
May 11th, 2009 | 436 Entries

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436 Entries for “balcony”

  1. I was sitting on the balcony, I remember living in Jordan and doing that all the time, smelling the wet tile, it smelled like rain. I miss it.

  2. i love the balcony. you can see everything from most balconies. I like t dance and barbeque on the balcony. on other good thing about a balcony is that you can sit there and just shoot the breeze and relax.

  3. There was the tree, right where the balcony used to be.

    Only moments before I was out there watching the approaching storm churn over its own cud and roll up to my house as if it I was intruding on it’s territory.

    I love the rain, and even though I had just lost my balcony, the rain on my face made me smile as I looked up at the tree.

  4. a balcony is a stucture attached to the side of a house where you can stand and or relax i have one not

  5. she fell of, she meant to. It wasn’t that long down.

  6. It was a cold evening and I shivered as I stood out on the balcony watching the moon dip behind the smokey clouds. I never realised it was so beautiful before.

  7. i don’t have abalcony at my house but i would like one if i had one eveday after school i would stand on it and i just sit down and relax

  8. i was out siting on the balcony when she walked by i noticed her before, but today there was just something differnt. i am not sure what it was that made me call to her but i did and that is the start of the tail of the two of us.

    brad bauer
  9. standing at the edge of the balcony, waving to you as you run into the night.

    I can picture the scene now, I can feel the wind in my face as the clouds roll over the moon and the last glimpst of your shadow was run.

    it’s only destiny that we are fated to meet.

    or is it a star crossed lover’s path that we walk, something we’ll never complete?

    standing at the edge of the balcony, water whispers quiet now, alone in the world so gone.

  10. SHe sat on the balcony and he stretched out his fingers into the sky reaching for her wanting burning yearning for her and she just sat a dazed star in pure confusion wantgin for the day that he would eat her sweet bosom beaneath the starry sky. Not knowing he was there she sat on her perch and isghed as though straight out of a shakespearen novel.

  11. I stood on the edge of the balcony, on the edge of the abyss. Did I make the decision? Did I end the beauty and love of life and fall into the greed of death? Almost to the brink I look down, into my fate.

  12. I used to live in a mansion when I was a young kid. And we had this balcony. It was an unnessesary balcony because it was made of plywood; it was just there for decoration. Everytime I looked at it, I wondered why we had it if we couldn’t go on it. I mean, it wasn’t fair. I wanted to play on the balcony. SOme people don’t have any balconies, so why did we have one that no one could go on?

    Dr. Rev. Chelsey Colem5an Ph.D
  13. She peered from the balcony to the street scene below. Although it was very early in the morning, the streets of Hanoi were thronging with people. The entire width of the street was filled with motor bikes, all traveling slowly due to the congestion. Footpaths were almost non-existent in Vietnam due to the sheer numbers of motor bikes …

  14. The words are cut off. The word one is black, the word word is purple. The words rear and wear were below “one word” and divided by a line.

    Zach Dennis
  15. we never saw a sky like that, the deep purples high lighting the Prague sky line. It was like we were born on that balcony and we had simply left for a short amount of time. Now that we have returned… we can die.

    Colleen Marquis
  16. The only unlocked door led to a balcony on the eighth floor. Somehow, she would pull this off anyway.

  17. She stood on the balcony, looking over the moon lit grounds. In her head, she saw this night turning into one of those epic love scenes. He would arrive, climb up the vines, and take her in his arms. Oh it would be wonderful.

  18. a place that i can sit and enjoy my smoke, a place that has the barbeque. Its a place where i can share beers with my friends or watch the day say goodnight. A blacony is a place that I can be inside and outside all at onece. Its a place that I can write my posts, write my blogs. this was written on a balcony, in calgary. go and sit on your balcony, i beg of you.

    Graham Nanke
  19. I dream of one day owning a house with a balcony that wraps around it. It would be lovely to sip my hot mint tea and read vogue on a beautiful sunday morning.

