
January 1st, 2009 | 294 Entries

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294 Entries for “bandage”

  1. so bandages are band aids right? its also a song in hot hot heat. funny name of r a song. i like bands with wiersd neames. its like that is their only chance to be discovered. they dream a huge famouse incredibly successful recordd producers sees their name and it catches his eye. and them bam bam- they’re playing shea stadium the next day.

  2. A bandage doesn’t work for all injuries unfortunately. The world would be an interesting place if it did.

  3. banana strap link penny stupid nice boring bored simple pretty banned silly game route

  4. It hurt, badly. A single scrape, the faint pucker of white-pink skin on the tip of my fingertip and I was suddenly staring at red. It was bleeding; proof that I was human, stunning proof. I’d heard worse accusations of what I might be. Monster.

  5. Bandages are good for some things, but some wounds can actually heal faster without them. However they are vital for wounds that may get infection if left open to the elements.

  6. a bandage to cover the holes in my heart
    to try to put the pieces back together
    all of this is from when you left me
    in the dark
    all alone
    left only with a bandage in my hands
    to fix what you did.

  7. cuts, bruises, boo boos, owch, healing, cleanliness, protection, padding. A good invention

    Linda Zehnbauer
  8. The bandage she applied was now torn, bloodied and ragged. She had never wished or dreamed this could ever happen. Culpable as she was, there had to be a time when she could explain her part in this apocalyse.

  9. I was hurt one day, long ago. It was a deep, gaping wound really, and it hurt with greater pain than I can ever remember. It was bandaged up but sometimes, every now and again, I can still feel the pain. Sometimes, late at night, I can still feel the bandage. Still, I look at my arm, and the blood is gone. All that is left is a scar, a penetrating, hurtful, scar. I wonder sometimes why the pain lingers for so long. It was just a second of pain a long time ago. Then I begin to wonder if it ever really hurt at all, and if these memories are just a poor attempt at forcing myself to feel.

  10. The bandage was worn. Ugly, dirty and frayed but she still wore it with pride. Her mommy put it on her. “Mommy, loves me”, she thought as she looked at her finger.

  11. I need a bandage to cover this hole. I need you to fix me. I need you to make me whole. I am imperfect, bruised, and bleeding. Bandage my heart, and bandage my soul. I know that you are the only one who can do it. You are the only one who can heal me. You are the only one that can save me.

  12. all the strips of what was left of my bandage gently fell to the ground. it almost looked like the angelic curls of my past lover. her golden locks just tussling to the ground and i was almost longing for her, almost

  13. there was a time in my life when I walked without bandages, there was no pain and no sorrow. now my body is covered in bandages and a number of small oddly shaped bandages patch my heart in many different places, each for a love that has gone bad.

    Kimberly Chambers
  14. Injuries all over, i cover them up and pretend like they don’t exist. Burying my blood in an adhesive.
    Watching it scab over i peel off the bandage to see my scars fade away.

  15. I want to put something over the wound in my soul, but I know it will heal cleaner without a bandage.

  16. I wore a bandage once. It was large, bulky, and kind of gross. It had dried blood from my head. The bandage covered my right eye. One time, when I was drunk, my friends decided it would be funny to draw an eye over the bandage. They incorporated the dirt and blood on it to make my eye look red. And open. It was weird. I did not pick up any chicks that semester.

    Cameron P
  17. bandage – i thought band for a second, but it’s wrapped tightly around stringed instruments and trombones and various other horns and drums, wrapped around a piano that leaks a little too much. just give it some attention, just a tissue box and a plant stand on its top, because it wants the same attention and care you’d give the flute. you were always biased against the piano.

  18. bandage my heart, O medicine man. Everything is broken again, how many times can this happen? How many times can a person be born and born again? How many times can one line be fused back together? Sick of picking up pieces, sick of watching myself sink to that place again. Someone save me.

  19. He peeled back the edge of his bandadge, checking the fatalness of his wound. He sighed. No, he probably wouldn’t die today…but wouldn’t that make a good story?
    “How did he die, gramma?”
    “Well Timmy..he ran into a pole.”

    They would sob over his body…
    yes, That’s when things would be right.

    Alberta Adams
  20. a bandage is what you use to cover a wound.
    a pain. a source of suffering. we use them to protect ourselves physically and metaphorically.
    the thing is, that as good as a job they do protecting us for a time. they cannot protect us forever. the body must heal. you must heal. the world must heal.

