Every single thing we do assumes that everyone else has the same regard to maintining their own life. If someone cares not, then they can destroy ours too.
Self preservation is the single fagile thread of society. You can only control your own!
oh come on, I dont know what is that… banjo… maybe some kind of bath? or a hat? gimme some help… :P ok,I say it’s a… oh no, Time is up
what. banjo? banjos are awesome. that monster from powerpuff girls had one. it was pink. his name was fuzzy i think. but i like ukeleles better than banjos. both have funky spellings though. so thats alright. banjo. ban-jo. banjo. haha. what the hell am i saying? afpashfpsafpojaso. banjo. banjo. banjo. banjo.
sounds like bonjo. i dont even know what it is. bah. but em its a bread, hahahaha
one day I’ll play that banjo while I’m cleaning windows. You should see what I can see etc etc. George Formby was a funny bloke and I’ve only just grown to appreciate his wit.
My mum had a banjo. I’m told she used to play it with my daad, who was a guitarist. But that stopped long before I was born, so now we just have an old dusty banjo sitting around. thing is, I really like that banjo, it is old and dusty, no doubt, but it’s really quite pretty. I especially like the thickness of the canvasss covering the central cavity. It may be dorky, but whenever I look at the banjo I get this sense of warmth and comfort, because it’s not just a thin and pathetic bit of canvass. Weird, huh?
I have a few CDs of Banjo based music. the twanging is really quite something and there is a tremendous sense of history to the music. I’m a bit of a folk music geek anyway. So it’s right upo my street. Yet every time i mention banjo music to anyone they start humming “someone’s in the kitchen with dinah”. Go figure?
old dog. porch. overalls. wheat. worn straw hat. harmonica.
rango can we dango with my tango and run and run cant get far out to the boat when we float up right you are just like her dance with the stars get right up har with my mor try to get my oh low fro mo joe
It strums, and hums along to the beat. A pulse is coursing through the floor a banter of evil iridescence is close at hand.I laugh as it twangs to my voice, a lofty goal in a periodic table. Smile my dear. Smile. The banjo loves you and so do I. I’ll strum and hum for you. Anyday.
I’ve always wanted to learn banjo. the sounds, the movement you feel from the chords. it’s beautiful. I feel like dancing anytime I hear it. And people who play the banjo, they ahve a certain spunk them, no? something innately southern.
I have no idea how to play a banjo
but I like the word banjo
I associate it with something funny
Roberta Maria
strings music play fun old middletwang twing
strumming on the old banjo… hey hey … strumming on the old banjo … ho ho … i don’t know what else to say … hey hey … this song is pretty gay! he he :)
it was a weird instrunament.no doubt about that.but the funny sound was comforting when only two people were sitting by the camp fire.
music instrument, i don’t know anything about it.
hm i don’t really like listening to this instrument all that much. it sounds kinda brassy. i like a dark guitar sound-ish kind of thing. i know it’s not exactly a guitar, but… i don’t know, i’d rather listen to a guitar than listen to a banjo. sometimes, it’s just fun to listen to when you’re with friends just dancing around, but otherwise. no thank you.
when i hear/see the word banjo, i think og two things: Banjo Patterson and The good old instrument the Banjo :P
I remember of the PPG where Fuzzy liked to play on something like a guitar and I remember it was a Banjo, it is a very violent instrument you see, he always kept it for himself and freaked out when someone wanted to get it..’
ali abbas naqvi, one of the great name in islamice hiostory after the name of two great and brave army man Ali and Abbas and from a vey noble cast of Naqvi, belonging to Imam Naqvi a.s. Means the great and Abbas is the
It reminds me of that one video game with the bear and the banjo. Oh, wait. I dunno. Was it a video game with a bear and a banjo? Whatever, but I see a fluffy cute brown bear with a friendly smile playing a banjo. Kthx.
have no idea, its one of the long list of words to which i have no idea. may be its an art form? well others know, i dont! THANK YOU FOR THE OPPURTUNITY.
i hear the banjo strumming away in this distance; a sad melancholic sound, it brings me to tears, it saddens me and envelops me into a dark abyss that goes on forever.
