
May 11th, 2009 | 436 Entries

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436 Entries for “balcony”


  2. one word is all i care about. words that fill my mind. this page. the empty space. what’s a word, some may ask. it’s a word, that gives meaning to emotions, to things, to life.


  3. The balcony overlooks two yards, that of the Chinese families behind our house and that of my neighbor to the right–the one that never walks his dog and lets it shit in the yard instead. It’s no longer the haven it once was, shaded by trees, serenaded by birds, a place of late night laughter and heady cocktails.

  4. small balcony on the back side of my building is a very nice balcony, even thou i would like to have a balcony on the front side of the building so i can see the sea and enjoy in it. The balcony is rather small but its a nice place to run from traffic and everyday life.

  5. He looked down over the balcony. Or maybe it was she. Either way whoever it was, their hair was very long and I was looking down from the balcony on the floor above them. They were wearing that cheap bathrobe that came in the room. Wait a minute, that bathrobe looks a bit nicer than mine. Hmm… Maybe that’s what you get in the more expensive suite. Oh. He…or she…is going back inside now.

  6. The view from the balcony was obstructed by the post that held it to the ceiling. John did not see the actor enter from stage left, wave his pistol and fire into the air–but unfortunately, the post was not well placed to stop the bullet, which grazed John on the side of is head, taking a neat little notch out of his left ear.

    a barker
  7. there is no balcony in my apartment. cant say that im mad. balconies are for drunken 20 somethings. Im a quiet, work-ridden 20 something who thinks ice skating technique is more important than my beer bong etiquette. my mother is very proud.
    however, if i had a balcony we could sit together and drink the occasional beer and quietly wonder how long it will take before we stop being too bitter to accept our adulthood and finally fall in love.

    kairi Isenberg
  8. i stood at the balcony and sighed to myself. if only the true world was as beautiful as the scenery before me. if only the world was filled of true love, no more hearts being broken. if only, all the bad in this world would just disapear. if only. if only this scenery before me could pour out all my heart wishes to the million of people in this world. if only.

  9. The winds were whipping around me as I stood on my hotel room balcony. I took another drag of my cigarette and looked at my watch.

    “40 minutes late,” I muttered.

    There wasn’t much time left before I would have to get the hell out of there.

  10. A balcony was that last place that she expected to find it. But there it was staring her in the face. She walked hesitantly towards it and asked
    ‘What did you do to my face?’.
    It stood there saying nothing.

  11. Outside on the calm summer night on my balcony. Joint in hand, beer resting at my side.

  12. Balcony. To overlook a crowd. A crowd, gathered at my feet. Do I have anything a crowd might want to hear? Perhaps a larger balcony looms overhead…

  13. never thought that i’ll be waiting in front of your balcony, times keep watching us but we dont really mind because tonight is mine, yours, these are ours

  14. She looked out from the balcony at the people gathering in the courtyard below. The walls of the garden were adorned with tiny lights that wove into the vines. Torches stood at the door, greeting people for the wedding of the century.

  15. I stare out at the plateau.
    I see you in the distance.
    So graceful, so wonderful.
    My love.
    Playing with the kids and the dog.
    The sun of my life, the light that comes forth as I stand here, watching you from the balcony.
    A warm mug in my hands, I lift it up and take a sip.
    You turn towards me, grin and wave.
    A warm smile plays at my lips, tugging at the ends.
    I raise a hand and wave back.
    Although I cannot move, because of last night.
    The night of one of my most wonderful nights.
    I love you.

  16. Balcony. Balcony. I wrote about balcony yesterday. What more do I have to say about balconies. Never had one. Had a fire escape once–off the north-facing window of a little apartment in Berkeley. It over looked a small courtyard with a lemon tree.

  17. rapunzel, long hair, romeo and juliet, tall, heighth, long, nighttime, evening, summer, spring, winter, cold, chilly, charming, prince, dinner, meal, italian

  18. there are so many lovely things in this world. one of the longest and thinnest, with the neatest lines on it is the balcony. twisty beauty, curvy lines and rising attitude, what a rising star! life is greatest when your balcony overlooks something.

