
November 28th, 2008 | 305 Entries

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305 Entries for “aware”

  1. of these trinkets by the edge of the rainbow, sawing into my squirrly guts. The pigture is a wallowing admixture of this nuisance of my consciousness. Dealing doorknobs..

  2. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew what was going on, but I wasn’t quite there. Everything streamed together through the rainy windows, an organic painting of my surroundings, nothing quite beginning, nothing ending. This was my suburban nightmare. In the back seat, drifting through a maze of cul de sacs.

  3. awake observant self confident inspired motivated

  4. I’m aware that I already wrote about this one before…

  5. I wasn’t aware that you intended to build your weekend home on my property. I will be contacting an attorney as soon as I can find one who will take my case for free. Alternately, you could pay me rent and save us both the trouble of a court battle. Or I could plant a patch of Kudzu near your building and let it swallow up all your hard work. It’s your call.
    Best wishes to you and your family.

  6. of how we are feeling as we wait for the results
    once is all it took and now we are positive
    why call such a negative thing positive
    we wonder

  7. i was aware of you as soon as i saw you. we passed each other and never looked. then i was aware of you being too close. too close. you kissed me. i was aware of nothing but that. your lips on mine. aware of my feet disappearing. aware of the sound of silence. then…then i was aware of love.

  8. I am aware that time is running out. I am aware that I may be falling in love with you. I am aware that I still need to grow up. I am aware that maybe things are just as they’re meant to be. I am aware, that I make mistakes. I am aware that we all do. I have just become aware, that really, I am aware of so many things, yet for the first second I believed I’d have nothing to write

  9. sober many are not feelings are so important i hope i am especially of family and nature sleeping is bad for awareness awareness can be good or bad sometimes ignorance is rarely good

  10. eyes are open to the world. I can see & feel & embrace all aorund me. I feel the vibrations racing in my blood. Journey to the center, to the heart. I am aware. I am me

  11. I woke up today and my furnace is blowing cold air. I checked the thermostat and became aware that the temp was dropping and the furnace kept blowing. I am now waiting for the HVAC repairman and am increasingly aware that my feel are getting colder.

  12. to know something is around you to be concious of it and pay attention

  13. there are many possibilities, be aware. you have a lot of potential, be aware, follow your dreams when and if you can, be aware.

  14. i am sure i am suppose to write about this word “Aware”, but i am not sure why. my friends victoria told me to go to this website. this is sort of weird. i am aware that i am not so sure what is going to happen so.

  15. eyes watching, bright with knowledge
    watching,wanting,wandering brightness
    in the dark, bright orbs pulsing.

  16. alive, knowing, feeling, being there, paying attention, why is it so hard to be aware? The word seems to look at me almost accusingly. Why aren’t you paying attention? What?

    esperanza surls
  17. I don’t like walking home alone at night. All of my friends who are girls are fearless. I’m not. Recently my friend was walking by a line of taxis and

  18. know something and be careful .
    have the knowledge that somethink exists
    I’m aware I’m dying.

    Windmill kid
  19. aware that life is a constante mistery close your eyes and let evrey sunshine have is special feeling.

    bruno grande
  20. i finally am not aware of what my eyes can see,of what my hands can touch, of where my mind can go, and i am so happy with it!

  21. I am aware of all the crap that is going on around me but I am trying to be unaware of the crap! Most of the time I can’t get it out of my head but I am going to grow some thick skin and become UNAWARE! I am aware that I want to be unaware!!!

  22. i was aware of the light growing dimmer and dimmer as i lay bruised and bleeding on the floor, the door slowly shutting behind me.
    “let me out please, let me go!” i pleaded but the man just chuckled, lit a match and threw it towards the floor where i lay.

  23. God, love, kindness, beauty, friends, empathy, integrity, openness,appreciation, uncertainty, questions, willingness to learn, self love, peace, enlightenment, ability to be impeccible wit your word, honor, I am sometimes aware of life and myself and then I lose it. I have a problem and I am aware of it but I go along and do nothing to fix it. There is a solution to these problems and I ignore it.

  24. conscious

  25. one word is too many to rediscover myself
    or the world
    one word to re-do or undo
    the world
    one word

  26. He suddenly became aware of what was around him, it was himself, and that was all. All that he had worked for had blown up. All that was there was darkness, blackness. Terrible and Horrid loneliness filled his heart. With that, he just moved. Going no where, fast.

    David Ward
  27. in the darkest days of the vikings
    they were dreaming on a boat of fish
    they ate on bread and honey
    and drunk from chalices of hope
    they were aware that they were sober
    and nothing could keep them from their slumber
    consciousness is for the blind
    and semi-mythical creatures of dark minds
    they are aware of what they know they dont,
    ive taken it upon me to be born.

  28. knowing about things that others miss being clearly interested in others body laanguage and feelings current with politics being in touch with my own feelings and body

  29. i am aware of how life is so cold sometimes. awareness is wonderful and dreadful, but mostly just startling. maybe one day everyone will be aware of everything and the world will be a better place.

  30. I was thinking about where to go. I was aware of the man following me but hadn’t a clue where to seek refuge. I sped my pace up to a run but still, he followed. He caught up with me and pulled my hair so hard a chunk fell out in his hand. I stayed limp as he punched and kicked me and demanded all my money. I handed it over without question. I watched from the dark alley way as he walked away. Blood matted my hair and trickled in scarlet rivers down my face. It could of happened to anyone, and today that anyone was me. Always be aware on the street. You never know what could be lurking around the corner.

    Halla Bell-Higgs
  31. i am that I love by God & by my family despite my weaknesses. I am aware the Jesus loves me so much that He died for me. I am aware & I believe in Him!

  32. uzmaniities no kkadaiem suuda burtiem, tas vienkaarshi nav iespeejams, gribeetos redzeet kunjgja saturu, pilniigs sviests, kkads pimpis nolaadeets, googlja tante arii nenaaks paliigaa, gandriiz vai gribas nomirt, dirsmusha, blje! :D Pas

  33. Aware of all who came before me. I respect those who have fought the battle and I would argue that the same can be said of those who will come after me.

    Glenn Roberts
  34. I’ve always been aware that I was different. I always felt as though there was some sign on the top of my head, on my forehead to tell people that I was less than they. That I could be abused and neglected and discarded. I don’t know when this awareness first came about but it has stayed with me all my life. It is only now that I’ve become more comfortable in my own self.

  35. Stop.. being so aware of your surrounding and put some consideration into auto.. satisfaction. Please.

  36. I should be aware of it all. Or should I be aware of the important tiny things I

  37. i feel aware that my life has spiraled out of control, recently. however, i believe that one day, things will eventually get back on track. i hate universtiy, i h ate the fact i have to grow up and get a job…. but it’s all part of it, i guess. now what can i do?
    how can i possibly escape all of this…


    can i do that without harming the ones i love?

  38. Being wary of the things around you and making sure you note everything that happens around you, this will ensure you will do everything correct and always be prepared in certain situations.

    Janes Oosthuizen
  39. the act of being concious of something…. example: i am aware of the fact that i don’t have much time to write about this word!

  40. one word is enough for intrapersonal people because they do not like to talk much, just being with themselves so thats the reason i’m writing about oneword, it’s enough for me to do all kinds of things without using full sentences, i save time because of it, if it’s not enough because some people wants more words, i will give it to them but otherwise i will be using oneword.
