So many aspects of me you do not see. Do you choose not to see, or are you truly blind to the many layers that form me? And what about you? You try to show a hard face to the world, but I see the hurt, shame and terror peeking out from behind your mask. A burden shared is a burned made lighter. Share with me, so that I can share with you, too.
it’s funny how people can see different aspects of things. we all see differently. we all have different perspectives. it makes you think, how people see the same everytday things, and how it’s different from what you see and think about it
I ‘aspect you to do gud in skool, young man! ;P
I ‘aspect you to do gud in skool, young man! ;P
The there were many aspects of her life that she needed to change. She would wake up and drink straight from the bottle at 6 before she would head into work. She only woke up early so she could have her morning buzz to get her through that and every other morning.
His aspect is different from mine. That’s okay. We’re still friends.
“Aspect you ain’t quite figgered out wut to write ’bout this perticular word jes’ yet. ‘M I right? Huh? Huh?
R. Panic
Je mehr sie
The piece that is so important. That one aspect. It is always the one that changes the course of conversation or of thought. That one aspect. It is the one that can go against the grain and be the most important piece of the puzzle: the piece that makes something a complete whole.
the trouble with the leaves today was that the wind was whipping them around and the aspect of them was that it was difficult to rake them. the rain fell relentlessly also contributing to the aspect of them
Aspect. Life is all about perspective. Looking at this from a certain aspect, I’m a lousy person. In the words of RK, slightly modified, who I hates who I. But looking from another aspect, not denying I’m lousy, maybe it’s God’s training for me.
Some view the world from one looking glass, while I look at it through a whole other lens. I don’t understand why some would want to kill me for this, but it’s life. I don’t want to live as others live, as though they are animals and in conformation to one another, I live as myself, I pay for it.
John K.
What was the reason they choose that point of view. What was the one aspect that swayed their point of view to be so different than mine. I cant fathom why they could choose to do that, but they had to find some reason. Maybe I missing the most important aspect of the argument?
Wag More Bark Less
A chance. A chance to blow it. The aspect of meeting someone. Of not knowing. Of jumping. It’s kinda scary.
One aspect of life is that you can never be certain what will happen next.
trait about someone
trait, feature,facet,angle,perspective.
Pavalamani Pragasam
In every aspect of life there are seperate aspects. Each person, place and thing has aspects. What is your best aspect? Is it your pretty hair, your nice voice, your pushy attitue? Are you embracing all of your aspects?
it there
There are many aspects to the life of a writer. Mostly, we sit around and think about how we should write, how we will eventually write. And then when we don’t actually write, we obsess about what kind of failures we have become. Lots of aspects of writing suck – but mostly the fear of failure and the lack of motivation to get started in case of failure…
it is important to consider every aspect regardless of the situation.
Aspect sounds like the food aspic. What aspect I coming from. A whole different way- wild and crazy. What’s your aspect or take on it. Stop spitting.
Chris G
every aspect of my being, whether it be in my waking life or otherwise, rings out with warning, gleaming with colors, and holds my gaze perpetually. i believe, or perhaps i have faith in, the fact that these multifaceted aspects of myself are all in a disorder…maybe i can take those colors and color code them, as i do with my office supplies…or perhaps a better idea would be to take these mixed up aspects and look at them, stare them down, until they become as timid as i have become…then they will retreat, regroup, and become a coherent person who i can come to like, love, lust, and form a bond with. maybe i can just take these aspects and appreciate them the way they are. maybe i can just do that instead.
it was a lovely aspect the view from the house and the balcony. it led out to an open plain where highly mowed grass in perfect symettry lay on the vista before me. leading out into the distance were a line of oak trees and in the near foreground a very ornate fountain bubbled away.
“The most irritating aspect of getting what you want is the guilt,” she slurred to the square-jawed man on the bar stool beside her, who was too busy staring at her tits to listen.
Moxie Mezcal
aspect of something one side of it one perspective of many an aspect of my life right now is that i still here even though i feel like i should leave aspect inspect introspecting introspection the bar is turning red and i cant think of any other aspect of my life?
In every aspect of my life I have been lucky. At least if you ask the people around me.
