The balcony was creaking but the partygoers were oblivious, The structure was collapsing but the champagne swilling soon to be crushed folk were going about their party business. With a sudden groan the support gave way and they all fell
The balcony was completely gone. I thought it would be there, but it wasn’t. Just like the rest of the home that I used to live in.
I remember that you and me played up there, sometimes. It was really fun. We always acted like we were explorers in another land, or in a space ship.
But then it fell.
While you were on it.
Just like every other time.
as i lay on the balcony soaking up the sun, i could see the birds that were chirping in the trees. They seemed so joyful and happy bing up there all in one race. Its amazing how much more you can see from here.
i lkay on the balcon soaking up the days sun. the brirds are chir[pongo,
clothing line
a balcony is a great place to get out of the 4 walls and breathe some fresh, take in whatever view you have, look to the horizon and ponder…
Balcony in bali. Rain pouring down. I love him.
The best thing since white bread. I have 3 of them in Moscow and 1 that wraps around the entire floor in Cyprus. I work, I sleep, I play, on them. Thank you balconies.
Ja, der balkon! Auf Ihm sitze ich während der Abendstunden und die Sonne scheint mir tief ins gesicht. Wie war das doch frühewr, als wir noch auf dem Balkon sassen und Kaffee getrunkenn haben. Wir waren noch klein und unten auf der Strasse polterten noch die Pferdefuhrwerke herum. Und heute. Der balkon ist nicht mehr aus steiun, er ist ein Hologramm das materialisiert wurde. man kann ihn und viel andere Modelle aus dem Internet laden und am Haus installieren. Wie auch das Haus selbst. ja,. die Matrix lebt und wir könne sie jederzeit ändern, wioe es uns beliebt. Schön ware s damals…und wer sind wir heute?
She was sitting on the balcony on a warm sunday morning thinking about the previous night.
I am incredibly high and can’t stop thinking about standing ona really high balcony and staring majestically across Toronto I feel like I could take all it in with my eyes with my nose.
The view from Roger’s balcony could be better. He could see the top of the building across the street and above that a thin sliver of sea. One floor higher would have been better.
i was sitting in the balcony when i saw a cat running behind a dog. amazing isnt it. the cat scared the hell out of the dog. maybe it tried to hurt its kitten of something. its very rare to find courage take over physical strength.
Abraham George T
it is a place where i stand and view the swimming pool, a place where i sit on the ledge and thing through the actions i have done and reflect on it, it is a place where i have had many many happy memories with my friends, the place where i first fell and broke my arm
birds bird seed flowers leaves dirt stones sticks pots air pollution wind blowing westward concrete dirty windows
the balcony is where you watch the war scene from.
it is a place where u go out wearing your calcon, it is a place where u throw your cigarettes from
Juliet waiting for Romeo, leaning over in the middle of the night, standing in a place too high feeling dizzy and ready to jump or run far away, or the feeling of summer inside an apartment.
Seht auf, ihr einfachen Leut! Dort oben steht euer erretter! Auf dem hohen Balkon des dunklen Turms.
Nicht hochnäßig. Nicht einerlei. Er sehet herab auf euch, als einer von euch.
Vom niederen Volk. Von unter uns.
Unser Revolvermann!
i stepped upon the balcony. that’s where i saw him for the first time. out there all alone. and that’s the last time i saw him. because the next moment he found himself on the pavement below. still alone.
is the most amazing place of a house I had when I was younger. It was terrifying. But exciting. I used to be scared shitless every single time my cats would stumble along the railing of it because of the one time during the Northridge earthquake when we think an old cat of ours jumped off. He came back to visit occasionally but was wild after that.
its a place where i can relax and dream and write. a lpace where i can read my book. i place i can have my first kiss and have my friends over for a barbaque. itas a place in back of the house
i place i like to explore one day.
I love my balcony. It’s the best place to relax after a long day. Just imagine you stand there in a breezy day. How awesome it is!
I leaned on the railing of my balcony. I love just standing out there, alone, free from whatever. I wish I could just freeze that moment, that perfect moment where I’m neither bored nor rushed. Where my thoughts don’t matter.
I was out on my balcony earlier hiding from Liz and Adams argument that just seemed too real. I thought the night couldn’t get worse and alana texted me telling me that she’s starting to think it’s a mistake we broke up. Now I don’t know
The balcony overlooking the ocean had a delightful and amazing view. The balcony overlooking the volcano did as well. Unfortunately, one of these balconies, although more exciting, was deadly. Despite this, which would you rather sit on?
