
September 12th, 2024 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “astronaut”

  1. To float amongst our oldest and to know our bones are the same. Venturing out into a vast, dark pool to sail the stars and speak to gods.

  2. Sailing among stars, no monsters, only silence and a hungry dark, floating with no currents, naming rocks

  3. The children all listened attentively to the astronaut, telling them stories of outer space and exploration. After that, all their games revolved around being astronauts and exploring space. They took out books from the library and learned about the stars, and about Earth, where their ancestors had come from.

  4. He looked down at the earth, so far away, so miraculous. Everything seemed so…peaceful from up here. There was the contrast between the darkness around him and the light that seemed to embrace the planet of his birth. Maybe if everyone could see the planet from this distance, there would be peace.