JImnny palyed his banjo while he was sitting on his porch, and his grandma made his gumbo.
is a musical instrument i do not like. the word, in itself, sounds like the weird limb of a tribal war lord, stuck in a war, being played out in dance moves like a walk-off in zoolander. you can imagine him, you know, standing spear in hand, wondering what the hell a banjo ahs to do with it all
I could hear the banjo in the back of my mind. God, what a stupid fucking instrument. It made me want to tear my hear out or scratch up the backs of my hands. Stupid fucking banjo. Goddamn it.
I don’t actually like banjos. I think the whole thing sucks. Just the general sound, and kind of songs played with it.
I guess I’m just trying to say that they aren’t great, and ukulele’s could replace em.
Kyle Falconer
i love the banjo whenever imhopping trees and scurrying for food. who is this man? who is he that plays thebanjo? not i and not he and who else could it be? skip skip and stop turn around and see thatiamnothe and thathe isnot me. who else could it be? the man whoplays thebanjo? who else?? let it go.
Deliverance. Strumming away. Coming from a distance. I see it propped on a knee. I see it’s length. It is being played.
what the hell is this word? I have never seen such a word. But I think it is a musical instrument that is ancient and lovely.
i once broke my banjo string. for those of you who don’t know what that means your better off, believe me. lets just say it’s a certain part of the male anatomy, and it’s someone what vital to the continued existence of our race. but by and i large i predict banjos have more wholesome, if toothless connotations.
Joe Fitzgerald
une immense guitare plein de soleil. Le son chaleureux de cordes s’alliant au bout d
i like ban
I am not sure what banjo is about, was just thinking on what shall i write about it. Still having no idea i did proceed further,and took an initiative to write some unusefull stuff.
Once I heard this banjo playing in the distance. I was entranced by the sound it was making. I approached the sound with caution and when I arrived an old woman was sitting on a bench in the middle of the park at midnight simply playing the banjo. I asked her what she was doing. Her reply changed my life. She simply said “I am enjoying life and listening to your voice. It is the simplicities of life and the sounds we make that make up who we are.”
on the bowing porch he sits,
the sun slides from the sky,
mountain shades,
the songs of yesterday
he knew how to play the 12 string banjo. There is no such thing. He made one. He knew how to make it too. But there he was, unemployed and spending most of his time looking out the window reminding himself to go downtown and get employed.
Every single thing we do assumes that everyone else has the same regard to maintining their own life. If someone cares not, then they can destroy ours too.
Self preservation is the single fagile thread of society. You can only control your own!
oh come on, I dont know what is that… banjo… maybe some kind of bath? or a hat? gimme some help… :P ok,I say it’s a… oh no, Time is up
what. banjo? banjos are awesome. that monster from powerpuff girls had one. it was pink. his name was fuzzy i think. but i like ukeleles better than banjos. both have funky spellings though. so thats alright. banjo. ban-jo. banjo. haha. what the hell am i saying? afpashfpsafpojaso. banjo. banjo. banjo. banjo.
sounds like bonjo. i dont even know what it is. bah. but em its a bread, hahahaha
one day I’ll play that banjo while I’m cleaning windows. You should see what I can see etc etc. George Formby was a funny bloke and I’ve only just grown to appreciate his wit.
My mum had a banjo. I’m told she used to play it with my daad, who was a guitarist. But that stopped long before I was born, so now we just have an old dusty banjo sitting around. thing is, I really like that banjo, it is old and dusty, no doubt, but it’s really quite pretty. I especially like the thickness of the canvasss covering the central cavity. It may be dorky, but whenever I look at the banjo I get this sense of warmth and comfort, because it’s not just a thin and pathetic bit of canvass. Weird, huh?
I have a few CDs of Banjo based music. the twanging is really quite something and there is a tremendous sense of history to the music. I’m a bit of a folk music geek anyway. So it’s right upo my street. Yet every time i mention banjo music to anyone they start humming “someone’s in the kitchen with dinah”. Go figure?
old dog. porch. overalls. wheat. worn straw hat. harmonica.
rango can we dango with my tango and run and run cant get far out to the boat when we float up right you are just like her dance with the stars get right up har with my mor try to get my oh low fro mo joe
It strums, and hums along to the beat. A pulse is coursing through the floor a banter of evil iridescence is close at hand.I laugh as it twangs to my voice, a lofty goal in a periodic table. Smile my dear. Smile. The banjo loves you and so do I. I’ll strum and hum for you. Anyday.