This last bit was written after 60 seconds, what happens to it?
i have never has a balcony before. I would like one one day. But not a decorative one, that looks full sized from the street but when you look out the window it is a real let down. Those things are everywhere.
i stood there, i touched her arm, whispered sweet nothings in her ear. She smiled, turned slightly, batted her eyes, touched my face. She turned away, and as she plummeted to the ground I could only smile with tears in my eyes.
sitting in the wide but cold balcony, all I can think is him. On that same balcony, he proposed his undying love and loyalty, but it’s all gone. the memories and that same place is what I’ve still got. Nothing else..nothing else more…
ianne marie wagan
she sat leaning over as though nothing else mattered and called as though a lover would answer
Brandey Schultz
sweet summer air and kisses
Juliet stood on her balcony, letting it all flow over her. She had no idea what her history would be. She was to be a cliche, a forgotten memory, a supposed story.
If she had known, it might have been too much pressure. She could never know what that balcony would mean.
Elizabeth Payne
i would like to go out on the balcony for some fresh air or maybe to have a smoke. i should not smoke its not good for my health. have you ever thought about what it would be like to sleep on a balcony
Leaning over a balconcy above the tropical heat of the square. A smell like coconut oil and rancid butter pervades the air. She has remembered to wear the red dress he had bought on their last trip down to Trinidad. Her stance looks strangely comical as she squints from beneath her hand standing hen toed in teetering heels.
She sat on the old balcony reminicing about the old days in which she wasn’t alone on it. She missed the days of last summer, everone got along. But times had changed and as they had so had the old balcony. It was getting old, the wood had began to rot. It followed the relationships that were on it and was dying.
le balcon. i had a beautiful balcon off my room in my host family’s house. i snuck out a couple nights to smoke a spliff or a joint in the middle of the night. it was a beautiful place i could look at the stars and consider how beautiful my life was becoming.
I really hate balconies. They are extremely high, on second thought I like them. But only in hotels, and when I lived in an apartment. I used to play bop it on my balcony. yeah.. I think thats it.
I stood there and had nobody to call down to, nobody waiting for me beneath. There’s not even a view here. There’s just more buildings, and I have to crane my neck to even see the tops of them. The sun never hits here, just fog and grey light and all the smoke from my cigarettes that stays drifting around my head in the stagnant air. I sleep out here every night. I sleep out here every day.
an extension of me into reality. I stand afraid of what lies below and what if…what would happen if…I want to retreat. I want to be what I know, safe, secure, boring. I do not want to take this chace.
from the top of the balcony i could see my house which was made of other balconies. so i sat balcony to balcony contemplating the paradoxes of life and balconies. this is kind of stupid and i didnt write anything interesting
The balcony was creaking but the partygoers were oblivious, The structure was collapsing but the champagne swilling soon to be crushed folk were going about their party business. With a sudden groan the support gave way and they all fell
The balcony was completely gone. I thought it would be there, but it wasn’t. Just like the rest of the home that I used to live in.
I remember that you and me played up there, sometimes. It was really fun. We always acted like we were explorers in another land, or in a space ship.
But then it fell.
While you were on it.
Just like every other time.
as i lay on the balcony soaking up the sun, i could see the birds that were chirping in the trees. They seemed so joyful and happy bing up there all in one race. Its amazing how much more you can see from here.
i lkay on the balcon soaking up the days sun. the brirds are chir[pongo,
clothing line
a balcony is a great place to get out of the 4 walls and breathe some fresh, take in whatever view you have, look to the horizon and ponder…
Balcony in bali. Rain pouring down. I love him.
The best thing since white bread. I have 3 of them in Moscow and 1 that wraps around the entire floor in Cyprus. I work, I sleep, I play, on them. Thank you balconies.
Ja, der balkon! Auf Ihm sitze ich während der Abendstunden und die Sonne scheint mir tief ins gesicht. Wie war das doch frühewr, als wir noch auf dem Balkon sassen und Kaffee getrunkenn haben. Wir waren noch klein und unten auf der Strasse polterten noch die Pferdefuhrwerke herum. Und heute. Der balkon ist nicht mehr aus steiun, er ist ein Hologramm das materialisiert wurde. man kann ihn und viel andere Modelle aus dem Internet laden und am Haus installieren. Wie auch das Haus selbst. ja,. die Matrix lebt und wir könne sie jederzeit ändern, wioe es uns beliebt. Schön ware s damals…und wer sind wir heute?
She was sitting on the balcony on a warm sunday morning thinking about the previous night.
I am incredibly high and can’t stop thinking about standing ona really high balcony and staring majestically across Toronto I feel like I could take all it in with my eyes with my nose.
