
May 11th, 2009 | 436 Entries

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436 Entries for “balcony”

  1. He stood there on the balcony, drunk with confusion and lost with despair. She was inside, rising up from the couch and approaching the open door. He looked at her, right in the eyes

    Joe Salvo
  2. A balcony is the place where dreams are made, and dreams are fulfilled, and dreams are ruined. You can have all of your life changed, in a simple place. Everything comes together, or falls apart, in an instant. Your life is anew, your life is changed, irreparably. Any way it turns, it is changed.

  3. a place outside your house to sit and enjoy the sunset

  4. i jumped, but you were there to catch me, from the second story blacony

  5. i smoke on my balcony every night to help with the stress and pain of living in a world that is flat and balcony less the way i see it that balconys are a blessing to the world and that every one should have the chance to stand upon them and enjoy the world up high.

  6. I jump. Arms spread wide, free falling into the sunset. The sand rushes upwards towards my face, I wait for the tug. The strong snap of elastic dragging back into reality….a flash of sand and stone.

  7. balconys are a symphony of modern day engineering, what other place can combine the joys of wood with the laughter of children playing shoot the duck on a beautiful steele balcony that explodes in

  8. When I was young I used to have a balcony in my home and I loved to play outside on it with my fake plastic guns. Now I just enjoy having sex with my girlfriend on the balcony. For some reason I just do.
    Balcony kinda of looks like the word BACON. I eat bacon on my balcony on beacon street.

  9. beach steps to curtained doors and pleading eyes.
    Bedsheets sweat stained from too much love.
    balcony benches and sunsets.

  10. Standing out from it, watching the river and the boats sailing by. Afraid that it will fall right off the side of the building and crush about 5 people to bloody, boney piles on the floor. I think of that movie with Teri Hatcher and Alec Baldwin. Bloody hell

  11. i think of romeo and juliet. the balcony is the epitome of their romantic edge. it typically is romantic even today. people sit out on the balcony and talk. romance buds. love is nurtured. couples or love interests get away from the party and have their first kiss on the balcony. it’s a beautiful romantic architecture of love.

  12. I stand on the balcony, staring off into the distance. What awaits me once I leave? What exists in those far lands, unknown by so many? When I stand on this balcony and let into my view the purple horizon, the lush plant life, and the rushing waterfall, all I can think is how wonderful it will be to escape into that Eden. But I know the balcony is fooling me. I have traveled there once before, and that was an experience I try to block from my memory. Dangerous creatures lurk beneath the towering trees, and the gorgeous sunset becomes your worst enemy. The water from the waterfall is undrinkable. The plants are poisonous, and usually lethal. Any sane person would keep away from the place that nearly took their life, but not me. I have a job to do, and once I leave this balcony, my nightmare will begin once again, only this time, I cannot wake up to escape.

    Emma louise
  13. dont fall of the balconey they can be very high.mostly on apartments or condos sometimes hotel.i dont like high balconies the make me can throw things off of them.

    Bridgett K.
  14. I stood atop the building, looking down upon him. I felt so…strong, so mighty up there. It was like the crowded city streets below were just some choreographed performance made solely for my pleasure.

    Jack O'Keeffe
  15. and there she was. on the balcony so i couldn’t reach her, as usual.

    lacey perkins
  16. She sat on the balcony in the dark waiting for him to come home. It was cold and wet, but she didn’t notice. down below the traffic was flowing smoothly into the night.

  17. i wish i was juliet on top of the balcony waiting for romeo to sweep me away from the disasters of my life. but my romeo has faltered and fails to love me any more. i’m trying my hardest to get him back and i won’t be happy untill i have succeeded. i love him forever.

  18. romeo and juliet

  19. He squatted on the balcony, peering intently at the small gas grill, trying to see if the meat was done. It would have been easier to tell if he had a light, but he was stubborn and didn’t like to take her suggestions, didn’t like to admit she might have a good idea.

  20. i have been there on the balcon and i smoked. she screamed. i searched her eyes. i couldn’t see her. she was alone. like me. my lovely cony. cony on the balcon xD yeah yeah yeah yeah yeha

  21. balcony is like a over view of an area where you can see what is going on outside. it is so cool when you can see the ocean and stuff outside. just walk out and bam your hanging in the air. Just standing there. Woww. Cool. (: I wish i had a balcony at my house.