  19. The jungle was deep and dark. From the balcony, he could see only a few feet into it. But the sounds, the colors, fleeting motion of birds and insects, told of many adventures to be had.

    Rich Lessing
  20. oh, my love, your hair hangs brightly over the brick,

    over the stone,

    over my heart.

    that i was a bird in that hair, building my nest,

    what a happy bird i would be.

  21. The balcony is brown, I sit on it. The world passes by. I look at the trees, I look at the birds in the trees. I think about what the future will hold. The balcony is warm, with a nice warm fireplace and a beautiful plate of chocolate chip cookies. The world passes me by. The world keeps moving, even if my life seems ‘hopeless’.

  22. a moon. Whit stars around. A man behind me. Smiling and saying hello, how was your day? The roses in the garden smells fantastic and the night is just amaziing.

  23. ce pot sa zic decat ca ma plictisesc si manac inghetata si imi place sa ma joc pe ps2 si ma plictisesc maxim okknd nu am ce s afumez

  24. when i’m standing out here, i pretend that i am the queen and you are my people. watching you bustle satisfies me, for i know that all you do, you do for me. i am superior. i am queen.

  25. balconies are such lovely things. i would like to have a balcony over looking the ocean. prefably the meditaranean ocean.. so i guess that i want a balcony in greece or nice. whichever it is. i’ve only ever had a balcony once in my life. and that was when i lived in an apartment for like 2 years when i was 3. after that. never. i like single level places. so i guess i’ll never have one again.

  26. sitting on a sunny setting coffee sun hibuscus flowers on the tray hot coffee humidity, croissant, Mexico

  27. she stood upon the balcony inexplicably mimicing him whils welcoming him in… that toungtwister was the bain of my life at drama colage I can do it perfectly now but has it made me a better actor? no matter I will still inflict it on my students just for the laugh

  28. From the balcony of my heart lies an open song.

  29. She stands there under the oppressive cloak of night, high above the earth, the roots, the origin of growth. The moon, the inconstant moon, which used to be her beacon for beauty, truth, and love, high-tailed it out of there, out of her life. So fast, in fact, that she can’t tell where it once was, shining brilliantly over her, illuminating the land, the journey stretched out before her. It used to show her the way, its mystical magic bringing her comfort and peace. But now it’s gone. Gone. And all she has left is the memory of its power over her as she leans over the edge and waits.

    tina Grinold
  30. I don’t want to wait for you anymore. I get tired, too. I get old. I get impatient. Don’t you pretend you don’t know. Don’t you say you’ll come back when you won’t.

  31. i’m sitting outside and all i can see are the people below; and the lights in the distance. ia frenzy of moving bodies heaving to the sounds of the city.all the love found and love lost strewn on the pavements. i love sitting on my balcony.

  32. i have it in my house, infact i have at least 3 balconoes in my house.
    It is a great place to bath in the sun, ejnoy the flower and teh scenery around you.
    It is a great place for the family to sit around and have a cup of tea and enkjoy each others company/.
    A great place to sit and read a book on a cool winter day.

  33. part of the apartment that is outside. you can dry your clothes in there also you can spend your time in there. it’s usually in big apartments. it hangs in the air.

  34. She was on the balcony and she felt so small and sheepish and worried and horny all the same time. She looked out onto the earth and she wondered why all this seemed like a problem at all, when there were so many other people with so many bigger problems. She felt so, so stupid and small. The balcony reminded her of her own existence.

  35. this is where I spend my years during summer, where the wind blows and beckons me to come. To play on the balcony, where the sun shines forever and where laughter and happiness is evident throughout. Yes, this is the place, my place in the house.

  36. balcony, the famous setting of so many romantic scenes, yet for me now, as i sit on this one it’s lonelyness that pervades my thoughts. i site to spy on the street below, i placce cut off from everyone else, a private cell, open to the world yet out of touch
