
May 11th, 2009 | 436 Entries

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436 Entries for “balcony”

  1. he stood at the balcony, role reversal i’d call it. he stared at me like i had been dead for ages and not just a few weeks. ‘what are you doing here?’ he asked. i could tell he was scared, he was hiding something.
    ‘i’m here to tell you something.’
    he looked at me again and just shook his head.

  2. the balcony which i see the face i want to kiss a thousand times. but as it shifts in light, in shadow, distilling the true beauty of the angel before and disfiguring into the masking bleak uncertainty of not seeing. that balcony which i see now by day, is so much different. the paint chipping, unfortunate and unreal as the night before where i stood in the same spot to observe it.

  3. He sat on the balcony every morning…just sat. Sometimes he fingered a newspaper listessly.

    Nick Dalley
  4. The rain spattered edges – the sound of tin – the glass of red wine – my mind.

  5. I sink into the blacony, the earth pushes back.
    I lift into the air, but it can not hold.
    I reach for the sun but it is too cold.
    What the hell am I doing here?
    I ask but no reply.
    What the hell am I doing here?
    I am too damn high.

  6. Our cozy balcony. The place we’ll laugh, cry, drink very strong espresso’s and eat pasteta. Our cozy balcony, is ours. And it’s cozy.

  7. The balcony stood over the lake, the lake sat atop the ruins and the ruins shadowed over the bodies of mike Sam, and Luis, the three boys who’d walked into the area 5 years ago thinking they had found the coolest place in the world only to find the most cursed one.

  8. I sat upon my balcony and bled into the afternoon sunshine. The bright blue happy sky an antonym to my pain. I clutched at the things that I loved and felt them slicing my fingers as they escaped me.

  9. I love balconys that are spacious and give a good view of sunrise and sunsets. I think every house should have a balconys. They are small corners where you can escape and probably hang out with your friends!

  10. As he stood behind the closed door, watching her through the glass he simply wanted to walk over to her, stroke her hair and kiss her.

  11. Her hair waved in the wind be he pined for a wave of her hand to peer through the sheet of black that whisped around her face and grazed the balcony railing. He had been shouting for her attention by standing their quietly as he was a conundrum of this sort. He sat there waiting for some acknowledgement, anything.

    claire berthold
  12. the woman leaned over into the expanse of sky – the concrete swirling below her like a grey sea. The balcony held her tight like a jealous lover. There was much left to do…

    andy fisher
  13. i think of like a balcony of a house or an apartment. also like a soothing place to relax in. :)

    Yenttirb durrell
  14. what does the word balcony mean?
    oh balcony like a porch on a house.
    is thaht right?
    i think that is how you spell balcony…

    : )
  15. porch
    maryams foot on my leg……haha……..maryam
    Oh steve

  16. porch
    maryams foot on my leg……haha……..maryam
    Oh steve

  17. romeo and juliet,
    other stuff
    story book
    dont fall off
    balance issues
    lots o fun

    jay mullen
  18. porch
    cook out
    high up
    family cook out
    romeo and juliet

  19. romeo and julliet. kaz talking i don’t even know what he’s saying…..something about jay and how she can’t find anything in a lunchbox……….widow’s balcony wait is that what it’s called? maybe not i think it’s like a widow’s walk or whatever. hmm… it’s on the top of a house i know that.

  20. im standing on a balcony. the balcony has a great view. the balcony has 2 chairs inside it.
    I like sitting and relaxing on the balcony.
    I love spending time in my balcony

  21. At the balcony is where you left me. Alone with the full moon. And while doing so it’s impossible for you to lie down with me. Even for just 5 secs

  22. she stood silently watching the cars pass on the street. The air washed over her and the sadness faded slightly. The flowers in the hanging basket bent slightly to the winds insistence. She would prevail.

  23. We have a balcony outside on our hall. Erin just went out there to go talk on the phone. That’s how Kelly uses it to, a private(ish) place to talk. I usually just go out there when it’s sunny for a nice place to read or do some of my homework. It hasn’t been all that sunny lately though so I haven’t been out there as much. Erin brought a chair out there that’s totally comfy and chill and I love sitting in it. Erin seems like a really cool person.

  24. we weren’t allowed to go on the balcony in the hotel went we went to italy, which was a shame because i really wanted to smoke out there. I did anyway. I don’t smoke. It’s just something I do to escape whatever preys on me. and when in Rome…

  25. I looked down from the balcony; it was a long drop. I looked back up at then gun pointed at my face. Not many people would like this scenario. Either I fall, or I die of lead poisoning.
    I took a step back and placed my hands on the rail. I took a deep breath and flipped myself over the side.

  26. Up there, you can see a couple standing, talking to one another. Suddenly, there is a scuffling, and another enters upon it. There is much to see, and soon, one of the people are hanging off the edge. Right there, about to fall.

  27. i sat in the balcony and looked down over the stage. it was a colorful and vibrant performance. but the real performance was in my very balcony. have you ever heard that alanis morissette song, where she sings, would she go down on you in a theater? the answer to that question my friends is, yes, yes she would!


  28. The towers reached nearly two miles into the sky of planet Scalaron. The two suns lit up the orange sky. Sitting on the balcony, I sipped from my drink and felt lucky to have vacationed here instead of staying on Earth.

    Rich Lessing
  29. she was so beautiful as she leaned out from her balcony . Her brests were very heavy and made me feel hot and bothered.

  30. I stood out the balcony, the soft breeze hit my face, it was a cold november morning and I was still sleepy, I stared out, waiting for something, anything, I went back in and closed the door.

  31. If I had a balcony and it was high enough, I would jump off.

  32. I was sitting on the balcony admiring the sunset when suddenly I heard a gunshot come out of the living room. Startled I ran off to go see what happened. And there it was…

  33. sitting on the balcony, a glass of wine, a cheese plate and fruits. looking out into the distance, the vast blueness of the ocean, breaking only where it meets the sky. ahhhhhhhh.

  34. The keys dangled from the balcony and dropped. Swooped right down like a dead bird. The crash reverberated through the square with a hollow jingle and I sighed.

  35. It was the most romantic kiss I’d ever had. I was holding a see-through umbrella, leaning against the balcony, his arm gently resting against mine. The rain had just stopped and the pitter patter percussion of slowing raindrops sounded all around us. He put his hand on my back and pulled me in. The umbrella sailed gently to the ground.

  36. i fell off the balcony in spain while on holiday. it was a beautiful day and it was all white and smooth. my sister was below and dared me to jump. me being the silly 6 year old i was, jumped. i broke my wrist.

  37. The balcony is where i stand. The night was long. Very long. She didnt even notice me. I wished so long she would.

  38. I stood upon the balcony wondering, “Is it really worth it?” and I thought to myself about the Pro’s and Con’s. It would hurt my family. It would hurt my friends. It would end me completely. Then I thought of her face.. I can’t hurt her. So I step away from the ledge.

    Zach W
  39. fall beam me up and ride into the clouds i love a free ride birds of paradise swoop romeo oh romeo wherefore art thou romeo sudden impact freedom

  40. From my balcony of life I view your pitiful existance along with my own. the world lollygags its laps of careless shame and cries towards what it is sure is a better future.