  22. She stood on the balcony overlooking the woods. At the start of the trees a tail was disappearing into the foliage. Hurrying down the stairs, filled with a curiosity that coursed through her body, she exited the tower and approached the trees at a slower pace. Careful now, she peered into the gloom and sniffed the dampness. One foot in and the light began to dim, small rustlings making her more cautious. There, ahead of her,Nancy the tail poked out from under a fern. Careful not to make her presence known, she crept forward and grabbed.

  23. I was siting on a balcony when I saw a bird elegent in the breeze I wish i was as free as this bird but i am confined to this flightless body i wish i could feel the wind in my face but some day man will be able to feel the flight of birds and love it just as they do.

    Anthony holloway
  24. It was way up in the hotel. It overlooked only a parking lot, simple, black asphalt. There were no cars, no noises, just the plain and simple beauty brought about by a different perspective. Though loneliness rang through, it was still it’s own. It was there, its own world.

  25. Nice soft atmosphere with a view overlooking a nice green pasture. There’s Ivy growing on the railing, and the whole thing is made of marble. It’s romantic, and from this balcony you can see the sun set over the grassy fields where your handsome farmboy works. It’s great.

  26. A balcony is a platform sort of thing where you will be able to have a view of an area. Most balconies are able to provide a beautiful sight.

    Ines Lei
  27. She looked over the edge of the cliff, watching the dirt fall over into the abyss. She stood there, quietly, thinking to herself, “I’m standing on the balcony of the world, and I couldn’t feel more allive!”

  28. She looked down onto the stage and wondered what it would have been like if she’d stayed. Years ago, she’d been the one down there and now she was removed. She felt distanced from her own creativity, from expression, from herself

  29. he sat on the balcony pondering the loss of his love.

  30. Sun Flower
    O my lovely sun flower
    children like you and pluck you after every hour

    With the beauty of yellow and brown
    you astonishly grow from the ground

    Every morning have a good fun with children
    turning your face at smiling sun

    Giving a very good lesson to the people of the world
    that the worth of time is necessary for everyone

    Amber M.Farooq
  31. is a place to sit enjoy see believe wonder attract be alive sit and be more. a place to convene a place to be alone and place to see and a place to be see. its my place and anyone elses

  32. sitting on the back of the house, rusty, broken, like a lace collar. Once destined for romance, now just a romantic ruin. Juliet where are you now?

    Grodon Hames
  33. i stand on the balcony, wondering if leaping is the right thing to do. the world is beautiful from up here, the world is beautiful from down there. how beautiful will it be once i leap from this balcony, leaping to my death? once i leap, i will smash againest the world. i will become the world. maybe for once, i’ll become beautiful.

  34. As I was standing upon the balcony of my flat, I saw the eye slowly rotating. It had been there for a few years now and I had really grown to love it, although my flatmates despised it for “ruining the skyline”.

  35. i stand on the balcony, wondering if leaping is the right thing to do. the world is beautiful from up here, the world is beautiful from down there. how beautiful will it be once i leap from this balcony, leaping to my death? once i leap, i will smash againest the world. i will become the world. maybe for once, i’ll become beautiful.

  36. i stand on the balcony, wondering if leaping is the right thing to do. the world is beautiful from up here, the world is beautiful from down there. how beautiful will it be once i leap from this balcony, leaping to my death? once i leap, i will smash againest the world. i will become the world. maybe for once, i’ll become beautiful.

  37. on the house where most animalsn are on and its brown most of the time. in movies some of the actors or actresses sit on them in swings while children run around in the front lawn and the dad yells for the kids to come back. they usually come back though.

  38. she sat at the edge of the balcony, looking down into what she thought was forever. she wasnt happy and she felt that falling down into the abiss would make her happier then she had been in her entire life. what harm could it do? she wondered, no one needs me.

  39. i’ve always dreamt of having a balcony outside of my room. i suppose it was because of the simple, girlish desire to be a princess. i miss being able to dream like that. now i hope i can just find a decent man…there are no prince charmings.

    amy gregory
  40. why can’t getting a guy be as easy as standing at a balcony on your castle and waiting for that one handsome prince to sweep you off your feet?