I’ve always wanted to learn banjo. the sounds, the movement you feel from the chords. it’s beautiful. I feel like dancing anytime I hear it. And people who play the banjo, they ahve a certain spunk them, no? something innately southern.
I have no idea how to play a banjo
but I like the word banjo
I associate it with something funny
strings music play fun old middletwang twing
strumming on the old banjo… hey hey … strumming on the old banjo … ho ho … i don’t know what else to say … hey hey … this song is pretty gay! he he :)
it was a weird instrunament.no doubt about that.but the funny sound was comforting when only two people were sitting by the camp fire.
music instrument, i don’t know anything about it.
hm i don’t really like listening to this instrument all that much. it sounds kinda brassy. i like a dark guitar sound-ish kind of thing. i know it’s not exactly a guitar, but… i don’t know, i’d rather listen to a guitar than listen to a banjo. sometimes, it’s just fun to listen to when you’re with friends just dancing around, but otherwise. no thank you.
when i hear/see the word banjo, i think og two things: Banjo Patterson and The good old instrument the Banjo :P
I remember of the PPG where Fuzzy liked to play on something like a guitar and I remember it was a Banjo, it is a very violent instrument you see, he always kept it for himself and freaked out when someone wanted to get it..’
ali abbas naqvi, one of the great name in islamice hiostory after the name of two great and brave army man Ali and Abbas and from a vey noble cast of Naqvi, belonging to Imam Naqvi a.s. Means the great and Abbas is the
It reminds me of that one video game with the bear and the banjo. Oh, wait. I dunno. Was it a video game with a bear and a banjo? Whatever, but I see a fluffy cute brown bear with a friendly smile playing a banjo. Kthx.
have no idea, its one of the long list of words to which i have no idea. may be its an art form? well others know, i dont! THANK YOU FOR THE OPPURTUNITY.
i hear the banjo strumming away in this distance; a sad melancholic sound, it brings me to tears, it saddens me and envelops me into a dark abyss that goes on forever.
JImnny palyed his banjo while he was sitting on his porch, and his grandma made his gumbo.
is a musical instrument i do not like. the word, in itself, sounds like the weird limb of a tribal war lord, stuck in a war, being played out in dance moves like a walk-off in zoolander. you can imagine him, you know, standing spear in hand, wondering what the hell a banjo ahs to do with it all
I could hear the banjo in the back of my mind. God, what a stupid fucking instrument. It made me want to tear my hear out or scratch up the backs of my hands. Stupid fucking banjo. Goddamn it.
I don’t actually like banjos. I think the whole thing sucks. Just the general sound, and kind of songs played with it.
I guess I’m just trying to say that they aren’t great, and ukulele’s could replace em.
i love the banjo whenever imhopping trees and scurrying for food. who is this man? who is he that plays thebanjo? not i and not he and who else could it be? skip skip and stop turn around and see thatiamnothe and thathe isnot me. who else could it be? the man whoplays thebanjo? who else?? let it go.
Deliverance. Strumming away. Coming from a distance. I see it propped on a knee. I see it’s length. It is being played.
what the hell is this word? I have never seen such a word. But I think it is a musical instrument that is ancient and lovely.
i once broke my banjo string. for those of you who don’t know what that means your better off, believe me. lets just say it’s a certain part of the male anatomy, and it’s someone what vital to the continued existence of our race. but by and i large i predict banjos have more wholesome, if toothless connotations.
une immense guitare plein de soleil. Le son chaleureux de cordes s’alliant au bout d
i like ban
I am not sure what banjo is about, was just thinking on what shall i write about it. Still having no idea i did proceed further,and took an initiative to write some unusefull stuff.
Once I heard this banjo playing in the distance. I was entranced by the sound it was making. I approached the sound with caution and when I arrived an old woman was sitting on a bench in the middle of the park at midnight simply playing the banjo. I asked her what she was doing. Her reply changed my life. She simply said “I am enjoying life and listening to your voice. It is the simplicities of life and the sounds we make that make up who we are.”
on the bowing porch he sits,
the sun slides from the sky,
mountain shades,
the songs of yesterday
he knew how to play the 12 string banjo. There is no such thing. He made one. He knew how to make it too. But there he was, unemployed and spending most of his time looking out the window reminding himself to go downtown and get employed.