  21. cut bruise blood hole scratch itch sweat heal damage scar tear fall hurt better deal

    Anna De Palma
  22. Bandage my wounds. This is not supposed to sound like some depressed diatrab by some troubled youth. This is a serious outcry. I’ve so many cuts, so many problems, all I want is a bandage. Help.

  23. There was a bandage wrapped around my palm. It was there because I was a bad person. Still am. I haven’t any regrets, though, and that is what matters, so I have been told. I can’t imagine how many times I’ve been told that as long a I have no regrets, it’s fine. They always tell me that. Always pat me on the back, and tell me: it’s fine.

  24. I feel like my body is wrapped up right now. Like it’s been healing since birth. And it’s hard to move now that I’m waking up my body. I wish I could remove my own bandages but I live in terror of the tightening and peeling from my flesh. The sticky terrible feeling of pulling away from my own skin. I can’t just rip it off quickly. Let me soak in hot water for another ten years and then we’ll see.

  25. heal wound health help gauze dressing salve better feel better stronger get better enjoy healthy age band

  26. i was wearing a bandage when or after i had fallen from the bike………..children love to wear bandages, weather they are hurt or not, a bandage is like a badge of courage for them, or perhaps it is something that they are taught by adults and care givers

  27. dripping open wound, turned to a dry brown stain. evinces sympathy and a told-you-so look

    David Holmes
  28. hmm… bandage, a nice proof that i need to know more english vocabulary… damn, that was hard T_T

  29. Bandages are the ultimate symbolism of what is wrong with people as a species. A bandage, by definition, is simply a piece of cloth or material that covers a wound. Not heals, not mends it, simply covers the wound to keep it from getting worse. That’s how we’ve come to treat our world….don’t bother healing, just cover the wound and forget about it.

  30. Healing the wounds takes work, and the only bandage I have is what I found in the trash heap this morning. The life of the tramp has been romanticized in the literature, it’s hardly as glorious as it seems. It’s also not true that we are constantly doing drugs. People seem to forget that drugs cost money and being a tramp, I have none. I wish I did though, I imagine they’d make the days a little easier.

  31. i’m tired. i’m spilling out everywhere. i want to get out of here.

  32. cuts blood my brother ran under a playground tunnel and came out the other side crying with blood drenching his face and shirt screaming for his bloody life i froze i can’t remember if my mom was with me or i had to go call her holy shit she must have went nuts when she saw that it was some gruesome looking shit – couple of stitches to the head and he was good as new, but what a sight.

  33. to heal wound

  34. A relief to get to the point of bandaging a wound. We hope it won’t get worse and the bandage will stop the carnage that began with the letting of blood. A sign for help and a sign for helping.

  35. She applied pressure to the bandage to stop the bleeding. It was a deep cut and bleeding profusely. Much like her heart. So, why did she care if he suffered or even if he died?

    Because she loved him. She knew that no matter how deep the hurt or how wide the cut, that she still loved him and would welcome him back into her life. Welcome him back so he could rip her apart again. Why?

  36. I peeled off the bandage and looked at the gaping hole in my shoulder. Skin puckered up in purple arches and the blisters had burst already. My anger at the wound skyrocketed. I can’t believe she shot me. What the …?

    At any rate, the wound will heal and when it does I will be hole again.

    AJ Brown
  37. I need a bandage, but not because of physical damage.

  38. The bandage was wrapped around my finger haphazardly. She was intoxicated, but her scent intoxicated me in turn. She finished with the bandage and looked up at me, eyes twinkling.

    “I thought I was supposed to protect you?” I asked.

    “You would think that,” she smiled.

    Anthony Swan
  39. is something really useful when you get hurt it helps to keep the blood in its place and they are in diffrent colors and shapes i ike them they are very helpul oh yes they are! i prefered them when they are color pink because that makes them look more pretty on your skin yep they look gorgeous!

  40. bnadage me up because the woundsa re so deep that i don’t know if they can stop the bleeding lunless someone personally attends to me to suck them out to hold the blood with their mouth to keep me going by running my own blood through their veins through their system through teir soul. i want to be alone but i need tyou to keep me allive and i don’t underatnd why that is true because all it hink about are those nights where we turned and tossed together restlessly and now all that is left is the shape of you…this wound without bandage.