The view from Roger’s balcony could be better. He could see the top of the building across the street and above that a thin sliver of sea. One floor higher would have been better.
i was sitting in the balcony when i saw a cat running behind a dog. amazing isnt it. the cat scared the hell out of the dog. maybe it tried to hurt its kitten of something. its very rare to find courage take over physical strength.
it is a place where i stand and view the swimming pool, a place where i sit on the ledge and thing through the actions i have done and reflect on it, it is a place where i have had many many happy memories with my friends, the place where i first fell and broke my arm
birds bird seed flowers leaves dirt stones sticks pots air pollution wind blowing westward concrete dirty windows
the balcony is where you watch the war scene from.
it is a place where u go out wearing your calcon, it is a place where u throw your cigarettes from
Juliet waiting for Romeo, leaning over in the middle of the night, standing in a place too high feeling dizzy and ready to jump or run far away, or the feeling of summer inside an apartment.
Seht auf, ihr einfachen Leut! Dort oben steht euer erretter! Auf dem hohen Balkon des dunklen Turms.
Nicht hochnäßig. Nicht einerlei. Er sehet herab auf euch, als einer von euch.
Vom niederen Volk. Von unter uns.
Unser Revolvermann!
i stepped upon the balcony. that’s where i saw him for the first time. out there all alone. and that’s the last time i saw him. because the next moment he found himself on the pavement below. still alone.
is the most amazing place of a house I had when I was younger. It was terrifying. But exciting. I used to be scared shitless every single time my cats would stumble along the railing of it because of the one time during the Northridge earthquake when we think an old cat of ours jumped off. He came back to visit occasionally but was wild after that.
its a place where i can relax and dream and write. a lpace where i can read my book. i place i can have my first kiss and have my friends over for a barbaque. itas a place in back of the house
i place i like to explore one day.
I love my balcony. It’s the best place to relax after a long day. Just imagine you stand there in a breezy day. How awesome it is!
I leaned on the railing of my balcony. I love just standing out there, alone, free from whatever. I wish I could just freeze that moment, that perfect moment where I’m neither bored nor rushed. Where my thoughts don’t matter.
I was out on my balcony earlier hiding from Liz and Adams argument that just seemed too real. I thought the night couldn’t get worse and alana texted me telling me that she’s starting to think it’s a mistake we broke up. Now I don’t know
The balcony overlooking the ocean had a delightful and amazing view. The balcony overlooking the volcano did as well. Unfortunately, one of these balconies, although more exciting, was deadly. Despite this, which would you rather sit on?
This last bit was written after 60 seconds, what happens to it?
i have never has a balcony before. I would like one one day. But not a decorative one, that looks full sized from the street but when you look out the window it is a real let down. Those things are everywhere.
i stood there, i touched her arm, whispered sweet nothings in her ear. She smiled, turned slightly, batted her eyes, touched my face. She turned away, and as she plummeted to the ground I could only smile with tears in my eyes.
sitting in the wide but cold balcony, all I can think is him. On that same balcony, he proposed his undying love and loyalty, but it’s all gone. the memories and that same place is what I’ve still got. Nothing else..nothing else more…
she sat leaning over as though nothing else mattered and called as though a lover would answer
sweet summer air and kisses
Juliet stood on her balcony, letting it all flow over her. She had no idea what her history would be. She was to be a cliche, a forgotten memory, a supposed story.
If she had known, it might have been too much pressure. She could never know what that balcony would mean.
i would like to go out on the balcony for some fresh air or maybe to have a smoke. i should not smoke its not good for my health. have you ever thought about what it would be like to sleep on a balcony
Leaning over a balconcy above the tropical heat of the square. A smell like coconut oil and rancid butter pervades the air. She has remembered to wear the red dress he had bought on their last trip down to Trinidad. Her stance looks strangely comical as she squints from beneath her hand standing hen toed in teetering heels.
She sat on the old balcony reminicing about the old days in which she wasn’t alone on it. She missed the days of last summer, everone got along. But times had changed and as they had so had the old balcony. It was getting old, the wood had began to rot. It followed the relationships that were on it and was dying.
le balcon. i had a beautiful balcon off my room in my host family’s house. i snuck out a couple nights to smoke a spliff or a joint in the middle of the night. it was a beautiful place i could look at the stars and consider how beautiful my life was becoming.
I really hate balconies. They are extremely high, on second thought I like them. But only in hotels, and when I lived in an apartment. I used to play bop it on my balcony. yeah.. I think thats it.
I stood there and had nobody to call down to, nobody waiting for me beneath. There’s not even a view here. There’s just more buildings, and I have to crane my neck to even see the tops of them. The sun never hits here, just fog and grey light and all the smoke from my cigarettes that stays drifting around my head in the stagnant air. I sleep out here every night. I sleep out here every day.
an extension of me into reality. I stand afraid of what lies below and what if…what would happen if…I want to retreat. I want to be what I know, safe, secure, boring. I do not want to take this chace.
from the top of the balcony i could see my house which was made of other balconies. so i sat balcony to balcony contemplating the paradoxes of life and balconies. this is kind of stupid and i didnt write anything interesting