The perception that you perceive something to be.
Aspect ratio of a picture is the size and whether or not it will fit when you print it out. Except the printer doesn’t always know. You make something to be horizontal and you print it vertical… it’s like the white space is screaming at your computer ineptitude. You can’t even make printers and computers work, how can you make your life work?
ashley k
Looking from that aspect, she thinks her friend has it good. Daniel doesn’t beat her up like Carl does. Only boringness rules.
It was a matter of perspective. She saw things in a different direction than others and she couldn’t help it. At first they had thought it was a learning disability, but with all their careful tools of diagnoses they couldn’t fit her into any particular category.
Aspect, different sides, views to one individual thing. It could seem so defferent, so alien. All dependant on what aspect youre focusing on.
Focus on the best aspects.
wade smit
Exactly what aspect of this explanation do you not understand? what a moron!
Their aspect of their lives are so poor, these people of the lower class. Sweeping cleaning, cooking , washing toilets for other peopr\lr. Poor aUatie Helen. Her husband has left her and she is now on her own, living h\by her self. I think she is better off now.
Tammy Ho
The aspect of writing I like the most is the fantasy of it. Whether I writing expository text or a novel or a poem it uses the part of my brain that fantasizes. The feeling of creating, of spawning something from my head is refreshing and prideful and appeals to my Leo-ness.
the aspect ratio of the encumbered lens of the diametric flim flam and the correlated doo hickey was off the charts and had never been seen before.
there are aspects to all things. it depends on where you are looking. and where you are looking from, or rather from where you are looking. i hate that you cannot end in a preposition. there are so many aspects to the problem of global warming that people can’t even figure out how to talk about it. so they yell about it.
an aspect of life is how you see the world. of course everyone sees it differently. in fact, every day i see it differently. on Monday, it’s a dreary sort of day, and by Wednesday it is sunny and bright and sunshine and butterflies.
it had an interesting aspect, facing north towards the golden sunlight, and west towards the setting sun. the clouds tinged pink and orange, brilliant against the burnished blue sky.
it was only a hut, made from silver-aged wood and thatch, but it was perfect. it was mine. and we were going to have a long and happy life here.
So many aspects of me you do not see. Do you choose not to see, or are you truly blind to the many layers that form me? And what about you? You try to show a hard face to the world, but I see the hurt, shame and terror peeking out from behind your mask. A burden shared is a burned made lighter. Share with me, so that I can share with you, too.
it’s funny how people can see different aspects of things. we all see differently. we all have different perspectives. it makes you think, how people see the same everytday things, and how it’s different from what you see and think about it
I ‘aspect you to do gud in skool, young man! ;P
I ‘aspect you to do gud in skool, young man! ;P
The there were many aspects of her life that she needed to change. She would wake up and drink straight from the bottle at 6 before she would head into work. She only woke up early so she could have her morning buzz to get her through that and every other morning.
His aspect is different from mine. That’s okay. We’re still friends.
“Aspect you ain’t quite figgered out wut to write ’bout this perticular word jes’ yet. ‘M I right? Huh? Huh?
Je mehr sie
The piece that is so important. That one aspect. It is always the one that changes the course of conversation or of thought. That one aspect. It is the one that can go against the grain and be the most important piece of the puzzle: the piece that makes something a complete whole.
the trouble with the leaves today was that the wind was whipping them around and the aspect of them was that it was difficult to rake them. the rain fell relentlessly also contributing to the aspect of them
Aspect. Life is all about perspective. Looking at this from a certain aspect, I’m a lousy person. In the words of RK, slightly modified, who I hates who I. But looking from another aspect, not denying I’m lousy, maybe it’s God’s training for me.
Some view the world from one looking glass, while I look at it through a whole other lens. I don’t understand why some would want to kill me for this, but it’s life. I don’t want to live as others live, as though they are animals and in conformation to one another, I live as myself, I pay for it.
What was the reason they choose that point of view. What was the one aspect that swayed their point of view to be so different than mine. I cant fathom why they could choose to do that, but they had to find some reason. Maybe I missing the most important aspect of the argument?