  20. i saw a balcony once that was red and i forgot to say hi to it. A balcony is something that protrudes from a higher art of a building and people sit on it often for fresh air. sometimes balconies are dangerous for little kids. Balconies are fun to look down from. I’m sad that i d

  21. I love to sit on the balcony and watch the waves crash on the ocean and listen to the water and the sounds of the birds and people. It is so relaxing to me to lose myself in all of this. The balcony is just the underlying word that lets me know that I am there. There is anywhere away from here! There is anywhere there is an absence of normal life and the absence of life. Oh, thank you balcony for the relief of those few moments away!

    Lori Lane
  22. From the top of my balcony I could see him across the street. HE was wearing a black leather jacket and taking off the helmet to his motor cycle, he shook his hair and looked towards me. I backed up into my apartment so that he wouldn’t see me. Thirty seconds later the buzzer rings, it’s him and he wants to come upstairs.

  23. as i sit on top of the stairs i wonder what it would be like, jsut to sit up, walk over, and just jump, jump to my death, but also jump to my freedom, everything would be better, there would be no one telling me what to do, no one hating me, or loving me. there would just be freedom.

  24. the light was cool, not quite bright. Coffe was hot and the balcony was just about to break out of the shade. I love sunday mornings, and this would have been a gret one. except it was monday. oops.

  25. balcony

    widen your view, give’s open view of the nature around you, artistic word, a place you go when the music at homeparties are banging in your head. good place for kissing,

    j. e. berg
  26. romeo & juliet

  27. She looked over the balcony, aware that this would be her last night in this tropical paradise. The events of the last two weeks would both haunt and thrill her for the rest of her life.

  28. there was a balcony outside my aparment building with a black fence surrounding it. my cat used to go out there and hang out on the balcony. it was extremely dangerous.

  29. on the terrace, she stands. an aging women, once the pride of the town. the balcony is covered in vine, withering like her beauty.

    erin havard
  30. I sat on the balcony… but i knew i was going to fall off. i knew because my knees went weak and my heart started racing and then i knew i was going to fall. it wasn’t the first time. it wouldn’t be the last. but it would always come as a surprise.

  31. she sat on the balcony waiting to open the letter. she promised herself it would be read when the children were in bed and the neighbors turned off their lights. she wanted solitude, to share those words with no one else.

    the balcony was on the seventh story of her apartment building. whatever she read she knew she would inevitably go back inside, pick up the toys from play time, wash the dishes from dinner and go back to bed–alone.

  32. I had a balcony once. It was quite nice, made it feel like a home. Just to have the luxury of sitting outdoors, on your property, was very liberating. Sure, it was in a complex building but it brought the outdoors to you. The sense of having a home.

    That is all.

  33. Balcony’s are used as a means of preventing people from fallig off high terraces or rooftops. Most people consider this a great inconvience.
    Balcony’s date back as late as the Aztecs who used them as a means of blocking widowers from touching young, eligible and more attractive people.

  34. Romeo and Juliet. Romance. Summer days. Ivy weaving up the trellis. An italian view of the mediterranean sea. Sea breeze. Sunshine. A view of the whole world and horizon.

  35. leaning over the precipice, falling uphill, crawling down. Ant on arm. Life on fire.

    Stephen Walsh
  36. As I sit on my balcony, words escape me–Paris! What more is there to say? So I’ll say no more and sip my cafe in silence.

  37. standing off from the balcony
    looking onwards to a magnificent sunset
    filled with an endless supply of deep purples, reds, and oranges
    my mind and heart are at one with the world

  38. I stood on the balcony overlooking the city. It took less than second for me to realize what I was going to do.

    The people on the sidewalks below them never knew what hit them.

  39. Meet me on my vast veranda, my sweet untouched Miranda. And while the seagulls are crying, we fall but our souls are flying. Oh my love, my love, we both go down together.

  40. When I sit on the balcony, I am overcome by the beautiful sunset. I sit on a bleached sunchair, with a glass of lemonade in my hand. The sky is painted orange and yellow, with dabs of pink in the mix. The balcony supports me in my moments of bliss, holding me up during the hard times. All i have to do is escape to the balcony, and drink a coke.
