope to teach him.
My sister once told me that to learn about a person you have to know every aspect of them. Not only the good, but the bad and everything in between.
I ought to stop complaining the messed up aspects of my life. There are so many great aspects as well. Like the people who still have not abandoned me. Like the people who have helped me find myself. Like the people who I’ll miss so much when I’m gone. Like all those people…
aspect. I;m not even sure what aspect means.. I know suspect. My aspect is my perspect ive Oh well maybe I can have a new word after this one. I can become inteaspective
holy shit!
His face was craggy, a fact I found normally unattractive, but for some reason it worked for him. I found myself lingering in his presence as I went about my work.
So many different parts of him; things I never new unearthing and rediscovering every day. I still love him, I realized. I still want him as much as I did when I first met him. How pathetic. But every time I see him, he is different; mysterious, chrysalis. So, of course I was suprised- and somewhat thrilled- when he called ME a labyrinth.
What I see is what I see. I like to think that now is now, and never will be again; what’s over is over. Ihave to give up the past eventually, and although this may be hard, I have to forget the things that have happened to me. I don’t need these memories; I can’t stay bogged down for the rest of my life.
there are many different ways to see everything in the world
the aspect of which it is a circular steady cube staunch gray in the corner asphalt on whiskey a particular piece of the bar lovely and conversational
Take an aspect. Any aspect. Describe an aspect of yourself that you find exciting. Sell yourself as a product. Tell people who you are; why they should get to know you.
it was an aspect he hadn’t considered previously. Could he, indeed, eat the entire cow? Or would that be pure madness? So many aspects of the situation to consider, so little time.
He ate the cow.
Then he died.
the aspects of life just happen. we can’t control it its just the way it goes. we try hard to control it and try hard to tell the world what we want but the aspects can’t be controlled. there is nothing we can do. i feel like im grasping a straws when it comes to the aspects of my life but what can we say.
there are many aspects that much up each of us as individuals. some negative, some postive. nothing wrong though. its all just a journey in the end.. and there is nothing that prevents us from becoming what we hope to be besides a fear within ourselves. the aspects that compile our natural selves make us who we are, and there is nothing wrong with who we are. its an exploration.
There were many aspects to his personalities – some dark, some bold, some whiny and self-centered. We had come to question whether he would make it out on his own. He insisted, “I can do this just fine!” But I was never too sure about what to say to the rest of them. And now I’ll never know.
Her aspect on life was generally positive, though it was often difficult to tell if she was being particularly bubbly or simply very very sarcastic. No one really knew, and that was part of her allure. Everyone seemed to like her — they were drawn towards her like magnets to metal, and she reveled in the attention. It was kind of funny to watch, actually, even though I was desperately jealous.
One of the aspects I hate most about myself is what you can call a “failure to communicate”. As much as I fancy myself a writer, I can never get the words out of my head and onto the paper in a way that doesn’t make me want to throw away my notebooks, zip my mouth shut, and go bury myself in a corner for the rest of my life. You might find it funny. I find it ironic.
one aspect of the human condition is our invariable susceptibility to fallicy. People like to belive in what they cannot achieve. And although the old adage states otherwise, it is not wise or even feasable to belive such nonesense. Disappointment will lead to failure. Failure will make you not want to try anymore.
There we only so many ways he could look at the situation.
One: his father had died, like all old people tend to.
Two: his father had died, prematurely, but still in peace.
Three: his father had died, and it was his fault. It all depends on how you look at it.
as i expect to be an asset i maverick thru havoc and tragic panic i manage to ravage and be outstanding with in my boundary
one aspect to all of life is that at some point its going to end. It will never just continue on and on. So, what is it that you want to get out of that time spent, and what do you hope you will be remembered for? The aspects of life that are most importatnt to you should be the ones that you prioritize and make sure you accomplish each and every day.