A chance. A chance to blow it. The aspect of meeting someone. Of not knowing. Of jumping. It’s kinda scary.
One aspect of life is that you can never be certain what will happen next.
trait about someone
trait, feature,facet,angle,perspective.
In every aspect of life there are seperate aspects. Each person, place and thing has aspects. What is your best aspect? Is it your pretty hair, your nice voice, your pushy attitue? Are you embracing all of your aspects?
it there
There are many aspects to the life of a writer. Mostly, we sit around and think about how we should write, how we will eventually write. And then when we don’t actually write, we obsess about what kind of failures we have become. Lots of aspects of writing suck – but mostly the fear of failure and the lack of motivation to get started in case of failure…
it is important to consider every aspect regardless of the situation.
Aspect sounds like the food aspic. What aspect I coming from. A whole different way- wild and crazy. What’s your aspect or take on it. Stop spitting.
every aspect of my being, whether it be in my waking life or otherwise, rings out with warning, gleaming with colors, and holds my gaze perpetually. i believe, or perhaps i have faith in, the fact that these multifaceted aspects of myself are all in a disorder…maybe i can take those colors and color code them, as i do with my office supplies…or perhaps a better idea would be to take these mixed up aspects and look at them, stare them down, until they become as timid as i have become…then they will retreat, regroup, and become a coherent person who i can come to like, love, lust, and form a bond with. maybe i can just take these aspects and appreciate them the way they are. maybe i can just do that instead.
it was a lovely aspect the view from the house and the balcony. it led out to an open plain where highly mowed grass in perfect symettry lay on the vista before me. leading out into the distance were a line of oak trees and in the near foreground a very ornate fountain bubbled away.
“The most irritating aspect of getting what you want is the guilt,” she slurred to the square-jawed man on the bar stool beside her, who was too busy staring at her tits to listen.
aspect of something one side of it one perspective of many an aspect of my life right now is that i still here even though i feel like i should leave aspect inspect introspecting introspection the bar is turning red and i cant think of any other aspect of my life?
In every aspect of my life I have been lucky. At least if you ask the people around me.
The perception that you perceive something to be.
Aspect ratio of a picture is the size and whether or not it will fit when you print it out. Except the printer doesn’t always know. You make something to be horizontal and you print it vertical… it’s like the white space is screaming at your computer ineptitude. You can’t even make printers and computers work, how can you make your life work?
Looking from that aspect, she thinks her friend has it good. Daniel doesn’t beat her up like Carl does. Only boringness rules.
It was a matter of perspective. She saw things in a different direction than others and she couldn’t help it. At first they had thought it was a learning disability, but with all their careful tools of diagnoses they couldn’t fit her into any particular category.
Aspect, different sides, views to one individual thing. It could seem so defferent, so alien. All dependant on what aspect youre focusing on.
Focus on the best aspects.
Exactly what aspect of this explanation do you not understand? what a moron!
Their aspect of their lives are so poor, these people of the lower class. Sweeping cleaning, cooking , washing toilets for other peopr\lr. Poor aUatie Helen. Her husband has left her and she is now on her own, living h\by her self. I think she is better off now.
The aspect of writing I like the most is the fantasy of it. Whether I writing expository text or a novel or a poem it uses the part of my brain that fantasizes. The feeling of creating, of spawning something from my head is refreshing and prideful and appeals to my Leo-ness.
the aspect ratio of the encumbered lens of the diametric flim flam and the correlated doo hickey was off the charts and had never been seen before.
there are aspects to all things. it depends on where you are looking. and where you are looking from, or rather from where you are looking. i hate that you cannot end in a preposition. there are so many aspects to the problem of global warming that people can’t even figure out how to talk about it. so they yell about it.
an aspect of life is how you see the world. of course everyone sees it differently. in fact, every day i see it differently. on Monday, it’s a dreary sort of day, and by Wednesday it is sunny and bright and sunshine and butterflies.
it had an interesting aspect, facing north towards the golden sunlight, and west towards the setting sun. the clouds tinged pink and orange, brilliant against the burnished blue sky.
it was only a hut, made from silver-aged wood and thatch, but it was perfect. it was mine. and we were going to have a long and happy life here.